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Good podcasts?


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Hello all,

I was curious if anyone knew of any good podcasts for the hobby? I have found a few through the iTunes store, but was curious if anyone knew of any worth special mention. The few are listed below:

- Dungeons and Dragons by WOTC;
- Dragons Landing;
- Fear the Boot;
- Pulp Gamer Hardcore.

If you would, take a moment to let us know what you think of the podcasts above (I only just downloaded them and am currently listening to the first) and if you know of any others that are worth their salt and our time.


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Knight of Solamnia
Palantir said:
- Dungeons and Dragons by WOTC;

Good if you want behind-the-scenes. Finally starting to sound better. At first, they had no theme music or anything. They need to work on audio levels a bit more now. I think the hosts are finally getting a few things about podcasting down, so it has improved.

- Dragons Landing;

Good podcast, though it's 2 hours long at times. Otherwise, I enjoy it. Not so frequent.

- Fear the Boot;

Fantastic podcast. My favorite gaming podcast ever. These guys are funny as can be, and give good advice for any RPG. Perhaps not a good podcast if you're a d20 die-hard, but a great podcast if you're a fan of role-playing in general. They also put on one hell of a con!

- Pulp Gamer Hardcore.

Haven't heard it, so I can't comment.

If you would, take a moment to let us know what you think of the podcasts above (I only just downloaded them and am currently listening to the first) and if you know of any others that are worth their salt and our time.

If you're into Dragonlance, check out the Dragonlance Canticle.


general - podcasts

these are the two that I listen to. Both have been going for about 2 years now. 2d6 feet is an off shoot of the ogre cave, with a couple of the same guys, iirc. both are quite funny and informative. I get them both through I tunes, although both of them have a web-site as well.

2d6 feet in a random direction - covers a range of games and gaming ideas.

the ogre cave - more about the gaming industry than gaming per say.

aka thotd

Aidan Milvus

First Post
Palantir said:
- Dungeons and Dragons by WOTC;
- Dragons Landing;
- Fear the Boot;

I've listened through all three of these podcasts' archives. Wotc's is ok, like others have said, good for insider information, and now some sneak peaks into 4e, but that's about it.

DLI is probably one of my favorite podcasts (also the first one I started listening to). They give great advice, are quite humorous to listen to, and have have a good deal of feedback from their listeners which they (mostly) listen to and respond positively to. Unfortunately, lately, they've taken to only having a podcast about once a month, though they started off at 1/week. But, since they are around 2 hours, its usually worth the wait.

Fear the Boot is one that when I first started listening to, I wasn't sure if I would keep listening once I got through their archives. They started off with a lot of hosts, and had random ones at the beginning. They are very opinionated, and don't care if they step on toes or not. After listening all the way through their archives, I have added them to my weekly schedule to listen to them. They do give out good advice, even if they do grate on people occasionally.

Some of my other regular podcasts that I listen to:

3.5 Sanctuary. These two are lovers of D&D and 3.5 in particular. They have a good on-air relationship, and are fun to listen to. The site also has some good reviews of books. They say that they're not anti-4e, but that they're pro 3.5.

Sons of Kryos This has been around for quite a long time as well. They are more of an indy podcast, as they talk about a lot of independently created rpgs as well as the occasional LARP topic, but they also offer some very good advice.

If you're into LARPS, Gamer: the Podcasting is a great podcast to listen to, although they are no longer producing new episodes. Their archive is full of great advice, and my favorite part of their casts was their prop-making segments. I enjoy making props for my PnP games, and I listened to them mainly for that segment, but the rest of the 'cast held good advice as well.


My favorite gaming podcasts. Links available for free on Google:

2d6 Feet in a Random Direction (Decent gaming talk)

Sons of Kryos (Good, likable hosts)

OgreCave Audio Report (Good stuff from a FLGS POV)

Fear the Boot (lots of noise:signal. Plus, their gaming tastes hasn't been mine since 1992, but otherwise a fun download)

Have Games Will Travel (Paul is the MAN)

GeeksOn (just plain entertaining. Not a lot of RPG stuff, however)
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First Post
If you like Star Wars Saga Edition, you might like the Order 66 Podcast. The first few episodes were a bit rough, but they've gotten their formula down a little better. They do some comedy bits which are hit-and-miss, but they usually pick one big topic per show and stick with it.

I've listened to a few podcasts, most of which actually aren't for DnD, and I have to say:

I prefer it in writing. People can read faster than you can listen, and there's no possibility of mishearing something that way.


I'm a dyed-in-the-wool D&D player, but oddly enough, the only gaming podcast in listen to is Accidental Survivors, which is a modern gaming podcast. I find it largely entertaining, many of the ideas presented can port fairly well into fantasy, and Fraser Ronald is an old gaming buddy of mine, and the publisher of my Treasure Chest Unlocked series, so there's some brand loyalty going on I s'pose.

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