GF9 is updating the D&D 5E SPELL CARDS

The spellbook cards from Gale Force 9 were generally positively received, but they did have their fair share of criticism. Gale Force 9 has heard that criticism, and is updating the cards. The new ones have rounded corners, and a concentration notation, which were the two main complaints about the cards. These new cards should be headed to stores right about now. Finally, tow missing spells have been added, and small add-on packs will contain archetype cards. (Thanks to Jeremy for the scoop).

The spellbook cards from Gale Force 9 were generally positively received, but they did have their fair share of criticism. Gale Force 9 has heard that criticism, and is updating the cards. The new ones have rounded corners, and a concentration notation, which were the two main complaints about the cards. These new cards should be headed to stores right about now. Finally, tow missing spells have been added, and small add-on packs will contain archetype cards. (Thanks to Jeremy for the scoop).

Here's GF9 on the new cards:

Hey everyone,

The new versions of the cards should be making their way to stores now.

To answer some of your questions, These cards will have a large C (in a coloured diamond) in the duration field to denote spells that require concentration.

The easiest way to identify the new cards also relates to one of the issues people had, the sharp corners. The updated cards will have lovely rounded corners on them.

In regards to ritual tags, you'll find that ritual spells have always been labelled as such. On each card, directly underneath the spell's name, is a line that reads, "1st-level divination (ritual)" to use Detect Magic as an example.

Finally, the two spells that were missing (Destructive wave for Paladins, and Mislead for Arcane casters) have been put back in their rightful place.

And in some exciting news. We've heard the complaints from people who are disappointed that archetype cards are missing from the decks (Light Cleric's Fireball etc.) so we are currently looking at ways that we can produce small, add-on packs that will contain these cards.



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Michael Long

First Post
I'm not buying any more. I am thinking of just throwing what I have into the dumpster bin.

Especially with new spells coming out for Elemental Evil.

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That's what I get for having pre-ordered these cards when they first came out. So early customers just have to grin and bear it? I'd like to get the missing cards and the updated cards with Concentration but buying them again? I can not.
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That's what I get for having pre-ordered these cards when they first came out. So early customers just have to grin and bare it? I'd like to get the missing cards and the updated cards with Concentration but buying them again? I can not.

please sir, grin and bear it. this isn't some skinhouse!.

glad to see they tried to fix it. i can still imagine there's quite a large number of the old ones out there that people will end up getting by mistake. my solutions is to make my own like a normal person.

I don't get the people still complaining about the earlier cards in this thread. Would I have been upset if I'd bought an earlier set? Yes.

However, it seems that some people are upset that they have the earlier cards and there is now a new, better set out there. Personally I like that GF9 have taken steps to correct previous mistakes. I'd rather they did that, then just keep the cards the way they were before.


I don't get the people still complaining about the earlier cards in this thread. Would I have been upset if I'd bought an earlier set? Yes.

However, it seems that some people are upset that they have the earlier cards and there is now a new, better set out there. Personally I like that GF9 have taken steps to correct previous mistakes. I'd rather they did that, then just keep the cards the way they were before.

your opinion as a non-customer doesn't matter as much as the opinions of those who've spent money on the ghetto versions.


For folks with the previous decks (I have the Druid one, for instance), has anyone tried using permanent marker on them? I'm thinking of just adding a "C" to the concentration spells in that deck and then buying the new decks for all of the other classes.


I bought the cleric and wizard packs already. These issues were preventing me from getting the other cards, but now I'll be able to get those, and may even replace my wizard and cleric cards in time. I really like the archetype packs since the eldritch knight in my party has to borrow a card from the wizard.


For folks with the previous decks (I have the Druid one, for instance), has anyone tried using permanent marker on them? I'm thinking of just adding a "C" to the concentration spells in that deck and then buying the new decks for all of the other classes.

Good idea! I may do that myself.


Retired game store owner
I think it would be a great PR move if GF9 would post a pdf of the two missing cards. Anyone who bought the first printing could print them out and at least be playing with a full deck (sorry). It would cost GF9 very little, and would also show potential new customers what the cards in general are like.

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