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Getting tired of hearing "Grognard" and "Nostalgia"

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Mod Squad
Staff member
It's not your fault. ForeverSlayer used to follow to my threads at WotC and do her/her/it's damned to get those locked too. And can do it here too I see.

It's getting to the point where I think I will only discuss my hobby with people at the table, cause when they act STPUID then I can hit them in the head.

My advice in the other thread stands. Put it on ignore.

Look, I know you found the guy annoying. But trash-talking him in public isn't much better. However aggravated you may be, you're losing moral high ground right quick.

He isn't the only one who has gotten reported in this thread. But, I'm not locking this one... yet.

Best behavior, people. That should be clear enough, yes? If it isn't clear, please e-mail or PM a moderator to discuss it. Thanks.

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EN World Rules on this are clear: if you have a question about or wish to talk about individual acts of moderation, please take it out of the thread, as I asked you to above. Thank you. ~Umbran
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I'm perfectly fine with people liking things because of nostalgia - I like some things because of nostalgia myself.

However, constant complaining and grumbling (apparently, "grognard" means "grumbler" in French) can get on one's nerves after a while.

It's like rain on your wedding day.
Or a free ride, when you've already paid.
Or the good advice that you just didn't take.

Don't you think?


If anything I'm annoyed at them labelling 3.5 players as having nostalgia and being Grognards. Those are young guys! Well some of them.

I suppose most would qualify me as a Grognard, both ways, RPG AND wargaming.

Been at it long enough...long enough to look at those new guys who only knew 3.5 and wonder if they're kids or grandkids.

Normally I consider the old wargamers as the grognards though, not RPG players.


First Post
I'm not sure why everybody is bothering with this thread. The one example of such behavior he was able to provide was thoroughly discredited by the person who made the original statement, and instead of recognizing that, the thread author ignored his posts completely and went on about something else. It's a classic troll "tell" and basically proves that this thread was started with the intention of getting people like OpsKT in trouble by agitating them.

Tl;dr: It's not your place to right a wrong, just mark it 'fail' and move along.


If anything I'm annoyed at them labelling 3.5 players as having nostalgia and being Grognards. Those are young guys! Well some of them.

I do find it kinda bizarre. I didn't play D&D till 3e, I prefer a currently supported edition of the game (PF), and I'm younger than the guys who created 4e. But according to some 4e fans, I'm a grognard?

It's not at all an insulting term in its normal usage, but I do think it's being used in some cases now to be dismissive of anyone not playing 4e. That's unfortunate.

the Jester

It's not at all an insulting term in its normal usage, but I do think it's being used in some cases now to be dismissive of anyone not playing 4e. That's unfortunate.


Ironically, I consider myself a grognard based on my play style preferences and love for older editions, but I play 4e. :p


Something that I have been noticing is there are a few people that seem to be throwing around the words "Grognard" and "Nostalgia" when ever someone mentions they prefer an earlier edition or Pathfinder over 4th edition.

As noted, it doesn't happen every time. I don't believe I've ever been accused of being a Grognard, or only preferring 3e because of nostalgia.

And that despite the fact that I would wear the "Grognard" tag with pride (although I haven't really earned it), and I am nostalgic for the days when I could just play without worrying about optimised builds, micro-managed conditions, or any of the other complexities present in modern (post-3e) versions of the game.

I do occasionally wonder if the whole OSR movement isn't largely driven by nostalgia. But, honestly, I don't really care - they're happy playing the games they enjoy, so who am I to question their motives? I certainly don't want D&D to move back to an older edition (even my preferred 3e) - I want it to move forward to something new (that isn't 4e either). But I'm content to wait for that, both to let 4e have it's day in the sun, and also to give the designers time to "do it right".

It's funny sometimes because some people can't seem to accept that there are people out there who do not like the 4th edition system and prefer something else.

I think that may be true. But there are equally people who seem to take huge offense at others preferring 4e. I know it's hard to walk away from conversations that annoy you (catastrophic and Dannager in particular can really push my buttons at times), but in the long run it's better. For you, for them, for the environment here at ENWorld. If the conversation here in "4e Discussion" annoys you, surely it's better to restrict yourself to "General", "Pathfinder Discussion" or "Legacy Discussion"?

Ultimately, play what you like, and be happy doing that. If you find yourself doing something that causes you pain... stop doing that thing!


Something that I have been noticing is there are a few people that seem to be throwing around the words "Grognard" and "Nostalgia" when ever someone mentions they prefer an earlier edition or Pathfinder over 4th edition. A few people are telling others that the only reason they enjoy other editions is just for the sake of taking a trip in the past and they are labeled a Grognard.

I am getting a bit sick of this because it's not true. I'm sure they may be a few people out there who do this, but there are lots and lots of people who play previous editions or Pathfinder because they simply enjoy those systems better. It's funny sometimes because some people can't seem to accept that there are people out there who do not like the 4th edition system and prefer something else.

FYI: Coming to the 4E forum and hypocritically lecturing us is more likely to exacerbate the problem rather than actually alleviating any issue you may have.

Look at the General Forum again, the flame wars generally aren't started by 4E fans and look at where flames are coming from now: you. You claim Dannager made an anti-PF post yet failed to mention anything by Shemaska (who also trolls the WotC boards), ByronD, DaveMage or any number of others 4E haters who inject their invective constantly and consistently.

As for grognard, I'm one too. I love 1E/2E and there are numerous things that have not been improved on in decades for my tastes. (ask any DJ worth his salt about turntable preference for example, it's still the Technics 1200).

Liking PF or earlier editions of D&D and not 4E IS nostalgia by the way simply because they are older editions of the game vs. the newest one. That's not an insult, that's simple definition.

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