D&D 5E Hadozee Gliding

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@jgsugden that would work for most situations, but what if the hadozee wants to do a "power dive" or partial dive as part of their gliding?
They get thirty extra free movement to do it and still take no damage from falling (when they use their reaction). I am having trouble seeing why a reasonable power dive would not work under my proposal.

And does anybody know anything about the TNMT (= Treejumper Night Monk Tortles) in D&D?


We should realise the hadozees with the patagium shouldn't can put on/wear the most of clothing for ordinary bipedal humanoids.

And to can glide the patagium has to be totally extended. If, for example, a hadozee falls into a pitfall trap, she couldn't glide in a so small space, but maybe the pantagium could help to reduce the damage by fall.

Maybe thanks special, and not too expensive, amulets with some shapesifter-like effects the hadozees can wear usual clothing and armours designed for the rest of bipedal humanoids.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
Yeah the 1ft bit is not what 5th has been about. Very fiddly

Fiddly in one sense, but requires less math in another sense.
If the glide is phrased in terms of 1 ft, you tell them their height, and they just have to multiply by 5 to get the distance.
In terms of 5 feet, you tell them their height, they have to divide by 5, then multiply by 25, to get the distance.

I think the point isn't to be fiddly with distance, but to remove the extra math operation.

Fiddly in one sense, but requires less math in another sense.
If the glide is phrased in terms of 1 ft, you tell them their height, and they just have to multiply by 5 to get the distance.
In terms of 5 feet, you tell them their height, they have to divide by 5, then multiply by 25, to get the distance.

I think the point isn't to be fiddly with distance, but to remove the extra math operation.
where I agree partialy can't you just as easily have it be "for every 5ft you fall (round down) you can move 10ft as a glide" and still not need to do math? "Your 67ft up, so you fall 67ft that mean you can glide 130ft"

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