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Goblins in the Cellar (Bront judging)

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"Also the band of goblin where five and had a worg with them. The wolf died but the goblins escaped. They had well plan the ambush and there way to escape in case of an attack. They seems to have enough strategy to be more then the simple street gang." adds Benedict.

OOC: Trying to explain the goblins seems to organized and have some good strategy. Another reason to take this note seriously. Help another with diplomacy roll : 22


First Post
"Wella, Wella, there justa might bea somethinga to thisa thing" responds the inspectora. "Youa were mosta wise to bringa this toa the Watcha. Thisa addressa belongs toa City Councilmana Thellick Damfeur, ita is his businessa calleda the 'Artifice Nexus'."

"Youa knowa, Security herea in Seventha Tower is the besta in the citya. And Thellick's towera is magically warded bettera thana most. Regardlessa, we willa takea precautions, I willa takea this matter toa the Watcha Captian immediately. I also wanta to finda outa more abouta thesea Curs."

"Shoulda any of thisa informationa youa five havea provided bea useful ina stopping or prosecuting a crime youa will bea rewardeda. There isa onea more thinga I needa from youa, go witha a watchman overa to Thellick's towera and warna him. Tella him the wholea storya anda thata the Captaina willa see toa furthera measures. Hea shoulda considera increasing security tonighta."

Giovianne calls in the guardsman from outside the doorway, who had heard everything so he is fully up to speed, and instructs him to take you to the Artifice Nexus and back up your story.

OOC: Jezira, who has the best check, can post a Sense Motive now to get a read on Giovianne's intentions.
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First Post
All the PCs can post their own sense motive checks to make their own assessments of Inspector Giovianne's intentions...

If there are no further questions the guardsman leads you all many bridges further into the district to the Artifice Nexus. It is well into the afternoon now, you all are hungry, the guardsman does not notice of course. The tower is beautifully decorated on the outside with arcane symbols and small gargoyles. The guardsman takes you right up to the door and enters, there is a chime (magical not mechanical) as it opens. Inside is a lavishly appointed shop, the shelves and display cases are lined with books, scrolls, and potions mostly, but you see other items of various sorts scattered about.

At a table is a tall male-personality warforged in fine robes, he stands as you enter. "May I help you?" he asks in a hollow voice.

"These individuals have information for Councilman Thellick, it is official Watch business, can you summon him please?" responds the guardsman.

"Certianly, anything for the Watch" replies the Warforged. He moves to the center of the room where there is a disk on the floor, with a command it levitates up through a hole in the ceiling carrying him to the second level. This seems to be the only way to the second level. In a few moments he returns.

"The Council is in session at present, Councilman Thellick has been notified that you are waiting and will arrive as soon as possible. In the mean time I will have a meal brought for you, please make yourselves comfortable up on the second level."


First Post
Sense Motive: 7
Completely trusting that he is doing what is right by helping the watch, Justice follows obediently behind the guardsman, marvelling at the differences between this area of Sharn and the ones he's more familiar with.

Justice nods his thanks to the other warforged, noting any sign or symbol of his origin. We are happy to wait on his convenience. I am sure that my companions will appreciate the feed, he says.


First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]Sense Motice: 16[/SBLOCK]

"At least, it woill not be a total waste of time." tells Benedict to Justice, thinking about the no garantee they have about the paiment of this contract.


First Post
[sblock=Benedict only]
Sense Motive: 16

You feel like Giovianne is trustworthy and will come through on the things he talked about doing.

[sblock=Justice only]
Sense Motive: 7

You attempt to read Giovianne one way or another but you have no clue.

The male-personality warforged, referring to himself at 'Nathanziel' proceeds to shuttle you all to the second level using the lift and has food catered in. For Justice he provides a very refreshing beverage that is highly preferred amongst warforged, it would repair a point of damage if you were down one. The waiting for the caterer, and the meal, take well over an hour. More waiting is to be had after that, you are welcome to browse the shop (or make purchases), there are more goods up here on the second level. Nathanziel cautions you about touching anything, he will be more than happy to assist you with any questions.

OOC: this is one of the best magic shops in the city for Artificier items and there is a good selection of scrolls and potions of all types. There are even some wands and wonderous items to be had. The probability of something being in stock depends on cost mostly, so make an inquiry if you are looking for something.


"Oh, goodness, jolly me, look at this place!" Balnibar gushes. "All these wonderful items... I probably can't afford a single one, but, oh, aren't they nice?"

"You'll have to forgive my ignorance," Balnibar begins, addressing Justice. "What are we planning to do? Will fire or silence suit our mission better?"


First Post
[sblock=Jezira only]
Sense Motive (1d20+8=10)

Jezira is finding Giovianne to be trustworthy.

OOC: There is plenty of in-game time for a conversation between Balnibar and Justice, go ahead and finish that up before I continue on with Thellick's arrival :)

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