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GMs, why are *you* doing the GMing in your group?

Are you GMing out of desire or necessity?

  • I do it for fun

    Votes: 178 78.4%
  • I do it because I have to

    Votes: 49 21.6%

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Yeah, more choices needed. I do it for fun but (and I don't want to sound arrogant, this is the consensus of the group) I also do the best job of the people in the group willing to DM. I feel like when I DM everyone enjoys themself more than when someone else does. So, if I thought someone else would do as good or better than I do, then I wouldn't DM so much.

However, that being said, we try to rotate the DM duties periodically, but I wind up with the chair more often than not. Becuase its how I have the most fun and becuase its kinda neccesary.


First Post
There should've been a "because no one else will" choice on your poll. Two years ago I let a campaign that was entering high levels fizzle and die because I was completely burned out. My plan was to let someone else run and I would play to recharge. In the last two years, I've gotten to play less than 10 times, because no one would commit to a steady game.

So, in August, I'll start dm'ing again, so I'll at least have an excuse to use the books I spent all that cash on.

I DM because I enjoy it, but also because I have to. I'm the only one in the group with the dedication to create and DM an ongoing campaign. My current campaign is 2 years running and should last at least another year.

I've had one break to play in that time and had a blast, one of my regular players told me "I've never seen a rogue played like that, that was so COOL!" Made my day. I love playing and wish some of my players could pick up the ball and run with it. But they gert mabe 6 sessioins inot the campaign, just about the time I'm having a ball with my PC and starting to really get into thing, and then they end it and want to play again. (sigh) Someday I may find a DM with some staying power that DM's more than a beer and pretsels game.



First Post
I much prefer to GM, but I do like to play once in a while. I just enjoy creating situations and encounters that the players can work through. Like someone else, the group determines how much fun I have - I'm an Epic Fantasy type, and the players that I enjoy the most are too.

Truth be told, I like to play once in a while just to see what other GMs are doing and keep my mind active.:D


First Post
I enjoy GMing, but I prefer playing as a PC. So when our regular GM's taking a break, wants to simply be a PC to avoid burnout, or the group as a whole is itching for multiple sessions a week, I put on my GM cap.

I really enjoy the act of GMing, and I like telling interesting stories, it's just that I don't like all the preparation and pregame work that's required for it. If I was a better improviser (and I consider myself a fairly good one) I'd be more comfortable with it, but I always feel like I'm letting my players down when I don't have a full adventure prepared, and so even when I'm doing well, I tend to doubt myself. I suppose I could get over it with more practice, but I simply like the no-worries feeling that comes from being a player. After all, I'm only personally responsible for MY fun that way, and I don't need to worry myself about everyone else's good time (though I do try to be conciencious)


A few reasons.

I need more practice GMing. I've not had a lot of experience with it, so every bit helps. I'm definitely getting better.

I was drafted. Apparently despite my low opinion of my first D&D campaign, the players pressured me into restarting it recently, which left me feeling quite flattered.

Necessity. Our group only has two regular GMs, and one does GURPS/Marvel/Robotech, while I do D&D/Call of Cthulhu. So if the group wants D&D, it falls upon me to do it!

Plus it's fun.

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