George Lucas Blames 'Star Wars' Critics for Killing Series

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Glade Riven

The prequels make a lot more sense when you realize that his target audiance wasn't Star Wars fans, it was his own children. It's why NSync almost ended up in Attack of the Clones.

Still, though, Star Wars fans are a pretty vitriolic and volitile fandom. They're almost as angry as Transfans.

Well, okay, not quite. Transfans are far, far worse. There's a reason I got out of that fandom.


First Post
I just calculated that the three prequel films that "no body liked" made a collective profit of more than $2 billion dollars*. This does not account for all the merchandising or licensing, etc.

George Lucas has no reason to complain.

He just needs to retire and let a dedicated group of creative minds manage his empire.

*Source: Wikipedia
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Staff member
I just about choked when I read that. Too bad I've already used up my XP allotment. I'm so stealing that phrase.:lol:

I don't need any royalties, but if it works for ya, let me know how much splurgleage* you managed to get. :)

* Splurgle: to cause someone to choke on and/or eject the contents of their mouth via their mouth and/or nostrils as a result of being surprised or greatly amused.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
At this point, I wouldn't read fan reactions to Star Wars as the only reason Lucas is looking to retire from the biz. He's been complaining about the difficulties in getting studios to get behind Red Tails as well... and that's a movie with Lucas in the role he actually seems to perform well - being executive producer.


First Post
I'm not one of those guys who spouted vitriol online when I saw The Phantom Menace with my folks, just as I had the original Star Wars as a kid.

We watched the whole movie...and left in abject disappointment. It was such crap, none of us bothered with the other prequels.

Lucas- you want to know who killed the franchise? Look in the mirror while you're washing the blood off your hands.

The prequels got steadily better, but he had a low bar to clear after Phantom Menace.

Revenge of the Sith had some really good moments in it, but was wrecked by some terrible dialogue: No, not just Darth Vader yelling out, "NOOOOOOO"... it was Anakin sliding into the lava shrieking "I hate you" to Obi Wan, or Padme telling Anakin, "You're going down a path I cannot follow" and a few others similar trainwrecks. It was still a far cry from A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, but maybe on par with Return of the Jedi, which featured Ewoks and a neutered Han Solo.

Relique du Madde

I could understand why the studios were not interested in backing Red Tails... THEY ALREADY DID THAT FILM WITH THE SAME STAR.

There's only so much you could do to make that story original...

-Sent via Tapatalk


Staff member
The prequels got steadily better, but he had a low bar to clear after Phantom Menace.

While that may be so, nothing I saw in the many trailers or reviews convinced me those movies were worth my $$$.

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