Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within


Staff member

Celebrating a friend’s birthday today. She’s in a facility for post-surgical rehab.

I didn’t have time to eat breakfast, so I killed off a whole bunch of raw carrots, tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower...

Plus the majority of a container of French onion dip & Ruffles potato chips...

I have not been pleasant company this evening...The Fartening has begun!

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I am the mysterious professor.
Life has been found on Mars. The President has already vowed to build a "huge, beautiful wall", and claimed Martians will pay for it. If they don't he has threatened raise tariffs. That is as soon as an aide can show him on a map where Mars is.


I am the mysterious professor.

Celebrating a friend’s birthday today. She’s in a facility for post-surgical rehab.

I didn’t have time to eat breakfast, so I killed off a whole bunch of raw carrots, tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower...

Plus the majority of a container of French onion dip & Ruffles potato chips...

I have not been pleasant company this evening...The Fartening has begun!
Keep away from open flame


Staff member


I am the mysterious professor.
I know this is out of context but I found it funny.
A guy in Canada responded to the question what are you guys doing up there in Canada. He responded with We're in the middle of our six weeks of not winter, and we're all outside looking at the moose.
I had a vision of millions of Canadians standing in a meadow looking at a single moose.

Split the Hoard

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