• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Gfunk-JollyDoc Crossover Story Hour [Updated 4/30]


First Post
Session 20
Into the Ethereal (or why Balors can’t go shopping in Hillsfar)

As his companions waited anxiously, Joachim took full advantage of his transition into the Ethereal Plane. He began moving around swiftly on the tower floor moving through floors and walls alike – for no material barrier could prevent the passage of a traveler in this misty, fog-bound dimension. Though he did not see any more foes in the immediate vicinity, the Inquisitor noted two interesting routes that the party could take. The first was clearly a passage leading to another of the towers, while the second seemed to end at a wall of pure fire.

Returning to his friends, Joachim recounted his observations. “Though one of the passages I found while in the Ethereal clearly leads to another tower, there is yet another passage that seems to go nowhere. Given the general layout of this tower, this second passage doesn’t seem to lead to any visible structure.”

“Well I think it’s patently obvious that this second passage leads to Irae T’ssaren. The question is, do we go kill her first or go the other way and continue to toy with her minions?” asked Entropy.

After a brief discussion, it was decided that the remainder of the party (minus Hor’ahun, of course, who was still banished to his home plane of Limbo) would go towards the wall of fire.

Along the way to the second passage, the party entered a room filled with many macabre elements. The furniture in the room seemed to be supported by drow statues of some sort. Though they looked like disgusting sculptures at first, closer analysis revealed that they were actually undead drow serving as supports. In disgust, Noir brandished her holy symbol and channeled positive energy into the room, destroying all of the zombies in a burst of radiance.

On the wall, the companions saw their quarry for the first time. It depicted a drow woman, identified by Joachim as Kiaransalee, standing in front of an albino drow. Clearly matching the description of Irae T’ssaren, the albino seemed to have a ruby or red crystal in place of one of her eyes. Another interesting feature of the room was a text detailing the worship of Kiaransalee.

Leafing through the tome, Joachim was sure that it could be a valuable source of information, “I’m not sure if this book contains any descriptions of the Great Revenance, but it will be a valuable resource nonetheless.”

The party pressed on to the passage that Joachim had viewed from the Ethereal, complete with wall of fire at the end. While Noir and Entropy held back, Joachim flew forward on his carpet. As he approached the fire wall he began to feel the tremendous heat emanating from it. All of a sudden, without warning, a giant fist ripped through the wall, attempting to flatten the Inquisitor. Thanks to his displacer cloak, Joachim’s foe barely missed. Immediately emerging from the fire wall was the largest iron golem the party had ever seen. Shaped like a drow, it looked like it could punch holes in adamantine walls if necessary. To prevent himself from burns, Joachim dispelled the wall of fire. It was quite a fortuitous occurrence, for the wall served to heal the golem as well as damage foes.

Knowing that her spells were worthless against such a creature, Entropy stood back as Noir charged. The Paladin carved a deep gash into the golem, followed by additional strikes from Joachim. In response, the giant construct belched forth a cloud of poisonous gas. Created specifically for this golem, the gas was of exceptional potency, killing its target within seconds. Fortunately, each of the companions were protected by one of Hor’ahun’s abjurations. Forming a barrier around a person, this abjuration weakened the inertial force of blows – giving the recipient considerable protection. Because of this barrier, the gas could not immediately enter the lungs of Joachim and Noir and quickly dispersed before it could do any lasting damage.

The golem turned its wrath upon the Paladin, nearly knocking her across the room with its mighty strength. For the next several seconds the duo inflicted serious damage on the golem, but the constructed was dishing out even more pain on them. Entropy watched the battle in fascination until Noir knocked the Sorcerer out of her stupor, “You know Entropy, just because you can’t cast spells on this thing, doesn’t mean you can’t help us! A protection spell or two would be nice!”

Entropy frowned, there was no way in the Nine Hells that she was going to waltz up to that iron beast simply to help her companions. Instead she projected a quasi-real image of herself behind them using material from the Plane of Shadow. Able to channel spells through the illusion, Entropy rendered the Paladin invisible.

Apparently tired of taking damage from its two foes, the golem grabbed Noir with one hand (despite her invisibility) and began crushing her. Almost effortlessly, it fended off the Inquisitor with its free arm.

Ultimately, the party prevailed but was considerably humbled by the experience. Out of breath, Noir stared at the iron remnants of the construct, “Hopefully that’s the only one of those in this wretched tower. I would hate to run into this thing when it was being supported by other creatures.”

The party continued forward until they entered a massive cavern containing a tower which stretched up further than they could see. Her eyes attuned to the ethereal plane, Entropy noticed something else, “There appears to be a mirror image of this tower in the Ethereal Plane. My guess is that the one in front of us is probably a decoy of some sort.”

A heated conversation began as the companions decided what course to take next. Without Hor’ahun, they decided, it would be difficult for them to take on the more powerful foes they would undoubtedly face. Knowing full well that the Githzerai was banished for at least a day, they had a long time to wait before they could return. Herein lied another problem, for Irae T’ssaren surely knew of their incursion. Right now they had the element of surprise on their side but with an entire day to prepare, the albino drow would have shored up her fortifications considerably.

Ultimately, it was decided that the party scout the tower ahead of them prior to departing home to Hillsfar. Her shadow image still present, Entropy moved it around the tower but could find no obvious point of entry. Suddenly, each party member cringed as they felt an alien presence in their mind. Well-versed in Spellcraft, both Joachim and Entropy knew that someone was attempting to tamper with their minds. Although the enchantment was powerful, all three managed to resist its effects.

With a sense of urgency, Noir moved up to the tower and touched its cold, black surface. As she did a crackling bolt of negative energy appeared out of nowhere and struck her. She felt the familiar feeling of energy drain as the bolt dissipated. Immediately after this effect, a hole appeared in the tower revealing the interior. Without hesitation, the Paladin and Inquisitor strode through while Entropy’s image remained outside. To everyone’s surprise, the hole promptly sealed, splitting the party.


Appearing before Noir and Joachim were four drow. Three of them appeared to be clerics of Kiaransalee while the fourth looked like a ghost of some sort. One of the drow stepped forward and spoke in Common, “Foolish humans, how dare you defile this sacred ground! You have been a thorn in the side of Lady Kiarasalee, but no longer! We are your doom!”

Each of the drow had obviously prepared themselves for this battle as their entire bodies seemed to be wreathed in flame. As the lead cleric finished her proclamation, Joachim began casting a spell without hesitation. A familiar column of holy fire plunged directly on top of his foes. Two of the drow were immolated from the mighty spell. Seeing that the odds had significantly evened, Noir charged the remaining two. As she did so, however, the ghostly figure caught her in the foot with a Spiked Chain and promptly pulled her off balance.

Seeing that they had gravely underestimated their foes, the remaining drow cleric pulled a scroll from her belt and read it. A wall of razor sharp blades appeared around Noir and Joachim, filling up the whole room except for the corners. Although they managed to avoid damage, the spell had effectively split the party yet again.

Outside, Entropy was attempting to gain entrance to the tower. Seeing what had befallen Noir, the Sorcerer had no desire to touch the structure. Instead she cast a powerful transmutation spell from her staff that tried to punch a hole in the wall. Though the staff was mighty, the abjuration surrounding the tower was stronger as the spell had no effect.

Back inside, Joachim finished off the final drow with another Flame Strike, while Noir engaged the ghostly drow. Although their weapons simply passed through the ghostly figure several times, they eventually prevailed as the undead disappeared, cursing them as it left.

After re-joining with Entropy (the Sorcerer teleported into the tower), the party agreed that it was time to leave and re-think their position. Using his Word of Recall, Joachim sent the entire group back to the City of Hillsfar – their base of operations.


Joachim, Entropy, and Noir spent the next night in the Wizard’s Guild. Certain that Irae would strike at them, they wanted to spend their time in a secure location and not even a cleric as crazy as T’ssaren would dare provoke the wrath of an entire arcane Guild.

As expected, the night passed uneventfully.

Before gating Hor’ahun back from Limbo, each party member had some business to attend to. While Entropy remained in the Guild to barter for material components for her spells, the other two left. Noir entered the Temple District where she was finally able to relax among her fellow warriors in the Temple of Tempus, the god of war. Joachim made his way to the Merchant District eager to sell the numerous magic items the party had accumulated during their travels.


Staring into her scrying device, the albino drow began to concentrate. The Great Revenance was nearly complete, she knew, but foes as powerful as these humans could seriously hamper her efforts. When Irae had learned of their entrance into the upper levels of the tower, she was certain that her minions could slay them. However, instead of hearing good news of the invaders' destruction she was angered by a seemingly endless parade of her minion’s corpses. Though it was well within her power to resurrect them, she could only bring back a choice few – and their equipment would probably be inferior as those blasted humans had “appropriated” her minion’s powerful items.

In truth, Irae was rather relieved when she learned that the party had decided to teleport out of her tower. Fools! They had a tremendous advantage and, had they reached Irae T’ssaren herself, the cleric was certain that they could have destroyed her. But fortunately they had given her the luxury of time and allowed her to better prepare herself.

Though she had never met any of them, reliable descriptions by her minions gave Irae an excellent idea of the intruders’ identities. She first tried to scry upon the arcane spellcaster in the group, this so-called Entropy. Despite Irae's efforts, she could not penetrate the powerful shield that the Alienist had erected – precisely to curtail such attempts to spy on her. Moving to another party member, Irae was pleased to see the Inquisitor praying for his spells. Watching him for a little longer, she clearly identified the handful of spells Joachim cast upon himself before exiting the Guild.

Irae turned to the massive bear-faced creature next to her, “This cleric is your target. He is currently en route to the Merchant District in Hillsfar. Give him the message and kill him if you can. Beware! He is powerful foe. If you cannot defeat him in battle, then bring destruction to the city itself so that the he will be blamed.”

Nodding, the demon teleported away.

“Yes,” Irae decided, “those fools have squandered their one and only opportunity to defeat me. If they dare return, I will be ready for them.” She blissfully thought of flailing the skin of her foes while they were still alive.


Walking through the streets of Hillsfar, Joachim observed the daily activity of the city’s inhabitants. “Each of them goes about their daily routine, unaware of the great danger that approaches them,” he thought, “I pray to Tyr that he gives me the strength to crush this foul cult once and for all.”

Engrossed in thought, the Inquisitor didn’t immediately notice the twelve foot tall, red-skinned demon that teleported several feet in front of him. However, he could not miss the screams of the terrified city-folk as they ran in all directions to escape.

“Human! I have been sent by Irae T’ssaren. She is mildly impressed by your accomplishments so she requests that you cease your foolish attack before she is forced to slay you! However, if you were to show me a sign of your obeisance, I might not kill you right away . . .”

Seeing the Balor before him, the Inquisitor’s faith momentarily wavered as he realized that he would not have the help of his companions to combat this powerful foe. However, he knew he could only give one response, “Prepare to return to the Abyss, fiend!”

As he drew his sword, the Balor dispelled the few abjurations that Joachim had cast upon himself that day. In response, the Inquisitor tried to stun the demon with a blast of divine energy. This potent spell would have had the desired effect on the demon if Irae had not increased its power significantly with an array of her spells. As it stood, the Balor laughed off the attempt and, with a word, sent an evil shockwave in all directions. Though the Inquisitor was merely dazed by the effect, many innocent citizens were slain outright as the powerful spell extinguished their souls.

Joachim looked upon the scene in horror. Though he could probably battle the demon for a long time, he could not afford to risk the lives and property of the citizens of Hillsfar. Hoping to end this affair quickly, the Inquisitor released a wave of holy energy at the Balor. This time the demon could not resist as it was forced to return to its home plane.


Though he had managed to quell the threat quickly, Joachim still had significant political fallout to face. Not only had the Balor slain many innocents, but its very presence sent a wave of panic throughout the city – aggravating the already tense situation caused by the impeding war to the south. The Inquisitor was summoned by Hythal, the local head of the Tyrite clergy in Hillsfar as well as by Gropdar the Shaper, the monarch of the city-state.


Rejoined by Hor’ahun, whom Joachim gated back from Limbo, the Inquisitor explained his actions to the group. Knowing the good intentions of the cleric, the party realized that he had done an admirable job, but they too understood the political reality. They had to work fast to quell public unrest and discontent lest they be banished from the city they called home.

“I have received summons from both Hythal and Lord Gropdar,” Joachim lamented. “I can take care of Hythal, he is my superior only by virtue of his position in this city. However, I would greatly appreciate if you could accompany me to Lord Gropdar and speak on my behalf.”

Entropy listened to the conversation with a morbid fascination. What fools the party spent their lives defending! One Balor appears in the marketplace and they are ready to hang their saviors!

Though the Alienist despised the rigid orthodoxy of Tyr, she certainly felt sorry for her friend. She understood the depth of Joachim’s self-control – if she had been in his position, half the city would probably either be dead or wandering through the Gray Waste of Hades.

However, today the Sorcerer was able to acquire a material component, a jade circlet, for the most powerful spell she had learned to date. The pinnacle of transmutation magic, this spell allowed the caster to change into any being in the multiverse short of the gods themselves.

Yes, Entropy decided, she would vindicate Joachim’s actions and teach the Tyrites a lesson they would never forget!


The Inquisitor’s conversation with Justice Hythal, head of the Hillsfar clergy, went as expected.

“High Inquisitor, I readily recognize your many noble deeds, however you cannot bring the very spawn of the Abyss into our city,” Hythal ranted.

“I told you, I didn’t bring it in! It was sent to destroy me by a powerful foe. And I can assure you that the safety of the populace was foremost in my mind,” countered the Inquisitor.

“If you plan on bringing any more of these ‘visitors’ to Hillsfar, then perhaps . . .”

The Justice stopped in mid-sentence as a loud commotion was heard outside the room. Almost immediately, an acolyte opened the office door without even knocking. In a church known for its rigid and orthodox tenets, such a breach of protocol was not tolerated. But before he could reprimand the junior cleric, the young man addressed Hythal, “Milord, p-p-pardon the interruption. Someone is h-h-ere to see you . . .”

Behind the acolyte came a commanding voice, “Move out of the way fool! I have a message to deliver to Hythal from the lord of justice himself!”

The cleric scampered off as an angelic figure burst into the room. Bearing beautiful white wings, this elven like creature bore a gleaming silver trumpet. Both clerics readily recognized the figure as a Trumpet Archon – a celestial messenger and herald.

Dropping to one knee, Hythal bowed before the creature, “My apologies for any inconvenience my lord. Please enlighten me with the wisdom of Tyr.” The Justice cast a baleful glance at Joachim who had not assumed a similar position of humility.

Joachim had seen such celestials before. Once, several years ago, Tyr had sent a Trumpet Archon to inform the Inquisitor that he had erred in slaying a good Storm Giant. The Archon promised great punishment if the cleric did not atone immediately. That was certainly a defining moment in Joachim’s life and the image of the magnificent archon was forever burned in his memory. But something seemed most odd about this one . . .

Ignoring the Inquisitor, the Trumpet Archon addressed the kneeling Justice, “Fool! How dare you denigrate the noble Joachim Dethick! He has selflessly served Tyr for years, performing great deeds and spreading justice in ways that acolytes only dream of!”

Flabbergasted at being so rebuked, Hythal tried to respond, “B-b-but my Lord, I wasn’t . . .”

“SILENCE!! When a messenger comes from your god, you had best listen! Tyr’s judgment is final and irrevocable. The god of justice demands that you show proper respect to the High Inquisitor. Tomorrow you will announce the creation of a new holiday to honor him. Am I making myself clear? If Joachim’s name is not heralded throughout the streets of Hillsfar by sundown tomorrow, I will bring Tyr’s wrath down upon you!”

Barely maintaining his composure, Hythal managed to stammer out an affirmation.

Shaking his head, Joachim finally realized who this “Archon” must be. He realized however, that the ruse had gone too far and he had best play along. Curtly bowing to the archon, Joachim spoke a few sentences in Celestial.

For a moment, a look of confusion appeared on the Trumpet Archon’s face, but he quickly nodded and left.

Rising to his feet the Justice apologized to Joachim profusely, “I am most sorry High Inquisitor. I did not mean to deny your many accomplishments. I stand rebuked before the lord of justice and will do as the archon instructed. Tyr must hold you in very high esteem to send an archon to protect your reputation. I have only one question though . . .”

Trying to prevent himself from breaking out into laughter, Joachim managed to contain himself, “Oh? And what is that?”

“Don’t Trumpet Archons usually blow their horn prior to delivering their message?”


Exiting the Temple, the “Archon” rendered himself invisible and skulked off into an alleyway. Here, Entropy returned to her original form. She was satisfied that Joachim’s pristine reputation would be preserved and she had even helped him out in the process.

“This is too much fun,” the Alienist thought, “I can literally turn into anything. The spell certainly has a long duration, perhaps I can mess around a little more.” Still invisible, nobody noticed the sorcerer’s shape morph into a 12-foot tall, red-skinned monstrosity. The “balor” flew off.


Ruvic had closed down his magic shop, as did everyone else in the district. The sight of that demonspawn had sent the entire city into a state of panic as all citizens rushed to return to their homes and barricade themselves in. In fact, Ruvic was reinforcing his door when he heard a knock.

“Idiot!! Don't you know that a demon is running through the streets? Get to safety before he kills you,” Ruvic yelled at his potential customer.

When the knocking continued, Ruvic opened his peephole to repeat his warning. He nearly fainted from shock however, when he saw the very creature he had described! Red-skinned and massively clawed, the thing could probably rip down his door with one swipe.

“Ah . . . excuse me my good sir. Before I returned to the Abyss I was hoping to procure a magic item or two. You see such shops are rather rare in the 54th layer and I understand you have a reputation as a fair an honest businessman,” the thing calmly spoke in Common.

The shock was too much for Ruvic, he tried to flee but instead crashed to the floor as he fainted in shock.


As Entropy left the magic shop, she flew invisibly above the city of Hillsfar thinking of what mischief she could come up with next. While thinking of her accomplishment in the Temple of Tyr, it struck her! Why not use this spell to get her own affairs in order?

Changing forms again, Entropy’s wings expanded greatly as did her fangs, which began to drip vile, green poison. To the untrained eye, her appearance had become even more gruesome. In reality, she had changed into one of the greatest denizens of the Nine Hells . . . the dreaded Pit Fiend.


With the aid of her powerful wings, the Pit Fiend quickly flew away from Hillsfar. Within minutes, she approached three towers that were under construction. The Fiend looked upon her structures with pride – work was proceeding nicely but it could always go faster.

Entropy the Pit Fiend spotted a group of workers, obviously taking a lunch break, and landed among them. Screams of horror and shock reverberated through the camp as the workers nearly ran over each other trying to escape.

After some time, a dark elf approached in the distance – it was Entropy’s loyal cohort and leader of the project, Eclavdra.

Instantly recognizing the awesome power of the Fiend, she spoke in a respectful tone, “To what do we owe the . . . honor . . . of this visit?”

“I have been called by the powerful Sorcerer Entropy, the Blessed of the Moonsea, and I am now her servant. I take it that you are Eclavdra?”

“That I am,” Eclavdra had no reason to trust this creature, especially considering the near death she had suffered from her organization’s many enemies. She reached out to Entropy telepathically. The Sorcerer has seen it fit to cast a domination spell upon her cohort allowing them to maintain telepathic communication. “Mistress, an outsider of great power at our camp claims to have been sent by you, is this true?”

Hearing the message in her mind, the Fiend responded, “Why yes Eclavdra. Make sure you treat the dear with respect, he has a bad habit of tearing off limbs when he is upset.”

Convinced of the veracity of the Pit Fiend’s claim Eclavdra regarded it carefully, “How may I serve you?”

“Bring me the head foreman of this construction project.”


Kaspar nearly had to be dragged to meet the Pit Fiend. Eclavdra briefly considered knocking him unconscious, but she knew that would defeat the purpose of the meeting. After significant coaxing and threats, she finally convinced the foreman to approach the Fiend.

Kaspar was in a state of shock when he finally met the 12 foot monstrosity, “Mi – mi – mi – milord, how c-c-c-c-an . . .”

The Fiend quickly cut him off, “You may dispense with the pleasantries human, I am here to put your project back on schedule.”

Feeling a sense of impending doom, Kaspar attempted to convince the Fiend that the project was, indeed, scheduled to be completed on time.

However, the devil was not impressed, “Mistress Entropy does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation.”

Finally dredging up some courage, Kaspar responded, “I assure you mi-mi-milord, my m-m-men are working as hard as the c-c-c-an.”

The Pit Fiend smiled and, as it did so, potent venom dripped from its fangs, “Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them. This project must be completed in three tendays, so commands the Blessed!”

The foreman was finally shocked to his senses, “But that’s not possible!”

“Then perhaps you can tell the Mistress when she arrives!”

“M-m-m-mistress Entropy is coming here?”

“That is correct human, and she is most displeased with your apparent lack of progress.”

Fearing for his life, Kaspar just wanted to get away from this Fiend as quickly as possible, “Then we s-s-s-hall redouble our efforts!”

Unfolding its massive wings, the Fiend began to ascend, “I hope so, for your sake fool. The Blessed is not as forgiving as I am.”


As she left the utterly shocked foreman, Entropy nearly squealed with delight. After all the years of adventuring, she forgotten how fun life could really be.

This session of SH is dedicated to George Lucas.
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First Post
Session 21
A Solar-ific solution


The companions looked at the Alienist in disbelif. Joachim had a hard time spitting out the words, "You don't think Irae T'ssaren is worth fighting? What about the Great Revenance? The world as we know it may end! Cormyr will be forever under the shadow of unspeakable evil!"

"Oh please . . . not that 'end of the world' thing again. That's so trite! We both have faced T'ssaren's minions and have plowed through them with nary an effort. I refuse to believe that a being with such pathetically weak retainers could possibly threaten us or our interests," Entropy countered.

Noir, in particular, couldn't believe what she was hearing. Since Irae T'ssaren had completed the Herculean task of crushing all of the Lolth-worshipping drow in Tilverton, the Paladin knew destroying the albino drow was the only obstacle to liberating her long-suffering nation.

She tried hard to convince the sorcerer, "Even the Temple of the Triad has conceded that the threat is dire. If we do not intervene now, it may not impact us today or tomorrow. But rest assured, Irae's forces will slowly march north until even your precious towers are put to sword and fire!"

Entropy laughed in the Paladin's face, "If the threat was indeed as serious as you claim, then why aren't the greatest forces in the Realms intervening? The likes of Elminster, the Simbul, or even Szass Tam should be knocking on T'ssaren's door as we speak. The fact that they are not is simply a testament to her weakness. However, I *might* be convinced to take part in this little exercise . . ."

Seeing that she had tortured her companions enough, Entropy continued, "Joachim you are clearly in the highest standing with Tyr. Surely he would not object if you requested aid from him. A powerful celestial perhaps?"

"If that is what it takes to convince you, then I shall do it. However, I cannot know the plans of the lord of justice and it may not serve his best interests to send such direct aid. After all, he already blesses me with powerful abilities. But, very well, I shall ask."


Everyone stood warily around Joachim as he completed the words to the incantation. The Inquisitor had demanded that Justice Hythal clear the entire temple. He had never before requested so much from Tyr and he wanted no interference.

As the spell was completed, the entire room was suffused with a radiant golden glow and seemingly out of nowhere appeared a being that was law and justice personified.

With gleaming white wings, eyes that that were like pools of molten gold, the nine-foot tall creature addressed the Inquisitor, "Joachim Dethick, High Inquisitor of Tyr! The lord of justice bade me to parlay with you. What is it you require?"

As quickly as he could, Joachim explained the situation with Irae T'ssaren, trying to describe the Great Revenance and the threat to the Dales.

The mighty Solar's expression did not change when Joachim finished. "Inquisitor, I am the mightiest servant of Lord Tyr. I am tasked with the enforcement of justice throughout the planes. Yet, you have the gall to ask me to act as your shield man in a regional conflict?"

"I am sorry if I offended you sir. However, the threat is not merely a regional one. If T'ssaren's plan is successful then the entire world of Toril may well feel the result. And this drow is indeed a powerful enemy, worthy of your attention. Some suggest that she is the a Chosen of Kiaransalee."

The Solar listened carefully, but was not convinced, "Tyr has gifted you with mighty powers. On this material plane, you are among his most respected and influential clerics. I am certain that destroying this drow with your current companions will not be an insurmountable task."

Seeing that he could not press further, Joachim nodded, "I understand sir. I am very sorry for wasting your time. Farewell."

"Yet, I am not without concern for your plight Inquisitor. Though I do not deem it necessary to intervene directly in your affairs, I will grant you a boon."

Joachim thought for a moment, "Sir, our previous incursion into T'ssaren's stronghold have most assuredly put the place on high alert. It would be very difficult for us to defeat all her undead minions again. By the time we reached the drow herself, we would be ripe for killing. I humbly request that you provide us with transport into the heart of her stronghold."

"I will agree to such terms. However, I also require something in return," the golden eyes slowly looked over the other party members as if penetratrating their very souls. The celestial finally stopped when he reached Noir, "Inquisitor, I see that the holy champion in your group has a sword of great evil. It was forged in the Lower Planes and constructed to bring about chaos and strife. It is not appropriate for individuals such as yourselves to be using it. Give it to me and I will dispose of it properly."

Noir was taken aback for a moment. With the vorpal greatsword, she was better able to serve the cause of law and good by destroying many evil opponents. However, her foremost concern was the restoration of her homeland so she reluctantly handed the weapon to the Solar.

Joachim explained the Solar's terms to the party and all agreed. For the next few moments, the party members pooled their magic and psionic abilities to greatly magnify their power. When finished, the Inquisitor signaled to the Solar that they were ready. With a wave of the celestial's hand, the party disappeared.

<Game Note: Just to give you an idea of the insane number of spells we cast on ourselves, I'll list all the spells/powers Entropy had cast on her before the final fight:

Inertial Barrier (Caster level 14), Non-Detection (18), Improved Invisibility (18), Empowered Endurance (18), Empowered Cat's Grace (18), Empowered Bull's Strength (17), Fly (18), See Invisibility (18), Protection from Elements [Fire] (18), Protection from Elements [Electricity] (18), Metaphysical Weapon (14), Shapechange (18), Deathward (17), Water Breathing (17), Shield Other (8), and Contingency [Tenser's Transformation] (18).

The DM really had his work cut out, huh :p>
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First Post
Session 22
Destructions and Enervations galore!

In a flash, the party found themselves where Joachim and Noir had taken out a ghostly cohort of drow warriors. Quickly and quietly they ascended the stairs.


Of course, Yashar heard them coming seconds before they ascended to the next floor. Irae had informed the sorcerer that the intruders preferred direct attack spells and melee combat. Yashar smiled as he put up a personal Wall of Force around himself. "Let them waste precious time and resources trying to attack me, before they are turned to stone," he thought. The snakes on his head writhed with delight.

Joachim ascended first, moving invisibly and silently he escaped the notice of the medusa sorcerer as he rounded the corner and waited for reinforcements to arrive. Directly behind him came two psionically charged arrows, both of which were aimed at Yashar. Just as if the missiles were fired into a stone wall, they were violently deflected away mere inches from the sorcerer’s body. Charging ahead, Noir had similar luck as her longsword crashed harmlessly against the force wall. Drunk with power and shapechanged into a Solar, Entropy swung her quarterstaff at the medusa and obtained a similar result.

During this time, Yashar’s penetrating gaze locked the eyes of each party member but their mighty array of abjurations protected them well against the medusa’s petrifying attack.

As the party contemplated their next move, a group of ghosts appeared through the floor and walls, including Taharak, the lead drow ghost wielding a spiked chain. The companions felt a wave of negative energy coarse through their bodies as the ghosts’ gaze began to corrupt their souls. They gritted their teeth and pushed on.

As Noir, Hor’ahun, and Entropy engaged in melee with the legion of ghostly drow, Joachim decided to go directly to the source. Moving to the next room, he saw two doors and was surprised to see a portal that seemed to be permeated by a hazy, insubstantial mist. Trusting in Tyr, the Inquisitor rushed through the portal and into the Ethereal Plane. A veteran of planar travel, Joachim immediately realized where he was, but turning around he only saw a solid wall behind him! The portal was nowhere to be seen.
Raising his longsword, Joachim continued on, knowing that he could do no good standing still. As he continued to ascend the ethereal tower, he eventually reached a semi-circular path in the center of which was the massive black orb the party had spotted outside. During this entire time, waves of negative energy swept through the whole area slowly trying to destroy the living, Joachim included.

The Inquisitor paused to regard the sphere when a massive wraith appeared from it. Looking somewhat like a spectre, it was the largest undead creature Joachim had ever seen save the dreaded Nightshade Nightwalker. It immediately projected a beam of pure negative energy which hit Joachim squarely in the chest. In horror, he realized that he could no longer remember his most powerful spells. One of the incantations he had prayed for that morning that could bring forth the direct intervention of Tyr himself was gone! Not prepared for this type of assault, Joachim ignored the ghostly creature and continued to ascend the stairs.


The remainder of the party was having a difficult time with the ghosts. Although their weapons were highly enchanted they harmlessly passed through the drow apparitions almost as many times as the blows landed true. Yashar made things particularly tough for them by erecting invisible walls of force, isolating party members and allowing his allies to take maximum advantage of their incorporeal nature. As the battle raged on, the ghosts’ corrupting visages and Yashar’s petrifying gaze were continually at work trying to turn the tables. For now, Noir, Hor’ahun, and Entropy resisted, but if the battle was protracted as Yashar hoped to make it, things could go downhill rapidly . . .


Joachim rapidly flew up to the next level, narrowly avoiding another energy beam from the orb wraith. He paused to cast a spell that would channel positive energy that partially reversed the damage done by the undead spirit. Looking around, the cleric saw several doors that he could choose. He had no idea how his companions were faring and he knew that he had to move forward as quickly as possible. Selecting a random door, he opened it and was greeted by a blast of multi-colored energy that washed over him. Suddenly he felt as if his blood was on fire as the magic tried to kill him outright with a poison of exceptional potency. Through sheer luck he managed to throw off the magic before it slew him. Obviously, moving up this tower would be harder than he thought.


As per Yashar’s design, his three foes were slowly succumbing to the slow, steady onslaught of magical attacks. Their love of melee combat was their undoing as their weapons passed uselessly through the ghostly drow. Finally, Entropy decided that she would have to crush this troublesome medusa before things really got out of hand. Shapechanging into a spectre, she moved quickly through the floor, easily bypassing the force walls that Yashar had erected.

The medusa sorcerer did not hear the incorporeal form sneak up behind him, but he could not miss the loud thunderous footsteps soon afterwards. Whirling around, he was completely taken aback as a massive iron golem approached him. The construct moved to grapple him and he could not resist its massive strength. As an iron golem, Entropy not only acquired terrific strength, but also a total immunity to magic. If she could speak, she would have laughed at Yashar’s feeble attempts to break her grapple with his spells. After a few seconds of struggle she smashed the medusa’s head into a bloody pulp, effortlessly tossing his mangled corpse across the room.

While Noir was combating the ghosts she suddenly saw a drow appear out of nowhere, trying to slip his rapier cleanly between her ribs. Although the blow was powerful, it was not enough to topple the mighty paladin. Happy that she was finally able to face a corporeal foe, Noir rained all of her attacks upon the rogue, smiting him for good measure. The offensive barrage was too much for the drow rogue who rapidly fell to Noir’s sword swings. Before the body hit the ground however, the rogue was suddenly encased in a black energy field. Inexplicably, he stood again from what should have been a fatal blow! Smiling, he easily tumbled away before the paladin could strike him again.


Choosing another door, Joachim went through without incident. As he did so, he heard a moaning in the distance. He cautiously moved forward and saw what appeared to be a wailing apparition of some sort. Focusing his gaze he realized it was none other than Cabrath Nelinderra, the drow priestess he had slain the day before! He paused too long however, as the spirit’s head suddenly shot upwards at his approach. Since she could not see the intruder, Nelinderra quickly cast a spell that purged all invisibility in the area. Seeing her slayer standing in front of her she sneered, “So you return! I would love to flay your skin myself but unfortunately, there is a long line for that privilege.”

As if on cue a voice appeared behind the Inquisitor, “Did you miss me human?” It was none other than Khumarr, the drow blackguard that the party had slain before. Also a ghost, he charged the cleric with his greatsword.


The death of Yashar was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Without magic support, the ghosts quickly fell to the enchanted weapons of the party. To thin out their ranks, Noir brandished her holy symbol and caused the majority of them to flee in terror. With their foes dispatched, the party looked around for their companion but he was nowhere to be seen. As they considered their next move, a bolt of negative energy appeared out of a wall, striking Entropy in her Solar form. Cursing, she felt her most powerful spells slip away just as Joachim’s had. She quickly shapechanged into a Bodak and kicked the wall violently, “Try it again, I dare you!”


When he was alive, Khumarr had seriously erred when he entered into melee with the party without backup. Now an undead revenant, his all-consuming rage caused him to make the same mistake. Deprived of his most powerful armaments, Khumarr’s blows fell woefully short as Joachim dodged them easily. Empowered by divine energy, the Inquisitor speedily sent the blackguard from undeath to death.

Enraged by her ally’s demise, Nelinderra tried to consume Joachim with unholy fire but she could only damage him. To aggravate the damage however, a bolt of negative energy flew out of the wall and into the High Inquisitor. As before, he felt his most powerful spells being erased from his memory. As Joachim battled the drow priestess he wasn’t terribly surprised as powerful necromantic magic continued pouring out of the walls, inflicting massive damage upon him as he fought.

With effort, he slew the keening spirit of Nelinderra but was seriously depleted. Not only had his high level spells been drained, but the repeated negative energy attacks had considerably diminished his combat capability. Sick and tired of being attacked by an unseen foe, Joachim placed an abjuration upon himself that would make him completely immune to any future energy draining attacks.

Moving on, he came upon an ornately decorated door flanked by standing suits of armor. Joachim could not be sure if they were constructs or undead, but since they did not notice his invisible form he really didn’t want to find out. Bypassing the guards, he continued his ascent. He entered what appeared to be a small altar room of some sort. As he peered inside he heard a loud noise as a large iron construct with four arms took him by surprise.

Vaguely resembling a drow warrior, the golem belched forth a gout of spider web at him. Unable to dodge in time, Joachim was enmeshed in the net. The golem casually strolled towards his immobile foe so that it could pummel him into the ground at its leisure.


First Post
Session 23
The DM gets his act together and comes out guns blazing!

“Where in the Abyss did Joachim get himself to?”

Entropy, Noir, and Hor’ahun looked around in confusion as their friend was nowhere to be found. Unlike Joachim, they chose not to go into the portal first, but to explore the part of the tower on the Prime Material Plane. In her spectre form, Entropy was able to rapidly scout the area but the Inquisitor’s whereabouts remained a mystery. Realizing that their friend probably went through the portal, the three companions decided to join him.


In a battle-lust, the drow golem made a serious tactical error. Seeing his opponent immobilized, it mistakenly assumed Joachim was near helpless and rapidly closed to pummel him, rather than utilize its impressive reach. All four of its attacks fell short . . .

If the golem had been a true construct, it may have survived long enough to realize its error. But it was more than a mere golem, it was imbued with an evil spirit that gave it its malevolent powers – exactly the kind of being Joachim’s sword was enchanted to destroy. His combat ability magically amplified, the Inquisitor swung at the golem in a whirlwind of blows that reduced it to a pile of scrap metal in record time.

Unfortunately, energy drains and Destruction spells had taken their toll on the cleric. He seriously doubted he could survive if he continued further. Unable to extricate himself from the golem’s webbing, he was forced to bring a Flame Strike down upon himself to destroy the powerful net. Without delay, he retreated back to the room where he had first entered the Ethereal Plane, hoping he would find his companions waiting for him.


Irae T’ssaren could not believe how easily and how far Joachim had advanced through her stronghold – and by himself no less! The priestess of Kiaransalee was relieved to see him finally flee, but she knew that holding back was no longer an option She had to crush her foes simultaneously with all the forces at her disposal if she hoped to prevail. Though she was already seriously indebted to the demons of the Abyss (she had called Balors on more than one occasion), she decided to further increase her balance. After all, if she could not complete the Great Revenance, what was the point?


Finally re-united, the party paused to consider their battle strategy. Before their discussion was completed they heard a brief flapping of wings as a powerful abjuration reverberated through the room. Designed to remove magical protections, it could not have come at a worse time. Many of the party’s powerful spells were stripped away.

Utilizing excellent tactics, a Balor was actually standing directly in front of them. However the party did not notice it as it was standing directly behind a wall in the Prime Material Plane – in the Ethereal Plane though one could walk through objects on the Prime, they still obscured vision. Taking advantage of the party’s ignorance the demon uttered a Blasphemy that dazed all of the party except Entropy, who was still in iron golem form and immune to such effects.

The Alienist figured that there was someone behind the wall, but she could not be sure. Fondly remembering Glouroth, the Shadow Dragon she had turned into an icicle in the Underdark, the sorcerer’s body assumed its reptilian form. With her now greatly enhanced senses she could “see” precisely that a Balor was standing behind the wall. Casting, the dragon conjured a huge disembodied fist which slammed into the demon with a resounding crack. Seeing that his cover had been blown, the Balor made a tactical retreat to the upper floor.

Entropy flew up to intercept the demon but saw that he had actually ascended further than she thought. Before she could continue, her dragon blindsight informed her that there was a drow hiding in the corner of the room. Without hesitation she sent her magical fist directly at it. Flushed out of hiding, a drow rogue drew his rapier and tumbled forward. Changing again into an iron golem, Entropy picked him up by his neck trying to squeeze the life out of him. Her job was made easier when Noir appeared and sliced the helpless drow to ribbons. The paladin’s battle cry was cut short however, when a bolt of negative energy emerging from the wall struck her almost as soon as the rogue fell.

Seeing that his foes did not follow him, the Balor threw another Greater Dispelling down at the party. This time it had the desired effect as Entropy found herself returning to her normal form! She moved into the corner and yelled at her companions, “Get your asses up there and take out that Balor! Otherwise he’ll just dispel our spells till the cows come home!!”

Before they could come to their friend’s aid, Joachim, Noir and Hor’ahun received a rather unexpected surprise. The ceiling suddenly parted, forming a gaping hole. Through the orifice came an old friend – the massive iron golem the party had destroyed yesterday! Effortlessly, it pushed the Inquisitor out of the way as it stood before the three companions. As before, it belched forth a cloud of extremely poisonous gas. Though Noir and Joachim were still protected by Inertial Barriers, Hor’ahun’s had been dispelled by the Balor. The Githzerai began to cough up blood as the toxic fumes entered his lungs.

Weakened, but desperate, Noir, Joachim, and Hor’ahun exited the room without delay – trying to put as much distance as they could between themselves and the golem. Unfortunately when they reached the upper level, they did not anticipate the fact that the Balor would have the good sense to take cover behind the orb wraith. As soon as Noir emerged, the wraith hit her with an Enervation, weakening her even further. Ignoring the wraith for now, both holy warriors focused their offensive output on the demon as Entropy had admonished. Though they slew it in record time, their only reward was a tremendous explosion as the demon’s demise further worsened their injuries.

The sorcerer was in serious trouble. Above her was an undead monstrosity that could easily continue draining her spell energy and below her was an anti-magic tank that could flatten her in seconds. Thinking fast, she blocked the golem’s path upward by erecting a wall of force. She then cast her final Shapechange spell, assuming the form of a spectre and moving up to join her comrades in battle with the orb wraith.

Turing on the wraith, Noir and Joachim saw that they were outmatched. Since their blows went through the undead creature most of the time, they realized that they would be lifeless husks before they could kill it. Luckily they were supported by Entropy who began pelting the orb wraith which missiles of force, which could not miss.


One interesting bit of information the party had not quite realized was that the tower itself was a sentient being of exceptional intelligence. It was easily able to hamper the party by casting destructive spells at them through its very walls. However, its precious orb wraith was in danger and the tower wanted to enlist some aid for it with all due haste.

Seeing that Entropy had blocked the mighty iron golem’s path, the tower simply opened up another hole on the other side of the room, allowing the golem to continue ascending.


Just when things were looking up, the party saw their golem nemesis approach them once again. Attacking Noir, the golem beat the hell out of her – only her Inertial Barrier prevented her untimely demise. Looking to her companions, Entropy decided she could hold off the golem for a while, “All of you! Get out of here! Use the passage above you – I will hold off the golem!”

Both Hor’ahun and Joachim ascended but before Noir could follow, the tower sealed off the passage. Turning around, the paladin knew this would be her last stand. Coming to her aid, Entropy cast two spells upon Noir – one rendered her invisible even while attacking and the other restored the energy that the Enervations had drained from her. With this protection, Noir was able to hold off the golem long enough until Entropy teleported the both of them next to Joachim and Hor'ahun.


Hoping for a brief respite from combat, the party was sorely disappointed. On this level were the seemingly animated suits of armor that Joachim and ignored before. In addition, all of the ghosts that Noir had turned were waiting for the group as well. Since the party members were all invisible, they were able to take up better tactical positions. While Noir stood her ground, Joachim and Entropy moved to opposite corners of the room. Deciding that he would flank his foes, Hor’ahun used his psionic power to phase through one of the walls into an adjacent room.

Everyone was prepared to strike, until they saw a hole open in the floor as the iron golem appeared again. With no place to run this time, the party had no choice but to take the golem head on. Noir moved forward and bravely challenged the construct once again despite her numerous injuries. To thin out their opponents a bit, Entropy blasted the whole room with a wave of sonic energy obliterating all of the ghosts.

The two suits of armor, both bearing lances, split up to attack Noir and Joachim. Though Joachim was not hit, Noir was struck once and she felt a familiar feeling of negative energy as her strength was sapped. To make matters worse, the paladin was grappled by the iron golem.

Turning into a Nightshade Nightwalker, Entropy approached the suit of armor facing Joachim and tore into it with terrific force. The blood that sprayed from the wound confirmed the fact that there were in fact living creatures inside the armor. Joachim finished off the job, plunging his longsword into the drow warrior. The Inquisitor then turned to help the paladin but it was too late, the golem had finally triumphed – crushing the paladin’s skull and flinging her lifeless corpse away.


After phasing through the wall, the Githzerai found himself in total darkness. However, he still had limited vision since it was psionically enhanced. He saw what appeared to be a lavishly decorated bedchamber. He had no time to investigate however, as his friends needed his help. Moving to the door he knew that opening it would flood the adjacent room in darkness as well, sowing confusion that would probably prove a temporary boon to his companions. However, when he put his hand on the door he felt a violent shock as the energy of a magical trap blasted him. Though he felt the spell attack his life force, he managed to survive.

Seconds later, the Githzerai began to feel woozy and his vision began to blur. His knees slowly caved in as he hit the floor. Before he could even cry out, he was dead – a victim of the iron golem’s poisonous breath.


Screaming in anguish, the Inquisitor threw himself at the golem in revenge for the death of his friend. The remaining drow soldier tried to impale the cleric with his lance but was abruptly grabbed by Entropy who had shapechanged into a Greater Ooze Paraelemental. Unable to utilize his death lance in such close quarters, the drow warrior helplessly felt his armor dissolve by the creature’s potent acid, followed shortly by his skin and bones. Entropy dropped the smoking pile of charred flesh to the ground.


Of their foes, only the golem was left. Ironically, it was the party’s two principle spellcasters that remained alive to fight it. Immune to all of their spells, the construct had the decided advantage. Entropy’s thoughts raced as she saw her friend Joachim in mortal combat with the metal tank. Though her spells could not affect it directly, she knew there must be a way to damage it. Finally, an idea struck her! Assuming the form of a Pit Fiend, she rushed towards the golem, smacking it with her quarterstaff and trying to attract its attention.

Annoyed by the insect striking its legs, the golem rained blow after blow upon Entropy. The sorcerer screamed in pain as the mighty construct’s fists began to crush her bones. However, her diversion had the desired effect – with the golem’s attention focused solely on her, the Inquisitor was able to rain death on it with impunity. Finally, the sorcerer’s mangled body fell to the ground, followed seconds later by the golem which shattered into pieces as it hit the floor.


Covered in gore, Joachim couldn’t believe the current situation. Noir’s head had been caved in by the golem and Entropy has been reduced to a red stain on the floor. Though he knew that the paladin was noble and honorable, the Inquisitor was shocked that Entropy had given her life to protect him. Perhaps he had misjudged her after all. As he contemplated his fate, the Inquisitor was surprised to see Entropy’s Pit Fiend form begin to rise.

“How!? The golem crushed you!”

The Pit Fiend laughed as her wound began to rapidly heal, “Changing into a denizen of Baator has its advantages, my friend. Do not think all the power in the multiverse resides in Celestia alone!”

Though elated by this turn of events, how could the party possibly continue in their depleted state? Two of their fellows were butchered and Irae T’ssaren still had not shown herself . . .
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First Post
Session 24 – Their finest hour (but the party's or Irae's?)

Both Joachim and Entropy knew that every moment wasted equaled one more spell that Irae T’ssaren could cast to make their lives more difficult. While Entropy’s broken bones and torn flesh were rapidly healing, Joachim dug around in his bag of holding and removed a ring. Never thinking he would have to use the spell stored therein any time soon, the Inquisitor directed the magic at Noir’s corpse. A golden, radiant pillar of light appeared and Noir slowly stood, in perfect fighting condition, her body fully healed.

“Thank you, Joachim. I do not think it was my time to fight alongside the Red Knight for eternity just yet . . .” Looking around, the paladin noticed that Hor’ahun was missing, “What happened to the Gith?”

Entropy motioned towards the door which led to the room that Hor’ahun had phased into. With trepidation, Noir moved forward and opened it. Instantaneously, the entire room was plunged into darkness as the spell contained in the chamber poured out. Without the ability to see, Joachim fumbled around in his pouch and produced a tiny vial. He then rubbed some ointment on his eyes and invoked a spell that would allow him to pierce any darkness or illusion. Entropy shapechanged into a shadow dragon so that she could see by blindsight. Both spellcasters recognized the psychic warrior’s non-breathing form on the floor. They removed it and closed the door.

“Unfortunately, I only had one true resurrection spell left. I’m afraid that I will have to bring Hor’ahun back the conventional way,” Joachim explained. Removing a scroll from his bag, he resurrected the Githzerai as well, albeit with significantly lesser magic than he had used with Noir. Hor’ahun rose slowly as he shook off the effects of death’s embrace.

“I feel like crap!” he protested, “I thought coming back to life was supposed to be a pleasant experience!”

Joachim channeled some positive energy into his friend which healed a significant portion of his wounds. “There is only one way to go now,” Joachim pointed at the hole in the ceiling, “and only one way to Irae.”


The party reached the room where Joachim had slain the Spiderstone golem and still saw no sign of further opposition. However, as Entropy approached a hole in this room’s ceiling, her dragon formed paused. “Stop! There are hell of a lot of creatures up there, mostly humanoids but one looks like a demon and the other . . . I can’t say.”

Everyone sprang into action. While Hor’ahun and Noir waited just underneath the passage upward, Joachim charged fearlessly ahead.

After many long and difficult battles, the Inquisitor finally saw the mastermind – Irae T’ssaren herself. Without armor and clad in long, flowing white robes, the albino drow almost looked beautiful. But she was far from alone, in addition to the two drow guards flanking her, there was a massive Balor situated in the center of the room. To make things worse, a huge Ooze paraelemental waited near the hole and the entire area was scattered with zombies.

Joachim looked at the Ooze intently. Clearly it had to have been summoned . . . which meant the Forbiddance spell had no effect here! “Entropy! You can use summoning spells here!” The Inquisitor flew invisibly to the side of the room and blanketed the whole chamber with a spell designed to remove magical protections. The dark aura surrounding the Balor slowly disappeared, but otherwise the abjuration produced no discernable effects.

Changing once again into a Pit Fiend, Entropy avoided the massive Ooze and moved to the side of the room opposite from Joachim. The Alienist knew that the Balor, with its never-ending ability to dispel magical effects, was the most immediate threat. Gesturing, she gracefully manipulated the Weave to form an extradimensional maze around the demon which it quickly disappeared into.

Hearing something next to it casting spells, the Ooze immediately sent an acidic pseudopod towards Entropy trying to grapple her. Acting on instinct (and without thinking), Entropy tried to knock the pseudopod aside with her magically augmented quarterstaff. She realized, too late, the consequences of her action as her staff dissolved into worthless slag. Inwardly, the Alienist cursed – the staff was not merely a weapon but a device that allowed its user to teleport without error – her ticket out of here had just been punched.

The two guards protecting Irae lowered their rapiers and began chanting arcane phrases. Above Joachim, Hor’ahun, and Noir appeared a shower of rock-hard hail that fell on all of them. Seconds later, Irae tried to bring down all of Joachim’s spell protections, but even as she cast her abjuration it was counterspelled by one of the rings on Joachim’s finger.

Emerging from the ice storm, Noir produced a small bead from her pocket and threw it towards Irae and her minions. In a puff of smoke a fire elemental appeared and promptly grappled one of the albino drow’s protectors – trying to immolate him. Hor’ahun moved to the center of the room and triggered a surge of psionic energy that hit virtually every foe in the room – and did precisely nothing as they were all undead. The only one it could have affected was Irae itself, but the drow shrugged off the psi blast.


The Balor looked around in frustration. Obviously his foe’s magic had placed him in an extradimensional demiplane of some sort. One thing Entropy did not account for however, was the demon’s intellect. Even among a race of cunning and shrewd thinkers, the Balor was supreme. It took the mighty outsider all of six seconds to ascertain the location of the maze’s exit.


Appearing once again in the room amid the very shocked stares of the party members, the Balor tossed a greater dispelling against the wall. The results were quite dramatic for Entropy, who immediately became visible. Knowing full well that she could use her summoning magic here, the Alienist responded by calling a Firre, an elf-like outsider from the Olympian Glades of Arborea. Seeing the foes arrayed before it, the celestial concentrated as a cone of multi-colored energy poured from its hands. The undead in the room were dispatched in a myriad of ways by the random burst of magic – some were burned to a crisp while otherwise exploded in a shockwave of electrical energy. Unfortunately, it hit the fire elemental that Noir had summoned as well – rendering it totally and irrevocably insane. It would play no further part in this battle as it simply stood still in utter confusion.

Irae cast yet another powerful dispelling spell, this time trying to envelop all her foes. The Firre disappeared in a puff of smoke. Joachim responded by casting the same spell, but directed solely at the massive Ooze Elemental standing next to Entropy. Like the Firre, it too disappeared. The Inquisitor then moved out of the room, trying to encourage pursuit and force his enemies to divide.

While Noir engaged one of Irae’s guards in melee, Hor’ahun fell back and tried pelting the albino drow with arrows – though they were all but deflected by her numerous magical wards. Seeing that the battle would be very difficult with both Irae and her Balor ally combining their power, Entropy tried to seal off Irae with a long wall of force that encompassed the entire length of the room. Next, she directed a cone of freezing cold, catching the Balor in the area – leaving it somewhat injured, but extremely angry. Entropy followed Joachim and flew out of the room. However, a very unpleasant surprise awaited her . . . looking up as she flew past was a very slim drow male clad in robes bearing arcane runes.


Both Entropy, in her Pit Fiend form, and Joachim waited in an adjacent room for enemy forces to come pouring through in hot pursuit. To their shock, only the drow male in the other room appeared -- calmly striding past them. Though Joachim gave the drow a good whack with his longsword, he hardly seemed to notice. In Entropy’s case, her claws could not even come into contact with the sorcerer as they were repelled by some magical force. Moving deliberately to the other side of the room, the drow turned around and blasted Joachim and Entropy twice with a prismatic spray. Though the beams were damaging, it did not instantly incapacitate either spellcaster, as it well could have.

To make matters worse, both heard a low growl behind them. Turning around, they saw that the Balor had teleported right behind them, vorpal greatsword in hand.


With aid from the sentient tower, Irae was easily able to bypass the force wall Entropy had erected to contain her.

The priestess could see that her remaining minions would not last long in combat with Noir and Hor’ahun. To rectify the situation, she blanketed the entire area in utter darkness. Though her guards were trained to fight under such conditions, she surmised her foes were not. Hor’ahun, with his psi-enhanced vision, was still able to see as he drew his rapier and attacked a drow guard. However, the paladin found the darkness to be a far greater handicap as her sword blows failed to connect with her now invisible targets.

Now that she had the upper hand, Irae brought about a spell that would sap the energy of the target while providing her with considerably more power. She smiled in satisfaction as the Githzerai succumbed, moving much slower than before just as the albino drow’s movements were accelerated.


Though a lesser warrior would have given in to despair, Joachim saw a fantastic opportunity despite being flanked by two powerful foes. His sword had been enchanted to slay evil foes and, indeed, it could inflict horrific damage. The Balor had placed himself in a vulnerable position, the Inquisitor could simply charge it and rain down blow after blow – after which he was sure that the demon would be sent back to the Abyss. Clenching his teeth, he rushed the demon . . . and promptly found himself on his back.

Expecting such an obvious tactic, the demon easily tangled the Inquisitor with his whip and one yank sent Joachim sprawling on the floor. Standing as quickly as he could, an off-balance Joachim was not able to bring all of his attacks to bear as he had hoped.

Thinking that her companion would slay the Balor quickly, Entropy was at a loss. She had planned to take on the drow sorcerer, but she knew that she could not leave the demon be. If she did, all of her most powerful spells could be dispelled in seconds. As she gestured towards the floor, three massive shapes began to form out of the stone surface. The demon saw that its foes had multiplied – in addition to the cleric it had to deal with three 32 foot tall earth elementals.

Turning on their target, the elementals brought their massive fists down on the Balor. Though the demon was able to survive the first two blows, the third one mortally wounded it. Cursing, it was forced to return to the Abyss. Smiling in satisfaction, Entropy assumed the form of an Iron Golem as a defense against the counter attack from the drow sorcerer.


Frustrated at her inability to connect her sword with her opponents, Noir wasn’t terribly surprised when she heard wicked laughter somewhere in the pitch black room.

Irae could hardly contain herself, “These are the fools that nearly disrupted the Great Revenance? Two have already fled and these two fight a battle they know they cannot win . . . Fools!” However, the fun was over – she called to her dark mistress Kiaransalee as she tried to slay the paladin.

Hor’ahun heard a strange popping noise as he was hit with a spray of flesh, blood, and gore. Noir, the paladin of the Red Knight was no longer standing next to him and all that remained was a mound of imploded flesh. The Githzerai had no time to mourn however, as Irae’s guards continued to assail him with blows.

One down . . .

As before, the drow sorcerer covered the room in a blast of prismatic energy. Though Entropy was immune as a golem, Joachim was not so fortunate. His armor sizzled and his flesh felt like it was on fire as magical acid burned him. In addition, two of three of Entropy’s elementals were sent careening randomly to another plane. Expecting retaliation, the drow flew through a hole as he descended down the tower.

Turning into a spectre, Entropy moved to pursue him.


Finally making headway against the drow warriors, Hor’ahun struck several successful blows that nearly dispatched them. Before he could issue the coup-de-grace, a form emerged from the darkness. As the albino drow approached the Githzerai, he could see that her hand was glowing with unholy energy. Though he tried to avoid Irae’s touch, she clasped him on the shoulder. Hor’ahun felt his life force being attacked and though he struggled mightily, his soul was expelled from his body – killing him instantly.

The albino drow moved to engage her remaining foes but paused. Why should she go with only her guards in tow when she could recruit additional help? Kneeling besides Hor’ahun’s corpse she placed her hand on his face – armed with a gauntlet with five wicked claws extruding from it, she sadistically stroked his face as she brought the magic into being.

The Githzerai’s eyes popped open and he slowly stood. He shook his head . . . somehow his memory was foggy – who was he and why was he here? In seconds, he became filled with an all-consuming rage. He knew who had killed him – Irae T’ssaren. Growling, he turned towards the albino drow and moved to plunge his rapier through her dark heart. Abruptly he froze . . .

“No, no, no, my revenant pet. I have killed you once already and I am the victor. By Kiaransalee’s glory your form has been restored though it is far superior to before. You will no longer feel pain or fear, but you will understand anger . . . furious, unrelenting anger! Why waste such emotions when they can be constructively channeled?”

Irae moved forward and stroked Hor’ahun’s chest, leaving bloody scratches behind. “Go forth and slay your friends. When the Great Revenance is complete, they too shall serve me!!”

Two down . . .


Moving through walls and ceilings, Entropy had little trouble keeping pace with her fleeing opponent. Eventually she saw that he returned to the room containing the massive black orb that stood between the Ethereal and Prime towers. Charging behind her was Joachim, who managed to hit the sorcerer once before the drow retreated into the orb.

Just as the sorcerer departed, the orb wraith appeared. Firing a ray of negative energy at the Inquisitor, it weakened the beleaguered Joachim even further. Seeing that her friend was in peril, Entropy opened a channel to the Positive Energy Plane and next to Joachim appeared a ball of pale-green energy with numerous tentacles emerging from it. Called an Energon, it was positive energy incarnate. Since it was incorporeal itself, it had no problem hitting the orb wraith. Though the blows themselves did little damage, the considerable positive energy backlash aggravated the wounds.

Between the Energon and Joachim the dreaded orb wraith was finally slain.


In the door behind them appeared Hor’ahun, who looked perfectly normal. On his face was the skull mask that he usually wore, though it was particularly unnerving in this situation. With a gesture, the mask flew off his face and collided into Joachim. The Inquisitor tried to dodge but could not as the energy contained within the mask discharged. Just as Irae had done to Hor’ahun, the Githzerai tried to expel Joachim’s soul from his body. Fighting, the cleric managed to stave off destruction though the magical energy inflicted near mortal wounds nonetheless.

Entropy looked at Joachim and wondered what she should do next. Ordinarily, if one of their companions was ever dominated or otherwise controlled by their enemies they always sought to incapacitate their friend – so that they could revive and cure them later. However, they did not have that luxury in this life and death situation. “Joachim! What should I do? Kill or subdue!?”

Joachim felt the same way as Entropy. Hor’ahun had been a good friend and trustworthy ally. Normally the Inquisitor would have either disabled the Githzerai or dispelled the enchantment – while the latter was no longer possible given the Inquisitor’s depleted spell arsenal, the former did not seem prudent. Though he loathed to do it, Joachim knew he could always resurrect his friend later. “Take him down!”

Turning into an iron golem, Entropy moved forward and seized the Githzerai. Trying to get it over with as quickly as possible, she repeatedly slammed him against the wall. Unable to feel pain, Hor’ahun had little difficulty manifesting his psionic powers. Utilizng a well-used tactic, he coated his entire body in acid, a move that would normally have “convinced” his grappler to release him. Unfortunately for the psychic warrior, Entropy’s new form was impervious to such attacks.

Praying quietly to Tyr, Joachim swung his sword at his friend again and again . . . until his struggles ceased and his body went limp. As Entropy dropped Hor'ahun's corpse, the Inquisitor spoke, “Entropy, we have to recover Noir. We owe her that much! Without question we will meet strong opposition on the way back up, maybe even Irae herself. I’m not sure I can do it alone, please help me!”

“Are you crazy!? The paladin is probably dead as a doornail right now! Do you know how many spells I have left? ONE!!! And that one will be used to get myself out of here. Don’t waste your life over a corpse Joachim, come with me and we can fight another day!”

Shaking his head, Joachim knew that he had to try, even if it meant his death. “I’m sorry you feel that way Entropy. If you must go, then leave. I pray you survive long enough to avenge my death.” With that, the cleric flew upwards to meet his fate.


After a massive earth elemental, seemingly appearing from nowhere, flattened one of her two guards, Irae wisely choice to avoid it. The tower, a sentient being, sealed the passage behind the priestess so that the lumbering beast could not follow.

Ahead of her, Irae heard movement. Quickly, she bathed her body in unholy fire and her claws reflexively clenched – she was ready for battle.

From below, Joachim appeared brandishing a longsword, his eyes virtually glowing with holy fervor. Before he could advance, Irae hit him with an exceedingly powerful burst of negative energy. As the Weave was attuned to Necromantic magic in this tower, the spell all but slew Joachim. Drained of all his spells, he swung at Irae anyway – but the numerous energy drains had taken their toll, the albino drow dodged easily.


Entropy had been placed in this situation before and she had always chosen discretion over valor. Unlike her companions she valued her life above all else and saw no need to needlessly throw it away. As she moved to summon a being that could teleport her out of the tower, she heard the sounds of pitched battle above. The Inquisitor was correct, she thought, he would never survive alone.

Suddenly, the drow sorcerer that the pair had been chasing emerged from the black orb and quickly moved away from Entropy. The Alienist saw it all clearly – he intended to flank Joachim, a maneuver that would assuredly seal the cleric's doom.


Joachim, struggling to even breathe, pushed on. With luck and perhaps a bit of divine intervention, he managed to connect a few powerful blows with Irae. However, each time he hit, he felt his strength being sapped. He found it difficult to even hold up his sword. Laughing, the albino drow tore into the Inquisitor with her wicked claws.


Cursing at herself for her stupidity, Entropy moved to aid her friend. Flying ahead of the drow sorcerer, she saw Joachim in mortal combat with Irae. Moving up to the albino drow in her iron golem form, Entropy grabbed Irae and tried to squeeze the life out of her. The priestess tried to break free, but could not, despite her magically amplified strength and battle prowess.

Joachim tried to take advantage of his foe’s immobilization, weakly hitting Irae. However, after this blow, he felt all of his strength leave him. He could not even stand the weight of his armor any longer as he fell to the ground, helpless. He tried to look up at Entropy’s struggle with Irae when he heard footsteps approaching him.

“You were indeed a worthy foe human, but now you die.”

The drow sorcerer stood right next to the cleric who was powerless to stop him. Weaving arcane phrases, Joachim was struck twice with powerful bolts of lightning. The pain was too much and he passed into unconsciousness . . .


Elated by the fall of yet another foe, Irae managed to squeeze free of Entropy’s hold. Seeing that Joachim was still breathing, Irae brought her clawed gauntlet directly down on his head. Unable to dodge or move, the blow hit the cleric full force, penetrated his helm, skull and entered his brain. Irae pulled out her weapon and held it aloft with pride as gray matter and spinal fluid slid off it.

Three down . . .

She turned to face Entropy.

“I know you, sorcerer. You are not like the rest. Like me, you have gone beyond petty morals and useless ethics. Three of us remain to defeat you, yet I recognize your power and ability. Become my greatest lieutenant, and I will grant you dominion over the Dales!”


Entropy briefly considered the offer . . . for all of two seconds.

Shapechanging once again, her iron golem form began to enlarge further as she transformed into the gargantuan mighty iron golem. Bringing her massive fists down on Irae, her powerful blow drove the priestess of Kiaranasalee to the ground. Then, while her foe was prone, Entropy brought her foot crashing down on Irae. Though the priestess had erected many magical auras to defend her, even she could not survive the 32,000 pounds of iron that came down upon her.

With a sickening squirt, Irae’s blood and internal organs were sprayed all over the room.

The drow sorcerer dropped his haughty demeanor and looked up at the golem walking towards him. His thoughts immediately crystallized, “Stop!!! I do not wish to attack you! I was simply following Irae’s orders, I am free now!”

His cries were ignored as Entropy sent the drow to the same fate as Irae. As an afterthought, she slew Irae’s remaining guard who had been ineffectually trying to strike her.

Overwhelmed, the Alienist fell to one knee. All of her companions were dead and only the gods knew how many more reinforcements were coming.

She gingerly picked up Joachim’s body and ascended to retrieve Noir’s . . .
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First Post
Epilogue – The new face of evil

Returning to the room where they had first encountered Irae T’ssaren, Entropy moved quickly carrying the corpses of both Joachim and Hor’ahun. When she finally reached the ritual chamber where their foe had attempted to complete the Great Revenance, she saw the remains of Noir on the floor in a sickening pile of imploded flesh.

As the Alienist considered the grisly job of recovering the remains of the Paladin, she had an epiphany – she unceremoniously dropped both bodies she was holding onto the cold stone floor.

What was she doing?

Of course she could exit the tower and into relative safety with her companion’s bodies. But what then? A worthless congratulatory speech from some fat aristocrat? A meaningless honorific that would do her no good?

It would only be a matter of time before the forces of “good” tried to convince Entropy to use her considerable talents in their cause yet again. And it would only take away valuable time the Alienist could be spending researching a way to open a permanent gate to the Far Realms.


No longer would she be slaves to others – it was time to seize the titanic opportunity that had just been presented to her on a silver platter.

Returning to her own form, Entropy rapped loudly on the wall of the Tower, “Hey you! We have a matter to discuss!”

The sentient tower, a very manifestation of Kiaransalee’s might, responded telepathically, “What more needs to be said? You have slain Irae and will undoubtedly bring allies to consecrate this place.”

The Alienist paused for a moment. What she was about to say in the next few minutes would have major ramifications not only for herself, but for all of Toril as well. “What if I told you that what I planned to do would make the Great Revenance look like a two-bit magic act?”

Surprised by this sudden change of events the tower was intrigued, “What do you mean?”

“My goal is nothing less than to slay every living creature on this continent. I will open a portal to the Far Realms, a plane outside of space and time. First it will plunge Toril into madness, for only the Chosen few can understand the infinite enlightenment of the Far Realms. The remaining weak-minded fools will either turn on each other or they will be slaughtered by the Chosen.”

“Why do you tell me this?” The Undying Temple was both ecstatic and confused.

“Submit to my will, my power. I will become a follower of Kiaransalee if you will aid me in achieving my goal. I see . . . you do not trust me, as well you should not. But I know you can read my mind, I will open it to you. Judge for yourself my veracity.”

As the Alienist opened her psyche, the Temple probed her thoughts. Rather than seeing the calculated, patient, and cold-blooded logic of Irae T’ssaren, the tower felt the fractured kaleidoscope of Entropy’s mind. She was chaotic to the core, as easily prone to generosity as to bursts of violence. One thing was clear though, this human was singularly dedicated to her goal of opening this portal. She would let nothing stand in her way. And most important of all, the Alienist had an undeniable and complete hatred of Lolth -- the greatest foe of Kiaransalee.

“What are your thoughts on undeath? The Revenancer demands the animation of her victims!”

“I could not care less about undead. You may animate, defile or destroy the corpses I will leave in my wake, at your whim. To me a dead body is just that, dead. I have neither respect for the living nor the dead.”

The Temple carefully considered her words. In many ways, the sorcerer was like Kiaransalee. She sought to crush and dominate her foes and despised the Lady of Spiders with all her being. “Will you allow the completion of the Great Revenance?”

Entropy shrugged, “If you truly wish to cause a mass animation of corpses, I’m sure I can convince one of the other priests in this Temple to do it. Ultimately, it can only help my own plan – an army of undead can provide a good distraction to the living so that they do not scrutinize my own activities.”

“Do you then pledge your soul to the White Banshee? Do not try to lie, or the Revenancer will destroy you and everyone you know.”

“Search my thoughts if you must. I promise to abide by Lady Kiaransalee’s tenants and I promise her a bloodbath the likes of which have never been seen.”

“So be it.”


Before Entropy could be converted to the faith, a witness was required. After a few minutes, a lone figure entered the room with the Alienist. With a huge wolf-like visage, the creature had two massive arms that ended in wicked claws, with two additional human-sized arms. She was a Draegloth, an evil union of drow and demon.

“The Undying Temple informs me that you have agreed to serve our Lady. Will you undergo the ceremony and become the Revenancer’s greatest champion?”

Without blinking, Entropy curtly nodded, “I will.”

As the Draegloth weaved her divine magic, the altar itself began to glow with unholy energy. “Clear your mind and touch the shrine. The White Banshee will show you a better way.”

As the Alienist touched the altar, she briefly came in contact with the mind of Kiaransalee. She was immediately filled with a burning desire for vengeance – a thirst to slay all of those who had ever slighted or taken advantage of her. Entropy heard the voice of the Lady of the Dead herself,

“Death comes to all, and cruel vengeance will be exacted to those who waste their lives on the petty concerns of this existence. True power comes only from the unquestioning servitude of the once-dead, mastery over death, and the eventual earned stature of one of the ever-living in death. Hunt, slay, and animate those who scorn the Revenancer’s power, and answer any slight a thousandfold so that all may know the coming power of Kiaranasalee.”

When she released her hand, Entropy knew that she had given her soul to the Vengeful Banshee. There was no going back.

Seeing that the ritual was completed, the Draegloth inclined her head in obeisance, “My name is Flenser my lady, I am a priestess of Kiaransalee. I place both myself and my minions at your disposal – I am yours to command.”

Entropy felt as if she had been plunged into the Negative Energy Plane – her entire body and mind were absolutely suffused with evil. “For now, I rest. Tomorrow convene every worthy individual in the Undying Temple.”

The Alienist silently returned to the floor containing Irae’s room. Stepping over the bodies of enemies she had slain, she entered Irae’s bedchamber and flopped down on the bed. Yes, things would be very different this time.


“So let me hear your excuse!”

The assembled, a motley crew of drow, vampires, and liches, looked at their new leader fearfully. No one answered.

“Let me be more specific. Why is it that I am standing here before you while the dead body of your former leader lies in the Temple? You have failed Kiaransalee!! Had my companions been standing after the battle rather than myself, you can be assured that the Temple would be a pile of rubble.”

One of the drow tentatively stepped forward, “Mistress, I am Dorina T’ssaren. My mother commanded each of us to man our respective posts. Had she asked for aid, we would have come immediately. However, it seems that her defeat was inevitable, for the Revenancer has chosen you as her new champion.”

Satisfied with this answer, Entropy continued, “There will be some major changes here. First of all, evacuate both of the main towers and move the inhabitants to the Undying Temple. If there is no room, then they must be liquidated. Second, the Undying Temple has informed me that Kurgoth Hellspawn has returned from his ‘vacation.’ Irae was a fool to oppose him – though I could easily kill him and massacre his entire army I believe he would be far more useful as our pawn. The Dale armies are marching south and will be here in a matter of weeks. Kurgoth’s forces can serve as cannon fodder, for after his forces are destroyed, the remnants of the Dale army will be crushed by the undead created by the Great Revenance.”

“You will be responsible for completing this ceremony,” Entropy pointed at Dorina. “Your mother erred by dividing her resources. If any being is so foolish as to assault this place again, they will feel the wrath of our combined might. Are there any questions?”

No one spoke.

“Excellent, I have matters to attend to. Execute my plans or you will be executed.”


Before she left the Undying Temple, Entropy placed the corpses of her comrades as well as that of Irae T’ssaren in her portable hole. In addition, she procured the Balor’s vorpal greatsword and multi-headed whip.

Shapechanging into a Pit Fiend, she flew out of the Temple and towards the coliseum where Kurgoth commanded his forces. Before she arrived, she cast a spell upon herself that would allow her to understand and speak any language. There would no longer be any communication barriers.

“This time,” she thought, “I will give the Fire Giant a far more lucrative offer.”


As she flew to the center of the coliseum, Entropy saw that no arena battles were on-going. In fact, aside from a few guards patrolling the area, the place seemed to be abandoned.

Descending near the guards, the Pit Fiend bellowed in Undercommon, “Peasants! Fetch Lord Kurgoth, I have a most important message for him!”

Utterly surprised by the arrival of the massive outsider, the ogres quickly scrambled away into one of the coliseum’s sub-buildings.

After some commotion, Kurgoth himself emerged onto the arena. By his side was a massive elephant, that seemed to be of demonic origin, as well as a sizable contingent of Fire Giant and Ogre champions.

“My greetings, Lord Kurgoth! I have a most beneficial proposal for you.”

Hellspawn’s fiery hair turned into an inferno, “Why should I trust you! I have been tricked before, but never again! Leave this place!!”

“I have come on behalf of the Lord of the Eighth. I have done you a most gracious favor – I have slain Irae T’ssaren herself and now her tower stands open, ripe for the conquest!” Reaching into her portable hole, Entropy produced Irae’s head and tossed it to Kurgoth.

Turning the tiny thing over in his massive hands, Kurgoth was pleased, “By Kossuth, perhaps I have misjudged you Fiend! Her tower is open you say?”

“Yes, you only need speak the password, Isztava Morthaum, and you may enter freely.”

“Excellent, and what do I owe you for this?”

Smiling, the Fiend continued, “Ah, but I have not yet given you the greatest gift. The foolish humans who dared banish you have been slain, victims of an errant calling spell that brought me to this plane. The sorcerer who summoned me did so in haste, not seeing that her circle was flawed. In their weakened state, I was able to easily finish them. And . . . I found some valuable items carried by a women that you may remember.” Entropy stepped forward and handed Kurgoth the Balor’s vorpal greatsword and whip. “I believe your general’s name was Badrazel, correct? Though he is gone, I’m sure we would have wanted you to have these.”

Surprised by this most unexpected turn of events, Kurgoth became suspicious, “This is all well and good Fiend, but what do you want?”

“My master has asked only that you do not touch the stalactite which adorns the roof of this city. Lord Mephistopheles requires it for his personal use. Furthermore, you are not to harm his clergy which may move through the city.”

Kurgoth scowled, “This is too easy! Why do you demand such a thing?”

Entropy shook her head, “I’m afraid you do not understand. When the Lord of the Eighth asks you to do something, you do not question. You simply make haste and pray that he does not slay you for any perceived delays.”

“I see. Your conditions are acceptable Fiend. As long as you master accepts that I, not he, will be the ruler of this city.”



Leaving the coliseum, Entropy teleported herself to the outskirts of the town of Homlet. Here was the Temple of the Triad, the home of Joachim and the base of the most powerful goodly clergy on the continent. Though she hated them all, Entropy felt that she could not forsake her companions who had supported her for so long. If Joachim’s superiors, in particular, could not respect him, then she would make them.

With a thought, her Fiendish form disappeared and was replaced by that of a beatific being with gleaming white wings and eyes of pure gold. She had changed into a Solar, the greatest champion of the Upper Planes. Weaving arcane phrases, she opened two Gates to the Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia.

Since pledging her soul to the Revenancer, Entropy had felt her power increase. Not only had her spell repertoire expanded, but she knew she no longer had to fear, for nothing could be worse that the wrath of the White Banshee.

As the extraplanar gates opened, two beings emerged that looked similar to Entropy’s Solar form save for their smaller stature. Trumpet Archons, they both bore the golden instruments of their namesakes. Momentarily disoriented from being pulled abruptly from their homes, they angrily looked around for the mortal who had dared call them. Then their eyes fell upon the Solar carrying the body of a cleric. They immediately dropped to their knees.

One of them spoke, “Well met my Lord. We are honored to serve you, please direct us.”

“A great hero has died this day. He was a champion of Tyr, the lord of justice and served his deity selflessly and without hesitation.” Entropy indicated the Temple of the Triad, “In this goodly place all will know of his glory, even his superiors. You, my friends will herald his coming. Go forth and announce the arrival of Tyr’s greatest servant!”


As the two Trumpet Archons ascended the stairs of the Temple and strode in, all the priests, acolytes, and assorted faithful were awestruck. Not since the Time of Troubles had they witnessed such a fantastic display of celestial splendor.

“We hereby herald the coming of the honorable High Inquisitor Joachim Dethick! He has given his life in service to Tyr and all the faithful will know of his sacrifice!”

Behind the Archons came the greatest of all celestials, a Solar, carrying the Inquisitor in his arms. “Convene at the main altar and I will consecrate his body!”

Amid a crowd of priests, Entropy gingerly placed Joachim’s body underneath a golden statue of the lord of justice. Though nearly everyone was too dumbfounded to even consider what they were seeing was an elaborate fabrication, High Priest Darian pushed his way forward. Bearing an eyepatch given to him by Tyr himself, it allowed him to pierce any illusion or transmutation. Though he noticed that the Trumpet Archons were very real, he saw that the “Solar” was really Entropy.

Darian moved up to the Solar and bowed. Standing, he whispered in her ear, “I appreciate what you are trying to do, but I hope that you understand that this act dangerously borders on blasphemous.”

Without even responding, Entropy turned and left with the Trumpet Archons in tow.

Though the High Priest had seen through her ruse, she knew that he would never reveal that information to anyone else. How could he, when admitting that the whole affair was a farce would shake the faith of Tyr’s believers so profoundly?

As Entropy exited the Temple, she dismissed both Trumpet Archons. As she turned to return to her towers, she realized that she still had the bodies of Noir and Hor’ahun in her portable hole! Annoyed and unwilling to go though another dramatic episode, she turned the hole upside down and dumped their bodies on the steps of the Temple.

Sooner or later, an acolyte would come out and pick them up. Surely they would recognize the “heroes” that had saved their skins.


Night was fast approaching as Entropy reached her towers. After she had “convinced” the foreman to accelerate the construction schedule in her Pit Fiend form, she was pleased to see that significant progress had been made.

Returning to her normal form, she found Eclavdra – her faithful cohort – amid her myriad followers.

“Greetings Eclavdra, I see that my Pit Friend servant has had the desired effect.”

“Yes mistress, quite,” Eclavdra responded. “Oh, and how goes the battle against Irae T’ssaren?”

“Later Eclavdra, later.” Producing the Claw of the Revenancer, as well as Irae’s staff from her portable hole, Entropy handed them to her cohort.

Taking the items from her mistress, Eclavdra was puzzled, “These are most exquisite items, but what are they for?”

Smiling cryptically, Entropy ignored the question, “Eclavdra, tell me what you really want out of life . . .”
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First Post
Welcome to Gfunk's Bastion of Broken Souls Story Hour!

Since we will probably pick up a few new readers, I thought it would be helpful to first briefly summarize the PCs and principal NPCs in our FR campaign.


Joachim Dethick (Human Fighter 1/Cleric 6/Chruch Inquisitor 10/Contemplative 2)
Title(s): High Inquisitor of Tyr
Alignment: Lawful Good
Principle Allies: The Triumvirate, Dante (high priest of Oghma), Darius (High Justice of Tyr), Bandar (leader of Desmodu Tribe), Alphar Turin (high priest of Kelemvor), Lady Kestrel (Monarch of Cormyr, in exile)

Joachim’s principle aim is the destruction of the drow who have occupied the lands of Cormyr, particularly the city of Tilverton. This goal was significantly furthered by the silence of Lolth, demon goddess of the dark elves. Without their divine spells to protect them, the Lolth-worshipping drow in Cormyr quickly fell from power. To fill this vacuum, drow worshipping other deities took control – principally Kiaransalee, drow demigoddess of undeath and vengeance. Irae T’ssaren, Kiransalee’s most powerful follower, seized the city of Tilverton. She planned to complete a ritual called the “Great Revenance” whereby she could animate the corpses of hundreds of dead drow and humanoids, turning them into powerful revenants. With this army at her command, she planned to push north and conquer the Dales.

Her plans were cut short, when she was slain by Joachim and the other members of the Triumvirate. In the final, climactic battle, Joachim was slain by Irae herself, though he was later resurrected by High Justice Darius. At this point, Joachim hopes to re-unite with his ally Alphar Turrin, High Priest of Kelemvor. Together, they hope to destroy the last remnants of drow strongholds in Cormyr

Entropy (Human Sorcerer 10/Alienist 9)
Title(s): Blessed of the Moonsea, The Revenancer’s Chosen
Alignment: Neutral Evil (formerly Chaotic Neutral)
Principle Allies: The Triumvirate, Dante (high priest of Oghma), Bandar (leader of Desmodu Tribe), Gropdar the Shaper (monarch of the city-state of Hillsfar), Glenda Shatterstar (leader of Hillsfar’s Mage Guild), Lady Kestrel (Monarch of Cormyr, in exile), Flenser (Draegeloth priestess of Kiaransalee), Dorina T’ssaren (priestess of Kiaransalee), Haven for Extraplanar Learning and Lore (an organization Entropy founded), Eclavdra Eilservs (priestess of Kiaransalee, formerly Ghaunadar), the Undying Temple (sentient tower, formerly Irae T’ssaren’s seat of power), Kurgoth Hellspawn (Fire Giant blackguard)

After destroying an Alienist cult in Hillsfar with her companions, Entropy delved into study of the Far Realms. With it, she found that she could tap into a plane beyond space and time and summon pseudonatural creatures of great power. However, this power came at a price – slowly driving Entropy insane. She is now obsessed with opening a permanent portal to the Far Realms, thereby thrusting all of Faerun into a maelstrom of insanity and death.

Along with the Triumvirate, Entropy destroyed Irae T’ssaren before she could complete the Great Revenance. However, she was the only member of the group to survive the final battle. With her companions dead, Entropy seized the opportunity to gain more power for herself. She pledged her soul to Kiaransalee, the Revenancer, in exchange for the cooperation of the demigod’s minions in opening a permanent Far Realms portal. Entropy has allowed Kiaransalee’s followers to complete the Great Revenance, which she believes will create a diversion for the Dale armies – allowing her to complete her own plans.

Hor’ahun (Githzerai Psychic Warrior 16)
Title(s): The Wanderer
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Principle Allies: The Triumvirate

A relatively late arrival to the group, Hor’ahun first encountered them in the Underdark where he was hunting for Illithids. The Triumvirate so impressed the Githzerai, that he volunteered to join their ranks. Though he cares little for drow, he always appreciates the opportunity to test his mettle and enhance his significant psionic capabilities. He has no real ties to the Material Plane (being a native of Limbo). However a fortunate draw from Entropy’s Deck of Many Things gave him a keep as well as a loyal retainer to maintain it. Though he was slain by Irae T’ssaren, Hor’ahun was later resurrected by Joachim.

Noir (Human Paladin 18)
Title(s): The Last Paladin of Cormyr
Alignment: Lawful Good
Principle Allies: The Triumvirate, the remnants of the Cormyrian military

Noir first met the Triumvirate when she helped them destroy the shrine of the Demon God Ochremeshek. Since then, she has applauded their goal of removing the drow from Cormyr by force. She is not motivated by principle (as Joachim) or ulterior motives (as Entropy), rather Noir is one of the few truly loyal Cormyrian militants who remains alive today. She has very poor relationship with the Cormyrian nobility, whom she blames for the current plight of her nation.

Following the death of Irae T’ssaren, Noir has returned North where she hopes to lead the Dale armies to victory in Cormyr. With the destruction of Kiaranasalee’s cult and the loss of Lolth’s powers, Noir hopes that the war will be quick and decisive.

Principle NPCs

Alphar Turrin (Cleric 20): Formerly the leader of the adventuring group the Vorpal Blades, Alphar led them to the Abyss itself to destroy Lolth. Unfortunately, the entire company was slaughtered in the Demonweb Pits and only Alphar survived. The subsequent conquest of Cormyr by Lolth-worshipping drow have made Alphar a pariah in many circles. He has since given up adventuring, ministering a small shrine to Kelemvor in the Dales.

Bandar (Adept 6): This old Desmodu leads a large group of his bat-people in the Underdark. A vociferous foe of the drow, Bandar allied himself with the Triumvirate when they resolved a conflict between his people and a local group of salamanders.

Dante (Cleric 15): One of the original founding members of the Triumvirate, this high priest of Oghma has since retired from adventuring. With the establishment of a massive temple and library in Silverymoon, Dante has focused his energies on gathering and disseminating knowledge.

Darius: The highest ranking priest of Tyr in the Dales, High Justice Darius is Joachim’s long-time friend and mentor. His principle concern is to eliminate the drow from Cormyr.

Dorina T’ssaren (Cleric 14): Daughter of Irae T’ssaren, this priestess has nonetheless devoted herself to Entropy, Kiaransalee’s new Chosen. Entropy has tasked Dorina with completing her mother’s Great Revenance ritual.

Eclavdra Eilservs (Fighter 1/Cleric 11): Eclavdra is Entropy’s cohort, joining the Alienist in order to exact revenge on the Lolth worshippers who destroyed her house and exiled her to the surface. Eclavdra was formerly a priestess of Ghaunadar but has recently converted to Kiaranasalee by Entropy’s promises of power.

Flenser (Cleric 12): This draegeloth (a mixture of drow and demon) answers only to Entropy in the cult of Kiaransalee. Flenser was the one who conducted the unholy ritual, giving Entropy’s soul to the Revenancer. While her mistress is away (which is most of the time), Flenser is tasked with keeping her followers in line.

Glenda Shatterstar: Currently the head of Hillsfar’s powerful Wizard’s Guild. Glenda originally sent several representatives to aid in Entropy’s fledgling organization, Haven for Extraplanar Learning and Lore (HELL). However, the Archmage does not realize the nefarious intent of Entropy’s group.

Gropdar the Shaper: Monarch of Hillsfar, Gropdar is very good friends with Alphar Turrin. He has enjoyed relatively good relations with the Triumvirate as well with the notable exception of Joachim. The High Inquisitor, pulling a card from Entropy’s Deck of Many Things, permanently alienated his long-time friend with the powerful magic of this artifact.

Kurgoth Hellspawn (Fire Giant, Blackguard 5): Kurgoth was attempting to wrest control of Tilverton from Irae T’ssaren when the Triumvirate banished him to Celestia. Finally making his way back to the Prime, Hellspawn was informed by Entropy (disguised as a Pit Fiend) that his nemesis was slain. In exchange for nominal control of the city, Kurgoth has promised not to harm Entropy’s followers.

Lady Kestrel: The current ruler of Cormyr, Kestrel is in exile in Algarond under the protection of the Simbul. She enthusiastically supports the goals of the Triumvirate and heralds them as instrumental in returning Cormyr to its rightful inhabitants.

Major Organizations

Haven for Extraplanar Learning and Lore: Also know as HELL, this organization was founded by Entropy to further study of the Outer Planes as well as eliminate evil outsiders from the Dales. She is currently having the headquarters (three towers) constructed outside of Hillsfar. In reality, HELL is just a front for a massive alienist cult.

The Triumvirate: Originally founded by Joachim, Entropy, and Dante this union of powerful individuals was formed to destroy the drow in Cormyr. Each member has their own reason for doing so. Recently, both Hor'ahun and Noir have been accepted into the organization following Dante's departure.

The Vorpal Blades: This now defunct adventuring group, led by Alphar Turin attempted to destroy Lolth herself in the Demonweb Pits. Unfortunately, the whole company was destroyed save Alphar. Many inhabitants of the Dales blame the Vorpal Blades for Cormyr's current plight.
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First Post
Session 26
Spinning the web

The Githzerai looked on in disbelief. He was finally becoming accustomed to life on the Prime, had just begun to put down roots, and now this . . .

Hor'ahun drew his rapier as he approached the gutted remains of his keep. The structure became his, not long ago, after a fortuitous draw from a Deck of Many Things. Through the power of the artifact, the keep had instantly sprung into being, complete with a loyal retainer to maintain it.

Moving up quickly beside him, Noir shared the Psychic Warrior's shock. "By the Red Knight, it looks like an entire army, complete with seige equipment came through here!" Pausing for a moment, the Paladin stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled.

Noir's mount, a mighty Griffon, did not respond.

As the pair cautiously moved through the remains of the keep, they saw that it appeared as if the entire place had been set to flame. Though they found the corpse of Hor'ahun's retainer, they found no evidence of Noir's Griffon, save a few bloody feathers.

"Who could have done this? We have no political enemies in this region," Hor'ahun asked rhetorically.

Noir knew there could be only one answer. What had occured here was not an attack, but it was meant as a message. A prophecy of doom. The Paladin whispered but a single word, but it contained all the information that Hor'ahun required.



Over the course of the next several hours, both Noir and Hor'ahun traveled across Hillsfar and towards Entropy's three towers. Most importantly, they wanted to see if the sorcerer's organization had met the same fate as Hor'ahun's keep. But they also needed a quick way to travel to the Temple of the Triad in Homlet to discuss the matter with Joachim.

Landing quickly amidst the construction crew, both warriors looked for either Entropy or her cohort, Eclavdra. But they were nowhere to be seen.

After some time, a warrior in chainmail approached them, "What do you two clowns want?"

It was Phibrizzo, Noir recognized, the captain of Entropy's guard. "Captain, we need to speak with Entropy, it is of dire importance!"

The ill-mannered and boorish soldier just sneered, "Well you will have to wait a while. The Mistress has taken leave along with Eclavdra. She will not be returning anytime soon."

Both Hor'ahun and Noir glanced at each other. Without the aid of the sorcerer's teleportation magic, it would take them days to reach Homlet -- time they could ill afford to waste.

Seeing the frustration in the pair, Phibrizzo smiled cunningly, "HOWEVER, Mistress Entropy did leave me a way to contact her in emergencies such as this. I could be persuaded to call her if I was . . . sufficiently compensated."

Bearing a look of outrage and anger, Hor'ahun began manifesting a psionic power before Noir stopped him. "NO! This time it appears we need him. Phibrizzo, here are 200 gold pieces, I assume that it will be sufficient."

"Why yes, noble, valiant Paladin, I believe it is." After greedily grabbing the pouch, Phibrizzo cleared his mind and began to concentrate. "Mistress . . . I need to speak with you . . ."


From the look on her face, it was plainly obvious that Dorina T'ssaren did not appreciate being supplanted by Entropy's cohort. Dorina had fully expected to take her mother's mantle of leadership and prestige after Entropy ordered her to complete the Great Revenance.

But now, Entropy had placed someone else in charge -- another drow no less! And a former worshipper of Ghaunadar! Dorina looked at Eclavdra Eilservs, as she sat comfortably on Irae's throne -- the Claw of the Revenancer secured to her wrist.

Noticing her rival's penentrating gaze, Eclavdra simply smiled, delighting in Dorina's torment. Knowing that it would provoke the priestess further, Eclavdra tried to put on as civil a tone as possible, "My dear Dorina, what brings you to my chambers? I don't believe I summoned you here. I think it would be best if you returned to the altar and continued your work."

Dorina could take it no longer! Her whole life, she had been groomed as a high priestess of Kiaransalee. And after her mother's demise, her rightful position was taken over by a complete outsider! Her blood boiling with homicidal rage, Dorina began to cast a spell.


With great effort, Dorina stopped her incantation and the divine energy she had generated dissapated.

A Draegloth ran up to Dorina and seized the priestess with her massively muscled arm. "How dare you! We are all to submit to Lady Kiaransalee, not to weaken her forces through foolish pride. Mistress Eclavdra was selected by the Chosen of the Revenancer! DO NOT forget that! The Chosen's commands are sanctioned by the White Banshee herself!"

"Please, Flenser, release her. She has been through so much lately. After all, such a multitude of failures must truly be difficult to bear," Entropy patted her minion on the back.

Flenser immediately released her grip as Dorina unceremoniously fell to the floor. Standing, she quickly regained her composure, "Forgive me Mistress . . ."

"Never forget that we exist only to please the Revenancer. My mind has touched hers and I know what the White Banshee desires. Do not forget that again or Flenser may not be so gentle in the future."

Fuming at Eclavdra's smug expression, Dorina knew she had no choice. She bowed her head in obesience.

As the Alienist turned to leave, she heard a voice in her mind, "Mistress . . . I need to speak with you . . ." Entropy recognized it instantly, the voice of Phibrizzo, the captain of her guard. To facilitate communication, the sorcerer had dominated many of her key followers. Not only did this give her absolute control over their actions, but it also allowed telepathic communication between them.

As Phibrizzo's message continued, Entropy's expression went from disgruntled to concerened to one of pure terror.

Noticing her reaction, Eclavdra stood up, "Is there a problem mistress?"

"No time to discuss it. I must go, make sure the defense of the Undying Temple are secure."

With a flash, the sorcerer disappeared.
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First Post
Session 27
The resurgence of good

Recently resurrected, Joachim lay in his quarters, considering all that Lord Justice Darius had told him.

The Undying Temple had not been destroyed.

While Irae T’sarren herself had been vanquished, her soul bound by Darius and clergy members at the Temple of the Triad, it was possible that the Temple could summon another to complete the ritual, allowing the “Great Revenance” to occur.

When Darius conveyed his concerns to the High Inquisitor, Joachim gave a response that the older cleric had not expected.

“High Justice, I do not know how to destroy the Temple. If you think that I will just blindly journey back there, exposing myself and my comrades to more Enervation and Destruction spells without any clue as to how to bring a final death to the undead structure, you are mistaken. I leave finding the secret to destroying the Temple to you. My comrades and I have given enough. Once you learn of a method to destroy the Undying Temple, I would be glad to be a part of the task force sent to handle it. Until that time, know that you can find me at the front of the conflict with the drow in Cormyr.”

Maybe some of Entropy’s disrespect for authority was starting to rub off on Joachim. The Inquisitor, one of Tyr’s most powerful agents in the Realms, did not like being sent here and there like some sort of super-powerful errand boy.

As the High Inquisitor left the temple, he tried to brainstorm unconventional ways that he could combat the drow in Cormyr. In that moment, his thoughts drifted to his trusted friend and mentor Alphar Turin, a priest of Kelemvor. The High Inquisitor had recently saved Alphar's soul from the clutches of the demi-lich Acerak and, at the time of his release, the priest of Kelemvor told Joachim of his own offensive strategies in Cormyr.

Disenchanted by the inability of Tyr’s clergy to accomplish its goals, Joachim decided to turn to his friend instead. He concentrated as he reached out to Alphar . . .


The name of Alphar Turin was spoken with scorn across the Dales and Cormyr. Once a very powerful servant of Tyr himself, Alphar was a renowned hero, saving the Dales on more than one occasion from the schemes of evil entities. During one such mission, he was abandoned by Tyr due to the influence of a powerful artifact known as the Rod of Seven Parts and turned his back on the god of justice later giving his allegiance to Kelemvor, the lord of the dead.

Alphar was the leader of a group of heroes that went by the moniker the Vorpal Blades. The final foray of this adventuring company consisted of a journey into the Underdark against the drow, eventually leading directly to the Demonweb Pits in the Abyss. There, the Vorpal Blades fell.

One by one they were killed by the horrific demonic beings that resided in Lolth’s domain. Only Alphar survived, banished from the Demonweb back to the Prime.

The failure of the Blades in the Demonweb Pits was the last gasp effort to stop Lolth’s bid to return to the surface world. Removing the final obstacle in her path to conquest, the lady of spiders sent her drow above ground and overran Cormyr’s defenses. Alphar, in a state of near delusional depression, vanished with many tales of his ‘death’ being spread about.

Since he was an acolyte, Joachim had begun seeking out Alphar, who he regarded as the very embodiment of justice and good.

Using information given to him by the regent of Hillsfar, Joachim discovered Alphar in the small hamlet of Thunderstone in eastern Cormyr. Alphar, though teetering on the verge of mental collapse, was leading a small band of resistance fighters in the city.


“Alphar, this is Joachim. How goes the battle against the drow?”

The response was somewhat cryptic.

Better than you can possibly imagine. Before my very eyes I behold that which can defeat the drow. You would want to see it too.

“That is wonderful news, but I have no idea about what you speak. Can you explain to me what can defeat the drow in Cormyr?”

I can do better than that. Give me your location and I will show you myself.

Joachim was very intrigued. “I accept. I am at the Temple of the Triad in Homlet. Where shall I tell everyone that I am going, and for how long?”

I cannot tell you where, save to say that we will be thousands of miles from Homlet. I shall see you just after the dawn.


Joachim adjusted his eyes after the teleportation spell landed him in a room constructed of stone. A small arrow slit window looked out over the courtyard of a massive castle. The castle, a true fortress, appeared to have been stocked with antique style furniture, appearing so old it could have been ancient.

Far below, Joachim saw a multitude of activity in the courtyard. Men and horses were being lined up in ranks, headed out of the castle. The soldiers all appeared to be mounted, and moved with a precision that could almost be described as mechanical.

Alphar spoke, “Welcome, my friend, to Castle Al’hanar in the faraway Eastern Shaar. This room is my personal chamber.” Alphar opened a door, revealing a long corridor. “Please, follow me, so I might introduce to the place and its inhabitants.”

Alphar began walking, and continued talking as the two strode through the hallway. “Years ago, I began researching an old legend of a great army, The Knights of the Undying Dragon. At one time, these stalwart soldiers served Myrkul, the former god of death. With Myrkul’s destruction during the Time of Troubles, these knights no longer had a godly master, and found themselves at an impasse. Serve Cyric, the god who assumed Myrkul’s mantle, serve Kelemvor, the new and true lord of the dead, or find another master.”

Alphar's face lit up as continued speaking. Joachim had not seen him so happy in years. “I presented my own proposal to the Knights, though I was not the first. They had already been contacted by another, and had agreed to serve him. Acerak, to be precise.”

“The Knights presented me with a test. Though they would prefer to serve the god of death, in whichever form he assumed be it Myrkul, Cyric, or Kelemvor, they had already pledged their service to Acerak. If I could bring about their master's destruction, then they would serve Kelemvor.”

“In truth, it was not my hand that destroyed the demilich…it was yours. Which is why I wanted to bring you here. You see, Castle Al’hanar is the home of the Knights, and tomorrow morning we ride out for Cormyr, to take it back and return it to its rightful owners. I wanted you to see firsthand our saving grace, and the triumphant return of the Vorpal Blades to Faerun!”


The ornate meeting chamber held many banners and a large oaken table. At one end of the table sat a human in full plate mail wearing the heraldry of the Purple Dragons (the now defunct military of Cormyr).

On the human’s right sat a gnome, standing on a chair so that he could see the tabletop.

On his left stood a dwarf with odd tattoos all over his face, a large golden nose-ring, wearing a holy symbol of Dumathoin, god of the mountain.

Across the table stood another human, wearing heraldic symbols of knighthood and full plate armour that, like the castle, was of an antiquated style. The visor on the knight’s helmet was down, completely covering his face.

The discussion was so heated that the group did not even notice the door open…

The Purple Dragon spoke loudly, “General Umarth, I don’t care about what would be more tactically sound! Alusair has made her intentions very, very clear. We have enough cavalry here to take on any threat the drow can throw at us. We need to take Suzail first. Victory there would be symbolic. The people could see Cormyr’s old capital restored in a glorious fashion. It would deliver a strong message to the drow, and would send them frantically fleeing for their passages back to the Underdark.”

In a hollow, almost chilling voice, the visored General Umarth spoke calmly, “Based on the information that Brynn’s spy network has provided, we know that they have a large military concentration in Arabel. We should strike their first. Crush that army quickly with the element of surprise and then mop up the rest before they can respond collectively.”

The gnome looked at the Purple Dragon, nodding his head. “General Umarth has a very good point, Ren. While we know that Arabel is mainly inhabited by goblinoids and ogres, it is still a very important site from a tactical standpoint. It is the hub of many well-traveled roads and its bridges serve as the gateway into southern Cormyr. The drow know this too, and my spies have indicated that a large drow field army has amassed outside the city. They are there to defend against attack from the north when the Dalefolk finally decide to act. They would not expect an attack from 2,000 veteran cavalry coming from the south.”

Ren shook his head. “Let the Dalefolk and the remaining armies of the Cormyrian nobility handle Arabel. If they ever decide to get off of their asses, and we are done cleaning up the in the south, maybe we can assist them. Either way, the fate of the drow should be sealed. What do you think, Thorak?

The dwarf grunted, “I don’t care, let’s just get this started. My axe thirsts for drow blood. I haven’t entered a battle-rage in many months now. I will leave the tactical decision making to the generals and gentry. Just point me in the right direction, and let me kill something.”

Alphar cleared his throat, and the debate ceased as all eyes turned to the Kelemvorite and his guest. “Gentlemen, we have many days worth of travel ahead of us. We will not have to make a final decision for at least a couple of tendays, so let us not bicker now. That aside, allow me to introduce you to the Lord High Inquisitor of Tyr, Joachim Dethick.”

The group stood up and saluted the young Tyrite. Alphar spoke again, “Joachim, this is Ren Hilk, formerly a Purple Dragon knight. He, along with Brynn Columba (pointing at the gnome) and myself founded the Vorpal Blades. The dwarven Battlerager-turned-war-priest, Thorak Skullsmasher, joined our group later. And this is General Umarth Al’hanar, leader of the Knights of the Undying Dragon, the order that shall serve to be Kelemvor’s sword arm in the Realms.”

Joachim looked at the general. “Al’hanar? You must be a descendant of the old lord that built this magnificent fortress.”

The Knight responded, “No…I am the one who built it almost 800 years ago.” Without another word, the knight removed his helmet to reveal a skull with pinpricks of red light glowing from the eye sockets.

Joachim gasped, and reached for his sword. Alphar’s hand locked over the Tyrite’s wrist,. “No! It is not what you think. He is Kelemvor’s servant now. Attempt to detect an evil aura on him, I ask you.” Joachim concentrated, and was surprised that there no evil was within the area.

“What is the meaning of this? An undead creature serving Kelemvor?”

Umarth intoned, “Strange times makes strange allies. The act of destroying Acerak by Lord Alphar and yourself convinced my men and I that following the judge of the damned would be acceptable. Lord Alphar magically chanelled Kelemvor’s power, and all of the Knights of the Undying Dragon were allowed a chance at redemption.”

Alphar continued, “Kelemvor’s outlook may have changed in these dark times, but who can ever understand the inner workings of a god’s mind. His teachings show that he cares not between good and evil, only the might of law over chaos. And with his new servants we shall now smite the drow in his name!”


Joachim peered out the window of his chamber, musing at the possibilities.

Twelve companies, each led by a powerful death knight commander. General Umarth himself was the head of the First Company. Each company was broken into six platoons consisting of 24 revenant soldiers, and at the head of each platoon was a revenant leftenant and a ghostly chaplain. The death knight commanders rode upon nightmares, the ghostly chaplains rode likewise ghostly mares, and the ‘mere’ soldiers and leftenants rode on the backs of skeletal heavy war horses. This brought the total size of the army to just under 1,900 mounted undead cavalry.

Living mounts could only be ridden for a limited time each day, but the undead horses could charge through the day and night, moving at a frightening pace until they reached their destination. Alphar had informed Joachim that it would take them less than 20 days to reach the southern edge of Cormyr and Suzail.

Joachim wanted to watch the initial charge out of the gates of Castle Al’hanar, but knew that he had to get back to Homlet and the other members of the Triumvirate.

At dawn, the great exodus of death would begin, and it would be impressive. At that point, Joachim would return to the Temple of the Triad, and from there the Inquisitor would try to join the Dale army approaching Cormyr from the north.

Joachim knew that he had to keep the Knights of the Undying Dragon a secret, for the drow had many spies even amongst the humans.

Inwardly, Joachim smiled, finally feeling that his actions had made a difference. His prayers went to Alphar, hoping that maybe this was the old cleric’s chance at redemption.
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First Post
Session 28
The Cathezar

“I’m terribly sorry Lady Noir, but I have no idea where the High Inquisitor is. You might say that we did not part on the best of terms.”

Noir gave High Justice Darius a quizzical look. For as long as she had known him, both he and Joachim had shared a close relationship. “Sorry to impose on you High Justice, but the matter is quite important. Hor’ahun’s keep has been destroyed by the forces of Lolth. We fear that either Entropy’s stronghold or the Temple of the Triad may be next. Do you have any inkling of where he might be?”

Darius paused, recalling the conversation he had with Joachim, “All I can tell you is that the High Inquisitor mentioned something about fighting the drow on his own terms. What that means exactly, I couldn’t say. By the way, where are Entropy and Hor’ahun? I thought you said they came with you.”

“Oh . . . well . . . they both told me that they were not sure if they were welcome. As I’m sure you are well aware, they are not exactly the most scrupulous individuals in Faerun.”

“Bah! Be that as it may, they always have a home in the Temple of the Triad. All of you, the Triumvirate, have proven yourselves powerful allies in the cause of Tyr. Please, accept my humble invitation and stay with us the night. I’m sure that the High Inquisitor will return in a day or two.”


Acolytes led the trio to rooms that were quite lavishly decorated, considering the spartan nature of the Tyrites. As they moved through the Temple, Noir thought that something was amiss with Entropy. She had known the Alienist for some time and they had often visited this Temple together. However, Noir could not remember an occasion where Entropy looked so . . . uncomfortable.

“Entropy, do you have any problems on your mind? I understand that you are rightfully concerned about H.E.L.L. but surely your sizable army can deal with the opposition.”

Entropy stopped in mid-stride. With a blank expression on her face, she stared at the paladin, as if trying to pry into her soul. Seconds passed . . . then a minute. Though immune to fear, Noir felt a sense of dread, “What is it!?”

The Alienist finally broke her silence, “What do you want out of life?”

Somewhat taken aback by the question, Noir nevertheless answered quickly, “To see Cormyr restored to its former splendor of course. Why do you ask this now?”

Entropy looked distant, wistful, “The path you have chosen is certainly a difficult one. Though the gods grant you with many powers, they also place many restrictions upon you. You are asked to uphold honor, good, and virtue while fighting those without such noble values. While your enemies can resort to any type of chicanery or deceit to defeat you, you must still follow the straight and narrow path. As you well know, our opponents -- the drow – are the most evil, sadistic race in Faerun. How much longer can you cling to your paladinhood in the face of such wickedness?”

“You ask a good question Entropy. I did not think such philosophical musings were your forte. Yes, it is true that I gain my divine spells from goodly deities and I must maintain a certain standard of conduct. However, in exchange for my penance they have given me many powerful abilities to combat my foes. Though as you so . . . eloquently put it, the paladin’s code is, at times, a difficult one to follow.”

As Noir spoke, Entropy’s eyes became more animated and alive. It was almost as if she already knew what Noir was going to say. “Ah, but do you really need to make such dire sacrifices for your divine power? What if I showed you a better way? You would still be powerful, yet you would not be beholden to maintain such an impossibly perfect moral code.”

“What are you suggesting Entropy?”

“I suggest nothing. I am merely speaking hypothetically. You have long fought against so-called evil beings. What if you could destroy them with raw, unadulterated power? Just think, no restrictions, no morals. The ends justify the means.”

Noir blinked several times, trying to see if her friend was joking. “Well, since we are speaking hypothetically, I must say that there times that I agree with your position. It is galling to be stunned again and again by the demons of the Abyss when they discharge their evil energy. If one more Balor blasphemes me, by the Red Knight, I’ll . . . “

“I can give all of this to you. I am the head of a particular organization who seeks results above all else. You would gain the power of a paladin, and more! But you would be free to act at your own discretion.”

Noir considered the proposition carefully. She was on morally tenuous ground here. The paladin admitted to herself that she was often angered by the hypocrisy of the Cormyrian nobility who sat safely in exile while their subjects were enslaved. She had spent the last few weeks trying to liberate Tilverton but Darius had informed her that the Undying Temple still stood! How much longer would she have to tolerate failure? Was her cause not just? Her goals not noble?

“Entropy, I must admit what you offer me is tempting. But I cannot . . .”

“Think about it. That’s all I ask. Let me know your answer in two days.”


That night, sleeping in the Temple of the Triad, all three adventurers had troubled dreams. But only Entropy’s nightmare woke her.


Entropy nearly jumped out of her bed. In her mind was the voice of Phibrizzo, the captain of her armed forces. He called her now via the telepathic link that they shared.

“Phibrizzo, calm down and tell me . . .”


Without further hesitation, Entropy ran into the rooms of Hor’ahun and Noir nearly turning their beds over in an attempt to wake them.

“There is no time!! Lolth is attacking my towers now!! We must go!!”

As Noir quickly put on her full plate with the help of the temple acolytes, Entropy and Hor’ahun cast abjuration after abjuration upon themselves. When all were ready, Entropy opened a Gate to the Astral Plane. From there, she opened a Gate back to the Prime – directly in-between her three towers.


It was a scene that only Talos, the god of storms and destruction, could love. The sounds of battle were thick in the air as Entropy’s forces were fighting – or rather being slaughtered – two powerful, seemingly demonic beings.

One resembled a lion, though it was much, much larger. The other looked like a Stone Giant, albeit with a clearly abyssal heritage. Around them were the bodies of unfortunate soldiers – killed in a myriad of ways.

The lion-like creature dropped the soldier it had crushed in its powerful maw and assessed the new threat that had arrived. Though all his foes were invisible, the lion’s hyper-acute senses rendered that fact irrelevant. With a powerful leap, he landed in front of the them.

Immediately, Noir and Hor’ahun raised their weapons to defend themselves. But the beast did not strike, but rather it concentrated as it sent forth a blast of unholy energy from its very being. Noir and Hor’ahun, as powerful as they were, were momentarily dazed. At the same time, many soldiers surrounding them immediately fell to the ground – instantly and irrevocably slain by the unholy power of the spell.

Strangely, Entropy was unaffected. The beast could not know – indeed Entropy’s companions did not – that the Alienist’s soul had become as evil as the demon’s.

Quickly coming to her friends’ aid, Entropy conjured an extra-dimensional maze around both the lion-like demon and its giant kin. Silently, both disappeared.

The Alienist’s form began to shift and grow larger. Eventually she was 20 feet in height, taking the form of a Storm Giant. With a greatly increased lung capacity, she screamed at the top of her voice, “YOU FOOLS!! Retreat now!! All is lost!” She hoped her henchmen would heed her commands before more of them fell.

Before she could act further, a caped drow male quickly flew towards her position. Though Entropy was invisible, he seemed to have no trouble finding her. As the drow approached, he drew a rapier, “Welcome to your death, fool. You have interfered with the Lady of Spiders for the last time.”

Moving quickly, the drow thrust his rapier forward repeatedly, trying to pierce a vital organ. Though he was a master with his heavily enchanted weapon, his blows were cleanly deflected by the plethora of defensive spells Entropy had erected. The Alienist nearly laughed out loud at the shocked expression on the drow’s face. Obviously, Lolth had sent her best and they were plainly insufficient.

Then, Entropy realized it wasn’t her that the drow was frightened of. With mounting dread she turned around . . .

Before her, Entropy saw a large creature, clearly female but with a snake-like trunk. Well-versed in extraplanar lore, Entropy first thought it might be a Marilith except that the creature before her had six arms and, in them, held a hellish tangle of cruelly-barbed spiked chains.

Smiling, the being spoke to Entropy in a mix of Abyssal and Infernal. To Entropy, who spoke only one of these tongues, it was gibberish. However, the demon’s next move was not so ambiguous.

Magically, the snake-like demon projected all six of her spiked chains at the Alienist. Unlike the drow, who had utterly failed to hit his target, the chains all hit – ripping and tearing flesh with terrifying ease. The barrage was more than Entropy could take, in a nauseating spray of blood and gore her 4,000 lb form crashed to the ground.

The Cathezar had claimed her first victim . . .
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