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[GenCon] "(more) Road Construction News!" (Scouting and Info Within)


First Post
Alright, I've e-mailed them. Last year I had to be super shady to get online. One morning the free e-mail machines running Windows 2000 were down, so I unplugged the ethernet from one and into my laptop. DHCP worked, and I was able to download AOL (blech, regional ISP wasn't available in Milwaukee). If ICC is wireless capable, that would make my day. It would be SO much easier to update the site, check e-mail, etc. and keep in touch with others at the convention.

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Community Supporter

I'm hoping everyone got this email from GCLLC, but just in case:


We\'ve imported more events into the registration database. So now there\'s more for events for you to choose from. More events will appear online every couple of days till May 1st.
Seminars will also be online soon.

Tip: You can see what the status of your Gen Con Registration if you log in and select \'View My Gen Con Indy 2003 Registrations\' on yur login page.

Tip: Best viewing size for the registration website is 1024 w x768 h.

Thank You!
-Gen Con

I sent a reply asking if there was a way to only view the new listings - otherwise it would be such a pain to try and sift through is all again.....

Update: Got a quick reply (guess folks are back from GCE) There will be something called a "Feature List) that will highlight these new additions............
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Community Supporter

Well the seminars are up. Nice selection, filled in a lot of white space on my schedule :) I suggest using the seminar-only Excel file for ease of handling.
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First Post
Hm, well, my schedule is now packed. It's interesting to note, though, that there still aren't a lot of WotC sponsored seminars, whereas last year they were almost ALL WotC sponsored. This year my ticket's full with Malhavoc and The Game Mechanics seminars.


Community Supporter
Hey Mark!

Something for the first post - I have informal word from Z-man Games that will indeed be hosting another Hong Kong Action Theatre at GenCon this year. A notice should be up on their website soon.

So much to do, so little time......:p


Social Justice Wizard
we're bringing the gelflings!

Paladin said:
Also, are any other dealers bringing their children? We are bringing our 1 and 2 year olds (and a sitter of course). It might be cool to have a kid play time for dealers and maybe event goers, too. Paladinwife:confused:

We're bringing our two daughters, ages 8 & almost-12.


CaptainCalico said:
Something for the first post - I have informal word from Z-man Games that will indeed be hosting another Hong Kong Action Theatre at GenCon this year. A notice should be up on their website soon.

So much to do, so little time......:p

I missed this when it got added by you. Must be slowing down in my dotage...! Got any more info like links and such? :) (Thanks, CC!)


Community Supporter
my pleasure

Nothing major, but zmangames did update their website to include this:

Schedule of Events:

Hong Kong Action Movie Room! Our 4th annual screening of some of the best HK movies around. Due to last year's demand, Shaolin Soccer will be shown twice! For our Grave Robbers from Outer Space fans we will have a Saturday midnight showing of Army of Darkness. For Gaming fans, we will have several showings of The Gamers, a short film about an RPG group and their alter egos. Hilarious!
Here is a short list of the movie being shown (full list and schedule times will be posted in late June or early July)

Last Hero in China
Once Upon a Time in China 1-2
The Killers
Miracle Fighters
Big Trouble in Little China
Hard Boiled
High Risk
Storm Riders
New Legend of Shaolin
Five Deadly Venoms
Shaolin Challenges Ninja
Fong Sai Yuk
Heroic Trio
and many more.

I hope I get a chance to see The Gamers (I already own Shaolin Soccer :D). Further info as I find it!

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