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Grim-n-Gritty: Revised and Simplified


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While it doesn't sound like a bad idea, this does seemingly have a weird mix of d20 with the Storyteller system, and the Wound Levels + Damage Soak and the X and / variant to allow non-lethal damage just makes it... more so.

However, Grim n' Gritty appeals to me, so I won't complain!

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Actually Ken used FUDGE as most of his basis, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that FUDGE was heavily influenced by the Storyteller system.. Someone had to explain where the Storyteller system was from to Ken tho as he hadn't heard of it before. (I think anyway, been awhile)


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I quite like this system and am plannig to use it for my someday Lankhmar campaign. I was curious though if anyone is familiar with any suggested Alternate Critical Hits systems that could be used with the Grim n' Gritty Rules? Any suggestions or thoughts on this would be great, because at the moment his selction of options is my least favorite part of the rules, but as a fan of GURPS it isn't too much difficulty for me to deal with (although if I do use it more or less as written I might convert it to a simple random chart roll and expand it out to 16 or 20 so that I could use d20 for a warped sense of consistency or my d16 because I think it looks kewl).

As an FYI I will probably be using 6 or 7 pips per category instead of 5 (maybe) and will probably also increase the Dying category by a 5 more to give just a bit more survivability (but not too much more).


You could always convert over a copy of Arms Law from Rolemaster ;) Best crit charts in the history of mankind. Just watch out for those collapsed lungs, they're a doozie. The magic crit charts were also pretty obscene. You could end up turning everything within 100 feet of you into glass like an atomic bomb in the desert. Nasty stuff.


I don't mind the selection, but so far it has mostly been Bypass ___. But I find the number of rolls and fiddly mechanics (the formula for calculating the save DC is a classic) a bit much? Has anyone tried simplifying this part?



Yeah it is a bizarre lil formula. At least you can go ahead and work out the DC ahead o time and list it on your sheet so the DM just has to ask for it and you have it. Just another number on teh paper at that point.

Still, a lil simpler couldn't hurt ;)


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Don't own Arms Law and don't want anything quite that complicated. Also, I am trying to figure out a different method for coming up with the crit system than the current formula. Just glad I'm not the only one who finds it a bit peculiar in implementation.

Anyone have any thoughts on modifying it?


My first thought would be to ditch either the confirmation roll, or the save. I'd probably also look at losing the differing critical mods (ie mace 10/+0, rapier 5/+0) The original dnd mods are based just on damage increases. GnG has a variety of effects - bypass armour, stun, blind. A mace is more likely to be effective at stunning than a rapier.

Whether or not it would work is another matter.

BTW, when using effects like stun and blind, do you usually also keep the regular damage, or is it repalced by the crit effect?



I think that I would just going to ditch the whole critical hit stuff. The mechanics already incorporate the idea of landing a good blow through the overkill mechanism.

I did have an idea regarding an alternative approach, but it is dependent on using the 3d6 rules variant (which I do) as well as an alternative approach to BAB.

It probably should be in a new thread, but I'll stick it here for the moment. Its still very much in the conceptual stage.

* Characters roll 3d6 rather than 1d20.
* BAB represents the number of extra dice the character has at their disposal. So a character with BAB +3 could roll 6d6 (Take.Highest.3). Strength, enchantment and other bonuses are added to the total as usual.

Instead of Criticals, the charaters can sacrifice dice to achieve an Effect. For example:
* sacrifice 1 dice, bypass light Armour;
* sacrifice 2 dice, bypass medium armour;
* sacrifice 3 dice, bypass heavy armour;
* sacrifice 1 dice, successful strike reduces Spd by 10 ft.
* sacrifice 2 dice, successful strike reduces Spd by 20 ft.
* sacrifice 1 dice, daze target (one round, one round per overkill?).

Other Effects could be incorporated. For example, characters could sacrifice dice to change the characteristics of their weapon. For example:
* sacrifice 1 dice to change a slashing weapon to a bludgeoning weapon.
* sacrifice 1 (2?) dice to effective gain reach (5 ft.)

Humm. There was a thread about a alternative combat system along these lines. I think I'm going to see if I can hunt it down.



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That's going to get really horrible when you have a Base Attack of 20 vs. a Base Defense of 20. 23d6 vs. 23d6, both players take the highest 3 dice. You've just dragged Randomness by a rope through town, dragged it through the mud, shot both its legs off at the kneecaps, stapled each of its fingers to concrete, and fired a railgun vertically through its body.

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