• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

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Staff member
The Internet is full of weird. I just stumbled on a website whose sole business is to turn your enemies' logos, service marks and trademarks into rude, "penis-ized" parodies.

Odder still, according to the company, some businesses do this to their own stuff because the results go viral, and- as the saying goes- "there's no such thing as bad publicity."


Staff member
1) make sure you're not using super lean ground meat. I prefer 73/27, but 80/20 will do.

2) don't cook to more than medium doneness. Use a timer if necessary.

3) use medium heat. Too high, you can burn or dry out your burgers. Too low, they take ages to cook.

4) make your burger patties as consistent in size as you can. That way, once you get a feel for how long it takes to get a medium done burger on medium heat using your preferred cooking devices, you'll develop an internal timer in your head.


Somebody shoot me... :-S

There was an Ebay auction for the TIAMAT figure from the old LJN AD&D action figure line that ended about ten minutes before I posted this. It had both wings and was in working order.
There were no bids on it with only a couple minutes left and the starting price was $129 - they usually go for around $300...
I was all set to get into a bidding war over it, and gleefully would have paid almost $250 for it if necessary.
But I was typing a post on another forum and forgot to keep an eye on the time...

It went to the first bidder for the original bid price.

I just let the crown jewel of the LJN figures slip through my fingers like water. That was probably the one and only chance I'll ever have to pick one up for less than the "collector" prices people charge for them.

I am going to cry now.

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