Green Ronin's Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition Released


I know that there had been some questions and curiosity about Fantasy AGE as a result of the OGL Fiasco. You can now pre-order Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition. The PDF version is already available. Green Ronin wants to release the PDF now before the physical book to make sure that they catch typos and the like.

As a playtester, Green Ronin sent me an advanced copy of the PDF several weeks ago, but I was unable to discuss that until now. It's a nice update to the prior rules, though I have not had time to read through everything that has changed between the playtest and the current version. If anyone is curious about the system and/or how it was updated, please let me know. I'm open to talking about it.

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Biological Disaster
I tried Fantasy AGE 1E a while back, but it didn't really click for our table. What would you say the major differences are in 2E?


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I tried Fantasy AGE 1E a while back, but it didn't really click for our table. What would you say the major differences are in 2E?
I would be curious to know this as well. I didn't quite vibe with the 1st edition (nothing super negative, just didn't quite hook me), so I'm wondering if they've added stuff that might intrigue me.


I tried Fantasy AGE 1E a while back, but it didn't really click for our table. What would you say the major differences are in 2E?
I would be curious to know this as well. I didn't quite vibe with the 1st edition (nothing super negative, just didn't quite hook me), so I'm wondering if they've added stuff that might intrigue me.
  • new Envoy class that focuses on the social pillar
  • characters begin with specialization at 1st level
  • some FAGE Companion options are brought into 2e Core: e.g., ancestries (e.g., Draak, Goblins, Wildfolk), new arcana and specializations
  • some options from other AGE books are brought into 2e Core: e.g., Peril, Daring, Fortune, etc.
  • partial refund of MP for failed Arcana casting
  • baked-in damage scaling and options for adjusting character HP
  • class stunts with each focused on one of the four game pillars: warrior (combat), rogue (exploration), envoy (social), and mage (arcana)

Voidrunner's Codex

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