Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

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Staff member
Man, it's Halloween? From the advertising I thought it already went by last week. I'm so out of touch.
When I went candy shopping yesterday, I had to ask where it was.

The saleswoman responded, ”All we have left is across from those two Christmas trees!”

(Mental image of pilgrims, Indians and turkeys crying.)


I learned nerd for this.
My response.

This was the first thing I thought of when that video started. Sadly, the chicks are hotter (literally) in your video.


I learned nerd for this.
Since I'm working again I'm looking at health insurance. I'm looking at Obamacare. It said I qualify for a credit to lower my premiums. If I go for some of the bronze level it's free. But the bronze level sucks. I hear tale that after the first year premiums skyrocket. Anyone know if my income stays the same if I'll continue to get the credit? Is it a one time thing?
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Staff member
I wish I could help- my insurance has changed several times since 2010- my first of only a few years with ACA insurance- so I can’t rightly recall many of the details.


I learned nerd for this.
If you can't recall then it must not have been memorable, so nothing horrifying. I see one thing odd, one of the providers doesn't seem to have any doctors in network in Georgia. So why provide coverage?


Staff member
Possibly pre-positioning for actual entry into the market.

One of the proposals that keeps popping up on the Right is letting people cross borders for insurance coverage. While the idea seems logical, it runs afoul of many realities of the insurance market, one being that which you just identified. It doesn’t matter if you have affordable monthly rates for coverage if your coverage doesn’t actually help you pay your medical bills.

A cynical person might even suggest they’re hoping unsophisticated consumers would buy cross-border coverage without realizing it’s basically useless.

Whilr that may be the case, I really hope it isn’t. That could be a violation of state insurance regulations, and could cost them busin in the long run as negative press accumulated via social media.

When I'm on Medicare I can get my prescriptions. When I'm on a job insurance I can't spend 535 dollars per insulin (take 2 1/2 a month) so my health declines as I can not control my Bloodsugar ( example A1C belongs at <7.... off my meds I scored a 13.1).

Look at the co-pays and deductables. If you take meds regularly look up the costs for each. There are coupons for meds but getting them is not easy nor finding them.

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