D&D 5E Halflings are the 7th most popular 5e race

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Victoria Rules
If money were an issue, I'd look into pound o' dice. It's $20 (US) but you get several sets. If you have several people chip in, it's quite cheap.
Yep. On one of my GenCon trips I was asked by two people here to get them each a jug o' dice from the Chessex displays.

There were a lot of dice in my car on that trip home! :)


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I just dont get it, never have.

My gaming group spent embarrassing sum's on 40K...when we were all in our early to mid 30's. The fact we were all working, married, with kids, and 'established' certainly contributed to that.

To do that as a young (16-20) adult? Absolutely zero chance unless one is already

1. Working full time.
2. Living at home.
3. Financially independent somehow.
4. (EDIT Add) Grossly mismanaging their financial future. :D


5. There is (from their perspective) no future to mismanage. They will never save enough to even pay a bill, they will never live better, they will never not be in this hole.

Like I said upthread, some folk may be able to just grit their teeth out of that, but a lot of us can’t. We gotta give ourselves grace to make a “dumb” purchase every once in a while in order to survive being in that hole.

I mean sure a lot are just being irresponsible because they have poor impulse control but whatever I’m not judging anyone that ain’t hurting anyone else.




5. There is (from their perspective) no future to mismanage. They will never save enough to even pay a bill, they will never live better, they will never not be in this hole.

Like I said upthread, some folk may be able to just grit their teeth out of that, but a lot of us can’t. We gotta give ourselves grace to make a “dumb” purchase every once in a while in order to survive being in that hole.

I mean sure a lot are just being irresponsible because they have poor impulse control but whatever I’m not judging anyone that ain’t hurting anyone else.

To be clear, I think there is a difference between buying a few RPG Books, at <$500 total, and dropping factually thousands in a short window, on plastic toys (again which I have done) in terms of responsible choices.

That said, I've had this conversation with my son and his purchasing choices for his guitars, and if he wants to do that and go hungry thats on him.

Not saying a person who is struggling cannot make a 'fun' purchase, but well theres a difference between "I want this Book and or Commander Deck for MTG" and "I wish to partake in the the GW hobby and buy thousands of dollars worth of product to play a game."

As someone who's been in both a "Hmm guess I dont eat this week, good thing water is free." and "Yes I would like to buy this completely unnecessary item." scenario at very different points in my life, I can get it, just my perspective.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
To be clear, I think there is a difference between buying a few RPG Books, at <$500 total, and dropping factually thousands in a short window, on plastic toys (again which I have done) in terms of responsible choices.

That said, I've had this conversation with my son and his purchasing choices for his guitars, and if he wants to do that and go hungry thats on him.

Not saying a person who is struggling cannot make a 'fun' purchase, but well theres a difference between "I want this Book and or Commander Deck for MTG" and "I wish to partake in the the GW hobby and buy thousands of dollars worth of product to play a game."
Yeah I genuinely don’t know how some of my coworkers afford thier car mod or restoration hobby. They find a way, though. I feel bad when I buy a book if it isn’t gonna be used by me and my wife, but when I was single I often chose games or books over replacing trashed clothes or stocking up on staples.
As someone who's been in both a "Hmm guess I dont eat this week, good thing water is free." and "Yes I would like to buy this completely unnecessary item." scenario at very different points in my life, I can get it, just my perspective.
Yeah fair.


I feel bad when I buy a book if it isn’t gonna be used by me and my wife, but when I was single I often chose games or books over replacing trashed clothes or stocking up on staples

Yeah, I get that. Just the other day I was setting the table with plates we have had since my wife and I got married. Old, chipped, worn.

We still live how we grew up.


You know, in this day and age, it is possible to spend little to no money on TTRPGs thanks to indie games, online SRDs, and PDFs.

Or heck, there’s always the SRD and the beginner box.

Five people go to Starbucks and that’s pretty close to forty or fifty dollars. Gaming is two or three Starbucks runs.

I get money is tight but come on.

Voidrunner's Codex

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