D&D 5E Halflings are the 7th most popular 5e race


Mod Squad
Staff member
Mod Note:

Folks, some of you are getting into rather acrimonious approaches to discussion. I don't want to call anyone out at this time, but... if what you want to say isn't respectful, consider disengaging rather than saying it. Sure, you may think what you want to say is the truth - but if you muck up the truth with being kind of a jerk, that truth won't get anywhere useful.

Try being kind, instead of snarky.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
They are. But post-college age it drops off rapidly. The majority are young, but very few are middle aged. People with career and family don't have time for gaming. There is a second, smaller bump for 50-60s.

Did someone present demographic numbers? If not, allow me... more real numbers are better than qualitative "overwhelming majority" and "drop off quickly" statements.

As of May, 2021:


So, from this we get that less than 37% of the gamers surveyed are college-aged or younger. And there's not much of a cliff of drop-off either. It looks more like a long sloping tail.


I dunno Umbran, the point that was being made was that we should be marketing to the over 50 crowd. Considering 50% of those numbers are under 30, I'd say that's a pretty sharp drop off. When 65% of the numbers or 34 or younger, what do you call it?

This whole tangent got started with comments like this:

@Lanefan said:
I see it as targeting to those willing to give it the time it requires to work as intended.
and this:
Seems to me that targeting a game at people who have time to play games (and access to money to spend on them) is a sensible business decision.

People aged 20-50 are too busy working and too strapped for cash to spend much money on games (unless they are for their kids).
and this:
They are. But post-college age it drops off rapidly. The majority are young, but very few are middle aged. People with career and family don't have time for gaming. There is a second, smaller bump for 50-60s.
Have you seen any evidence of a bump in the 50-60 year old demographic? Anywhere? Heck that infographic you posted lumped everyone over 45 in the same pile and it was still only 13%

It's the same old song and dance we've been seeing for decades. This apparent unwillingness to accept that we play a game that is mostly played by people a LOT younger than we are.


Victoria Rules
I compared it to a case of beer (something that rather a large number of people can apparently afford). A case is about 40-50 bucks.
You're getting badly ripped off if you're paying $40-50 for a case of beer (by which I assume you mean a 2-4) unless you're getting the really highbrow microbrew limited-edition stuff.

Did someone present demographic numbers? If not, allow me... more real numbers are better than qualitative "overwhelming majority" and "drop off quickly" statements.

As of May, 2021:

View attachment 285587

So, from this we get that less than 37% of the gamers surveyed are college-aged or younger. And there's not much of a cliff of drop-off either. It looks more like a long sloping tail.
Not really. The drop-off is over the age of 40. The 40 odd year band of people over the age of 40 is smaller than any of the previous bands other than 15-19 according to the survey. Which means that there are fewer Silents, Boomers, and Gen X combined (or at least ones that answered the survey) than almost any five year band among Millennials and Gen Z other than the youngest Gen Z (not included).


Immortal Empires RPG for Mature Players
Huh. I wonder why a species that is more or less locked out from like three classes due to garbage size rules might not be played as often...
I have always -- even since AD&D 1st Ed... (showing my age there), deplored the Level Restrictions as well as the class restrictions the game imposes in the interest of "balance." Nonsense. What does it matter if a dwarf with the ability to never get lost underground attains 18th level? Oh, but a human, who has no restrictions can achieve 18th level and beyond and simply have an artifact that allows her/him to never become lost underground. Dumb. I've run games that do away with these silly restrictions, and we've had loads of fun with it.


Immortal Empires RPG for Mature Players
I dunno Umbran, the point that was being made was that we should be marketing to the over 50 crowd. Considering 50% of those numbers are under 30, I'd say that's a pretty sharp drop off. When 65% of the numbers or 34 or younger, what do you call it?

This whole tangent got started with comments like this:

and this:

and this:

Have you seen any evidence of a bump in the 50-60 year old demographic? Anywhere? Heck that infographic you posted lumped everyone over 45 in the same pile and it was still only 13%

It's the same old song and dance we've been seeing for decades. This apparent unwillingness to accept that we play a game that is mostly played by people a LOT younger than we are.
I'm soon to be 54....and would love to run a game with other old farts (and some younger ones too, though they might not get our jokes), Vandalia IL area. HMU. I sure wish the demographic was more than 13%!


You're getting badly ripped off if you're paying $40-50 for a case of beer (by which I assume you mean a 2-4) unless you're getting the really highbrow microbrew limited-edition stuff.

A 2-4 in Ontario is about 40 bucks. I’m dunno what to say.


Immortal Empires RPG for Mature Players
I dunno Umbran, the point that was being made was that we should be marketing to the over 50 crowd. Considering 50% of those numbers are under 30, I'd say that's a pretty sharp drop off. When 65% of the numbers or 34 or younger, what do you call it?

This whole tangent got started with comments like this:

and this:

and this:

Have you seen any evidence of a bump in the 50-60 year old demographic? Anywhere? Heck that infographic you posted lumped everyone over 45 in the same pile and it was still only 13%

It's the same old song and dance we've been seeing for decades. This apparent unwillingness to accept that we play a game that is mostly played by people a LOT younger than we are.
"This apparent unwillingness to accept...." Exactly...some people have a hard time believing me when I tell them I game (PS5) with Doctors, Lawyers, Airline Pilots, Police Officers, and some retired versions of those, etc. It really has nothing to do with age, but interest.

Voidrunner's Codex

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