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GSL Update 12/18/08


update from my blog here

So as many of you know I had hoped that the revised GSL would be done before I went on Christmas Holiday. My last day of work was scheduled to be on the 19th and it was my hope that we could publish the revision by tomorrow.

On Tuesday of this week I handed off my final revision recommendation of the SRD, GSL, and Statement of Rejection. There were a couple outstanding yes/no decisions/questions to be answered. Specifically: 1)What, if any PHB 2 classes do we include? 2) Do we add the pantheon? 3) Do we add the cosmology? I had included my thoughts (yes on all as well as a few added monsters) in the revised SRD I handed off.

Another solution that I asked for final language on revolves around the imagery clause and specifically derivative artwork.

The outstanding issues represented a day or two of work. The additions to the SRD would likely be another day or two so the 19th was super tight but doable, but then mother nature kicked us in the groin. On Friday night of last week we got a dusting of snow with a few inches falling in some areas. This was followed by clear skies and temperatures in the teens. For many parts of the country weather like this is no big deal but in the Pacific Northwest weather like this is all the news will talk about. The cold and snow set off a weather pattern that is likely to get worse before it gets better. Localized ice meant a few key people were out. Yesterday many areas north and south of Seattle Metro and the WotC office area got up to a foot of snow and today everywhere including at the WotC offices got up to another foot of snow and the metro area including our office shut down. I did venture out to the office area even though we were closed. I would have worked from home if it weren't for a commitment I had made through work to volunteer at the local Salvation Army to distribute toys to families but pretty much everyone stayed home and tomorrow is likely to be another snow day.

So what does this mean? Although great progress was made this week between the snow, personal schedules, and the WotC offices being closed between December 25th and January 4th the revision will likely have to wait until the new year.

Sorry to those of you who were hoping it would happen this week (especially the publishers), we'll get back at it as soon as we get back in the new year.

In the meantime, I hope your holidays are joyous and involve playing at least a little D&D.

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Glad to know that you're hard at work on this. I'm praying that the proposed changes to the GSL will be accepted.

The big(ger) changes were taken care of a while ago. In the process of reviewing the SRD and looking at possible interactions with the OGL these last issue came up over the past couple of weeks.



Thanks for the honestly, timely response to your previous set date to have this done by, and efforts to expedite the changes prior to the holidays. Now if DDI Insider columns had done this all along there would be more trust for it like what you have earned from the various web entities.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Has 5.6 changed at all?

This is the one thats a stinker. If I buy a module from Goodman, are they allowed to reprint the Gnoll stats, or am I still forced to bring along my MM when running the module?


Has 5.6 changed at all?

This is the one thats a stinker. If I buy a module from Goodman, are they allowed to reprint the Gnoll stats, or am I still forced to bring along my MM when running the module?

Last GG module I bought had several MM monsters fully stated as far as I could see. Will doublecheck later today, if no one else has bothered before I am home.

Edit: Ups! And thanks to Le Rouse for the update.


Thanks for all of your effort Scott and don't sweat it. We waited this long a couple more weeks won't kill us. I'm not sure many people would have gotten a lot done this time of year anyway. Happy Holidays!


I did venture out to the office area even though we were closed. I would have worked from home if it weren't for a commitment I had made through work to volunteer at the local Salvation Army to distribute toys to families but pretty much everyone stayed home and tomorrow is likely to be another snow day.
No, Scott, you should neglect children in need to work on stuff before a promised deadline that is becoming overtly difficult to meet, that regardless of your work would still be held back until January. How dare you put children in need above gamers.


Only the hardest of us would hold the above against you. Kudos for volunteering. ... As long as you're not ringing one of those insufferable bells.

Lord Xtheth

First Post
It amazes me how Rouse can make a couple feet of snow sound so devistating. Temperature in the teens sounds big, but then I remebered its weather from the other side of the border.

Today there are 4 foot high piles of snow on the sides of my street, and my computer is telling me it is -25 atm... and NOTHING shut down!

Maybe us Canucks are just made of tougher stuff.

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