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Guilty pleasures

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Now when you say LaserDisc - do you mean the 16", 1 lb pizza disc? if so, that in itself is a guilty pleasure.

Yup! They were seriously cool when they first came out, but compared to my DVD/BluRay player now, the thing sounds like a washing machine on spin and the video is barely better than VHS...but they are still kinda cool.:)

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Vyvyan Basterd

*bows his head in shame*

There is no shame greater than having someone catch you watching Little House on the Prairie reruns. :eek:

I also would have to add to the list every schlocky teen movie since Sixteen Candles. I especially was enthralled back in the day with Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael.

WWE and TNA wrestling.

All the bad (and good) parody movies.

I'm sure there's alot more that I've repressed.


*bows his head in shame*

'Dude Where's My Car?'
I'm right there with you! I tell anyone who will listen that there is so much more to this movie than they would ever believe.

Plus "Its power is only exceeded by it's mystery!" and "Its mystery is only exceeded by its power!" have become catch-phrases for one of my gaming groups. Whenever the MacGuffin is named or described, someone inevitably breaks out on of those two sentences. :)


"Never Too young To Die" Seriously,
1. John Stamos as the prep school gymnast surname "Stargrove"
2. with the techie Asian roommate who soups up his motorcycle and a
3. George Lazenby cameo as his wealthy international businessdad (secretly a spy)
4. who has his "partner" Danja Dearing (Vanity) watch out for his son because he stole plans from and was killed by
5. Gene Simmons' Ragnar the biker bar drag-show performing killer transvestitie and his minions containing
6. Robert Englund who are after the floppy disc containing codes to poison the water supply
7. that they refer to as Ram-K.

Best terrible movie ever.

While I want everything on the Earth having to do with televised karaoke oblitterated (American Idol) I also do have a soft spot for Kelly Clarkson for some reason.

And there is one Yanni song I like, the solo piano version of "Nostalgia", and while it's the one song it is one of my very favorites.

And White Castle burgers.



'Dude Where's My Car?'

I don't know what to tell you. I enjoy this movie far more than it probably deserves, but I can't help but laugh at it. Never fails to bring a smile to my face.

I'm right there with you. My oft repeated line is, "This movie is far funnier than it has any right to be."


I've watched "Bring it On" way too many times. And enjoyed it every darn time!


I'm right there with you! I tell anyone who will listen that there is so much more to this movie than they would ever believe.
I'm right there with you. My oft repeated line is, "This movie is far funnier than it has any right to be."
Glad to know I'm not alone. :)

I do occasionally make my friends watch it with me, and I'll be darned if they don't laugh. But then of course they downplay it, and I have to work just as hard to make the next person discover the joy that we know.

O -kay, Since people are adding things that are wildly popular, but are in many ways unacceptable as a whole to society (or at least our community...)

Andrew Lloyd Weber musicals.... ALL of them. I've seen Cats live, I own the DVD of Phantom of the Opera and have the music loaded along with my collection of metal (Danny don't you dare say ANYTHING!) and even though Donny Osmond was a god Joseph.... I feel sick now.

And yes I am a straight, married man with two adult children... If you'd ever seen me in person, there is no way I dress this bad and can be a homosexual... (Because my fashion sense sucks rotten eggs or as an openly gay friend of mine says, it sucks and not in the good way.)

Also - there is nothing wrong with White Castles; call them Sliders, Belly Bombers or whatever, they are awesome on a slice of greatness.


Staff member
The movie "Heathers". Subversive teen comedy for the win. Also notable for having some of the darkest comedy this side of the WH-40k universe..

Personally, I think that's a damn fine movie...

"I love my dead gay son!"

Anyone besides me enjoy Idiocracy?

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