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GOP candidates VS entropy

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Most illegal immigrants to the US came here legally with Visas that are now expired - walls cannot stop that. And of the drug traffickers, digging a tunnel under a wall seems a common and easy solution to passing walls. Walls are ugly, expensive and only offer a false sense of security.

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Good old American made Super Cubes are the way to go. Not those Chinese made domes.
You know who else liked cubes? Brutalists. That's some straight-up European Socialist or Fascist or, like French shi stuff.

Domes are as American as Logan's Run!


Mod Squad
Staff member
There's also all that non-fenceable coastal area.

It better be fenceable! 'Cause the GOP is on target to do squat-all about rising sea levels. If Trump *doesn't* build a sea wall, all his real estate will be under water, and I don't think the mer-people are going to be much of a market...


Mod Squad
Staff member
Domes do not, I repeat, do not protect us from what is below us. Mole people can still invade America with a dome over it.

You would discriminate against the indigenous Molish-Americans, which is not acceptable.


Staff member
It better be fenceable! 'Cause the GOP is on target to do squat-all about rising sea levels. If Trump *doesn't* build a sea wall, all his real estate will be under water, and I don't think the mer-people are going to be much of a market...

Merfolk like beachfront property. They just like it from the other side.


Naked and living in a barrel
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to Walker. Finally! Someone else understand the evil of Canadians and why we want independence. Be afraid, Southerners, be very afraid. The Northern Wall is your friend.

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