• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Gfunk-JollyDoc Crossover Story Hour [Updated 4/30]


First Post
Session 10
“The drow return the favor”

Joachim awoke suddenly in a cold sweat. Just a few hours ago he had returned from Dante's stronghold in Silverymoon. With the help of the Priest of Oghma, High Inquisitor Joachim had tried to scry upon his drow opponents. However, some form of magic kept them from successfully seeing into the Underdark. In addition, they were unable to glean any useful information about Lolth's silence despite communing with their respective deities. Exasperated after two days of fruitless labor, Joachim bid Dante farewell and wind walked back to the Temple of the Triad in Homlet.

When he arrived, late at night, Joachim was utterly exhausted. Without even stopping to remove his Mithral Full Plate he flopped onto his bed for a restful night's sleep. Or so he thought . . .

As he rose from the bed, he heard the sounds of combat on his floor. He could hear acolytes screaming in pain and calling out to Tyr for aid. As quickly as he could he grabbed his sword and shield. Before investigating the disturbance he enchanted his sword with the divine might of Tyr and called on his patron for divine power.

Stepping outside the door, Joachim saw an eight foot tall insect-like humanoid wielding a massive longspear. Littered on the floor were the corpses of various clergy, mostly acolytes. As the beast turned to regard the Inquisitor, Joachim could see that it was wrapped in an aura of darkness.

"I am not a mere acolyte for you to toy with fool. Prepare to die!"

As Joachim rushed the devilish creature, it calmly began to concentrate. Before the Inquisitor could reach his foe, he found himself running straight into an extremely thick wall of ice. He began hacking away at it in frustration.

Almost immediately after the wall had appeared, the beast appeared directly behind Joachim, ready to strike. The Inquisitor felt a twinge of fear, but ignored it, cutting into the creature with his holy longsword. Screaming in pain, the creature retaliated with its longspear but found that it could not pierce his foe's armor. Instead it stepped back and unleashed a freezing wave of cold directly at the High Inquisitor.

Joachim suddenly felt numb as the inhuman cold gnawed at his exposed flesh. He could feel the chill despite his heavy armor. Undaunted, he launched another attack at the beast landing several viscous blows. The insect-man responded by striking Joachim brutally with his longspear. In addition to the numbing cold of the blow, Joachim felt a bit of his strength being sapped by the creature.

Realizing that a protracted battle would not favor him, Joachim called to Tyr to smite his foe with the might of Justice. The beast, considerably resistant to magic, tried to fight against the massive wave of divine energy but could not. Immediately, he dropped his longspear, and grabbed his head, utterly stunned.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Joachim finished off his foe. As its body hit the ground, it immediately disappeared as did the ice wall directly behind Joachim.

The High Inquisitor immediately ran to the foyer where he saw various members of the church tending the wounds of his comrades. Joachim approached a very sober and outraged High Justice Thorreson.

"What has happened here High Justice? An infernal creature had entered the upper levels slaying many of the clergy. I managed to slay it but not before it did considerable damage," Joachim reported

"It is worse than that Inquisitor," replied Thorreson, "many of our finest paladins and clerics have been killed by the Gelugon. It seems that it did not randomly choose its targets. All of those it attacked took part in the expedition to Szith Morcane to destroy the drow outpost there. This attack was obviously premeditated by the drow in retaliation."

As the two powerful clergy members spoke, they were approached by a Paladin of Ilmater. Though he stood proudly, he had obviously suffered grievous wounds from the intruder. He introduced himself, "Well met High Justice! High Inquisitor, my name is Dwillian, a paladin in the service of Ilmater. I was among the leaders which directed the assault upon Szith Morcane. I fear that this carnage was the work of a powerful drow wizard or priest."

Frowning, the High Justice addressed the Paladin, "Did you not tell me that you destroyed all drow and sacked the compound?"

"Yes sir, I did. However, a few may have escaped the carnage unnoticed by us. Or perhaps they were not there at the time."

"Summoning a Gelugon from the depths of the Nine Hells is no minor sorcery," offered Joachim. "The foe we face is exceedingly powerful and canny as well. High Justice, I will rejoin my comrades in the Underdark immediately. We will see with our own eyes what the wretched dark elves are up to in Cormyr."

Joachim returned to his chambers and brought a picture of the sorcerer Entropy to his mind. He sent a message to her, "Temple of Triad attacked by Gelugon. Must meet with you. Will accompany you to Tilverton. Please give me your position. Please teleport me in."

Meanwhile, in an extradimensional space in the Underdark, Entropy heard the priest's call and replied, "Sucks to be you! We are somewhere in the Underdark. Teleportation not reliable, you must find an alternate route. We will wait a day for you."

"How could she be so flippant when the stakes are so high," thought the Inquisitor.

Joachim began to cast one of his most powerful divinations. A spell that could locate a creature anywhere, even on the Outer Planes. With the exact location of the sorcerer, he cast another spell which would lead him directly to her. Assuming the form of wind, Joachim quickly made his way into the Underdark.
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First Post
Session 11
“It’s all fun and games . . . until the dragon shows up!”

Exiting the Rope Trick, Entropy, Noir, Hor'ahun, and their Desmodu companions quickly made their way to the opposite end of the lake they had begun to cross yesterday. Not knowing when their comrade Joachim would arrive, Entropy conjured another rope trick for the party. However she requested that one of the Desmodu stay outside and look for Joachim.

Several hours later the Desmodu spotted an incorporeal creature approaching him. As the bat-man looked on, the ghost slowly solidified taking the form of High Inquisitor Joachim.

"Greetings my friend, where are Entropy and the others?"

The Desmodu pointed up and Joachim saw a small piece of rope seemingly hanging out of nowhere. Grabbing it, he hoisted himself up and was re-united with his companions.

"I was unable to gain any useful information with Dante. However, these drow are not wasting any time so we must not either. We must make to Tilverton with all due haste," Joachim explained.

"A Gelugon? A little, itty-bitty Gelugon? Half your clergy was taken out by such a minor devil? I thought the Temple of the Triad housed the most powerful clerics on the planet. Heh, well I suppose 'powerful' is a relative term," Entropy remarked.

"Look we don't have time . . ."

"I mean, if you want real power why don't you summon a Pit Fiend? Or even a Greater Elemental! They could do some serious damage. Just the other day, I summoned an Ooze paraelemental . . ."

"ENOUGH!" Regaining his composure, Joachim regarded Noir the paladin. "My lady, perhaps you can inform me what has transpired with you the past few days." Noir quickly summarized their meeting with the Desmodu and their encounters with the giants and Kuo-toa.

"Yes, I noticed that the cavern several miles back is littered with giant corpses. Why did you attack them, did they provoke you?"

"They certainly did! We were verbally assaulted and had to respond," Entropy offered.

"Noir, were you party to this act of . . . barbarism? You must be the moral compass of the party!" As Joachim scolded Noir, Entropy continued, "of course we wouldn't have dared attack those giants without the paladin's explicit consent."

Anger flashing in her eyes, Noir lunged at the sorcerer. Before she could do any serious damage, Hor'ahun and Joachim pulled her back.

"Listen, I know that being in such an evil place is putting a strain on you all. However we . . . let me rephrase . . . Noir and myself have higher standards to uphold. We will not be party to any attacks upon innocent creatures, even if they live in the Underdark," stated Joachim.

"Well we did negotiate with some Kuo-Toa, but it turned out rather poorly," added Hor'ahun.

Sighing, Joachim made his way down the rope. "Come, we have a long way to go and precious little time."


Seven hours later the party found themselves at the bottom of a sheer cliff wall. Noir and Joachim were together on the Inquisitor's flying carpet, Hor'ahun on his broom, and Entropy and the Desmodu were the subject of Fly spells.

Though the party couldn't see very far up the wall with their limited darkvision, the Desmodu were not similarly handicapped.

"There are several caves that dot the cliff face. We should be cautious as we travel through this area," the scout recommended.

"Perhaps we could send a scout. Hor'ahun would you like to volunteer," Entropy asked.

Hor'ahun nodded and flew up the cliff face. As he did so he activated his magic ring, which rendered him invisible. He approached the first cave and could see that the passage immediately began to twist. Flying cautiously forward, he saw two demonic looking creatures. Both were utterly black and winged, almost like gargoyles.

As Hor'ahun considered his next move, one of the creatures raised its ears and began listening intently for the intruder. In a panic, the githzerai blasted both of them with a psionic shockwave. As the gargoyles reeled in pain, Hor'ahun quickly exited the cave, "We've got problems you guys!"

Following the Psychic Warrior, from yet another cave, flew four more of these creatures. As they approached the surprised party, two of them hurled a sticky web-like substance at the Desmodu. One managed to dodge, but the other was hit squarely in the feet and was rooted to the ground. Two more landed in front of Desmodu, dealing a pair of painful strikes.

The Desmodu pulled out two-bladed weapons of their own making, the notba. With blinding speed they began to slash into their surprised foes, even biting them with bloodlust. Noir and Joachim moved forward together, critically injuring one of the attackers.

Entropy, eager to test a new spell she had acquired, began to chant as she pulled out a leather glove with brass knuckles from her component pouch. Behind one of the Kir-lanan gargoyles appeared a giant disembodied hand balled up in a fist. At the sorcerer's direction, it slammed into the back of the gargoyle knocking it senseless.

As the battle continued the party made short work of the Kir-lanan as more began to emerge from other caves. In a pre-emptive maneuver Joachim rode forth on his magic carpet to meet them. Trailing behind him was Hor'ahun. Entropy, Noir and the Desmodu waited at the bottom.

As he entered another cave entrance, Joachim saw two more of these creatures rush forward to attack him. However, their hits failed to penetrate his full plate. In retaliation Joachim called to Tyr to smite his foes with divine fire and a column of flame roared down from the ceiling, immolating both enemies.

However, there seemed to be no end to their foes as four more dived towards the party on the chasm floor. Three of them approached Entropy and the Desmodu while one flew above Noir. The Paladin could see that this particular gargoyle seemed to be considerably larger than the rest and sported wings which appeared decidedly draconian. It flung a small bead at Noir, who tried to dodge but could not escape in time. Immediately, she was encased in a sphere of force, which even her potent weapons could not penetrate. Without party aid, it looked as if Noir would sit out this battle.

One of the Desmodu next to Entropy looked upwards in a panic. "A dragon is coming, a pretty big one too," it explained.

Just as he spoke, Hor'ahun saw a huge globe of darkness envelope him from above. He heard a deep intake of breath and was suddenly surrounded by a dread feeling of numbness as his very life force was attacked. A veteran of many battles, Hor'ahun knew this feeling before -- when he was attacked by powerful, intelligent undead.

Screaming with delight at the arrival of their master, three Kir-lanans landed in front of Entropy and the Desmodu, bolstered by the sight of their potent ally. Entropy began to cast a fireball spell but, with her considerable knowledge of spellcraft began to modify it. Not only did she make the blast twice as powerful, but she also converted the spell from fire to sonic energy, and placed it in three cubes surrounding each gargoyle rather than one massive burst. All three kir-lanan exploded as they were overcome by the powerful energies of the spell.

Hearing Hor'ahun's cry, Joachim emerged from the cave and found himself in total darkness. He could not hear anything save the sound of something very large moving in directly above him . . .
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First Post
Session 12
“Glouroth walks into the meatgrinder”

In his 354 years living in the Underdark, Glouroth had encountered hardly anything that offered him a significant challenge. Not for centuries, since he was a Wyrmling, had he met foes as potent as his current quarry.

The Shadow Dragon had observed the battle from a distance using his blindsight. He had watched how his Kir-lanan minions were obliterated by this group of humanoids. However he also noted, with considerable pride, how his half-dragon daughter Phaikkul had immobilized one member of the attacking force with her force bead.

Before entering battle himself, Glouroth cast a significant array of spells upon himself. First, he encased his form in a globe of absolute darkness. This was followed by two illusions, one which rendered his form blurry and difficult to hit and the other which conjured several duplicates of himself to befuddle attackers. As an afterthought, he encased himself in force armor to augment the considerable protection his scales provided.

Diving out of his cave, Glouroth spotted one of his quarry on a broom. Grinning, he flew above the humanoid and unleashed his energy draining breath.


In truth, the Githzerai's psionic powers allowed his vision to operate even in magical darkness. However, Hor'ahun could not see far enough to identify his foe. Blinded, he quickly flew into an adjacent cave and pulled out his bow, ready for battle.

Joachim did not experience similar difficulties with vision. Quickly smearing some ointment onto his eyes, he chanted a prayer to Tyr. By the god of justice's divine grace, Joachim was granted the power to pierce any magical illusion or transmutation. Looking up he saw a massive dragon, pitch-black in color, descending towards him.

Glouroth observed the High Inquisitor with curiosity. The spell that Joachim had cast was no minor incantation. Perhaps his quarry would provide a challenge after all. The Shadow Dragon uttered a few arcane phrases and disappeared from the High Inquisitor's sight. A moment later, the dragon appeared next to Hor'ahun throwing the whole cave into darkness.


The half-dragon Phaikkul watched Noir sadistically as she struggled to get out of the force sphere. A veteran of many battles, Phaikkul knew that the best strategy for fighting powerful opponents was to divide and conquer. By isolating foes and preventing them from consolidating their power, they became easy prey for her father.

Glancing towards the ground, she saw the two Desmodu armed with notbas staring up at her. Phaikkul has hunted such creatures before. In numbers they could be deadly -- but just two -- two would be child's play. The half-dragon flew over her targets and breathed upon them. Despite the Desmodu's efforts to evade, they were enveloped in darkness and powerful negative energy began to drain their very souls.

In truth, if the two Desmodu had faced Phaikkul alone -- even with the ability of fly -- the battle would probably have been a foregone conclusion, as she had surmised. Unfortunately for her, she failed to notice an invisible Entropy behind them.

Phaikkul reacted with shock when she heard spellcasting from an unseen opponent. Directly behind her appeared a tear in the very fabric of reality itself. As the surrounding air rushed into the rift, the half-dragon tried in vain to avoid being pulled in as well. Despite her struggles, she was sucked through the portal and into the Bleak Eternity of Gehenna. It would probably have been better if Phaikkul were killed outright -- her current fate most likely consisted of a slow, torturous death at the hands of the Yugoloths.


As Hor'ahun waited in the cave, he was briefly blinded by a flash of light, followed by being enveloped in total darkness. Right next to him appeared the largest dragon he had ever seen. Instinctively he stepped back and fired two arrows into the wyrm. One of them harmlessly hit one of the false duplicates surrounding the dragon and the other hit squarely against the dragon but utterly failed to penetrate its considerable natural armor.

Hearing the sounds of battle in the cave, Joachim turned around and flew back inside. Unhampered by the darkness or the dragon's illusions, he saw the wyrm in battle with Hor'ahun. He moved up to the dragon and struck it, dealing significant damage.

Knowing that Joachim could attack him unhindered, Glouroth directed all his attacks at the High Inquisitor. Both claws and fang tore through Joachim's armor with surprising ease forcing the cleric back. Hor'ahun again attempted to shoot the dragon but failed to penetrate its defenses. Joachim, however, tore into the dragon -- scoring several successful hits, a few critically.

Glouroth, severely injured, knew that a protracted battle in such cramped quarters would not favor him. He again muttered an arcane phrase and teleported out of sight of both Joachim and Hor'ahun.

For the next several minutes, Glouroth and his foes played a deadly game of cat and mouse. As soon as Joachim and Hor'ahun attacked the dragon in one cave, it retaliated and quickly teleported to another one.

Impatient at her comrades for taking so long, Entropy commanded the Desmodu to retreat and flew up to the caves herself.


As his foes rushed him one more time, Glouroth looked up in a panic. Never before had he been placed in such a plight! Not only were all his minions killed, but his precious daughter as well. And now the wyrm himself faced imminent destruction.

The human in full plate, emblazoned with a symbol of some human god, charged towards Glouroth. The dragon was prepared to enter what would probably be the final few seconds of his life. To his complete surprise, the human stopped abruptly and spoke in Common.

"Dragon, we have no wish to destroy you. We are merely traveling through this area to the drow city of Tilverton. However, if you continue to harass us I will be forced to crush you in the name of justice," declared Joachim.

Glouroth was both relieved and humiliated. Did he dare hope that he could trust this human, "Why should I believe you? You have already slain my kin!"

"I am High Inquisitor Joachim in service of Tyr, the god of justice. My word is my bond. I pledge an oath to you that if you cease this battle, I will let you withdraw peacefully."

Glouroth's thoughts raced as he tried to bring to mind the human god mentioned by the cleric. He remembered that this deity was indeed honorable and lawful, to a fault. Studying his foe's facial features and expressions, the dragon knew that he could be trusted, "I have your word then?"

"Yes, I will let you pass unmolested."


Flying into the cave behind Joachim were Entropy and Hor'ahun, both of whom heard the conversation between Joachim and Glouroth. Entropy reached first, "Are you mad? We've nearly expended all our resources slaying these foul creatures and you would let the ringleader just walk away? I think not!"

Joachim's oath could not be broken however, "I have promised this dragon that it can leave this are peacefully if it withdraws immediately."

Though she had known Joachim for a long time, Entropy could hardly believe her ears, "Do you honestly think that this dragon is not already plotting a way to kill us? We may have to come back this way after Tilverton -- don't you think that this beast will muster all the forces necessary to try and destroy us?"

"Nevertheless, my pledge stands. If you interfere I will be forced to take action against you," Joachim plainly stated.

"Take your best shot," Entropy moved away from Joachim and began casting a spell. Prior to entering the cave, the sorcerer had altered reality with her arcane prowess so that she too could penetrate the dragon's darkness and illusions. About 20 feet from the dragon appeared a noble salamander from the Elemental Plane of Fire. The same type of creature that had laid waste to the Kuo-Toan stronghold, the outsider approached its foe cautiously. It could not see, but its hyperacute hearing allowed it to pinpoint the dragon.

Before the salamander could impale Glouroth with its longspear, however, Joachim cast a spell that dispelled it back to its home plane.

Hor'ahun entered next, landing behind Joachim. "This is obviously an evil creature. How can you make deals with such a beast? Isn't your order dedicated to law and good?"

For a moment, Joachim wavered. His true seeing allowed him to see that this dragon was indeed chaotic and evil to the core. However, he had given his word, how could he renege now? He paused to look at the dragon and this brief glance spoke volumes.

Glouroth snarled, "So you, a lawful and good priest would forsake me? Even after pledging an oath?! Bah, may the Abyss consume you for your duplicity human!"

Joachim, his expression pained, wordlessly left the cave, leaving the dragon to the mercy of his two companions. Making his last stand Glouroth unleashed his breath on his foes draining them of their life energy.

Entropy laughed in the dragon's face, "Now you die insect!"

She conjured up a cone of extreme cold that enveloped the dragon. Fully expecting it to slay the beast, Entropy was surprised that it didn't inflict any damage, obviously negated by the dragon's considerable spell resistance. Since Entropy's speed was accelerated by spellcraft, she followed up with another cone of cold. This time, it hit Glouroth full force. The wyrm's body froze as it stood at the center of the numbing cold.

Then, the life slowly left the Shadow Dragon's pupilless eyes.
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First Post
Session 13
“Entropy has a little surprise”

As she slept in the extradimensional space produced by her Rope Trick spell, Entropy was aroused by a telepathic message in her mind.

"Urgent you return. Eclavdra's mission attacked. All members slain except Eclavdra. Eclavdra...grievously injured. Best you see for yourself."

Sent by Karl, one of the many sages in Entropy's employ, the message caused the sorcerer to sit up immediately.


Entropy frowned, bringing to mind her first meeting with Eclavdra. The dark elf priestess had visited the sorcerer having heard of her goal to destroy the drow who had conquered Cormyr. Eclavdra was a disgraced noble who had tried to supplant the worship of Lolth with her own dark patron Ghaunadar. For this blasphemy, Eclavdra's house was destroyed though she managed to flee before she could be captured. Ever since, she has held a burning, festering hatred of Lolth and her minions.

Eclavdra had been sent by Entropy to Myth Drannor to obtain more information about the mysterious Mythals. These magical devices, supposedly possessed of tremendous power, were sought by Entropy's organization so that they could open a permanent gate to the Far Realms. In this way, they could plunge all of Faerun into the madness they shared. Of course, Entropy had neglected to tell Eclavdra this last bit of information . . .


Entropy saw that her companions were sleeping so she turned to face one of the Desmodu standing guard, "I have to return to do some housecleaning. I will be back in a few hours, tell them to wait for me."

The Desmodu nodded as Entropy descended the rope and into the cold and pitch black world of the Underdark.

Concentrating, she summoned an Eryines from the Nine Hells of Baator. This particular creature had been summoned numerous times for transport before.

Climbing into her portable hole, Entropy commanded the Eriynes, "Take me to H.E.L.L.* headquarters, quickly!"
*The origin and functions of H.E.L.L. can be found in the first post.

After teleporting to the surface, Entropy climbed out of her portable hold and bid the Eryines to depart. Standing up, she could see it was the middle of the night. In the moonlight she observed the three towers she commissioned were under construction. Around the site were numerous campfires and many tents which housed the majority of Entropy's followers as well as the construction staff.

Running to approach the sorcerer was Phibrizzo, the captain of her guard, "Greetings mistress, Karl awaits you in the main tent."

Upon entering the tent, Entropy saw Karl, Stephen (another sage), and Xellos (aide-de-camp to Phibrizzo) standing around a cot on top of which, apparently, lay Eclavdra. "How did you guys screw up this time?"

All three looked up at once and Karl responded, "Apologies for the intrusion mistress, but I thought it vital that you see this. She was found today . . ."


"Well, that's the funny part . . she just . . . appeared in the middle of the camp."

"I assume a Word of Recall, then?"

"Not likely. She was unconscious and, as you can see, quite incapable of casting any spells."

Moving forward, Entropy pushed her minions out of the way to see for herself. Upon seeing Eclavdra, Entropy's eyes widened and she let out a gasp. Although the sorcerer had witnessed many horrors in her adventuring career, this had to be one of the worst sights she had ever seen.

The first obvious injury was that Eclavdra's eyes had been gouged out. Both her hands were severed. "Her tongue is missing as well," Karl interjected.

"Is this the result of some kind of ritual? Anything relating to the Cult of the Dragon?" speculated Entropy.

"It's quite possible," Karl replied, "but why would they bother returning her here? Who knew she was working for us?"

"She was obviously sent here as a message to us you fool!! Surely, even you must know that there are ways to magically extract information from people's minds."

Karl bowed his head, looking duly chagrined, "The other members of the company were found as well . . . about half a mile from here. All dead . . . and dismembered."

Entropy paced back and forth across the tent. She was shocked that any idiot would dare threaten her organization. Surely they knew that the reprisals against them would be deadly. Before she committed to any decisions, she knew she had to consult H.E.L.L.'s ruling council. "How many members of the council would be available for an immediate meeting?"

"Sebulba can be contacted readily enough," Karl replied, "Sootheby Trell and the Cloak may be more difficult. I'm not sure about Olivia Trekkland."

"Contact them all and tell them to convene here. I assume that you can convince them of the severity of this situation, now leave me."

Karl and Stephen quickly left the tent, but Xellos one of the lieutenants in Entropy's guard, stayed behind. He could see the inner turmoil in his mistress, "Will there be anything else, my lady?"

"Is Eclavdra still conscious?"

"I'm no priest, mistress, but she seems even more grievously wounded than she appears. Perhaps it's just blood loss. She has revived periodically, but only briefly."

"Excellent, now leave me."

As Xellos left, Entropy wondered if Eclavdra was worth saving. The drow had surely been a good source of information for H.E.L.L., but she may have succumbed to torture and confessed the organization's secrets. Entropy hated failure in her minions, but she decided to gain more information before rendering a decision. She moved up Eclavdra, whispering in the drow's ear, "Eclavdra, I can communicate with you telepathically, but you need to be willing. Open your mind to me and do not resist. Wiggle your toes when you are ready."

Eclavdra moaned slightly and after a moment her toes moved slightly.

Entropy cast a spell that would open a telepathic link between them. In addition, it allowed the caster to crush the will of the recipient and issue irresistible mental commands. Both aspects would be useful in the current situation, Entropy thought.

Reaching into Eclavdra's mind, Entropy commanded the drow to reveal all she knew about her assailants. All of a sudden, a slew of images appeared in Entropy's mind . . .


Eclavdra was leading the force through the outskirts of Myth Drannor, consisting of a handful of warriors, sorcerers and scouts. They had set up camp for the night.

At some point, they were attacked by wolves of some sort. In Eclavdra's mind, Entropy could see that the warriors and mages responded admirably, creating formations and driving off the attackers.

All of a sudden a fiendish monstrosity appeared from the woods. To Entropy it looked somewhat like the Stone Giants she had slain in the Underdark, but clearly tainted with demonic blood. The beast tore through the front ranks of warriors.

Eclavdra prepared to enter battle herself when she suddenly heard chanting behind her. Entropy concentrated on the chant . . . it appeared to be a divine spell. HARM! The sorcerer broke the connection with Eclavdra momentarily. Clearly these attackers were not mere peons. Shaking her head, Entropy resumed the telepathic link.

Brought to her knees by the power of the spell, Eclavdra turned around to see a humanoid figure that looked something like a drow, but Entropy couldn't say for certain. After this point everything went black, though there were brief flashes of intense pain. In addition, Entropy was chilled by a phrase spoken several times by Eclavdra's captors, "The Queen of Lusts does not forgive or forget."

Finally, Entropy experienced Eclavdra's relief when her mutilated body was magically transported back to headquarters.

Entropy was puzzled by this "Queen of Lusts" referred to by Eclavdra's captors. She sent these thoughts to Eclavdra, "Queen of Lusts? Is this a drow deity? An evil god?"

There was a pause, then one word was sent back to Entropy that sent a chill up her spine, "Lolth."
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First Post
Session 14
“H.E.L.L. convenes”

Entropy was both fearful and angry at the same time. Looking at Eclavdra's mutilated body, the sorcerer wondered why drow in the service of Lolth had bothered to send back her retainer. She sent these thoughts to Eclavdra, "I understand that drow nobles typically find it preferable to torture captive nobles for centuries rather than give them a quick death. Why do you suppose they sent you back here?"

Struggling to comprehend her mistress through the intense pain, Eclavdra managed to respond, "Perhaps I was not their target . . ."

Certainly, with the spells at her disposal, Entropy could easily repair the damage done to Eclavdra. However, she wondered if she should bother. One of the main advantages that Eclavdra *had* was her anonymity. In this capacity, she made the perfect spy, for she could not be easily traced back to H.E.L.L. However, her identity had clearly been compromised. "You know how Drow culture would 'reward' individuals in your plight."

Not liking the turn this conversation had taken, Entropy could feel Eclavdra's intense fear, "I would be slain outright or exiled as a pariah."

"The latter punishment, in your current state, would equal a quick death in the Underdark. Tell me, why should I expend the resources to bring you back to full capacity?"

Eclavdra's mind raced to find an answer to satisfy her mistress, "Because I am the most loyal of your followers and there is still much I have not imparted to you regarding my knowledge of the drow and the planes."

Unfortunately, Entropy was not impressed. "Surely you know that my planar knowledge rivals any on Faerun. As to loyalty, it is difficult to judge. I would say that those who died during your mission exhibited the pinnacle of fanatical loyalty. But your knowledge of the drow . . . perhaps you can tell me something that will weigh on my decision.

The drow relaxed, perhaps she had a chance after all. "Save me or not, at your whim, but if it is truly the Spider Queen who hunts you, who better than I to advise you in the ways of the Demonweb?"

Without responding, Entropy stepped back and began casting a summoning spell. From the Olympian Glades of Arborea, she called forth a creature which looked like an elf except for its bright red eyes and flaming red hair. Known as a Firre, this particular one was especially well-versed in powerful divine magic, precisely what Entropy needed.

"I need for you to regenerate her organs and restore her life force," Entropy commanded.

In seconds, Eclavdra's hands and tongue were magically restored and her eyes re-formed seemingly out of nowhere. The deathly pall on her face was restored to its natural color. Regarding her cohort, Entropy said, "You may thank Arborea for your recovery. Firre, your services were greatly appreciated. On your way then."

As Entropy and Eclavdra exited the tent, the sages Karl and Stephen were waiting for them. Karl's eyes popped wide open in surprise at Eclavdra's seemingly complete recovery. "Lady, Eclavdra. I'm pleased to see you so . . . whole." Eclavdra favored him with a grin, letting her tongue slide seductively over her lips to demonstrate her full restoration."

Entropy regarded the sage, "Karl, have you contacted the cabal leadership?"

"Er . . . I have indeed, my lady. They should be arriving within the hour, though some of them are none to happy."


The leaders of H.E.L.L. convened in a makeshift meeting area. They were seated around a small campfire, each sitting on a large pillow.

Entropy took a deep breath, stood up, and addressed them all in one sweeping gesture, "My dear associates, thank you for coming on such short notice. We seem to have encountered a problem in our investigations of the Mythals in Myth Drannor . . ."

Jumping to his feet, Sootheby Trell -- the half-orc representative of Thentia -- pointed an accusing finger at the sorcerer, "What is the meaning of this! It's bloody three in the morning!"

Entropy responded coolly, "Unfortunately, I have been traveling in the Underdark for some time. Surface time no longer had meaning for me. I deemed this situation of sufficient gravity to require your immediate presence."

"I don't answer to your beck and call Entropy! This had better be worth my time." exclaimed Trell, still upset at this interruption to his schedule.

Nodding, Entropy gestured towards Eclavdra, "Lady Eclavdra, leader of the force, can explain the situation best. Eclavdra, if you please . . ."

Over the course of the next few minutes, Eclavdra explained the ambush, the slaughter of her forces, and her capture and torture. Following her explanation, Entropy had several bodies of warriors and cultists brought out for additional effect. They were a bloody mess, totally dismembered and butchered.

The representatives let out gasps and curses.

Entropy stepped in, "As you can plainly see, the situation is serious. Do you disagree?"

The leaders all nodded with the exception of Trell who spoke first, smiling triumphantly, "What I can plainly see is that I was wise not to commit my own people to this endeavor."

This feedback was plainly not constructive so Entropy tried to focus the meeting, "Thoughts on this act of butchery? Possible assailants?"

The half-orc shrugged, "We have many enemies, where to begin?"

Sebulba, the female human leader from Zhentil Keep moved closer to Entropy, almost whispering, "Perhaps the Cult of the Dragon is stronger than we thought."

"Or perhaps the traitor is among us!" accused Oliva Trekkland, representative of Mulmaster, pointing at Eclavdra.

Only the mysterious "Cloak," representing Melavaunt, did not respond directly to Entropy's query. "Cloak, I'm certain this cabal would love to hear your thoughts," Entropy offered.

The Cloak's cowled head turned towards Entropy, "It would seem that someone wishes us to believe Lolth is involved. That would imply it is actually drow in the service of the Spider or enemies of the same who wish to lay blame. There are other drow factions at work in Cormanthor and with the recent silence of the Spider Queen, perhaps they now seem to make their move."

Entropy was impressed at the response and pressed further, "A most interesting observation. So you don't think the Cult of the Dragon is involved?"

The Cloak bowed his head a moment before responding, "Perhaps, but doesn't it strike you as odd that though all members of this expedition were slain, only your loyal follower was left alive, although maimed?"

This was the same argument brought up by Karl the Sage. "Yes, it is quite odd. My understanding was that they were trying to send a message to me." Grinning wickedly, Entropy continued, "You do know, of course, that a strike force gathered and directed by me slew Lolth's daughter Laveth in the Demonweb itself? I would say that the drow have good reasons to dislike me. However, this infantile display of carnage was most crude."

"The drow?" asked the Cloak, "Why would the drow care a whit that you slew some upstart offspring of Lolth? Perhaps it is the Lady herself who has taken offense. Though you may have done Lolth a temporary favor by slaying Laveth, blood is ultimately thicker than water."

This revelation shocked Entropy. She was powerful and respected throughout the Moonsea. In her time she had faced -- and defeated -- many powerful foes. But could it be that a goddess herself was trying to destroy her? Entropy quickly concluded the meeting, "I will see to this matter personally. I thank you all greatly for your time and input."


After the cabal leadership departed, Entropy was left alone, deep in thought. The vengeance of Lolth! This was not something she could take lightly. At the same time, she wanted to be sure of her conclusions. Returning to her tent, she sat on the floor and began to concentrate. Weaving arcane phrases, she altered reality itself to open a channel to the drow goddess Eilistraee, the only good deity in the otherwise evil pantheon.

Seeing the divine image of the goddess in her mind, Entropy began asking her questions:

"Is a deity in the drow pantheon targeting me specifically?"


"Is it Lolth?"


"Is she targeting any of my other companions?"


"All of them?"


"Is the reason for her vengeance the death of her daughter?"


"Does Lolth have anything to do with the Gelugon sent to the Temple of the Triad?"


"Did the followers of Kiaransalee send the Gelugon?"


"Was Eclavdra attacked by agents in the service of Lolth?"


"Are they still in Myth Drannor?"


"Do Lolth and Kiaransalee and their followers despise each other?"


"Do any of Lolth's clergy, anywhere in the multiverse, still have their divine powers?"


"Is the 'big event' discovered by the Temple of the Triad the doing of Kiaransalee?"


"Is there still an operational Cult of the Dragon sect in Myth Drannor?"


"Are they foes or friends of Lolth?"


Entropy broke off the connection, sweating profusely and breathing heavily. There could no longer be any doubt. She had to warn her companions before it was too late . . .
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First Post
Session 15
“The last push to Tilverton”

When Entropy returned to the Underdark via teleportation, she saw her companions eagerly waiting for her return. After her departure, the Desmodu had told Entropy's companions that she had left to do "house cleaning." However, they all knew that the situation must be dire indeed if the sorcerer left so abruptly and without warning.

"We have a very serious problem. It seems that Lolth herself is attempting to kill us through her mortal agents. I have confirmed this by communing Eilistraee herself," Entropy declared somberly. She then proceeded to document precisely what had occurred with Eclavdra and the agents she had sent into Myth Drannor.

"I knew it! I knew it! Associating with you guys was the worst decision of my life! All I wanted to do was kill an Illithid or two and now the Demon bitch herself is trying to kill me!" cried Hor'ahun in exasperation.

Both Noir and Joachim threw the Githzerai dirty looks, but they too realized the crushing weight of their current plight.

"Unfortunately, there is nothing we can really do at this point. We are powerful but we cannot challenge the will of a deity. We must remain vigilant and pray to Tyr that we will be able to defeat the agents Lolth sends to defeat us." stated the High Inquisitor rather matter-of-factly.

Nodding in agreement, Noir added, "If it's any consolation, Lolth is well known for her capricious nature. Perhaps if we crush enough of her forces, she will turn on the drow for their ineptness and leave us alone."

"Then there is nothing more to say. Come, let us continue to Tilverton." Joachim mounted his flying carpet, again entering the pitch black recesses of the Underdark.


The next day of travel was relatively uneventful. Each party member was deep in thought, considering the ramifications of a deity's wrath. Only the Desmodu remained alert for dangers.

The party eventually reached a bifurcation in the large tunnel that they were following.

"The way to the south leads directly into Tilverton. I do not know where this southeast tunnel goes, but it could conceivably lead to a shorter route. Which should we take?" the lead Desmodu inquired.

Looking up from her thoughts, Entropy responded, "We probably need to kill something to ease our tension. The well-traveled path probably is less likely to yield significant opposition."

The others laughed, breaking the otherwise tense day of travel. The all agreed that destroying another of one of the Underdark's many evil denizens could be . . . "therapeutic."


"Too bad that passage led absolutely nowhere!" Hor'ahun sarcastically remarked to the sorcerer.

"Hey, I know you enjoyed blasting those jaundiced pterodactyls, so don't get all high and mighty on me," laughed Entropy.

The creatures Entropy referred to were Yrthaks. Blind from their long exposure to the lightless underground they nevertheless developed a sophisticated method of "sight" using sonar. This also granted them several powerful abilities, such as directing highly destructive beams of sonic energy.

Laired in a massive underground canyon miles in diameter, the Yrthaks were accustomed to being the dominant predator in the area. However, the party had dispatched them rather easily, using significantly more force than was probably necessary.

As the companions returned to the tunnel's bifurcation once again, Entropy conjured a Rope Trick. This day's travel had ended, but the party would sleep a little better tonight.


"This is an interesting area. I believe we approaching Vournoth's Mire, correct?" the paladin asked the Desmodu scouts.

"Yes," confirmed the scout nodding its massive bat-like head, "centuries ago it was rumored to be the abode of a Lich. But it was long since destroyed, so the area should be safe now. To be sure though, please wait here. We will scout ahead."

A few minutes later the Desmodu returned, "There are two humanoids picking mushrooms. Both are armed and armored, though I could not tell for sure if they were drow."

"Look you guys, I'm getting sick and tired of this crap. Why don't I just toss a Reality Maelstrom in there and let it suck out the garbage for a minute or two. Then we can go through, no problems!" exclaimed Entropy.

Joachim was not amused, "I told you already, Noir and I will not be party to senseless barbarism. We will scout ahead ourselves and determine the level of the threat. If they are indeed drow, then we will deal with them."

Hor'ahun, Entropy and the two Desmodu waited near the entrance to the Mire, while Joachim strode forward on his carpet with Noir following closely behind. Just as the scouts had described, the Inquisitor saw two humanoids looking at something in the middle of a patch of mushrooms. Hidden by his Cloak of Elvenkind, Joachim inched his way forward and tried to get a closer look. He peered closer and began to see the faces underneath their cowls . . . drow!

Taking no chances in dealing with these treacherous elves, Joachim began casting a spell. Hearing her friend drawing on divine energies, Noir charged behind him with her longsword. The two drow sprang to their feet and drew their rapiers, whirling to face Joachim.

However, their fate had already been sealed as Joachim completed his incantation. Between the drow appeared a massive creature composed entirely of lava. Conjured from the Paraelemental Plane of Magma, the 36 foot behemoth wasted no time in dealing with its foes. Its massive fist crashed down on the first drow, squashing it like a cockroach. Without even pausing it whirled around and pounded the second into the ground.

As Noir reached the room, she saw that the elemental had already dealt with whatever foes were in the room. Striving to remain undetected, she remained close to the wall looking out for the inevitable reinforcements.

Unknown to Joachim and Noir, the drow were actually servants to creatures who were conducting "research." One was an artist of sorts, who specialized in sculpture by the name of Sekrr. Shunned by the rest of his kind, Sekrr decided to move his gallery to Vournoth's Mire where he was sure he could find an appreciative audience. Sekrr's neighbor, an individual by the name of Quthnorok was interested in more academic pursuits. Researching magical channeling, he similarly found the Well an ideal location for his studies.

Sekrr heard the commotion first, an extremely loud crash of rock against rock. "Those damned deep gnomes are causing trouble with their Earth Elementals again," he thought as he quickly floated down to take care of the problem.

Rather than examine the disturbance directly, Quthnorok chose instead to send his retainer first. "Gok'llak, kindly greet our guests, I will be along shortly," the researcher telepathically commanded his servant. Bored to tears by the endless hours of his master's research, Gok'llak hefted his battleaxe and charged -- he was only too happy to comply.

The magma elemental, with its extremely sensitive hearing, heard something coming down an adjacent pathway and lumbered over to meet the new threat. Joachim followed him closely. Seconds later, the magma elemental abruptly disappeared and Joachim was blinded as his magically enhanced vision ceased functioning -- Sekrr had arrived.

The only thing that surprised Noir more than the Beholder floating through the ceiling was the ravening beast charging to meet her in battle. Though humanoid, the grey, scaled creature clad in hide armor had no eyes. But it had a big axe and judging from the foam coming out of its mouth, Noir quickly concluded that it was none to happy. Noir barely brought her shield up to bear as Gok'llak's axe crashed into it, a blow that would have otherwise split her skull. "Give us a hand please! We've got serious problems!" cried the paladin, hoping to enlist the aid of the Githzerai and sorcerer.

Although Sekkr's massive central eye projected its antimagic at Joachim, it had many other eyestalks to spare. Three of them were directed towards Noir. Harried by her axe-wielding foe, Noir could not dodge them. Although she was not killed outright by the beams - her divine grace prevented that - they inflicted significant damage.

Both Entropy and Hor'ahun entered the room. They saw the paladin in a death dance with a Grimlock and Joachim blindly groping around, trying to exit the Beholder's antimagic cone. Having met numerous Beholders in the past, Entropy was well-aware of their deadly nature. If they caught you with antimagic, their brutish retainers could quickly make short work of an arcane spellcaster. In this case however, the central eye was focused on Joachim.

Pulling out a leather glove with brass knuckles from her spell component pouch, Entropy quickly cast a spell which brought into being a giant, disembodied fist behind the Beholder. Smashing it with terrific force, the fist sent the creature reeling. To make things worse for the stunned Sekkr, Hor'ahun unleashed a psi blast at him, further scrambling his senses.

In the meantime, Noir retaliated against her foe. The Grimlock was not well-armored and it was so pissed off that it made no extraordinary attempt to dodge the paladin's blows. Though she inflicted grievous wounds on her foe, Noir was more than a little surprised that Gok'llak didn't even flinch.

Joachim finally stumbled out of the Beholder's cone and his magic was restored. Seeing that his foe was clearly stunned, the Inquisitor quickly took advantage of the situation. Calling to Tyr, he brought down a vertical column of divine fire, empowered for good measure, that completely immolated the Beholder. With the antimagic gone, the Magma Elemental returned and continued its march down the tunnel to engage yet another foe.

In a whirlwind of fury and pure rage, the Grimlock continued to attack Noir, bringing the paladin near death's door. However, support from Hor'ahun's bow and Entropy's giant fist finished off the already injured Gok'llak. Before proceeding further to aid the elemental, Noir called forth divine energy that healed the majority of her wounds.

Quthnorok was casually walking towards the mushroom patch when he abruptly stopped. From around the corner he saw 54,000 lbs of hot magma death heading his way. Deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth, Quthnorok concentrated as he crushed the will of the lumbering giant. "I know you want to smash things. But don't smash me, my friend. It would be easier to crush the next thing that runs by you," the researcher telepathically imparted to his new-found friend.

As Noir rounded the corner, she saw the Magma Elemental approaching a figure in the distance. As she rushed closer, she began to see details, rubbery skin, glistening slime, octopus head -- a mind flayer! The paladin considered her next move as the Elemental turned around, took a few steps forward and tried to smash her into oblivion. Fortunately for Noir, her magical armor and shield withstood the assault though the force of the blow shook her very bones. She knew that melee with the Elemental would be suicidal.

Seeing that his Elemental had turned on the party, Joachim dispelled it back to its home plane before it could inflict any more damage. Deprived of his latest retainer, Quthnorok decided it was time for a light snack. He hit the paladin full force with a mind blast. Dropping her sword and grabbing her head in pain, Noir was overwhelmed by the attack. The illithid strode forward, its tentacles twitching, perhaps today would not be a total loss after all . . .

Much to Quthnorok's chagrin, another human came flying around the corner followed by a large glowing fist which promptly slammed into him. The Mind Flayer was knocked senseless and barely noticed as a very angry Githzerai approached him as well. "Anybody who touches this illithid scum will personally answer to me! I will finish him off myself!" shouted Hor'ahun as he drew his rapier and approached the mind flayer.

Both Noir and Entropy left the Githzerai to kill the most hated foe of his race. They could hear gurgling screams as they turned the corner, "It's probably unhealthy to have all that pent up hostility," Entropy commented.


The party searched the Mire after dispatching their foes and found a few surprises. In Sekkr's room they found his various works of "art." Apparently the Beholder had petrified numerous creatures, placed them in his quarters as statues and proceeded to beautify them by punching holes in various places. Joachim considered breaking the enchantment on these poor souls, but realized that the damage on their statue forms was more than enough to kill them.

In Quthnorok's lair they found an interesting magical device. Brief analysis by Entropy showed that it was a channeler of some sort. Throwing it into her portable hole, the sorcerer said that she would look into it when she had time.


The party's final day of travel through the Underdark was without incident. They could feel the passage gradually begin to slope upwards as they slowly reached the surface. Finally the Desmodu proclaimed, "Up ahead is a gate leading to Tilverton. I am afraid we must leave you here my friends, our job is complete. We wish you luck in your quest."

As the Desmodu departed, the party pondered how they would approach the current situation. All agreed that subterfuge was the solution, though how best to go about it was discussed.

"The drow we dispatched in the Mire bore symbols of a minor house. I recognized it as one of the noble houses in Tilverton. We should go as drow wearing these symbols. Since we are dark elves no one will bother us and, as low-ranking nobles, we won't attract too much attention." suggested Noir.

"Mmmmm . . . sounds good. But don't you think that they will be a little suspicious of a Lolth worshipping house when the city is apparently ruled by followers of Kiaransalee?" queried Entropy.

The paladin had heard enough lip out of the sorcerer to last several lifetimes, "I know drow! I know what I'm doing and I know what's best! This group doesn't need your uneducated opinion!"

"Okay, okay, take it easy," Entropy said, backing off.

Using various magical devices, the party disguised themselves as a group of noble drow, two males and two females, and approached the gate. As their eyes adjusted to the light, they saw four large figures standing guard.

"Halt! State your business here," one of them bellowed in Undercommon.

"We are noble drow, surely you can see that from our heralds you fools! Let us pass or we'll have your hides!" Noir responded, confident in her knowledge of drow cultural practices.

The figure squinted as he observed the insignia. Clearly recognizing what he saw, he gestured to his companions. They all picked up massive rocks. "Welcome home," the leader proclaimed as they all hurled the boulders at the party.
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First Post
Session 16
“A welcome to Tilverton”

Although they were caught unaware, the party members did not find it difficult to dodge the rocks, given their numerous magical protections. Not wanting to create a disturbance so close to the city of Tilverton, the companions attempted to bring the battle to a quick and decisive end.

Noir reacted first, activating her winged boots as she flew forward to meet her foes head on. Joachim began to cast a spell that would bring into being a wall of razor-sharp blades and centered it right on the Fire Giants. However, it was Entropy who ended the battle for all of them. Opening a planar rift in the middle of the quartet -- and sculpting it to a compact area --- the sorcerer catapulted the Giants into the Concordant Domain of the Outlands. The only thing that was left was a gaping tear in reality that created a cacophony that would surely alert anyone outside the gate.

To solve this problem, Entropy cast a spell on herself that was the bane of spellcasters. By displacing the Weave around her body she was able to suppress all magic in her vicinity. Quickly, she ran into the middle of the planar rift, effectively sealing it and waited until the spell's duration expired.

In the meantime a red-faced Noir faced the party, her well laid plans to impersonate drow nobles obviously having backfired. "Hmmm . . . That didn't work too well, but at least we didn't give away our position. I still think we should go as drow, but let's not wear any heralds."

The party agreed and, after the Maelstrom ended, stepped out of the iron gate and onto the surface. Immediately they saw the skies above them were cloudy and dark. In the distance they saw the remains of the city of Tilverton. The first structure that caught their attention was a massive spider-shaped building, obviously the Fane of Lolth. It was severely damaged and looked ready to fall apart, a state of affairs that would be unthinkable in any major drow city.

In contrast they saw the royal palace of Cormyr was in pristine condition, with nary a scratch. This massive building had recently been the dominion of House Kilsek, the First Noble Drow House of Tilverton. But with Lolth gone, the party guessed it was currently occupied by followers of Kiaransalee. Around the palace they saw many pinpoints of light which appeared to be large campfires, around which milled many humanoids.

Hor'ahun spoke up, "I need to scout this area . . . alone. I can feel the stink of illithids here. You may go ahead, I will find you later."

Although the party did not want to split up, the Githzerai was adamant.

The remainder of the group followed the main road from the gate to Tilverton's entrance, with Noir and Joachim taking the lead (disguised as drow) and Entropy flying invisibly in the rear. As they approached, they saw a large campfire on the main road. They observed a couple of dozen goblins, several ogres, a handful of ogre magi and one very, very large ogre who appeared to be their leader.

As the two "drow" came closer, all the creatures stood up and the lead ogre approached, speaking crudely in Common, "What the hell are your kind doing back here? You will not pass without paying the toll!"

Noir seized the opportunity, "Are you mad, beast? Why would powerful drow like us even bother associating with scum like you? Let us pass and consider yourselves fortunate that we don't gut you on the spot!"

The ogre laughed, "The Lady of Spiders is dead and the drow have lost their powers. You can no longer rely on your spells to save you! Do you really think the two of you can defeat all of us?"

Not wanting to make a scene, Noir tried diplomacy, "Very well, what is the toll?"

"Your lives!!" the ogre hefted his greatclub and began to lead his minions forward but paused as a cloaked figure appeared behind the drow.

Entropy, deciding to give diplomacy one last chance, had magically disguised herself as an Illithid and tried to warn the lead ogre, "Do not act hastily. Although Lolth does not grant powers, I do not rely on her. If you do not let us pass, it will be your doom!"

Although his minions stepped back with uncertainty, the lead ogre would not be intimidated. "That's enough talking, now you all die! CHARGE!"

Entropy shook her head in disgust. She could only cast so many Reality Maelstroms a day. She brought another one into being in the middle of the group, sucking nearly all of them into a random plane. Two goblins, however, were able to avoid the effects and began to run towards Tilverton.

Joachim mounted his flying carpet and gave chase, hoping to head them off before they could alert any more forces. In the meantime, Entropy once again sealed the planar rift with anti-magic until it expired as Noir stood guard.


Flying around the ruined walls of Tilverton was a massive red-skinned creature. Its hands were unnaturally large and wickedly clawed. It regarded the many campfires below. "What a waste. I was summoned to bring forth destruction and all I can play with are these weakling humanoid scum!"


After quickly slaying the first goblin, Joachim pursued the second. Flying at very high speed, he was easily able to overtake it and dispatch it before it could raise the alarm.


Below him, Badrazel saw the drow slay the fleeing goblin. This was strange in and of itself, for the Balor knew that most of the drow in the city were enslaved by the very beings they had subjugated for so long. A lone drow would quickly be overwhelmed and killed. As the dark elf flew away on the carpet, Badrazel followed him at a distance. "Perhaps I can kill something worthwhile after all."

Joachim returned to the campfire and saw Noir (in drow form) standing guard and Entropy standing in her anti-magic field in the middle of the maelstrom.

Badrazel frowned at the scene. TWO drow? And a human? What in the Abyss was going on here? From a brief glance at the campfire site, the demon was able to see the damage that had been done. However he could not see a single corpse. One thing was clear though, Kurgoth had ordered that all intruders must be slain.

While Joachim and Noir waited for Entropy's rift to close, they saw a red dot in the sky. Before they could react the entire site erupted in flame as roaring columns of fire ignited the area. Caught unaware, both the Inquisitor and the Paladin suffered severe burns. Only Entropy, still in the confines of her anti-magic field, did not feel the effects.

After casting the fire storm, Badrazel looked upon his prey, expecting to see three scorched corpses. However all three were standing! And one appeared to be totally unaffected! Although the balor was a brutally efficient fighter he also possessed a very keen intellect. He quickly surmised that the woman who was not damaged must be in an anti-magic area. "Perfect . . ."

Flying down to engage his prey, the Balor stopped approximately 100 feet above the group. He could clearly see that one of the two drow (Joachim) possessed several powerful magical auras. "Time to rectify the situation," he thought as Badrazel hit the drow with a powerful abjuration that removed most of his magical protections.

Looking up, Noir was shocked to see the Balor. She had taken considerable damage from the fire storm, but since the creature flying above her was clearly an evil fiend she ignored the pain and concentrated on her foe. Without hesitating, Noir activated her winged boots and flew up to meet the demon in combat. Stripped of his magic power, Joachim began to re-cast some of the spells he had lost -- hoping that the Paladin could hold off the Balor for a few seconds.

Entropy looked up helplessly. Of all the companions, she alone knew of the Balor's awesome power and myriad capabilities. If she dismissed her anti-magic field the sorcerer guessed that the demon would try to crush her quickly with its potent arsenal of spells. Like Joachim, she hoped that Noir could slow it down so that she could put herself into a better tactical situation.

Badrazel looked at them all and suppressed a chuckle. All had gone exactly as he had planned. Easily avoiding the drow that was flying up towards him, the Balor dived towards the human woman standing in the anti-magic field. Although he felt his own magical protections being suppressed as he approached, the 3,000 lb outsider had many other options at his disposal. In Badrazel’s hands were a massive greatsword shaped like a bolt of lightning and a wicked looking whip. With the greatest of ease, he snapped the whip forward wrapping it around Entropy's legs, pulling her to the ground. The Balor would greatly enjoy tearing this human limb from limb.

Entropy couldn't believe the situation she had placed herself in. She could think of many places she would rather be than in melee with a Balor in an anti-magic field! Her mind raced as she tried to figure out a way to avoid a gruesome death, and then she remembered! The reason she had cast the anti-magic field in the first place was to block the planar rift and avoid alerting the city. However, that point was obviously moot now.

Unfortunately, the sorcerer had absolutely no idea where the rift opened. If she was lucky she would wind up in one of the Upper Planes, but she could just as easily land in the Abyss or the Negative Energy Plane. Trusting fate, she dispelled the anti-magic aura and was pulled into the rift. The Balor felt a brief pull as well, but the demon's considerable resistance to magic allowed him to avoid the effect of the spell.

As Noir and Joachim watched their long-time companion being sucked into a random plane, they hoped that they could defeat the demon alone. Right now, the odds weren't looking good...
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First Post
Session 17
“Why settle for one balor when you can have two?”

Desperately wanting to enter melee with the Balor, Noir flew down to meet it. Flying out of the Maelstrom, Badrazel rose to meet her. Bringing his huge greatsword to bear he held it aloft so that the Paladin could clearly see it. For on the sword was inscribed a Symbol of Death the Balor had often used to slay unsuspecting foes. Seeing the symbol, Noir felt a sudden surge of negative energy hit her as it tried to extinguish her soul. With the greatest effort, she managed to throw off the necromantic magic before it consumed her.

Hasted, Joachim tried to damage the Balor as much as possible to aid his friend. Calling to Tyr he brought down two columns of flame and they enveloped his foe. Badrazel reflectively flinched but the divine energy harmlessly dissipated around him, his magic resistance nullifying it completely.

After dancing with the Balor for so long, Noir felt this could be her only chance to damage it. Not only was her sword forged to destroy evil outsiders, but she called on the Powers of Good to smite the foul demon as she swung at it. The results were dramatic -- she struck her foe multiple times spraying black, caustic blood everywhere.

Badrazel fell back at the barrage. Clearly he had underestimated his quarry, but the battle was not lost yet. He knew that without her sword this drow (Noir) could not even scratch him. The Balor briefly considered disarming her with his greatsword, but suddenly had a better idea. Speaking a single word, he unleashed a blast of pure evil energy that rolled over the Paladin. The Balor smiled in satisfaction as the spell knocked the drow senseless causing her to drop her powerful sword to the ground many feet below.

Joachim tried to finish off the Balor with another Flame Strike but he could not penetrate its magical defenses. Drawing his sword, he approached the Balor hoping to finish it off quickly.

Badrazel saw that he needed to even the odds to bring this battle to a successful conclusion. Stepping back from Noir, he concentrated and opened a channel to the Abyss and summoned one of his own kind. As the second Balor appeared, Badrazel telepathically commanded it to delay his foes. It complied by unleashing a burst of evil energy that stunned both Noir and Joachim. Badrazel took advantage of the situation by grabbing Noir and pulling her close to him, attempting to consume her with the flames emanating from his body.

In the meantime, the second Balor (after being commanded by Badrazel) flew to the ground and picked up Noir's sword. The Fiendbane sword violently reacted to being handled by the demon and infused it with negative energy. The fiend ignored the pain, for he knew he would not be holding the sword for long. He teleported away.

Recovering from the evil shockwave, Noir struggled to free herself from Badrazel’s grasp and managed to do so. However, without a weapon she could do no damage. Joachim attacked but the Balor deftly dodged the possibly fatal strike. At this point, Badrazel knew this battle was a foregone conclusion -- his foes would either flee or be annihilated. As he waited for his Balor companion to return, the demon stunned both the Paladin and Inquisitor yet again with a surge of evil energy.

As if on cue, the second Balor returned sans Fiendbane sword. It was obvious he had deposited it somewhere that the Paladin would not find in the immediate future. The Balor hit Joachim with an abjuration that eliminated all but a few of the Inquisitor's remaining spell protections. Joachim ignored the summoned creature and focused on Badrazel, hitting him squarely. The enraged Balor responded by bringing his greatsword to bear, hoping to decapitate his foe.

Before the strike landed however, the sky above all the combatants filled with smoke. Looking up they saw that the "smoke" possessed two eyes that blazed with fire and two appendages which ended in giant scythes. The creature flew directly above the second Balor and, with blinding speed, entered his mouth. The Balor coughed and swatted the air around him, but it was in vain. He suddenly began to cough up blood as the Smoke Paraelemental began shredding his internal organs.


To Entropy's surprise and relief, the Reality Maelstrom deposited her in a plane of eternal sky where everything fell forever. With her encyclopedic knowledge of all things extraplanar she realized that she had been deposited in the Elemental Plane of Air. Fortune again smiled on her! Not only was the environment breathable, but she could prepare before she returned to help her companions.

Empowered by magical flight, the sorcerer halted her fall and began casting a series of abjurations on herself. When she was ready, she took a deep breath and plane shifted back to the Prime -- above the Moonsea to be exact.

She knew that such a spell was wildly erratic and could deposit her hundred of miles from her intended destination, but it did not matter in this case. Looking down, she saw the vast blue waters of the Moonsea extending in all directions. Holding her staff aloft, she teleported herself 200 feet above where she had originally entered the Maelstrom. Unlike planar travel, this mode of transportation was very precise.

Entropy appeared exactly where she had envisioned, but could not see more than a few dozen feet ahead of her due to the darkness that Lolth had spread over the Cormyrian sky. No matter, she thought, she didn't intend to pay the Balor a personal visit anyway.

Casting a spell, she opened a channel to both the Elemental Planes of Air and Fire summoning a huge Smoke Paraelmental. It immediately dove towards the ground to engage her foes . . .


In a fury beyond reason at this turn of events, Badrazel attempted to banish the creature back to its home plane -- but the power of Entropy's summoning held as the Paraelemental continued to devastate the demon's comrade. With the greatest of effort, the second Balor managed to cough out the intruder and tore into it with his greatsword.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Joachim swung again at Badrazel and landed a blow that put the demon near death. Before the Balor could recover, another Smoke Paraelmental descended from the sky and attempted but failed to enter his lungs. Trying desperately to banish his foes, the second Balor tried to hit both Paraelementals with the same abjuration that his summoner had attempted. This time he had more luck as one of the Paraelementals returned to its home plane.

Seeing that Noir was obviously defenseless, Badrazel entangled her with his whip, bringing her close to his body once again and closer to death. Before he could issue the coup-de-grace, however, another creature descended towards him. A native of the Elemental Plane of Air, the monster resembled a small tornado. Creating a sharp vacuum above Badrazel’s head, it completely took the Balor by surprise.

The blow virtually caved in the demon's head causing him to release Noir. As Badrazel felt his life slipping away, he knew he would give his slayers a fine parting gift -- the Balor exploded in a flash of light that damaged everyone, including the remaining demon. Joachim looked towards Noir and saw that she was barely conscious and bleeding freely. Invoking one of his most powerful healing spells, all of his allies were instantly restored to full health.

With this sudden turn of events, the second Balor didn't last long against the onslaught of the two powerful Elementals and the Inquisitor. Instead of exploding, though, the demon disappeared as he returned to his plane of origin.


After some time, Entropy flew down to meet her comrades, relating her "travels." She regarded Badrazel’s two weapons, which now remained on the ground -- the whip that nearly ended her life and a greatsword shaped like a bolt of lightning. The sorcerer explained, "This demon was called not conjured. Don't you realize what this means? The Balor is among the greatest of Tanar'ri -- his master must be of amazing power! Not only did someone summon this fiend, but he also had the might to force the Balor serve him!"

Noir and Joachim agreed that the foe they faced must be mighty indeed. Noir picked up the greatsword, "Well, since my Fiend bane is nowhere to be found, I suppose this will have to suffice."

"Be careful with that thing Noir! It is no ordinary weapon, its blade is so sharp that it can decapitate a foe in one strike," Entropy warned.

At this point, the party was in a bit of a quandary. If they faced such stiff opposition OUTSIDE the city then things must be truly abyssal within (pun intended). Quite obviously, disguising themselves as drow had been completely worthless -- even counter-productive. They began to debate their remaining options.

"Perhaps we should simply go as humans. They must certainly be a bit more tolerated here than the drow seem to be," suggested Noir.

Suddenly Entropy struck on a "brilliant" idea. "Why don't I disguise myself as a Balor? I can certainly do it with magic and it will seem all the more real if I carry that greatsword and whip. Seriously, think about it . . . who is gonna screw with a Balor?"

Joachim took the proposal further, "I will disguise myself as a Priest of Velsharoon, the god of undeath. We will say that we are coming from Thay and that you (pointing to Entropy) have been called by me as a servant. Noir can disguise herself as a male human fighter -- my bodyguard."

Everyone agreed and the party continued forth -- a priest in dark robes flanked by a human warrior and a 12 foot tall monstrosity.

As they entered Tilverton, the companions saw another structure that they had missed earlier. A massive coliseum stood off in the distance, dotted by numerous campfires just like the Royal Palace. They continued forward towards the ruined Fane of Lolth and ran into another group of humanoids. This particular lot was apparently headed by a large Fire Giant.

Entropy muscled her way forward, "Let me take care of this," she whispered.

The Fire Giant, not missing a beat, calmly strode towards the "Balor." As he neared, the Giant dropped to one knee. In Undercommon he spoke humbly, "My Lord Badrazel. Who are these humans that accompany you, are they your slaves?"

Unfortunately, the sorcerer's "brilliant" plan did not take into account the fact that she spoke not a word of Undercommon. She tried not to look confused as she waited for Joachim or Noir to respond.

Improvising, Joachim stepped forward and addressed the kneeling Giant in Undercommon, "I am Glendarol the greatest priest of Velsharoon in Thay. This demon is *my* slave. I suggest you address his master lest I order him to rip you apart!"

Not even turning to face the priest, the Fire Giant kept his gaze on the Balor, "My Lord, why do you bear the indignity of this puny wretch? Do you not serve Lord Kurgoth? Please command me and I will gladly crush this impudent insect."

"WHAT! Do not address my servant fool! Look at me!" Joachim fumed.

Entropy knew that this charade was wearing thin so she began weaving arcane phrases that would allow her to speak and understand any language. Fortunately for her, the Fire Giant knew not a bit about Spellcraft -- had he known, however, he would have quickly seen through the ruse as Balors do not cast spells as do mortals.

"Giant. I am not this Badrazel you speak of. My name is Hrrothuck and Master Glendarol has summoned me to do his bidding. I suggest you speak to him with respect, lest you incur his wrath," Entropy finally responded in Undercommon.

The Giant rose and spoke to the priest, "What are you doing here human? There is nothing for you here, this whole city is ruined and the drow have been slaughtered," he waved his massive hand toward a pair of drow in shackles, "or enslaved."

"We wish to see the ruined Fane of Lolth. It is my understanding that the Lady of Spiders has gone silent and I wish to see it for myself," Joachim was now making things up as he went.

The Giant furrowed his brow, "Nevertheless, powerful though you may be you must have Kurgoth's permission before you enter Tilverton. Will you allow me to take you to him?"

Entropy barked at the Giant, "Fool! How dare you command my Master! He goes where he pleases and will not be ordered around by the likes of you," turning towards Joachim, "Master, please grant me permission to crush this group of weaklings!"

Seeing where Entropy was heading Joachim responded appropriately, "Do not be so hasty, my friend. We are in another's kingdom and must follow custom. Lead on Giant, we will meet this Kurgoth."

As the quartet moved towards the coliseum, the companions were shocked at the state of the city. Most of it had been reduced to a smoking ruin and much of the damage had been done recently.

Trying to pump as much information as she could, Entropy the Balor queried the Giant, "I understand that Kiaransalee is the official deity of this city now."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" The Giant whirled around to face the group his jaw dropping in utter shock.

"Err . . . I was just wondering what the deal with Kiaransalee was?" Entropy offered, quickly seeing that the sightseeing was over.

The Giant pulled out his massive greatsword and charged the group. Needless to say, he was quickly and quietly dispatched. "Now what," asked Noir, "going to meet this Kurgoth fellow by ourselves is probably not a very good idea. I never thought I'd be saying this but the safest place in this city might be the Fane of Lolth. Let's check it out."


Still maintaining their assumed identities, the party entered the ruined Fane. They could see that the interior looked as bad as the outside. As they entered the courtyard, many globes of light illuminated the area. Before they could explore any further, a ghostly form approached them.

The spectre, whose very touch drained the soul, reached out towards the Inquisitor but missed. Without batting an eyelid, the companions surrounded it and quickly sent it back to the realm of the dead. Before self-congratulation could begin, however, they all felt a bone-numbing cold.

Both Entropy and Joachim looked at each other in terror. Joachim spoke first, "Tyr help us! A Nightshade is nearby!" Entropy remembered when the party had encountered a Nightwalker while traveling on the Plane of Shadow. More than mere Undead, the Nightshades were evil incarnate.

The entire area immediately was filled with toxic green fumes whose poison caused each of the party members to choke in pain. Joachim and Noir quickly exited the cloud on the Inquisitors carpet, while Entropy caused gravity to reverse in the area, freeing herself from the cloud's poison.

As the cloud lifted, the party saw a massive creature approaching them. It was utterly black, powerfully muscled and carrying the very stink of death on it. Moving forward it tore into Noir with unnatural speed, its claws making deep marks in her full plate. Noir jumped from the carpet and met the Nightwalker head on. Although she had not recovered her original weapon, Joachim had loaned her a holy sword. Unfortunately, it was not nearly as potent as the original and it showed. Noir barely scratched the dark creature.

Entropy immediately put up a hemispherical wall around herself. Although it was invisible, it was completely immune to damage. She knew that only a precious few of her spells would work on the Nightshade.

Joachim was a little more proactive as he summoned a Magma Paraelemental directly behind the Nightshade. It raised its massive fists and brought them down on the Nightwalker. The blow would have flattened a house, but the Undead didn't even flinch.

The Nightshade concentrated briefly and banished the Paraelemental with a potent spell. Turning to face the Paladin, it deftly grabbed the holy sword out of her hands. Without a weapon (again), Noir tried in vain to retrieve her sword but could not reach it. Joachim rode forward on his carpet and landed several blows that even the powerful undead creature could not ignore.

Without even a hint of effort, the Nightwalker snapped Noir's sword in half, rendering it useless. Just as effortlessly, it grabbed Joachim's weapon. Unfortunately for the Inquisitor, the longsword he wielded was fastened to his gauntlet; his arm was nearly torn from its socket from the immense strength of the Nightshade.

Realizing what would happen, Noir grabbed Joachim's sword trying to prevent its destruction. However courageous her efforts though, the Undead ripped the weapon apart as easily as he did the first. It stared at the Paladin, a gaze of pure evil, and she felt her resolve begin to weaken

Without a weapon and knowing full well that his Flame Strikes could not even singe the Nightshade, Joachim made a tactical retreat on his carpet. Noir would not be deterred, she drew her final weapon, a masterwork short sword, and tore into her foe. Though the force behind the weapon was indeed powerful, it all but bounced off the black skin of the Nightwalker. In response the Nightwalker grabbed the Paladin with both arms and began to squeeze the life out of her.

Entropy saw that she could not hold off any longer. Dismissing the force wall, she hit the Undead with one her most potent evocations -- a massive ball of sonic energy. To her surprise, it did absolutely nothing but enrage the Nightshade further. The Nightwalker began to tear into Noir who was utterly unable to defeat the creature's ferocious strength.

In the death grip of one of the most evil creatures on Faerun, Noir beseeched her deity the strength to defeat her enemy. Whether through fate or divine intervention two massive bears appeared behind the Nightshade. A result of a summoning spell from Joachim, they were no mere animals but inhabitants of the Upper Planes. Sensing the evil in the creature before them, the bears tore into it, pulsing with divine energy.

The barrage was more than the Nightwalker could take, as it fell over and nearly crushed Noir beneath it.

Bloodied and beaten, the companions looked at each other wearily. They had survived this fight, but as they looked at their ruined weapons littering the courtyard they realized they could no longer underestimate the wile and intelligence of their adversaries.
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First Post
Session 18
“Mr. Kurgoth goes to Celestia”

After an uneasy and tense night in the confines of the Rope Trick, the party exited, returning to the blasted remains of Tilverton. Seemingly waiting for them was Hor'ahun leaning against some rubble.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" asked Noir.

The Githzerai scowled, "Bah! This whole place is filled with stinking humanoids, not one flayer to be found. I couldn't even see a single living drow."

"Well now that you're back, I think we should pay this Kurgoth fellow a visit. From his minion's reaction to the mention of Kiaransalee, he clearly opposes the drow. Perhaps we could recruit him to our cause," Entropy offered.

Noir's eyes lit up, "Not a bad idea. Listen, I've been thinking that we should disguise ourselves as . . ."

"NO! No more disguises! They have done nothing but hamper us thus far. From now on we must approach situations on our own merits. We no longer need to hide behind worthless facades. Let the world know that I worship Tyr!" Joachim proclaimed.

Entropy was skeptical, "OK, a couple of ground rules first. One, Noir had better hide the Balor's vorpal sword. Assuming he was working for Kurgoth, we don't want the big boss to know that we are killing off his most powerful minions. Second, this is a diplomatic mission. It involves a give and take. Kurgoth is probably neither honorable nor decent; however, we both have something to offer each other. I swear to Shar, if you guys deliberately provoke Kurgoth then it's your ass. I won't bail you out of that one."

Agreeing to the sorcerer's stipulations, the party used their various modes of flight to invisibly approach the coliseum. As they flew they saw the vast army of humanoids arrayed below them.

Finally reaching the edge of the massive structure, they cautiously peeked over the top hoping to catch a glimpse of something. And they were not disappointed!

Apparently there was a gladiatorial match in progress. In the middle of the massive sand arena stood an elephant covered with metal barding. Approaching it were three ogres wearing hide armor and brandishing huge longspears.

"Hardly a fair fight, that beast has no chance," Hor'ahun observed.

Indeed the ogres seemed to have the upper hand as they had the elephant completely surrounded. If the animal attacked any single one of them, it would be promptly impaled by the remaining two. Deciding that he would be the one to take the elephant's attacks, one of the ogres rushed the beast. Before he could reach it however, he fell backwards as a large boulder thrown from the stands hit him squarely in the chest.

In surprise, the party traced the boulder's path back to its source. The sight was not quite what they were expecting:


Everyone's jaw dropped in shock as they saw the horrific creature laugh as the elephant ran over the fallen ogre -- crushing his skull.

The fiend bellowed in Undercommon, "Come on! Surely you can do better than that!"

Surrounding him were a retinue of Fire Giants and Ogres and they too seemed highly amused by the scene.

"What in the Nine Hells is that *THING?*" Noir asked to no one in particular.

Well educated in extraplanar knowledge, Entropy chimed in, "Well it's clearly a fiend. I suppose it must be Kurgoth. Perhaps he is part Fire Giant, but who knows? Maybe we can ask him."

"Noir and I will parlay with him. You and Hor'ahun fly about 50 feet above the central platform Kurgoth and his company are standing on. In case the negotiations turn violent, we may need you to intervene quickly," Joachim suggested.

The companions agreed and the Githzerai and sorcerer went to their assigned positions. Taking a deep breath, Joachim landed on the top tier of the coliseum and rolled up his flying carpet. The cheering had died down a little for the elephant had made short, bloody work of its opponents -- with considerable help from Kurgoth.

Noir and Joachim approached the group of giants until they were about 100 feet away. Dispelling their invisibility, Joachim spoke in a commanding voice, "Lord Kurgoth, we humbly request an audience with you to discuss a matter of vital importance!"

Whirling around in surprise, Kurgoth's flaming hair became a true inferno as his minions quickly drew their weapons. Before they could act, Kurgoth held up his hand, "Hold your weapons! Who are you human and why would the great Kurgoth Hellspawn care a whit what you have to say!"

Responding in Undercommon, Joachim explained, "Mighty Kurgoth I am Joachim Dethick, High Inquisitor of Tyr the god of justice! We have been sent here on a mission of vital importance. Our goal is the destruction of the Kiaransalites for they are performing a ceremony called the "Great Revenance" that will alter Faerun as we know it. We know that you oppose these drow as well so we propose an alliance."

Joachim's offer was followed by derisive laughter from Kurgoth, "Puny human! I have a massive army at my disposal! You have only your wretched deity and that *woman* What can you possibly hope to achieve with such an impossibly small force?"

"We have more allies, hidden allies. They are poised to strike on my command."

"Well make them reveal themselves fool! I will not bargain with those I cannot see!"

"I am sorry Lord Kurgoth but we do not know if we can trust you yet. It would be prudent for my allies to remain hidden."

"NO! There will be no negotiation unless I can see all of you," stretching his incredibly muscled arms to encompass his retainers, Kurgoth continued, "You can see all of my advisors. I hide nothing from you!"

Frowning, Joachim knew he had to capitulate if negotiations were to continue. Yelling in Undercommon he instructed Hor'ahun to reveal himself and the Githzerai complied. He knew Entropy did not understand Undercommon and he wanted to keep her presence secret as his ace in the hole.

"That's it?! One ally! You must be foolish indeed if you think you can accomplish with three people what my army could not do in months. But you amuse me puny human, tell me of your 'proposal'"

"If you could provide us with some of your soldiers we can combine forces to assault the Kiaransalite's tower. Together, I am sure we can prevail!"

Kurgoth smiled, "Perhaps human, perhaps. However, let me ask you one question. My general and greatest advisor has recently gone missing -- by the name of Badrazel. You wouldn't happen to know where he is now, would you?"

Joachim began to sweat, this was obviously not going well. He could not lie, but he honestly did not know if the Balor's name was Badrazel. "I am sorry Lord Kurgoth, but I do not recognize that name. I'm afraid I cannot help you."

"Oh really now? My balor carried some extraordinarily potent weapons with him. If he . . . passed on . . . I would like them returned immediately!"

The Inquisitor nervously looked to Noir who was currently in possession of the vorpal greatsword. With the help of magic, the paladin disguised it as an ordinary weapon rather than reveal its original shape -- a bolt of lightning. Joachim knew he could not lie here, "I am sorry Lord Kurgoth, but we cannot return the weapon to you."

Chiming in on the discussion, Noir stepped forward, "We also lost a weapon Lord Kurgoth. It was a mighty sword specifically forged to destroy demonspawn. You wouldn't happen to know where it was would you?"

In response, Kurgoth hoisted a finely crafted longsword. It was the Fiendbane that the summoned Balor had "removed" from Noir. "Oh, you mean this little toothpick? It seems that we are at an impasse humans. Perhaps if you return the Balor's greatsword I will consider it a show of good faith."

"I've already told you that I cannot do that!" Joachim snapped.

Kurgoth shook his head in disbelief, "So, if I am to understand correctly, you want me to give you the services of my army *AND* return your accursed sword *AND* forgive the fact that you slew my greatest general without providing me any form of compensation?"

Joachim prepared for the worst, "Well, I wouldn't exactly put it in those terms . . ."

Before the Inquisitor could finish his sentence, he saw the unmistakable aura of magic around Kurgoth. He was casting a spell! Noir and Joachim could not react quickly enough to disrupt the fiend and, when the spell was completed, they saw that they were surrounded by two huge oozes. They were somewhat similar to the ones that Entropy had summoned, except that they were blood red and had the smell of brimstone about them.

The first one extended one of its pseudopods and seized Noir. The paladin tried to break away, but the creature was simply too large. She began to feel a burning sensation and she realized that her armor was being dissolved!

The second Ooze Paraelmental tried to seize the Inquisitor. Fortunately for Joachim, his cloak presented an illusion that displaced him a few feet from where he was really standing -- causing the Ooze to barely miss him.

Seeing that negotiations had plainly melted down, Hor'ahun flew to the top of the stadium so that he could hit all of his foes with a powerful psionic blast. He flew too close to an Ooze however, and the Paraelemental seized him. Like Noir, Hor'ahun also felt his armor being eaten by potent acid. Thinking fast, he manifested a psionic power that would teleport him a short distance away. Despite the intense pain of the acid, he managed to manifest the power successfully and instantly appeared 50 feet above Kurgoth's forces, armor still intact.

As their foes were clearly at a disadvantage, Kurgoth's minions charged. Numerous ogres surrounded them, howling with rage as they approached. Although they could not hit Joachim, they found that striking Noir, who lacked armor, was child's play. Several of them tried to crush the paladin's skull with their greatclubs and nearly succeeded in doing so. It was obvious that Noir was hanging onto her life by a thread.

Finally, the High Inquisitor composed his thoughts and sprung into action. He knew that he could probably hold off Kurgoth's forces for a few seconds, but Noir would be dead before then. He called upon his most powerful spell; this incantation did not merely channel Tyr's divine power but it requested the direct intervention of the deity himself. "Lord of Justice, grant Noir and I deliverance from this onslaught lest we be destroyed!!" As he brought the spell about he touched Noir's hand.

In a flash, both disappeared and reappeared on the other side of the stadium, far beyond the melee range of their foes.

Kurgoth looked up, seeing the Githzerai flying above him. Observing the fact that this humanoid had teleported away from the Fiendish Ooze, Kurgoth knew he was a spellcaster of some sort. He knew a perfect solution to that problem . . .

His entire body pulsing with energy, Kurgoth brought another spell into being which he directed wholly at Hor'ahun. Suddenly, the Githzerai felt an incredible feeling of dehydration as the necromantic magic tried to suck all of the water out of his body. Gasping for breath, Hor'ahun immediately turned invisible. Inexplicably, he dove down towards the center of the group trying to recover the Finedbane.

In the meantime, Noir and Joachim were not spared the wrath of Kurgoth's minions. The Fire Giants in the group threw massive rocks trying to crush the pair. Although Joachim took only minor damage, Noir fell to the ground -- her soul nearly ready to depart to the Seven Heavens. Before she died, Joachim quickly channeled positive energy into her body and it completely mended her crushed bones and torn flesh.

Standing, Noir knew that rushing head on into the Kurgoth's group, even with her armor intact, was suicidal. She instead activated her winged boots and jumped off the edge of the coliseum. Her strategy was to go around the outside of the massive structure and engage her foes from the air.

Hor'ahun tried to avoid the massive greatswords of the Fire Giants as he recovered the Fiendbane. He could probably escape with it without a serious problem. But then he heard someone chanting a familiar spell. Hor'ahun froze in fear, she wouldn't dare!

Finally reacting to the flurry of action, Entropy began to cast a spell. Since she couldn't understand Undercommon, she had a hard time figuring out where exactly the conversation was going. However, she was sure that her companions had provoked Kurgoth and wanted to teach them a lesson. Seeing an invisible Hor'ahun in the middle of the Fire Giants, she saw the opportunity to make her displeasure known.

Right in the middle of Kurgoth's group appeared a massive tear in reality. Despite their immense strength, those Fire Giants and Ogres nearest to the rift could not helped but be pulled in. As the maelstrom extended its reach, it sent Kurgoth himself as well as his elephant careening through the hole. Only through a combination of great luck and skill did the Githzerai avoid the rift, flying away before it engulfed him. After all was said and done, only a handful of Ogres remained.

Entropy could not know where the rift led to, of course. But if she or Joachim tried to divine the outcome, even they would smile at the incredible irony. Kurgoth and his top lieutenants were sent to the Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia. A plane where ultimate goodness was idealized, it was probably only a matter of time before Kurgoth caught the attention of a powerful celestial, perhaps even one of the great Solars. Kurgoth Hellspawn was no weakling however and was a brilliant tactician to boot. If anyone could find a way to exit Celestia in once piece, it was him.

Back in the Prime, the party made short work of the remaining forces. Much to their chagrin though, a pair of ogres ran out of the coliseum to alert the other regiments.

Entropy approached the group, "I should have expected this! What the hell did you say to him!?"

After Joachim recounted the conversation, Entropy was not amused, "That's it!! From now on I will personally handle all diplomatic interactions. It is obvious that the two of you cannot be relied upon to be civil to anyone who doesn't share your world view!!"


As the flying party exited the coliseum they saw the hordes below them massing to enter the structure. Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, they returned to the ruined Fane of Lolth to rest and discuss their next move.

As Joachim helped Noir put on her spare full plate armor, Hor'ahun mulled out loud, "I suppose our only option at this point is to approach the tower of Kiaransalee itself. Though if Kurgoth couldn't breach it with all his forces, I can't imagine we will have an easy time."

Suddenly, the party heard movement nearby. Using his medallion that could detect thoughts, Hor'ahun began to scan the area, "There are three creatures . . . humanoids I believe."

In response, three figures emerged from the shadow. All female, two of them were drow and the third a goblin. One drow female, short even by drow standards, strode forward and completed the Githzerai's thought, "Drow to be exact. Greetings travelers, we have been monitoring your progress in our fair city. I must say we are quite impressed with your power. Perhaps we have mutual interests we can discuss."

The paladin stepped forward, "And why should we trust you dark elf? Is your race not know for its duplicity?"

"Indeed we are, but we are also known for our pragmatism. We will not hesitate to ally ourselves with outsiders if it will advance our cause," countered the drow. "But we cannot speak here, the Kiaransalites have eyes everywhere, we must go where it is safe. But I go ahead of myself, allow me to introduce the group. I am Wisp and this is Logala," she indicated the other drow female who seemed to twitch every few seconds, "and Guk," the goblin just nodded at them. "May I ask your names?"

"I am Joachim Dethick, High Inquisitor of Tyr, the god of justice," the cleric proudly stated, "This is Noir and the Githzerai is Hor'ahun. And the woman is . . ."

"Call me 'Blessed'," Entropy said with a smile on her face.

"Will you accompany us?"

"I already told you, we cannot trust . . ."

Joachim cut off Noir, "Wait! We have done nothing but make more enemies in this city. Allies would be a blessing, no matter how distasteful their beliefs. Lead on Wisp, but no treachery or you will not live to regret it!"

Nodding, Wisp led the group out of the Fane of Lolth.


Over the next half an hour the party was led to a secret location, but it was obvious that their "guides" were taking the long way, hoping to throw off any pursuers. They tracked through ruins, sewers, and finally reached an inn blasted by some powerful spell.

"Wait here," Wisp instructed as she disappeared into the dark structure.

A few minutes later she returned, "They are ready. Come."

Jumping into the hands of fate, the party followed her.


They were led to a small chamber in which stood three male drow. Wisp began, "May I introduce Hamadh, Karas, and Chirikk."


Karas, stepped forward. "Well met humans, I am a priest of Vhaerun and we are members of a resistance movement called The Hidden. Before Kiaransalee's minions took the city, the Lolth clergy at least tolerated us. But now, Irae T'sarran turns any drow she meets into horrid undead monstrosities. She even permits them to keep their house insignia as if to mock them."

The drow with a sheathed greatsword, Hamadh, continued, "We, of course, oppose Irae at every opportunity but our group is limited in size and strength. We have seen your power and we respect it. If you were to contribute some magic to bolster our cause, we can help you enter the tower. It is protected by the most powerful wards and approaching them without the password is a journey into oblivion."

Entropy pushed her way forward, "I tire of this discussion. What do you want exactly?"

Hamadh smiled, "As I said, we are small in number and our resources are wearing thin. What can you offer for our invaluable information?"

The sorcerer turned to the third drow male. He appeared to be a wizard, with arcane runes on his robe. However, judging from his wrinkled face and hands, it was obvious that he was extremely old -- perhaps having lived for centuries. Entropy spoke to the Wizard in the language of the Lower Planes. She knew that any drow arcanist could converse in Abyssal and, more importantly, she did not want her companions to know what she was saying.

Speaking in the guttural tongue, Entropy began, "I assume you are Chirikk, correct?"

The old drow nodded and Entropy removed one of the three amulets she wore. She threw it to the wizard who deftly caught it, despite his advanced aged. The wizard held up the amulet and saw that it was in the shape of a demon head.

"We procured this item in the Fane of the demon god Ochremeshek. Although it can only be used once, it is very potent. It allows the wearer to alter the fabric of reality and twist fate to his benefit. Whenever you suffer a grievous blow or a misfortune it may save your life. Chaos and Evil for Ochremeshek!"

The wizard nodded in appreciation, "Impressive, it is a good start."

Entropy reached into her portable hole and pulled out a stone, glowing with unholy green power. "A tenday ago, my companions and I entered the Demonweb and slew Laveth, the daughter of Lolth. Laveth was trying to steal some of her mother's power for herself in a ritual called 'The Harrowing.' We slew her before she finished, so she could not direct the full force of her deific powers against us."

She gingerly passed the stone to the wizard, "This stone is the essence of her power. Do you realize what this means? I am giving you the power of a demigod! Use it as you will."

Chirikk let out a low whistle in appreciation. "Indeed this is extraordinarily powerful as you say. I consider it sufficient payment," switching back to Common, he spoke to Hamadh, "You may tell them."

Hamadh began, "Irae is performing a ritual of some sort, exactly what it is I do not know. However, she has protected her tower with a Forbiddance spell which repels the most powerful unless they know the password and it is this, Isztava Morthaum. Because of this powerful abjuration, Kurgoth's forces could not even scratch the tower so they laid siege to it instead."

Karas continued, "Irae is powerful in the ways of undeath. She has taken many drow, flayed their bodies and twisted them into ghouls of incredible power. They are unlike any undead we have ever seen. To aid you in your mission we will launch an assault on the tower, which will be a diversion of course. We will draw off as much of Irae's forces as we can, while you enter unnoticed."

The party agreed it was a good idea and they began to plan the operation in detail with their newfound allies.

Before the companions left the compound to take positions outside the tower, Hamadh gave them one final bit of information. "Beware the power of Irae. Although the cult of Kiarnasalee is a small one, this priestess is *the* main conduit for her deity's wrath. Some say she is an avatar of the goddess herself. Oh, and one final thing, Irae is an albino drow."


"What did you give them Entropy? The Hidden seemed pretty eager to help us," Noir asked. The party waited in an area of ruined buildings a few hundred feet from Irae's tower. They were waiting for the signal from the drow so that they could quietly enter.

"Let's just say I gave them exactly what they wanted," was the cryptic reply.

As they waited for the signal the companions talked about their strategy once they entered the tower. However, they should have been paying attention to their surroundings, for five undead creatures silently approached them and attacked -- taking the party totally by surprise.


Although Entropy was invisible, the ghouls had no problem seeing her. One of them jumped on top of her before she could even react. Her feeble struggles were no match for the strength of her foe who promptly pinned the sorcerer to the ground.

Another undead approached Hor'ahun and leapt upon him as well. However, the Githzerai managed to avoid being grappled. Two more tore into Noir with surprising ease and the final one attacked Joachim.

The party could not see Entropy, only the abyssal ghoul on top of her. In horror they saw it extend a long tongue and heard a scream as it smacked against the sorcerer's skull. Similarly, Hor'ahun was wrestled to the ground, presumably to be subjected to the same fate.

Although Noir and Joachim tried to hit the ghouls, they were surprised that only a few attacks pierced the tough skin of these creatures. Noir, in particular, was quickly being overwhelmed by them.

Finally, the initial onslaught ended and the party reacted. On the ground, Entropy felt the creatures tongue slam against her head. Suddenly she began losing her self control. No matter! She had to extricate herself or face death. Concentrating, she chanted the words to a spell and teleported from underneath the ghoul to 20 feet above it.

Hor'ahun similarly escaped, teleporting about 100 feet away. As Noir and Joachim continued to attack their enemies, they were not sure they could hold out against so many.

Suddenly, the ghouls surrounding the holy warriors began to fall . . . upwards! Entropy had reversed gravity in the region and, with nothing to hold on to, the undead fell upwards and began to oscillate as they reached the top of the spell's area. Unfortunately, Entropy found that she could not muster the willpower and concentration to target her spell correctly and she caught the paladin in the area of effect.

As Joachim and Hor'ahun engaged the two remaining ghouls on the ground, Noir tried to combat the ones in front of her, albeit upside down. To allow the paladin a respite to heal herself, Entropy called forth a wall of force around Noir.

After a few minutes, the companions managed to dispatch the undead with potent spells and weapons. However, the creatures had inflicted serious damage and, in Entropy's case, not all of it was physical. One surprise during the encounter was Noir's attempt to turn the undead. With her powerful personality, the party was accustomed to undead fleeing or, in some cases, exploding with divine energy following her turning attempts. However, in this case not a single one of the abyssal ghouls even flinched.

The party had a spare moment to heal themselves when they heard the distant sounds of combat. The diversionary assault had begun!

Joachim began to have second thoughts, "If this is any indication of the undead we are to face, I am afraid to say that I am unprepared. Give me just one day to prepare and we can cut through them like a scythe."

Entropy shook her head, "I doubt we will have that luxury. Surely this diversion attempt can only be attempted once. Who knows if we can pierce the defenses of the tower without help? This is it! Hopefully we will be able to use a Rope Trick once we are inside."

Hoisting their weapons, the party rushed towards the tower and into the claws of Kiaransalee.
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First Post
Session 19
Undead Outsiders with four arms and +20ish listen checks suck hard

Responding to the diversonary assualt quickly, the party flew up the primary wall surrounding the massive towers. To their surprise they found that despite the siege by Kurgoth's forces, the structure appeared to be utterly unguarded.


Flying and invisible, the party took their time attempting to find a suitable entrance. Of course the obvious point of entry was the main door. However, it was massively reinforced and would take considerable force to open, not to mention the fact that it would most assuredly alert Irae.

Studying the door, Entropy came up with a plan, "Perhaps I could summon some Oozes. With their acid I'm sure they could dissolve this door in short order."

Her companions pointed out that even if they were able to enter and dispatch the front ranks quickly and quietly, no one would miss a 10 foot hole in the main door.

They continued searching and found a similar door, albeit significantly smaller, at the rear of the main tower. This particular entrance was at the end of a twisting staircase, preventing foes from effectively tearing it down with siege weapons.

At this point, the party gushed with creativity as they brainstormed a way to enter the tower stealthily. Some of the highlights included:

"Why don't I send a greater Magma Paraelemental to tear down the main gate as a diversion? In the meantime, my summoned Oozes can dissolve the back door."

"The main problem we have is that we don't know what's on the other side of this door. A Formian Myrmarch could solve that problem -- it can cast spells that would let us observe the forces directly behind the door."

"With my armor, I can psionically phase through the ground and into the tower. With luck, I could take out the guards quickly and open the door for you guys."

"Instead of going through either entrance on the ground floor, we would be better served if we scouted around more. Maybe we could find a window on the upper levels where we could enter."

"Noir has a good idea. There seems to be a massive stalactite that is connecting both towers. I will fly up there and see if I can find an alternative entry point."

Ultimately, the party adopted the plan of Noir and Joachim -- deciding that entering the tower via a less obvious route would be the best way to go. Flying to the top of the structure alone, Joachim was able to find a barred window at the level of the stalactite.

"I have found a window where we can enter. I suggest that we bend the bars, enter, and bend the bars back so that our passage remains undetected," the Inquisitor recommended upon his return to the group.

The party agreed but began to argue about whether they should continue straight away into the tower. Entropy argued that the diversionary assault by the Hidden was critically important and that they would be fools not to take advantage of it. However, the others (Joachim in particular) wanted an additional day to prepare. Arguing that he could be infinitely more effective if he prayed for the correct spells to combat undead, Joachim's argument eventually prevailed. The party returned to the blasted remains of Tilverton and rested in a Rope Trick for the night.


Grunting, Noir was finally able to pull the bars open, thereby allowing her companions access to the stalactite linking both towers. As Joachim had suggested, she bent them back to hide their break-in.

Prior to their entry, Entropy had rendered the entire party invisible. In addition, she cast an abjuration upon them that would block most magical divinations attempted against them by all but the most powerful spellcasters.

As soon as they entered, the party saw a rather narrow spiral staircase leading up. Trying to tread as quietly as they could (in full plate armor anyway) the party ascended single file.

Joachim was the first to reach the upper level. The entire room was lavishly decorated, obviously a room meant for a noble. On an ornate throne sat a drow in full plate. His armor made him look like a demon with a horned head and wickedly clawed hands and feet. He was sipping wine with one hand as he absent-mindedly twirled his greatsword in the other.

Not wanting to start a fight without his companions, Joachim treaded quietly in the corner. Following Joachim was Noir, wielding Badrazel's vorpal greatsword. As she hit the top stair, it creaked and the drow stopped sipping his wine and raised an eyebrow.

Noir immediately tensed and held her breath, not wanting to raise the alarm. Luckily, the drow dropped his suspicious countenance and continued twirling his sword.

As Hor'ahun ascended the stairs, he slipped a little and made a slight noise as he caught himself before he went tumbling down.

This time, the drow gingerly placed down his glass and, brandishing his greatsword, began to walk towards his closet.


Despite outward appearances, Khumarr was far from being a noble drow. Originally a dweller in the slums of Tilverton when the city was ruled by Lolth, the male drow eked out an existence through pitiful mercenary contracts. At times he simply slaughtered some of the less fortunate ghetto inhabitants when he was running short of coin.

His miserable life was turned upside down with the disappearance of Lolth and the emergence of Kiaransalee. He watched in delight as the noble drow who scorned him were summarily butchered, their bodies flayed as Kiaransalee's clergy turned them into undead servants.

Offering his service to Irae T'sarren herself, Khumarr knew that his hatred of the drow nobility and his skill at arms would serve Kiaransalee well. The priestess agreed and Khumarr was trained as a Blackguard, an unholy warrior of the evil drow goddess. He relished his new role as he destroyed the dark elves who had once scorned him.

Helping himself to his victim's considerable riches, Khumarr was now able to live the life he had always wanted. Not only did he surround himself in opulence, but he had real power now. Able to direct undead hordes to crush his enemies, Khumarr was in heaven (or in the Abyss, if you will).


Khumarr took broad strides towards his closet. He thought he had heard some noise a moment ago, but waved it off to stress. However, there was no mistaking the second noise -- intruders had obviously entered the tower! Although the blackguard could not see invisible foes, his minions suffered no such handicap. He moved quickly to unleash them upon his unseen foes.

Of course the other companions heard Hor'ahun's slip and the drow's subsequent reaction. Thinking that he was going to raise the alarm, Noir stepped in front of him and swung hard with her greatsword, gleaming with divine energy. The powerful blow nearly decapitated Khumarr outright, only his intense martial training prevented his instant death.

Quickly moving to aid his friend, Joachim struck Khumarr as well though he had a tough time penetrating the spiked armor.

“Who in the name of Kiaransalee are these two humans!?” Khumarr thought. He was shocked that such heavily armed and armored foes had simply waltzed into his chambers. He was expecting a scout or perhaps a small but weak strike force, but not this! No matter, he thought, aid would soon be forthcoming.

"Kiaransalee, grant me power to crush my enemies," Khumarr's own greatsword began flowing with black energy as he slammed it into Noir. The paladin fell back as the dark elf landed several powerful blows.

The response was deadly; Noir slammed her vorpal sword into Khumarr several times. As the drow's body began to fall, the paladin struck one final time, sending Khumarr's head flying across the room.

At that moment, the closet burst open and three abyssal ghouls rushed the party in a mad fury. Entropy found herself in a familiar position as one of the ghouls, noticing the invisible sorcerer at the bottom of the stairs, promptly jumped on top of her. Fortunately, she was able to extricate herself once again with a Dimension Door.

After about a minute of combat, the party dispatched the undead. They waited tensely for reinforcements, but no succor appeared to be forthcoming. While Entropy remained invisible near the ceiling the party searched the area. In one room they found an ostentatiously decorated bedroom, clearly the domicile of Khumarr.

Joachim struck upon an idea, “Why don’t I disguise myself as this drow? Although I’m sure we wouldn’t be able to walk unhindered through this whole tower, it would at least give us an edge against most enemies.” The party agreed to the plan and the Inquisitor’s form changed to match that of Khumarr’s, complete with greatsword and demon armor.

Before proceeding on further, both Noir and Joachim decided it was best to detect evil through each door before entering. When they tried this in a room adjacent to Khumarr’s throne, both felt a painful shock as they registered the immense magnitude of evil.

Joachim had detected such power on very few occasions – he guessed that the next room either contained evil outsiders or a very powerful priest. In either case, he knew that he would be subjected to various destructive spells and abilities. Before opening the door, he placed an abjuration upon himself that made him resistant to all but the most powerful spells.

With Noir and Hor’ahun in flanking positions (but out of sight of the door’s entrance), Joachim entered. He immediately recoiled at the disgusting stench of rotting flesh and carrion. The room was adorned with all manner of demonic runes, with supporting pillars that seemed to be constructed from the bones of various creatures. Still disguised as Khumarr, the Inquisitor strode forward.

Immediately to his left, from behind a pillar appeared a giant monstrosity. It was well over 9 feet in height with skin so crimson that it almost appeared black -- and it seemed to possess multiple arms. Quickly regaining his composure, Joachim played his part. Speaking in Undercommon, “There has been a disturbance in the lower levels. I must pass through to Irae T’ssaren, move aside!”

The Blood Fiend carefully studied “Khumarr’s” facial features, tone of voice, and general demeanor – something did not add up. In Abyssal, the fiend responded, “Lord Khumarr, we heard combat in your chambers. Have the intruders been dispatched?”

Unfortunately, Joachim had no idea what they were saying. Trying his best to appear confident he nodded towards the fiend and continued to walk towards the stairs. That was all the evidence the Blood Fiend needed, it bellowed in Abyssal, “That is not Khumarr, kill him!”

From behind another of the pillars emerged one more fiend. With a single word, the fiend caused the entire room to reverberate with unholy energy. Although the Inquisitor was warded against magic, he began to lose focus as the spell tore through his abjuration. Noir, who was waiting behind the door was sent reeling as well. In addition, another Blood Fiend appeared in the adjacent room ready to engage in melee with the remainder of the party.

An invisible Entropy stared at the creature from her vantage point near the room’s ceiling. Of all her companions, she was the only one who spoke Abyssal, so she was able to react quickly. Despite her encyclopedic knowledge of all things extraplanar, Entropy had never seen a beast like the one below her. Although it clearly appeared to be fiendish, she could neither classify it as a tanar’ri or baatezu. “No matter,” she thought, “we have fought evil outsiders before and one of them will undoubtedly keep us off balance while the remainder tear us apart at their leisure.” To block any spells coming her way, the sorcerer immediately erected a hemispherical force wall below her.

Indeed, the Blood Fiend who had teleported into the room intended to do exactly as Entropy surmised. Just like its comrade, it emitted a wave of evil energy that rolled over both Noir and Hor’ahun. All of a sudden, the Githzerai felt disoriented as his body began to fall through a void. He saw a great flash of light before him – when he opened his eyes, he saw he was back home. A plane of raw chaos, Hor’ahun’s home plane of Limbo swirled around him in its random dance. He realized, in shock, that the spell cast by the fiend had banished him to his own plane!

Entropy saw her friend disappear as the wave of energy continued its path toward her. However, mere inches from her body it was abruptly blocked by her wall of force. In the room of bone pillars, the Inquisitor charged one of the fiends and began tearing into it with his holy sword. In response, the demonspawn filled the whole area with an inky black cloud, channeling negative energy into the area and damaging both Joachim and Noir.

Looking down, Entropy saw that despite her invisibility it was very clear that the fiend knew exactly where she was. Dismissing her force wall, she brought into being a large disembodied fist which slammed into her foe with terrific force. Entropy was more than a little surprised, however, when her spell failed to stun the creature.

Recovering from her stupor, Noir entered the room with Joachim and slashed one of the fiends with her vorpal greatsword.

Noir and Joachim were holding their own against their foes despite being pelted continually with chaotic and evil bursts of energy that crashed into them. Entropy, however, fled back to the party’s original entry point and realized – too late – that she couldn’t exit because the bars had been re-sealed by Noir! In frustration, she tried to slow the approaching Blood Fiend with her magic fist but it continued unabated. Moving up to the sorcerer, it grappled her with all four of its massive arms.

Slowly being weakend by the spells of the fiends, Noir and Joachim were beginning to wear down. To even the odds Joachim tried to call forth several celestial dire bears which, he knew, would make short work of these enemies. As he completed the incantation nothing happened! Confused at first, he quickly remembered that Irae T’sarren had warded the entire tower against summoning. The Inquisitor knew that such spells were the bread and butter of Entropy’s repertoire and screamed at the top of his lungs, “Entropy!! Summoning spells don’t work here!!”

Unfortunately, Entropy was too busy having her skull crushed by the Blood Fiend grappling her to pay much heed to anything else. In desperation, she tried to loosen the creature’s grip by ramming it hard with her clenched fist, but to no avail. As a final measure, she managed to concentrate long enough to teleport outside the tower and into relative safety.

Teaming up, Joachim and Noir finally brought down one of the fiends. Fully expecting it to drop dead to the ground (or perhaps explode in a brilliant flash of energy as the Balor had), they instead saw the creature assume a gaseous form as it began to float away! Could it be that these creatures were actually vampiric? To test the theory, Joachim sent a radiant beam of light towards his foe, a potent evocation that could do considerable damage to undead. Though the fiend was not destroyed outright, it was severely damaged by the blast.

Seeing his prey slip through his fingers, the Blood Fiend attacking Entropy flew back upstairs to aid its surviving companion. In the meantime, the sorcerer flew back to the window and was relieved to see that the fiend had left. She could not risk entering melee with them again so she decided to summon something that would. As she finished the words to her spell, attempting to pull a creature from the infinite insanity of the Far Realms, it simply fizzled. Like Joachim, she realized that she could not summon anything within the confines of the tower.

With the arrival of the second fiend, Noir and Joachim were fighting for their lives. While one of the creatures engaged both combatants in melee, the other hammered them with potent spells from behind.

Since she could not summon, Entropy tried the next best thing. Drawing energy from the Plane of Shadow she projected a quasi-real duplicate of herself into the room. More than a mere illusion, she could see through its eyes and – more importantly – channel her spells out of it. The image ascended the stairs to see the paladin and Inquisitor fighting the two remaining fiends. Seeing that one of them had been severely injured by Noir’s powerful sword thrusts and Joachim’s sunbeams, Entropy finished it off with a blast of sonic energy.

As the party dispatched the remaining Blood Fiend they were surprised to hear someone casting above them. Joachim recognized the spell, a powerful divine incantation that not only slew the target but consumed the remains with unholy fire. Suddenly, Noir began to glow with energy as the spell attempted to destroy her. By the grace of the Red Knight, her patron deity, Noir was able to avoid utter annihilation but winced with pain as the spell inflicted considerable damage nonetheless.

Looking up, the party saw a drow priestess raining spells down upon them. Joachim rushed up the stairs, while Noir activated her winged boots and rose to meet the cleric in melee. Entropy saw her friends run and, since she had to keep her projected image within her own visual range, could not progress further. All of a sudden she saw a streak in the sky behind her and spotted three more demons diving towards her screeching with glee at their latest meal.


Cabrath Nelinderra heard the ruckus long before she struck. As the sounds of combat rung below her, she rushed downstairs to intercept the intruders. She heard a familiar voice next to her, “Have a care my love, I would hate to have to convince Irae to resurrect you if you were careless.” Cabrath smiled at her invisible lover, “Delay them Maas, that is all I require. If you can keep them preoccupied, it will be their death.” She heard a grunt of affirmation as the vampiric assassin ran ahead of her.


Before he could reach the stairs, the Inquisitor heard some movement behind him. He immediately ducked, his honed battle instincts telling him that a sneak attack was imminent. Indeed a foe appeared behind him, striking the cleric with his bare fist. However, due to Joachim’s quick thinking the blow did considerably less damage than the attacker hoped it would. As he stood, Joachim’s foe had already tumbled to the other side of the room. Hefting his longsword, the Inquisitor charged him.

Although Noir was in melee with the drow priestess, she had a hard time connecting with her blows. Perhaps the paladin was a little too eager to decapitate her foe for she did not notice the drow whisper a quick incantation as her hand pulsed with negative energy. With hardly a hint of effort, the priestess laid her hand on Noir and the paladin winced as unholy energy coursed through her body. Although the blow was severe, the warrior stood her ground.

Entropy despised Vrocks, vulture-like demons. Ever since she had the misfortunate to meet one who was the retainer of a particularly powerful wizard, she hated fighting them. As she had done with the Blood Fiend, she put up a force wall to protect herself. However, she greatly increased the area this time, for she would not be the only contained within. The sorcerer, outside the range of Irae’s Forbiddance spell, summoned a large ant-like creature from the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus. From the Formian race, this particular specimen was the elite of their society -- groomed for command. And, like all creatures on Mechanus, it despised chaos with all its being.

It was clear that Joachim’s opponent had fatally underestimated him. Veritably glowing with a number of spells that greatly magnified his combat capability, Joachim tore into his foe with surprising ease. As the Inquisitor administered the final blow, he wasn’t terribly astonished to see the assassin turn into a cloud of mist.

Despite hitting the Paladin with her most damaging spells, the drow cleric could not take Noir down. The paladin struck the priestess several times, nearly decapitating her. The clergy of Kiaransalee stepped back from her foe. Her lover had been dispatched and the Blood Fiends destroyed. There was no point in sacrificing her life as well, for she could rest and meet her foes on the battlefield once more. Noir saw the priestess began to disappear as she moved into the Ethereal Plane.

The Vrocks clamored around Entropy’s force wall, trying in vain to attack her with their claws and spells. Seeing that there appeared to be ample room within the hemisphere itself, all three Vrocks teleported inside appearing next to Entropy and the Formian noble. Exactly what the sorcerer was hoping for . . .

The Formian gave the demons a glare of pure hatred as it prepared to dispatch of its most hated enemies. Stepping back it summoned the very essence of Mechanus – a radiant burst of energy that was lawfulness incarnate. Immediately, all three Vrocks recoiled as the powerful spell sent them careening back to the Abyss. Entropy was momentarily deafened by the Formian’s magic as well, but she decided it was well worth the price.

In utter frustration, Noir and Joachim saw the drow priestess escape their clutches just as they were about to strike the killing blow. Thinking fast, the Inquisitor made a request to Tyr himself that he be able to enter the Ethereal Plane to finish his foe. The god of justice deemed the Inquisitor’s request a righteous one and Joachim entered the transitive plane. Here, he was able to quickly dispatch a very surprised Cabrath Nelinderra.

As the companions re-grouped on the balcony they knew that their victory was a pyrrhic one for two reasons. First, their Githzerai companion had been banished to Limbo and could not return for a day (and bringing him back to their location would take considerable resources). Second, and most important, Irae T’sarren knew they were coming . . .
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