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Nearly 12,000 posts about nonsense.

That's what they think. In between the nonsense, we regulars, have shared so much. Pain and joy, sadness and happiness. Deaths and (sadly so few) births. Lost jobs and new ones, bad and good health. We're a family within a greater community. This is the family we choose.

So very true and though I wouldn't recognize anyone here on the street if I met you I consider you guys friends.

If anyone cries - hand over your man card. If you are female here is a ethereal tissue. :)

Dog Moon

Nearly 12,000 posts about nonsense.

That's what they think. In between the nonsense, we regulars, have shared so much. Pain and joy, sadness and happiness. Deaths and (sadly so few) births. Lost jobs and new ones, bad and good health. We're a family within a greater community. This is the family we choose.
Funny thing though.... the Hivemind has more than 12k posts. This is just the most recent thread. Can't forget the time we had to make a thread after 1k posts... and how quickly we went through Hivemind threads! Crazy to think that pretty much all of us are remnants of that time, how long ago that was and how we have still returned to the Hivemind (albeit with less regularity or frequency).


I got in a conversation with a young woman about high school. She said she graduated 12 years ago. I said that wasn't that long ago. I was more than 20 years out, that I graduated in 94. To which she said she was born in 93.

Where's my cane? I feel old.

Class of '90 here, born in '72... I was an August kid, and just barely hit the limit for being allowed in for that school year, so I graduated at 17.
It's fun to look at people in their late '30's and tell them I've been playing D&D longer than they've been alive.

I saw a woman at the gas station in pajamas and slippers, and wrapped in a blanket. It was 3:30 am but still. I said "You look comfortable." She replied "I am soooooo comfortable."

And then you walked over, put your head down on her and said, "Yes, you are..."? :D

(Oh, wait, that's what I'd do...)

So very true and though I wouldn't recognize anyone here on the street if I met you I consider you guys friends.

Well, that's my actual real-life every-day hat that my avatar pic is wearing, so...

I do have slightly more teeth than him, though.


I am the mysterious professor.
Not in this state you wouldn't. That's sexual assault. And you do not want to be a sex offender in the south.

Voidrunner's Codex

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