D&D General Give One Piece of DMing Advice


If you have the option to do something the players suggest and is interesting versus doing what you thought would happen always go with what the players suggest. 1. It makes them more interested in the world you are building. 2. Players will always thing things are worse than they are so it makes them happy when they are proved right 3. It shows you are listening to the players 4. It keeps things interesting for you the GM as you and your group work together to build the story and game.

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Have a plan on where the campaign is going, but be open to change.

I like to have a back of mind idea where the game is going or where an arc is going. This allows for planning of surprises and planting clues such as a map that could come in handy later in the game or a NPC that may be recurring later. Also, don't be afraid to end the campaign when the times comes. I tend to have arcs in the longer game. Each lasts a few levels or tend to last to 5th level at first. I also try to weave clues of other arcs into the longer game before they come up.

If it works for you and your group(s), keep on doing it. Don't let anyone else tell you that you're doing it wrong, or bad, or anything else negative. The only opinions that matter most should be coming from the people who are sharing and creating an experience at your actual table, whether it is real, virtual, or otherwise.

I'd add the caveat: even if things are working for you and your group, do not leave it at that. Always strive to learn and improve as a DM in the effort to create an even more fun and memorable experience for everyone at the table.


Don't prepare a detailed world, filled with politics, religions, cultural beliefs, a unique calendar, etc. That is the best way to put yourself in a corner and lock the campaign. Choose a small location to start with and build around that with the input from your player choices.

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