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Good vs Evil: D&D Wargaming


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Zedrihar waits impatiently for Axorius' response. While he does, he removes his magical emerald from its harness and calls a few dozen ravens from the sky, instructing those who have traveled farthest to land on the ground. Zedrihar uses the emerald to cast speak with animals and begins questioning them as to what they have found about the enemy terrain and army positions.
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"We must meet with the other lords before we decide on a course of action. Bring your army to the Spire, we will meet and embark from here," Axorius responds to Zedrihar.

Now that the enemy has seen his face, his stronghold, and has the means to return, Axorius takes measures to prevent any chicanery against him. With the remaining funds from his war chest he purchases the following enhancements to the Skylance: He will have forbiddance cast on the entire ship (which fits within one 60-ft. cube, shaped appropriately) keyed to any good alignment, with no password (for 1,500 gp total). One room will not be warded by Forbiddance, but it is the private tactical room. It will be a chamber of vacancy (which means it can't be found with divination spells), with no windows, and a concealed door. It is the room where Axorius speaks of and performs strategic matters, and the room from which teleporting minions can arrive and depart. (22,500 gp)

With orders for the new magical enhancements put in, Axorius goes to speak with the Seraphim. "Lord, I have news of battle already. Our archons, in alliance with the good sorcerors Dan and Zan of Lowgate, have defeated two of The Enemy's highlords. Also, they managed to take a powerful magic Mirror from The Enemy, which they were to use to spy on our forces and invade our lands. It will be a great boon to us, once we master its secrets." Axorius continues, "this tremendous victory is something that I did not expect so early in the war. I wish to enlist more soldiers and magical aid, in order to press this advantage while we have the upper hand."

With the passion of a true warrior, Axorius adds, "Your Radiance, Evil has flourished in the lands to the north for long enough. This victory has opened my eyes, but not clouded by judgment. The battles will only be more difficult from here. All of the Heavenly houses have put their very souls on the line, save one. The Archons, the Eladrins, and the Guardinals will fight to the last man, and are going fearlessly into battle. Your Radiance, allow the Angels to throw their lot in as well. Give me Raztir-el, the Astral Deva."


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After speaking with the ravens [see above post], Zedrihar says, "I can only transport my troops once each day. I believe it would be wiser to save this ability until needed." Activating the sapphire a second time, he says, "I shall remain in communication with you and the wizards, however. For now, I recommend that at least some small force be left to defend Lowgate, and the rest be sent in a second strike against the north. Those with the ability to teleport themselves at will should join the attacking force, since they will be able to contribute to defense as well, should we come under attack by the enemy's scattered forces."

[from now on, I'm not going to indicate that Zedrihar recasts sending every twenty-five words, although that will be necessary]


Chronos Report

First Day: Day spent scrying, communicating, etc.
First Night: Teleportation Raid.

Evil's next action takes place in the morning, around 9am. It is midnight for you, however. I need 9 hours of action from Tyreus.

Next Good player may enter.

Nameless's heavenly host gains 100 points. Tyreus will gain points when his city knows about his heroics.
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Right now Zan and Dan are on the Sky Lance, resting for the night if Axorius will have them. Zan will message the mayor of Lowgate, informing him that they will be their the next day. In the morning, Zan will ask Axorius if he could have some archons help him retrieve the gold from the dragons lair. It's in the mages mansion, requiring only one trip to get if the archons can bring 50 lbs with them. That should take up 9 hrs. Dan and Zan will take the gold to Lowgate.

Zan calls the entire town to a gathering, army and common folk alike.

"Citizens of Lowgate, hear me! I have returned from battle with the forces of darkness. I have single handedly defeated two of their generals, along with an entire army! The vile creatures that threaten your home and family seek vengence and will be much more prepared in the future. They will come to destroy everything you know and I cannot fight them alone. Thus, I call upon the great people of Lowgate. My brother and I have developed a process that will transform anyone of you into a deadly combatant! I will need volunteers, but if I cannot muster the forces nessesarry to repel the darkness, then all is lost. Be warned though, if you volunteer you will be forfitting your natural appearance, becoming imbued with clockwork devices and great magical power. Remember though, if you join you do so to fight for everything you hold dear, your friends and family, and even the future of all that is good in the world!"

Zan has a 32 charisma, hopefully making his words very moving and pausing in all the right places.


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(ooc: I'm going to roleplay the Seraph awarding me the CR, because I'm using part of it to improve Axorius with abilities an Angel might possess.)

The Seraph responds to Axorius's request, "Your efforts have been cunning indeed. The Angels would be delighted to join the war effort. But they simply do not have the resources to send a warrior as mighty as Raztir-el away from defending the Spire of Celestia. Instead, they will imbue you with certain angelic gifts while preparations are made for the darkening days in which Angels will descend to Earth with you."

[Using 31 points to improve Axorius with the following: Teleport (as archons), Flight 150' (Good maneuverablity, as a Solar), Frightful Presence, add See Invisibility and "Change Size" (like Enlarge Person, but works on outsiders as well, from Efreeti description) both at will, Telepathy 100'. I'll post in Rogue's Gallery how the additional CR breaks down with the golden and silver rules. It ends up putting Axorius's new CR at 16.014, rounded down to 16. The rest of the points will be spent below the baseline.]

Axorius is slightly disappointed, but takes the gesture as a boon. "Thank you, Your Radiance. I will accept the Angels' gifts and use them to further the cause of good."

EDIT: I also will purchase an identify spell (110 gp) cast on the Mirror of Mental Prowess to give me the command words. If it's possible, I'll buy the scroll and give it to my wizards to share (starting with the level 5 tactician) and scribe into their spellbooks.
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WizWrm: The ravens tell speak of clouds of ashes in the sky above the lands to the north. They do not like flying there, because it is hard to breath, and it stings the eyes. Flying below the ashes is possible, but this too, they do not like, for the starving pesants are clever with slings and they seek whatever food they can find... including ravens.

The ravens have not seen armies on the move on the moor, only pitiful people and fire in the sky.


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Ashalla was worried, she had known this day would come, the ancient books had told of times when the dark lands marched on the lands of the light, she had just hoped that it would not happen while she was the head mistress. Ultimately her hoping was for naught. Omen and signs had led her to return her less experienced students home. She truly hoped she would not have to call them up.

What was left to here were 33 of her advanced students, each one of them a capable mage in their own right. All of them were in false bodies, protected as much as she could. She prayed to Theren every morning that it would be enough.

Word had come that the side of light had struck first, crippling or destroying two of the enemies. She knew she could delay no longer. This evening she had gone to the forest and called the magical spirits to honor their bargain with Theren. They had come, brave to the last.

She carefully explained what she wanted them to do. Operating in teams of 5, they were to be sent out to 30 different geographic areas. One of her students would spend the morning using the mirror to talk to them. If something disastrous was coming they were to fly as fast as they could and warn the nearest battle lord of the coming danger.

She left 25 of the Wrens here, one always on watch on the mirror, the other watching the Unseen Citadel. She took 10 of the bravest and sent them to the darklands, to try and spy on the enemy, They were to return to a designated place in a weeks time. She sent 7 of her Wren’s to the leaders of the of the forces of light, carrying the message that the unseen citadel stands on the side of light. The final 33 she left watching the meadowlands where they come from and where most of her students come from as well. There are no great communities there, just peaceful villages, providing much of the lands of light’s grain.

Finally now, that the Wrens are off, she stood in front of the mirror, looking at her own reflection. She has used the amulet of mind blank, the area is screen and she is standing decked out in her full plate armor with her bastard sword slung over her back. Yet somehow she can not help but feel naked.

They will strike back soon, they really have no choice. she thinks to herself, The question will be is how. The brother’s fortress or a city to try and draw us in.

She can hear Tormal make his way down the stairs. When he finally arrive she can see his surprise to see her decked out for War. “Tormal, you are to watch all the major cities from on high. You are to cycle through the cities and Lowgate keep. If there are any problems I will be upstairs.” she places a reassuring hand on his shoulder, as his face looks ashen. She doesn’t have to tell him it has begun.

[ooc: she will sleep till prayers in the morning, all the major cities are being watched. All the captains of light should receive a little talking bird telling them Ashalla of the temple of Theren has vowed the power of the Unseen Citadel to battle the coming darkness. They are there to act as liaisons between the Captains of Light and the Citadel.]


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For Axorius's remaining hours (while all the magical doodads are being installed), he will make sure to finish loading up all the supplies he needs for the army. While he waits, he will send alternating shifts of Lantern Archons on 2 minute intervals to patrol key points in the kingdoms of good (and keep in touch with the other known battlelords). They will notify him if anything strange happens, and will keep themselves buffed with Aid spells (as always).

Once the ship is ready to go, Axorius will set out for the nearest city north of the Spire, leapfrogging towards Lowgate.
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