Giant defense


Falling Damage

If you do have the trolls plunge off the cliff with someone in tow, make sure that you add some form of impact damage from the fall in addition to normal falling damage.

20d6 points of damage might not kill a 13-14 level PC.

20d6 points of damage + whatever amount of damage a 2100 pound troll does by landing on top of you is really going to hurt.

Can you say squish?

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First Post
Giants with reach weapons are a serious pain to close with.

Since the Paladin's AC is so high, concentrate touch attacks on him. Grapples seem to be the easiest, but the giant cleric can have some Inflicts prepped, or even spontaneously cast.

Silence cast on one of the Trolls, then sic it on the mage.



Re: Falling Damage

D'karr said:
If you do have the trolls plunge off the cliff with someone in tow, make sure that you add some form of impact damage from the fall in addition to normal falling damage.

20d6 points of damage might not kill a 13-14 level PC.

20d6 points of damage + whatever amount of damage a 2100 pound troll does by landing on top of you is really going to hurt.

Can you say squish?

I agree, though I'd give them a Reflex save to avoid this extra damage, or make an opposed Dexterity check against the troll to see who can stay on top at the time of impact.

The goal isn't to kill the PCs, btw, he's just trying to challenge them... :)

James McMurray

First Post
D'Karr: True, of course, its only a 700 pound troll, but that's still gonna hurt.

Gargoyle: I agree, a grapple check to see who's on top sounds good to me. and yes, the goal is to challenge the players. If my goal was to flat ot kill them, that's the easiest thing for a DM to do. The hard part comes when you want them to decide by their tactics and actions whether they live or die, as you have to find a balance.

Zhure: They are harder to close with. The paladin has been using his boots of speed to be hasted, and then with his partial action moving to 10' away. With his full action he then 5' steps and full attacks, thus avaoiding any AoOs.


First Post
Meka the cleric prepare some protection from elements and use them with the trolls, and at least one Invisibility purgue.

Make sure all the giants attack simultaneously.


First Post
Polydamas said:

3) Use Wall of Ice to corral those pesky adventurers

Yes indeed! Osyluths can be amazingly effective if used in conjunction with other creatures, especially if they just make themselves invisible and then hover around the edges of the battle using their spell-like abilities.

Wall of Ice is amazing for breaking up the party. My Planescape players were pitted against a gelugon, an osyluth, and eight barbazu, and the osyluth caused absolute mayhem with walls of ice, cutting off members of the party so the gelugon could go one-on-one with them, and trapping the others in tiny spaces between intersecting walls.

James McMurray

First Post
The plan so far

Ok, so here's the defense plan I've got so far:

The Cleric will summon an Osyluth via Lesser Planar Ally. She will also use divination to determine if the party will be flying up or teleporting in. The Osyluth will cast fly on all of the defenders, and animate dead on the fallen giants.

If the PCs are going to fly up:

- The 5 surviving fire giants will hurl boulder nets at the party on their ascent up. Ranged touch attack, grapple check if it hits. the giants will use their BAB, the nets will be considered large, and have a +4 strength mod. I may use double the amount the giant beat the touch AC by as the BAB for the grapple check though. If you're successfully grappled, you plummet. 670' in the first round, the remainder of the distance to the ground in the second.

- Once the party is near the top, the giants move inside the tower, and head up the stairs. Meanwhile, the invisible Osyluth create illusions of them fleeing towards the para-elemental's room, in order to hopefully lure them into freeing it and having to fight it.

- While the party tries to break down the door or come in another route, the giants will head upstairs. They'll prepare the boulder trap (basiclly an Indiana Jones type thing).

- Once its sprung, they'll head to the top of their lair, where the Trolls will be ready to attack the party and try to grapple / jump them off the ledge.

- Fire Giants will attempt to disarm anyone they enter combat with, and one will ready an attack to hit the sorceror when he tries to cast a spell. Another will ready to hit the cleric if he doesn't attack, as they'll know he's preparing a spell.

- The party has already demonstrated that they will not take prisoners or let giants flee (they cut one down as he turned to run) so the giants will fight to the death. If one gets low on hits, he will try to grapple someone near him, then run and jump off the cliff himself, doing his best to take someone with him.

- The Osyluth will stay invisible throughout the battle, and use his actions dividing the party with Walls of Ice, and hitting people with Dimensional Anchor whenever he can strike from cover or extreme distance.

- If the party flees again, the giants will summon another Osyluth (or other Lesser Planar Ally, I'll have to look and see what's available).

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