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Relique du Madde

It's official: Xmen: Schism is because Kid Omega comes back to earth (While Cyclops is at the UN giving some speech) then mind fries every human in the room (unknown if fatal or not).

The schism is because I guess Wolverine wants to put down Kid Omega for good and Cyclops wants to hive him amnesty on X-Man Isle or he doesn't want to put Kid Omega down. PROBLEM is that up until like 6 months ago Cyclops was all in favor of putting down big threats to mutant like Kid Omega.

Dog Moon

I am only at 7.xx posts per day. I am sorry about the perpetration of edition wars has drove you away dog moon, but those kind of things will always tend to elicit deep emotional responses by the grognards on line.

on an aside, grognards was not in my computer's dictionary.

You better be sorry. From what I've heard you started half of them!

*I don't think I actually heard this from anybody*

Dog Moon

It's official: Xmen: Schism is because Kid Omega comes back to earth (While Cyclops is at the UN giving some speech) then mind fries every human in the room (unknown if fatal or not).

The schism is because I guess Wolverine wants to put down Kid Omega for good and Cyclops wants to hive him amnesty on X-Man Isle or he doesn't want to put Kid Omega down. PROBLEM is that up until like 6 months ago Cyclops was all in favor of putting down big threats to mutant like Kid Omega.

Hrm... Well I'm certainly out of the loop. I have no idea who Kid Omega is... and I don't know when the Xmen got an island!

Relique du Madde

Kid omega was a character that Grant Morison created. He was a telepath that got so dispondant that his idol (a gay? mutant fashion designer) was murdered that he started using drugs that boost mutant powers while turning the user psychotic, started to act like a neo-nazi, and began to dressed like he was from clockwork orange. He started a riot at Xavier's school killed several students then he himself ODed, became a pshychic energy being and turned into a Pheonix (because Morison decided that anyone who is an ultra powerful anything can gain Pheonix force powers).

X-man Island is what I call the X-man's base of operations that is located Off the coast of San Francisco. It's basically Astroid X (which did not blow up in the atmosphere but sunk in the Pacific Ocean) and is stuck in place by a massive pylon built by the Atlantians. The island somehow has a beach, which extends several dozen yards even though its a rock on a stick, and is able to sustain its entire populace of 200 mutants through farming (when the astroid is entirely made of rock and is almost completely covered by buildings), and Iceman peeing into a water holding tank daily.

Sadly all the above is true.

Relique du Madde

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcV4LVhSRLg]YouTube - ‪Bike thief chopping a tree down to steal a bike‬‏[/ame]

These guys obviously have no levels in Rouge.

Voidrunner's Codex

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