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Generation Legacy Issue #8 "Innocence Lost" - Part 2


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Hammerhead said:
"We're from an alternate dimension ten years in the future from your reality," Ryan explains, turning to the nice Paragon. "The Paragon in our reality is a huge jerk who flirts with teenagers like twenty years younger than he is. But you seem like a nice guy."]/quote]

"Well thank you," Paragon replies, "I think."

Gadget answers Kelly's question, "Well it all depends on the person... if Person A could duplicate themselves then voila... in this happenstance, a whole dimension, is well, a whole dimension. There could be analogs of you here, they may be younger, older, dead or alive. In some happenstances they could be just like you, in others they could be very different. Dimensional physics is kind of funky that way..."

Hammerhead said:
Of course, I don't really believe Anika's Norse 'gods' exist, but at least I respect her faith. I could claim to be a god too.[/i] "So, Artemis, how's Achilles and Odysseus doing these days?" he says sarcastically. "And how can you get in trouble from the rest of Olympus when they interfere with mortals all the time, like in The Odyssey?" Ha! English class wasn't such a huge waste of my time after all!

“Funny kid, if you don’t believe me just say so. Being sarcastic is not your forte, but to answer your questions both are very much dead but they were good men of their age. Homer got most of their traits right, but some of the story gets lost in translation. Times change, and when Times change, rules change… you don’t follow the rules you get punished,” Artemis replies a little annoyed.

Paragon intervenes, “I trust Artemis and all the members of Aegis, she is who she says she is. It may be hard for you to believe, and I have to admit it is hard for many to believe but she has never let us down, even when we had to scale Olympus and help stop a military coup by Ares…”

Artemis nods, “Does that satisfy you, Ryan? I don’t need to justify my divinity to the likes of you.”

Karen & Cassie

Karen rolls a 27 after using her Hero Point. She gets a 25 on the Grapple Check, and Red Witch gets a 16. Karen wins the Grapple check and is now engaged with Red Witch. Red Witch takes no damage this round, she rolls a 19 Damage Save.

Karen uses the ebon staff to grab and grapple the Red Witch. The Red Witch howls, “How dare you,” but her strength is useless against the crystalline elite! But Red Witch draws upon the one power she can use while still bound… the staff!

The staff fires a lance of energy into Karen and it knocks her back, but her incredible force of will and strength allows her to keep her grip on the Red Witch!

The Red Witch gets a 23 on the attack, Karen is Flat-footed and is struck. She rolls a 16 damage save and takes 1 point of stun damage! It is now Cassie’s turn!
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"Ryan, calm down, it doesn't matter at all if she is who she says she is, they want to stop Overseer, so thats good enough. You need to be nicer to people sometimes, I get it that you don't like Overseer constantly sending people after you, that doesn't mean you should get all upset with people who want to help you." she tells.

"Life sucks, but thats no reason to take it out on everyone else. Neuro raped me when he was controlling my mind, I can't do anything to change it, and making all of you miserable by being bitchy wouldn't be helpful. He left a part of his mind in me when Pragon stopped him. Phase killed him, and that part of him started to try and take my mind over totally. With Tommies help, and another Elite's I finally got Neuro out forever, but there are holes up here." she says, tapping her temple. "When Neuro was in my head I acted more like him, right now, I am trying to learn to be me again. I know I am not the brightest person." she says glancing at Aya, "I know that I was smarter with him in control of me, but I also know I wasn't a very good person. Your not the only one who has ever had problems. Life is nicer when your friendly with people, so can you try to tone it done a little? If not for me, do it for yourself, you'll live longer." she says with a sigh, rubbing her eyes tiredly.


Hammerhead said:
"Hey," Ryan says defensively, "it's not like those sweatshirts are part of our uniform. Besides, I didn't see you complaining when we found them folded up in some closet on the Aerodyne." Our uniforms are cool.
"Yeah," Mark agrees. "And anyway it's not like we've had a lot of time to hire our own designers."
Of course, I don't really believe Anika's Norse 'gods' exist, but at least I respect her faith. I could claim to be a god too. "So, Artemis, how's Achilles and Odysseus doing these days?" he says sarcastically. "And how can you get in trouble from the rest of Olympus when they interfere with mortals all the time, like in The Odyssey?" Ha! English class wasn't such a huge waste of my time after all!
Mark sighs. Ryan can be such a jerk.
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"So Paragon," Mark starts, trying for and missing a casual tone. "We're enemies of Overseer from another dimension, I guess. Some, uh, people sent us here. I guess we're supposed to fight him or something like that," Mark reddens.

"And this is really weird," Mark finished with far more confidence.


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Samnell said:
"So Paragon," Mark starts, trying for and missing a casual tone. "We're enemies of Overseer from another dimension, I guess. Some, uh, people sent us here. I guess we're supposed to fight him or something like that," Mark reddens.

"And this is really weird," Mark finished with far more confidence.

Paragon smiles, “I admire that kind of bravery. I would gladly allow it, but I can’t in good conscious say yes, because as our guests it is my responsibility to help you get home. But you can help us, by helping Teen Justice keep the city safe in our absence. I just, I don’t know what Overseer will throw at us, and I have no illusions that all of us will make it back,” he sighs.

“I don’t want you to think I don’t appreciate the offer though, Mark. Stay here, who knows we may need to call in the cavalry,” he says with a pleasant smile.

Artemis speaks, “Paragon, we have to go, the others are waiting,” she gestures placing her hand on his arm. They turn to each and he nods in that hared moment before he waves, “You kids be careful, we are depending on you.”


Anika gives Ryan a smile, realizing he's just trying to back her up by saying what she wouldn't, but Artemis' response sours her expression. "Well, I see where Cantrip gets his 'lesser god' idea from. If she's what passes for the divine in this reality, I really don't care. I just don't understand how my powers could still be working over here. Surely if I ask Thor for rain, it's not the guy that hangs out with these people that answers me...but if the eternals exist both here and there..." she thinks before shaking her head, confused. She looks at Cantrip. "Hoo boy, looking forward to that discussion..."

Tokiwong said:
Paragon smiles, “I admire that kind of bravery. I would gladly allow it, but I can’t in good conscious say yes, because as our guests it is my responsibility to help you get home. But you can help us, by helping Teen Justice keep the city safe in our absence. I just, I don’t know what Overseer will throw at us, and I have no illusions that all of us will make it back,” he sighs.

“I don’t want you to think I don’t appreciate the offer though, Mark. Stay here, who knows we may need to call in the cavalry,” he says with a pleasant smile.

Artemis speaks, “Paragon, we have to go, the others are waiting,” she gestures placing her hand on his arm. They turn to each and he nods in that hared moment before he waves, “You kids be careful, we are depending on you.”

"Wait, what? We did not come all the way here to help protect your city!" Anika exclaims, jumping up form her chair. "No offense, it's a nice city and all, but meanwhile Overseer is attacking our world! I don't know why we were sent here, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with stopping Overseer, not to hang out and watch movies and maybe foil a bank robbery..."


Mark opens his mouth to say something to Anika, but stops and slowly turns to Kelly, a surprised, grave expression growing on his face. Did she just admit that?

"Um... Thank you for telling us that, Kelly. That was really brave," Mark says. "Really," he emphasizes, a bit in awe of the admission.


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Agamon said:
"Wait, what? We did not come all the way here to help protect your city!" Anika exclaims, jumping up form her chair. "No offense, it's a nice city and all, but meanwhile Overseer is attacking our world! I don't know why we were sent here, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with stopping Overseer, not to hang out and watch movies and maybe foil a bank robbery..."

"It is just.." Paragon is about to say...

Whoop! Whoop!

The alarm klaxons sound off, and Teen Justice stops eating. Gadget places her hand to head as if trying to shut out noise, she looks to Danger Girl who is already standing up. Danger Girl speaks out loud, “Looks like your buddy Yoshi ran into some trouble… well it ran into him. Nightchild is already on the scene…”


“And so is Velocity Girl now…” she sighs, “looks like Thor and Ares are having a little contest downtown to see who is the toughest… again.”

Kiyana looks to Mark, “Should we help… or…” she looks to Anika.


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"I didn't, I didn't want any pity or anythng, I just wanted Ryan to understand, he isn't the only one who has had a bad time. He doesn't always have to be mean or anything just because stuff happens to him, I'm not mean. It would be really easy to be mean and bitter, but that just makes it hurt worse. Especially to the people who care about you." Kelly answers Mark, though she is looking at Ryan the entire time.


"Thor and Ares? This is rediculous. But, yeah, if it means pulling Yoshi's fat from the fryer, better than sitting around stuffing ourselves, I guess," Anika says. "And, Kelly, don't worry about Ryan, okay? Like you said, you have your own problems."
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