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Generation Legacy Rogues Gallery (Mutants & Masterminds)

Codename: Aranea
Name: Charlotte White
Sex: Female
Age: 16
DOB: ?, ?, 1996 (She celebrates it on April 1st)
POB: Unknown
Height: 5’1''
Weight: 96 lbs
Description: Charlotte is a thin, fragile-looking girl, with pale white skin and raven-black hair which hangs down just past her shoulders. Her eyes are a cold gray with an unconcerned look, and her mannerisms to how she carries herself are all elegent. She often wears dark colored clothing that cover most of her body, that gives her a moody appearance.
Favourite courses: Literature
Least favourite courses: Biology ("Dissecting insects?!")
Identity: Secret
Costume: A thin, black outfit that has a dark gray veil extending from her arms in a sort of shawl, and covers most of her body except for her hands and feet (although she wears boots).
Power Level: 8
Weakness: None

Abilities (21 points)
Strength 10
Dexterity 20
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 13

Combat Abilities (13 points)
Attack bonus: +3
Defence Bonus: +2
Initiative: +13
Melee Attack: +8
Ranged Attack: +8
Damage Bonus: +0/+8 (Swarm form)
Defense: 21
Flat-Footed Defense: 12
Mental Defense: 13
Damage Save: +1
Fortitude: +1
Reflex: +8
Willpower: +1
Move: 30 ft., Clinging: 40 ft.

Skills (6 points):
Acrobatics (6) +15

Feats (14 points)
All Around Sight (Flaw: Limited-Only in spider form)
Attack Finesse: Melee
Darkvision (Flaw: Duration, Obvious-eyes turn solid black)
Improved Initiative

Powers (74 points)
-Alternate Form (Semisolid-Swarm of Spiders) +8, (Elasticity, Protection, +8 to damage; Stunts: Dual Damage; Cost: 5 pp; 42 points)
--Immunities in Alt Form: Critical Hits, Energy (Cold, Heat), Exhaustion, Poison, Pressure, Starvation, Suffocation.
-Clinging +8 (Extras: Passengers; Cost 2 pp; Total 16 pp)
-Super Dexterity +4 (Cost: 4pp; Total 16 pp)

Weakness - Water Susceptibility

PP Spent: 130/133

Background (In an interview style fashion):
"Well...where to begin." Charlotte let loose a sigh as she ran her fingers over her forehead and through her hair, letting it all back. "I think it's best to start from the beginning, though I warn you that it might take a while." She crosses one leg over the other, and looks to those listening closely before she continues.

"I really don't know when I was born, I didn't really have any birthdays that I remember-but I was ok enough as a child-I thought I had parents who loved me." Her voice was filled with disgust as she mentioned the last part, "Well, step-parents. My real parents had died when I was about six and I had stayed in an oprhanage for about six months before being adopted. After that, I was homeschooled for the most part of my life, oblivious to the world around me, my step-parents had not allowed me to watch television, they said it was for my own good."

"Somewhere in my teens, perhaps when I was fourten or fifteen, I had a suspicion that something wasn't right-I don't know why, it's just that my family really didn't feel like my family, and then..."

She takes a moment, her hands now gripping her knees, "I went to their room one day while they weren't around and I discovered something on their desk. It had been a file...on me, a sort of report of what had been going on in the last two weeks. Just then, I had heard them come home-and I didn't have any time to leave the room without being noticed-so, I hid, underneath their bed."

"To make a long story short, what had happened was my step-parents weren't really who they seemed to be-they were just hired..." She begins to get shakey, "Hired by an organization called Pantheon-to watch over me. I caught a phone conversation in that room with them talking about me not manifesting my 'powers' yet, but everything was going as planned and how it would show any day now-at that time, I really didn't know what they were talking about." She finally breaks into a shallow smile.

"But it wasn't until a month later that I felt something strange within me, something just bursting to get out. A 'relative' of the family had come to visit me, my 'step-uncle'. He started to talk about how some people were different, and how I was special. He went on about this, and I thought he was crazy, my step-parents looked nervous. The feeling inside of me was still growing, though."

"Over the course of the following month my step-parents grew more and more nervous, as if they were expecting something or some one. For no reason my step-father had slapped me on the face one day, and as I clutched my cheek, I felt something move-but when I pulled my hand away, nothing was there. Finally, one day my step-uncle had come again, he had just burst into my room...he, frightened me. He said that he was sorry for what he had to do, and that I was just a waste of time-and then tried to stab me...only, when he stabbed, my body had parted and his hand went through. Suddenly I felt disoriented-as if I was looking at the whole room at once, with a thousand eyes glaring at each direction."

Charlotte held up her hand, and it changed infront of her to a few dozen spiders-black and venemous-looking, before reverting to her normal skin tone. "After recovering from his surprise, my uncle just smiled and said that he could use me after all-but I wouldn't stand it. I had to get out...I crawled beneath the doorcracks of the house, and I escaped."

"From there I went and tried to get a normal life, being on the run for a while until I had discovered this institute. I snuck onboard a ship and made my way here...and here I am." Looking finished, she put her hands together and felt nervous-would they really trust her and take her in to the institute?


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First Post
Nickname: Ruby
Name: Karen Tilly
Sex: Female
Age: 17 according to her birth certificate
DOB: December 30th, 1997
POB: Chicago, Illinois
Height: 5’
Weight: 176 lbs
Description: Karen is a very pretty girl were it not that her body has completely turned into ruby. She has large blue eyes without pupils. Her hair consists of thin, flexible strands of ruby, which can become razor sharp in an instant. At will she can create sharp edges on her skin and elongate her fingers into lethal bladelike talons. Her small stature belies her physical abilities and her weight, with the change her weight has doubled and she has become much stronger and resistant than before, also the change has stopped her aging process.
Favourite courses: Electronics, mechanics and P.E.
Least favourite courses: Chemistry
Identity: Public
Costume: None at this time, unless you can count a new pair of jeans and new top every week a costume.
Power Level: 8
Weakness: Disturbing

Abilities (38 points)
Strength 20
Dexterity 16
Constitution 20
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

Combat Abilities (17 points)
Attack bonus: +3
Defence Bonus: +4
Initiative: +3
Melee Attack: +8
Ranged Attack: +6
Damage Bonus: +13S/+13L
Defence: 17
Flat-Footed Defence: 14
Mental Defence: 15
Damage Save: +7
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +3
Willpower: +3
Move: 30

Skills (6 points)
Acrobatics (1) +4
Climb +13
Craft: Electronics (1) +6
Craft: Mechanics (1) +6
Disable Device (1) +4
Drive (1) +4
Jump +13
Repair (2) +5
Swim +13

Feats (14 points)
Iron Will
Rapid Healing

Powers (66 points)
- Alternate Form (Solid) +8, (Super-Strength, Protection; Stunts: Dual Damage; Extras: Impervious, Leaping, Quills (extra: duration-continuous); Flaw: Permanent; 8 pp; 66 points)

Immunities chosen:

pp left: 0
pp spent: 142

Background: December 30th, 1997 was the happiest day in Jonathan and Grace Tilly’s life, well the fourth one anyway, but this time was special after having had 3 sons, Karl, Ben and John, they finally had a little girl. Karen had an uneventful childhood being raised in the close protection of her family. By the time she was 16 she had become a pretty, if small, girl with an aptitude for working with her hands. Being raised with her 3 brothers had made her into a physically fit girl with a keen interest in electronics and mechanics.

All this changed on July 20th 2014. After leaving a party held by some friends from school, she was walking home when suddenly two strong hands grabbed her from behind and dragged her into an alley, putting a knife at her throat. When she got her bearings she could see 3 more men advancing towards her with a very unsavoury look on their faces. The man closest to her tore her shirt, that’s when it happened. In blind panic she forgot about the knife at her throat and kicked the guy opposite her right between the legs. He toppled over without a sound. The next thing she felt was the pressure of the knife increasing on her throat, followed by the sound of breaking steel. She threw her head back and as she felt his grip break she turned around, slashing at his throat felling him in one strike. The two others where either very brave or very dumb, as they kept moving towards her. One of them punched her in the face; the blow connected but didn’t seem to bother her; her attacker on the other hand was shouting obscenities about her being an Elite while nursing his bleeding fist. But Karen was already moving and soon he joined his comrades on the ground. The fourth one started to run off into the darkness, but Karen’s sight seemed to enhance what little light there was and with one giant leap she was on top of him.

With every assailant lying on the ground in a bloody heap, the initial rush began to settle and she took a look at the carnage around her. The man who had grabbed her was still holding the handle of his knife while the broken blade lay several feet further. His face was covered in ragged cuts. None of her assailants still moved, as this dawned on her she sagged to her knees and started crying. Slowly picking herself together, Karen glanced around to see if someone had seen what happened but as the party was still going on the streets were pretty quiet. She quickly wiped the blood of her hands and started to run for home. It was only there that she fully saw what she had become. Her skin as well as her hair had taken the colour, shine and hardness of ruby. All of her clothes were torn in the places where she had connected with the bastards. All she had suffered from them was a small cut where the knife had broken on her throat. She quickly took of her bloody and torn clothes and stepped into the shower. Finally feeling truly safe she let it all out.

A few hours later her parents returned from their own party, finding their daughter, or at least something that resembled her, still lying in the shower apparently having cried herself to sleep.
They carefully woke her up, which caused to cower away into the corner of the shower, crying: “Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me, you’ll get hurt!” They tried to calm her down, wrapping her into a towel and holding her close careful not to cut themselves, but the sharp edges were gone: “Sshht…Calm down, everything will be fine.” She kept crying tears running down her perfectly smooth ruby cheeks: “I’ve become a monster! I’ve just killed 4 men! How can everything be fine?!” “Calm down, honey,” her mother shushed, softly stroking her hair, “Tell us exactly what happened.” “They…they…sob…they wanted to rape me and n-now…now they are death. I…I can’t really remember w-what happened exactly b-b-but one of them h-had a knife at my throat,” she replied pointing at the small cut on her throat.” “Such thugs deserve to die, trying to harm my little girl, hrmpf,” her father chimed in, ever practical, “It might be best you stay away from school for awhile, at least until this blows over. Maybe you could go to one of those special schools for Elites like that one in Barcelona or that one in Mudaba Adin that has been in the news recently.”


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Ryan Praloski, PL 9

Abilities: [26 points]
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 10 +0
Wisdom 16 +3
Charisma 10 +0

Damage +5 (+3 Constitution, +2 Feat)
Fortitude +5 (+3 Constitution, +2 Feat)
Reflex +6 (+4 Dexterity, +2 Feat)
Will +5 (+3 Wisdom, +2 Feat)

Defense 18 (+4 Base, +4 Dexterity) [8 points]

Initiative +8 (+4 Dexterity, +4 Feat)

Hero Points: 5

Base Attack +6 [18 points]
Melee +10 (+6 Base, +3 Strength)
Ranged +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dexterity)

Skills: Listen +6, Spot +6 [2 points]

Feats: [17 points] Toughness, Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Improved Initiative, Talented: Spot and Listen, Heroic Surge, Aerial Combat, Dodge (Flaw: Only while Flying)

Cosmic Power +9 [76 points]
-Cosmic Energy Blast +9
-Cosmic Force Field (Extra: Energy Field) +9
-Flight 45'
-Immunity: Aging, Critical Hits, Disease, Exhaustion, Poison, Pressure, Starvation, Suffocation, Heat
-Extra: Cosmic Boost +9, affects, Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
-Flaw: Obvious, Missing Element: Cosmic Senses
-Power Stunts: Dual Damage, Healing

Weakness: Disturbing [+10 points]
1 point remaining

Ryan Praloski was an ordinary high school senior. His grades were average, and good enough for Ryan to keep his position as a second-string cornerback on the football team. Although he had many friends, none were particularily close, only the kind you went to parties or movies with. His parents, ordinary, boring accountants, payed little attention to their mediocre son, instead lavishing their time on Ryan's younger sister, a child prodigy who excelled at math, and could perform complex calculus operations at eleven. He was completely average in all regards, and had little plans for his future except to enter state college, major undeclared. Until his transformation.

Ryan found himself struggling with his precalculus exam. He had a D- entering the test, and found he knew nothing. He would fail his first class, and would have to be held back, or attend summer school. His parents would explode.

Something exploded, with certainty. His desk was blasted apart by cosmic energy, and the dreaded test was destroyed. Afraid of his newfound powers, Ryan fled the room and sprinted out of the room with unreached speed. Looking down as he ran, Ryan realized his feet weren't even touching the ground; he was flying. He did not return home for several days, hiding in the parks, not using his powers again. However, he was stared or shunned by any that saw him, for he was surrounded by a field of energy that destroyed anything nearby.

Then, the Facility approached Ryan, offering him a chance to control his powers. Ryan accepted, of course, unsure of his future. He chose his codename as the unoriginal "Comet," reflecting both the source and the effects of his powers.

He found he could control his energy field, and learned he could project blasts of cosmic power, as well as create fields of force and strengthen himself. He also learned of his various immunities, that he never needed sleep or air to breathe. However, his mundane, brown hair and brown eyes appearance, was ruined. He now glowed with purple cosmic energy, and his eyes also glowed.

Ryan is unsure of his powers and himself; he had never thought of himself as special or talented in anyway, not did he feel he could ever do anything with himself. He's unused to being an "Elite," and not sure if he wants to.


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Aust Meliamne

First Post
Brainwave (PL8)

John Stenson Male Caucasian, 17 yrs. 6ft 145 lbs. Brown eyes Black hair.

Abilities: (Total 14 pp.)
Str 8(-1); Dex 16(+3); Con 10(+0); Int 10(+0); Wis 20(+5); Cha 10(+0)

Damage +3, Fortitude +0, Reflex +6, Will +8

Attacks: (Total 9 pp.)
Base Attack +3;
Defense: (Total 8 pp.)
Base Defense +4
Hero Points: 4
XP(spent/total earned): 135 / 135

Speed: 30 ft (flight 40 ft)

Skills: (Total 7 pp.)
Sense Motive +9/4, Spot +8/3

Feats: (Total 4 pp.)
Psychic Awareness, Dodge, Evasion

Powers: (Total 88 pp.)
Amazing Save (Will) +3 (Extra: Reflex; Cost: 2pp)
Mental Protection +5 (Cost: 2pp)
Telekinesis +8 (Extras: Energy Blast, Flight, Force Field, Grapple (rank 4); Cost: 6pp)
Telepathy +8 (Extra: Mental Blast, Illusion +8; Cost: 5pp)

Weakness: (Total -10 pp.)
Telepathy power may overwhelm, causing uncontrolled Telekinetic emissions (Quirk) - bought out: 1 of 10 points*

*gives +1 to Will saves to prevent telekinetic outbursts due to weakness


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First Post
Nicknames: Windy, Princess
Code Name: Tempest
Name: Kelly Mitchell
Sex: Female
Age: 15
DOB: July 20th, 1998
POB: Boston, Mass.
Height: 5’ 4"
Weight: 94 lbs

Costume: A black-bodysuit with gold gloves, boots, and belt.
Power Level: 8

Quirk, Trance: Due to her powers, Kelly is especially enamored of the weather, and nature, when in the prescence of powerful natural storms or natural phenomenon, Kelly enters a trance, Will save 15 to avoid, she remains in a trance til the phenomenon passes, or an hour passes, granting a new willsave. An attack on Kelly grants a new will save for each attack.

Abilities:Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

Combat Abilities:
Attack bonus: +3
Defence Bonus: +5
Initiative: +4
Melee Attack: +3
Ranged Attack: +7
Damage Bonus: +8S or +8L with lightning or hail
Defence: 19 (20 in flight)
Flat-Footed Defence: 15
Mental Defence: 16
Damage Save: +1 (Protection 8)
Fortitude: +1
Reflex: +4
Willpower: +0
Move: 30
Fly: 40

Diplomacy +7(4)[+13 W/ Fame + Attractive]
Perform +8(5)[+11 W/ Fame]

Aerial Combat
Dodge(only while flying)
Heroic Surge

- Weather Control +8(Extras: Air Control, Elemental Shield, Fatigue, Flight, Fog, Hail(w/ Area), Snare; Flaw: Obvious(glowing nimbus); Stunts: Lightning, Dual Damage(Hail, Lightning), Stun, Scramble Electronics, Dazzle, Telekinesis, Partial Extras: Elemental Shield(when attacked) +2, Immunities +5; 9pp;81pp)

Attack Modes:
Hail: Area, Fatigue, Obscure,Snare
Secondary effects:
Lightning: Area, Dazzle, Scramble Electronics, Stun
Thunder: Area, Disinitigration (crystal and glass), Dazzle, Stun


net pp spent: 128
Total pp: 132

Description: Kelly is a slim athletic girl with gold eyes and short hair of the same golden color. She has a face that people would, and do pay large amounts to emulate, for her its just the gifts of the genetic draw.

Personality: Kelly always was a bit of a snob, but the time spent with Neuro controlling her mind has changed her heavily, she has lost pieces of her memories in addition to the personality changes, she has come out of the prolonged mind control a nicer person who is a bit embarresed about how she acted previously. She is uncomfortable about her status as a celebrity, and acts the polar opposite of the spoiled celeb, but even so, some of Neuro's remaining influence on her mind tells her that she is better then all the base-lines, that she is more evolved. Even more distressing to her is that she finds herself craving things that she knows she never liked, be it foods that she has always dis-liked, wanting to watch and play basketbell, or and this she is most embaressed about, she sometimes finds herself attracted to girls, something the media would have a field day with.

History: Kelly's father, James Mitchel is a tinkerer Elite, who owns the corporation responsible for supplying the Justice Elites hi-tech gear, not to mention a few governments, quite a lucrative proposition, even if his elite/celebrity status didn't make his products houshold names. As such, their family is a rather high profile target, for the media, as well as for those who would wish to slow the development of new weaponry, gadgets, or even affordable luxury appliances for the lower class. Kelly has been a media darling most of her teen-age life. She was always causing some scandal or other seeming to have the same reputation as the pop queen Britneys Spears, a mix of sweet & innocent and naughty school girl., most of which is not actually true. As with any performer a certain amount of tabloid rumor mongering is expected, but with Kelly it grew all out of proportion due to her families prominance, making claims of her being pregnant or addicted to drugs an almost daily head-line.

She knew all sorts of people that wouldn't be quite 'appropriate' for her to know, and thats what led her into trouble. One of her unsavory friends turned out to be an Elite named Neuro, a low level pantheon grunt, with the power to control people's minds. He used his abilities to take control of her mind. He had targeted her at first for her family's money, which she under his influence spent lavishly upon him, eventually he became aware that she too was an elite, and together, under his influence, using Mitchell Foundation technology embarked on a crime spree. In the end the pair was stopped by the Justice Elite. When they were apprehended, and seperated it became apparent by Kelly's confusion that she hadn't been responsible for her actions, and in exchange for keeping her part in the affair secret, Kelly agreed to go to the Mudaba Adin school for Elites. She informed the media that she was in fact an Elite and was going to attend the UN school for Elites. It has only been a few days since her press confrence concerning her elite status and her CD has jumped up the charts 6 places despite her announcement that she will be post-poning her music carrer indefinitely as she attempts to master her powers.

The Prolonged grip on her mind by Neuro had weakened her, leaving her changed. She even exhibited some of his stronger emotions, albeit not as strongly as he had, as well as some of his personality traits. The extent of the damage done to her is uncertain, but she did come out of the experience a nicer, if more Niave person.


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First Post

Paragon (PL 16): STR 20, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 12, CHA 18; Attack Bonus +10, Defense Bonus +10; Skills- Bluff (2) +14, Diplomacy (1) +13, Drive (2) +16, Gather Information (1) +13, Intimidate (2) +19, Listen (1) +2, Knowledge Foreign Culture (2) +3, Knowledge Elites (2) +3, Profession Police Officer (2) +3, Spot (1) +2; Feats- Aerial Combat, Attractive, Dodge, Evasion, Fame, Heroic Surge, Leadership, Move-By-Attack; Powers- Super-Strength +12, (Stunt- Stun; Extra- Super-Dexterity; 7pp; 86 points; Source- Mutation); Flight +8, (Stunt- Super Flight; Extras- Immunities [Critical Hits, Suffocation, Pressure, Exhaustion, Starvation, Poison, Pressure, Aging], Super Charisma, Mental Protection; 5pp; 42 points; Source- Mutation); Initiative +14; Attack +15 melee (+17L/S punch), +12 ranged; Defense 35, Flat Footed 20; Damage Save +2/+14; Fortitude +2, Reflex +14, Will +1; Move- 30/40 Flight

Paragon is perhaps one of the most powerful elites on the planet, perhaps only because he is one of the earliest of the elites to come onto the scene. He is a household name, and is an advocate for elites to live peaceably with baselines, and works tirelessly to defend those that can’t defend themselves. But this is his exterior, he is very much into saving people, but he is a terribly vain hero, who expects to be listened to, and believes he is the authority on how Justice Elite should work. He is the team leader for Justice Elite, and is a virtual icon synonymous with the team. Despite his arrogance and pride, he does do good work for the people, and hopes to do so for some time to come.

Paragon is the team spokesman, the leader, and a rock, he makes no allusions about what he stands for, and has been a good team leader, capable of molding the Justice Elite into a well-oiled machine. He is often compared to several iconic “superheroes” from the comics because he portrays himself in that way. He is a man who sacrifices everything for what he believes, at least that is his outward appearance. Inwardly, he is very much in tune with his public persona, and is not willing to ruin his public image, he enjoys the spotlight, and the fame, and s a wealthy man, despite his altruism.

Paragon’s real name is Josiah Thomas, and he is from Great Britain. He maintains a residence in suburban London, and is a normally private person when at home, entertaining his close friends and associates. Him and Kensei are fierce rivals, and the two have had several public arguments about the way things should be run, but the two still work well together on a team. Paragon is a tall muscular black male, he is bald, and has strong almond eyes, and the perfect human physique, and a powerful force of personality. His uniform is a black suit with purple highlights, and the symbol of the Justice Elite on the breast.

Name: ‘Cassandra Prophet’ aka Oracle

Race: Eurasian Nationality: American Citizen (assumed) Sex: Female

Age: 15 (possibly) Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 135 Hair: Blonde Eyes: Hazel

STR 16
DEX 20
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 14
CHA 10

28 spent

Combat traits

Spd 30 (Leap 25)
Ini +17
Att: +7 hand to hand: +13, +8 dmg; ranged: +12, +5 dmg
Def: 29/20 (6 base, +5 dex, +8 superdex (4 combat sense)

30 spent

F: +6
R: +15
W: +6
D: +4/+15E

Elite Physiology +4 (mutation)
Superdex, Regen, Leaping
Partial Extra (Super strength +1 (Leaping))

Making Regen less complicated (mutation): Regen +1 (5 total)

Combat Conditioning +4 (training)
Strike: dual damage, Super Dex, Amazing Saves: Fort, Will, Combat Sense
partial extra: super senses +1

65 spent


Attack Finesse (Unarmed), Dodge, Evasion, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Attack Focus - Unarmed, Power Attack, All out attack, Throwing Mastery, Instant Stand, Move by Strike, Improved Initiative

24 spent


Acrobatics 1 +14
Balance 1 +14
Hide 1 +14
Move Silently 1 +14
Climb 1 +5
Spot 0 +3
Listen 0 +3
Search 0 +3

5 spent

Naive, Amnesia +20

Total cost: 148

6 XP remaining

Edit: Convereted over to Victim's verson of Cassie, reinstalled Dodge (so to keep evasion), added in Improved Init and upped BAB to +7. Thanks for the help and suggestions man!

Bump: Added XP, trying to think of things to spend it on. :)
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