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Graverended Grimoire (House Millithor in the City of the Spider Queen V)

Isida Kep'Tukari

This is a continuation of House Millithor in the City of the Spider Queen. But as this has gone beyond House Millithor and the City of the Spider Queen, I thought I'd give it a new name.

I would like all speech in "quotes," all thoughts in italics, and all actions between *asterisks.* Occasionally information for one character or in a specific language will be in spoiler text. Please be certain that you are allowed to highlight the text before you do by checking the OOC information at the bottom of my posts.

As per my policy in the OOC thread, characters that hold the game up will be NPCed, anyone that drops out without notice will have their character fed to Lolth.

Combat: In combat everyone must put their AC, saves (along with conditional modifiers), attack bonuses, damage bonuses, current hit points out of max, immunities and resistances, and anything else you think would be useful, including spell effects, at the end of every combat post. With 20th level characters I am not going to flip back and forth through everyone's sheet hunting up that information. If you want to make my job even easier, use this link: http://www14.brinkster.com/nadaka/DiceBoxDB.asp
You can roll your own attack and damage. Click on "add roll to database," enter in the appropriate numbers, and then post the number as a link back to the results page. If you have fighting cohorts or what-have-you, you're responsible for their stats as well. If you hate dicebots, I will just roll the dice for you as normal.

Out Of Character Thread
Rogue's Gallery Thread

Our Underdark Army
Brother Shatterstone - Kilcif the Chosen - CE Male Bugbear Humanoid 3/Barbarian 2/ Ranger 2/ Rogue 4/ Forbidden Warrior 5
Xael - Quertus Millithor - LE Male Drow Wizard 16/ Archmage 2
Seonaid - Narcelia Millithor - CE Female Drow Cleric 18
Dalamar - Torellan Millithor - CE Male Vampire Drow Psychic Warrior 10
Pyrex - Carcelon Millithor - CE Female Drow Cleric 17/ Heirophant 1
Paxus Asclepius - Tierak Morcane - CE Female Drow Cleric6/Arachne7/Thaumaturge5
Uriel - Eol Sarenlu - CE Male Drow Fighter 2/Swashbuckler 3/Rogue 8/Master Thrower 5
Serpenteye - Teliek Ximeres - LE Male Human Sorcerer 6/ Incanatar 9/ Archmage 5

And now, the story begins...


It is second-day, the second tenday of Tarsakh, The Claw of Storms, the springtime of the surface world. It is the Year of Rogue Dragons, 1383 DR. A year ago the Graverending spilled terrible death into the land, and left the Dalelands weakened with their war against the revenants. Though Irae, the revenants' creator, was killed before total destruction could occur, the Dalelands are still rebuilding.

In the wake of this death and destruction, the remaining members of House Millithor and House Morcane, thought to be killed by a balor, have risen to prominance in the Underdark. Lolth has lifted her Silence, and again the power of the drow priestesses reigns supreme in the Underdark. Aided by their own armies of undead, the Blade of Graz'zt, and the Chosen of Hruggek, as well as a new, dark empire that was once Sembia, darkness is spreading over Faerun. And this is only the beginning.

House Millithor - While many individuals survived Lolth's Silence and the ensuing slave revolts, riots, and outright warfare, only House Millithor has truly survived intact. Though only down to a small number of its original members, their careful collection of power has resulted in them rising to preminance in Menzoberranzan. Matron Narcelia rules her house with a heavy hand, allowing not even a tiny amount of insubordination to go unchecked, not now. The lessons learned in her hardships wandering in the Underdark were paid for in pain and blood, and she has never forgotten them.

Carcelon has become the Matron Mother's right hand. Not a trusted hand, to be sure, but she is allowed to conduct many of House Millithor's far-ranging business ventures, to keep their far-flung holdings in line. Sometimes the more carefree daughter of Millithor has been called the Matron's Scourge, as she is the instrument used to whip those who are far away from the House's direct influence into shape. Her power as a priestess has grown, and she has a great deal of power in her own right, commanding her own squads of House guards, and having several acolytes underneath her.

Quertus is often responsible for the day-to-day business of the house, as well as the serious arcane undertakings. He has been granted a great deal of responsibility, though it comes with power, it is also tempered by the fact that if the Matron is displeased, he will find himself in much more dire straits than he was before the Graverending... Because many of the direct Millithor bloodline were killed during the Silence, he is now granted full House status.

Torellan was one of the reasons that both House Millithor and House Morcane rose again so quickly in Menzoberranzan. His small army of vampiric minions was quite enough to quell some of the few remaining "big fish" in the city, though the Matron's quicker grasp of strategy and the structure of power kept her in ultimate control of the house. Still, Torellan lives a comfortable a life as a vampire can live, surrounded by the luxury looted from a dozen other broken drow houses, and given many slaves to toy with.

House Morcane - The second house of Menzoberranzan to rise in prominance after the Graverending, Matron Tierak has rebuilt both the physical structure of the house as well as her power base from the ground up. She now resides in a fabulous house, filled with the new members of House Morcane she has collected from the shattered remains of the other Houses. As virtually only the other House of note in Menzoberranzan, the two Houses of Millithor and Morcane should be in conflict, but efforts at rebuilding have prevented such things for the time being.

Eol Sarenlu was one of those absorbed into House Morcane after the Graverending. When fiends began sniffing around the remains of the drow Houses, Eol was there to show them the way back to Hell or the Abyss, usually on the end of one of his daggers. He has become the Champion of the House, the one responsible for leading House Morcane's military expeditions.

Sembia - Above, the country of Sembia has come under new rulership. With the firm guidance and substantial resources of Teliek Ximeres, the Archmage has carved out a country for himself in the midst of what was once a weak and wavering country. With strict but fair policies and overtly non-aggressive tactics, Teliek managed a quiet take-over of the country before his neighbors knew what was happening. The Council of Mages along with the Church of Bane now rules the country, and while taxes are high but laws are enforced, worship of Bane is encouraged but not required, most of the peasents simply go about their daily lives.

The Dalelands are too weak from their recent war to offer any protest, and Teliek's agents are already hard at work keeping it weak from within. It it probably that within the next few years, the Dalelands will become a protectorate of the new Sembia.

However, Teliek is a cautious man, and knows to guard his borders from all directions, including below. Though the Houses of Millithor and Morcane are far from Sembia's borders, Teliek knows they are by far some of the strongest drow Houses in the Underdark today. Thusly, he has established ties of trade with them, often sending his most difficult policital prisoners there to be "tended to" by the skillful torturers of the drow Houses.

Between Sembia and Menzoberranzan walks the Chosen of Hruggek, Kilcif. Offer things to do by both places of power, and both Teliek's "necessary raids" and the Matrons' need for someone to rape and pillage their more troublesome enemies offer a great deal of ways to gain wealth. Kilcif is known by all three rulers, and uses all of them to his advantage, all in the name of becoming one of the richest bugbears in all of history. Amongst other things.


But now, there has come a rumor of a power greater than the wealth of two worlds, greater than that that comes from ruling a House, greater than that of ruling a country. Now has come the rumor that part of the power of one of the gods can be taken. It is a nebulous rumor at best, but brought to each of you by a trusted source. A prophetic dream, the rumors from a demon, an ancient tome, the tales of a planes-hopping wizard, in one way or another you have learned that there is a wounded god that lies near death, their power ripe for the taking.

But to go to one of the god's own plains, to try to wrest their divine essense away is not something for any single individual. Only the very strongest of people could only hope to survive in such a place without potent protection. To take along an army could only result in a mass of bodies. To claim this power for your own, you need a group of the most powerful people you know, and you have to convince them to come with you... and then claim the power before they can!
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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Tierak Morcane, Drow Thaumaturge/Arachne

*As soon as the yochlol's whispers reach her ear, Tierak begins to gather her resources. An orcish slave is seized by Krik*tasp and brought to the temple; forgoing her normal rituals, Tierak instead calls upon her goddess to bolster her spirit as she sends the creature's heart to the Spider Queen's maw. This done, she uses this power to call a well-connected succubus, offering her whatever is necessary to bind her to the task of learning the name and home of this dying god. The demon is, of course, bound to absolute secrecy in this matter.*

OOC: Sacrifice for 100 Dark Craft xp, DC is 34, casting Sacrificial Skill and Demoncall to boost the normally +24 modifier to +39. The succubus' services will be paid for using first gold and slave souls.
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Kilcif: Bugbear/Male (Barbarian/Ranger/Rogue/Forbidden Warrior))

*The quarters where lush and magnificent and this wasn’t lost on the occupant of them as he lay upon a large bed that he nearly engulfed completely. Kilcif started at the ceiling noting how that the drow even painted it, it wasn’t the first time he noticed but it always reminded him that he was still vary much a stranger and still not totally understood world.*

*The night hadn’t arrived completely as Kilcif laid resting, this wasn’t unusual as with his status of chosen he had taken the chance to enjoy the finer things of life but he still only slept a few hours each day, as he heard, and smelled the approach of one of his finer treasures.*

*As he waited for her to enter both his chambers and his mind he quickly corrected himself, she was simply his finest treasure, from her telepathic abilities and her unquestionable loyalty to him and only him to her ability to satisfy his unending physical needs she was simply ideal for him.*

*Kilcif hardly made a noise as he straightened himself into a more sitting position upon the bed as he closed his beady red eyes for a second as the familiar presence softly touched his mind.*

The smell of lilac and jasmine filled his nostrils as he spoke to her only in his mind, You may of course enter my dear Litchi and please tell me of the rumors and news you heard.
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Living EN World Judge
Eol Sarenlu:Blade of Graz'zt

Eol gently slid the blade up and under the merchant's third and fourth ribs. A hiss of breath, the sigh of the dying and another Soul was sent to the Abyss.
Letting the fat Drow fall to the cobbled street, Eol once more shifted, becoming that selfsame merchant. Stepping back into the parlor from whence the fat fool had exited to relieve himself, Eol took in the chamber in the blink of an eye.
Two other drow, a male and a female, sat at a small table, the male obviously a Wizard, the female a Priestess,perhaps.
Smiling and emulating the voice of the merchant from what he had already gleaned from his listening in, Eol steeped himself on the Wizard's Tale, a most interesting one about the Death of a God...
When the servants came later that night, they found what appeared to be three conspiritors, all having killed one another, two by blades, the last died of some hideous magic...


Stepping in through the veranda-window of his Suite, Eol first took in the smell (the faint hint of surface lilac, mixed with the heady scent of Jynessa as well as the smell of fresh spilled blood).
A form rose up from the bed, sinuous and voluptuous, a stark contrast to the Drow women of the City. Jynessa waved her black-nailed hand and a pale light illuminated the chamber, showing her small curving horns and pursed lips, curved upwards into a faint smile.

" Beloved, I didn't expect you home so soon..."
Eol detected something else moving upon the bed. Moving closer, he saw the form of a young Drow woman, gagged and tied down. Her body was criss crossed with small cuts and abbrasions, as well as several burn marks.The look in her eyes,however was one of lust and depraved abandon.
Jynessa shrugged and said coyly "I was bored, and lonely, beloved."
Eol divested himself of his gear, stripping down to complete nakedness, his face all the while lost in some contemplation.
Finally he turned to Jynessa "Dearest Tart of the Abyss, I have heard news of Import this day. I wish you to Commune with My Lord, find what you can of these matters...as for your guest, we shall enjoy her together."
The captive Woman squealed in delight, though her eyes turned from lust to fear as Eol looked at her and said "...and after we play, she will have to die, of course, for she has seen my face, and none may do so and live."
Jynessa giggled lightly as she dropped the light shift from her form and moved to once more entertain her guest, Eol moving in as well, a gleaming flaying knife held in hand...
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First Post
Teliek Ximeres

*The Archincantatar of Sembia walked invisible and unseen trough the dark corridors beneath the temple of Bane in Ordulin.* There were quicker and easier paths to his destination, but he needed time to contemplate the new developments.
Too many already knew of the rumour, it had travelled far to reach his ears and it would travel further still even within the church. Designs were with certainty already being made in the most diverse quarters for the usurpation of the power of the dying false god. Most of them would amount to little but others would be powerful obstacles in his path. There was never any shortage of the greedy.
*He stopped at a non-descript door, opened it after knocking once and adressed the man inside without preamble.*
"A disturbing rumour has reached my ears, Domon, about a dying god and an army of usurpers. I would know if it is true."
"Your ears, and mine, my lord." The old man grinned drily. "Bane knows, and soon so shall we if it pleases Him. Surely He has his own designs, but perhaps you are included in them. I have prepared a Commune, and awaited only your arrival."
*Teliek lauged softly,* "You know me too well." And that will be the death of you, my friend.
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First Post
Carcelon Millithor, Priestess of Lolth

*Carcelon dreams*
...from a starry sky a body falls, but it's not quite a body. From some angles it appears as a sword, from others a flame, a snake, a dragon, a spider. It crashes to the ground, bleeding, dying, but still radiating a sense of power, of purpose...

Upon awakening, Carcelon realizes that this was more than just a dream, it was a message. One of the lesser gods had been struck a mortal blow, and it's power was there for the taking.
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First Post
Pyrex said:
OOC: Serp, is there any particular reason you're using the same color I've been using for Carcelon the whole time? Could make things a bit confusing... ;)

Sorry, I've been using that colour for a lot of other games, and since Crimson isn't really working for this character...
I'll change it.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Tierak Morcane said:
*As soon as the yochlol's whispers reach her ear, Tierak begins to gather her resources. An orcish slave is seized by Krik*tasp and brought to the temple; forgoing her normal rituals, Tierak instead calls upon her goddess to bolster her spirit as she sends the creature's heart to the Spider Queen's maw. This done, she uses this power to call a well-connected succubus, offering her whatever is necessary to bind her to the task of learning the name and home of this dying god. The demon is, of course, bound to absolute secrecy in this matter.*
*The ritual is quick and violent, the blood and power spilling out to the Spider Queen. You feel the power swell within you as you bend your attention from one sacrifice to another. Going to your summoning room you call for Elsara, a succubs of uncommon power in the Abyss. She appears, curiously enough, in fine armor, a sword by her side, and rings of power around her fingers. For one such as herself, that is so rare as to be unheard of. She glares at you with ill-concealed annoyance as you state your case.*

*She looks at what you have to offer and her eyes narrow.*

"Forget the gold, everyone is gathering power, so all I need is souls. I'll take five of them, four in the gems and one of those larval fools, for the information you seek," she says with toss of her long black hair. Once you've given her the souls, she says seven words that could shatter the base of power in the Underdark yet again.

"Lolth is dying in the Demonweb Pits."


*Kilcif watches as Zaphael, his Litchi, enters the room. Her body is swathed in tantalizing lengths of red silk, shot through with gold. Glints of gold show at every point of her body, feet, throat, head, fingers, arms, waist, everywhere, highlighting her deep brown skin, seemingly dusted with gold. She bows to you, her glorious raven hair covering your feet, then rises so that you may gaze upon your treasure as she makes her report.*

I have heard momentous news, Master and God. A way for you to gain power unmatched by anyone else, power that is to be yours alone. There is a god that lies dying in the plane of the Demonweb Pits, their power ready to be taken by those who could seize it. I learned all of it I could, before crushing the mind of the little diviner that despareged you at court. Does this please you, Master and God? Zaphael says, her eyes shining for your approval.


*Eol, the evening's entertainment with Jynessa go well, and she settles on the bed, amidst the blood, to commune with her lord. With a bit of back and forth, she has narrowed it down.*

"It is no good god, nor a neutral one. It is an evil goddess that is dying, in a place close to my lord's home plane. The only one I can think of is the Demonweb Pits," she says to you as she comes out of a trance.


Teliek said:
"A disturbing rumour has reached my ears, Domon, about a dying god and an army of usurpers. I would know if it is true."

"Your ears, and mine, my lord." The old man grinned drily. "Bane knows, and soon so shall we if it pleases Him. Surely He has his own designs, but perhaps you are included in them. I have prepared a Commune, and awaited only your arrival."

*Teliek lauged softly,* "You know me too well." And that will be the death of you, my friend.

*The poison you offered in the cup of wine to "refresh" Doran after his ordeal was quick and looked remarkably like a brainstorm, such as what often happened to the old. As you call in people to dispose of the body and make appropriate remarks about the terrible tradgedy, your mind is whirling. Doran's commune with Bane revealed that is was an evil goddess that lay dying, and that she was not any of the typical evil goddesses; not Beshaba or Shar or Umberlee, and the only other evil goddess you could imagine that could have any possible reason to be in peril would be... Lolth.*
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Kilcif: Bugbear/Male (Barbarian/Ranger/Rogue/Forbidden Warrior)

*Kilcif grunts passively at the news while pointing at a bowl of grapes that sits on a small table in the corner of the room. Though it had been nearly a year Kilcif couldn’t help but feel slight amusement in how his zealous servant served him so completely and his keen eyes watched Zaphael’s graceful and lithe body while lust filled his blood.*

Kilcif replies to her news with obviously interest, and pride, but its also cloaked in displeasure, My oh so delicate Litchi, you cannot continue to leave a trail of mindless and drooling victims in your wake. Obviously I disprove of there laughter but your talents are far to valuable in subtle ways for the drow to discover of them in such ways.

*Realizing that Zaphael is now holding the bowl of grapes before her Kilcif gives a small lustful grin as he beckons her forward with a small hand gesture.*

Seeing the slightly hurt look in her dark eyes Kilcif drops the cloak of displeasure letting his pride flow, Zaphael, you did a wonderful job and the news is most interesting and deserves much thought and plotting on our part. The drow, though not are friends nor trusting of us, will need obviously need my, our, help on this as I have no doubt they will be unable to ignore this temptation… but for now your god has his own temptation he must deal with.

*Kilcif’s chuckling breaks the otherwise perfect silence of the room, his grins turns to lewd and lusty that nearly all females, no matter there race, would find disturbing.*

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Tierak Morcane, Drow Thaumaturge/Arachne

*Tierak takes the news as best she could; that is to say, she refrains from attempting to shoot the messenger, or from cursing and breaking things. She thanks the demon, very calmly considering, and dismisses her.*

This is a calamity, but perhaps it can be mitigated, lessened, even turned to advantage. It will take much strength, though, and speed as well. The wrong move will be fatal, but so will any delay.

*Bringing both Krik*tasp and Zaszcha, Tierak goes to visit her Champion.*

Voidrunner's Codex

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