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Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

The specter of sexual harassment has once again risen up in tabletop gaming circles. Conventions are supposed to be places where gamers and geeks can be themselves and embrace their loves. Conventions need clear and well formulated harassment policies, and they need to enforce them. In this instance the allegations from multiple women have taken place at gaming conventions and gathering in different locations around the country. In one case, the harassment was took place over the course of years and spilled over into electronic formats.

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The specter of sexual harassment has once again risen up in tabletop gaming circles. Conventions are supposed to be places where gamers and geeks can be themselves and embrace their loves. Conventions need clear and well formulated harassment policies, and they need to enforce them. In this instance the allegations from multiple women have taken place at gaming conventions and gathering in different locations around the country. In one case, the harassment was took place over the course of years and spilled over into electronic formats.

The alleged harasser in these cases was Sean Patrick Fannon, President of Evil Beagle Games, Brand Manager for Savage Rifts at Pinnacle Entertainment Group, as well as being a game designer and developer with a long history in the tabletop role-playing industry.

There is a long and untenable policy of harassment at conventions that stretches back to science fiction and fantasy fandom in the 1960s. Atlanta's Dragon*Con has been a lightning rod in the discussions about safety at geeky conventions after one of the convention's founders was arrested and pled guilty to three charges of molestation. We have also covered reports of harassment at conventions such as Paizo Con, and inappropriate or harassing behavior by notable industry figures. It is clear that clear harassment policies and firm enforcement of them is needed in spaces where members of our community gather, in order that attendees feel safe to go about their hobby. Some companies, such as Pelgrane Press, now refuse to attend conventions where a clear harassment policy is not available.

Several women have approached me to tell me about encounters with Fannon. Some of them asked not to be named, or to use their reports for background verification only. We also reached out to Sean Patrick Fannon for his comments, and he was willing to address the allegations.

The women that I spoke with had encounters with Fannon that went back to 2013 and 2014 but also happened as recently as the summer of 2017. Each of the locations were in different parts of the country, but all of them occurred when Fannon was a guest of the event.

The worse of the two incidents related to me happened at a convention in the Eastern part of the United States. In going back over texts and messages stretching back years the woman said that it "is frustrating [now] to read these things" because of the cajoling and almost bullying approach that Fannon would use in the messages. She said that Fannon approached her at the con suite of the convention, and after speaking with her for a bit and playing a game with a group in the suite he showed her explicit photos on his cellphone of him engaged in sex acts with a woman.

Fannon's ongoing harassment of this woman would occur both electronically and in person, when they would both be at the same event, and over the course of years he would continue to suggest that she should engage in sexual acts, either with him alone, or with another woman.

Fannon denies the nature of the event, saying "I will assert with confidence that at no time would such a sharing have occurred without my understanding explicit consent on the part of all parties. It may be that, somehow, a miscommunication or misunderstanding occurred; the chaos of a party or social gathering may have created a circumstance of all parties not understanding the same thing within such a discourse. Regardless, I would not have opened such a file and shared it without believing, sincerely, it was a welcome part of the discussion (and in pursuit of further, mutually-expressed intimate interest)."

The second woman, at a different gaming-related event in another part of the country, told of how Fannon, over the course of a day at the event, asked her on four different occasions for hugs, or physical contact with her. Each time she clearly said no to him. The first time she qualified her answer with a "I don't even know you," which prompted Fannon after he saw her for a second time to say "Well, you know me now." She said that because of the multiple attempts in a short period of time that Fannon's behavior felt predatory to her. Afterwards he also attempted to connect with her via Facebook.

Afterwards, this second woman contacted the group that organized the event to share what happened and they reached out to Fannon with their concerns towards his behavior. According to sources within the organization at the time, Fannon - as with the first example - described it to the organizers as a misunderstanding on the woman's part. When asked, he later clarified to us that the misunderstanding was on his own side, saying "Honestly, I should have gotten over myself right at the start, simply owned that I misunderstood, and apologized. In the end, that's what happened, and I walked away from that with a pretty profound sense of how to go forward with my thinking about the personal space of those I don't know or know only in passing."

Both women faced ongoing pressure from Fannon, with one woman the experiences going on for a number of years after the initial convention meeting. In both cases he attempted to continue contact via electronic means with varying degrees of success. A number of screen shots from electronic conversations with Fannon were shared with me by both women.

Diane Bulkeley was willing to come forward and speak on the record of her incidents with Fannon. Fannon made seemingly innocent, and yet inappropriate comments about her body and what he wanted to do with her. She is part of a charity organization that had Fannon as a guest. What happened to her was witnessed by another woman with whom I spoke about that weekend. As Bulkeley heard some things, and her witness others, their experiences are interwoven to describe what happened. Bulkeley described this first encounter at the hotel's elevators: "We were on the floor where our rooms were to go downstairs to the convention floor. I was wearing a tank top and shirt over it that showed my cleavage. He was staring at my chest and said how much he loved my shirt and that I should wear it more often as it makes him hot. For the record I can't help my cleavage is there." Bulkeley went on to describe her mental state towards this "Paying a lady a compliment is one thing, but when you make a direct comment about their chest we have a problem."

Later on in the same day, while unloading some boxes for the convention there was another incident with Fannon. Bulkeley described this: "Well, [the witness and her husband] had to move their stuff from a friends airplane hangar (we all use as storage for cars and stuff) to a storage until next to their house. Apparently Sean, while at the hanger, made grunt noises about my tank top (it was 80 outside) while Tammy was in the truck. I did not see it. But she told me about it. Then as we were unloading the truck at the new facility Sean kept looking down my shirt and saying I have a great view etc. Her husband said to him to knock it off. I rolled my eyes, gave him a glare and continued to work. I did go and put on my event day jacket (light weight jacket) to cover up a little."

The witness, who was in the truck with Fannon, said that he "kept leering down at Diane, glancing down her shirt and making suggestive sounds." The witness said that Fannon commented "'I'm liking the view from up here.'"

Bulkeley talked about how Fannon continued his behavior later on in a restaurant, having dinner with some of the guests of the event. Fannon made inappropriate comments about her body and embarrassed her in front of the other, making her feel uncomfortable throughout the dinner.

Bulkeley said that Fannon also at one point touched her hair without asking, and smelled it as well. "[Fannon] even would smell my long hair. He begged me to not cut it off at a charity function that was part of the weekend's event." She said that he also pressed his pelvis tightly against her body while hugging her. These incidents occurred at a convention during the summer of 2017.

Fannon denies these events. "The comments and actions attributed to me simply did not happen; I categorically and absolutely deny them in their entirety."

When asked for comment, and being informed that this story was being compiled Fannon commented "I do not recall any such circumstance in which the aftermath included a discourse whereby I was informed of distress, anger, or discomfort." He went on to say "The only time I recall having ever been counseled or otherwise spoken to about my behavior in such matters is the Gamers Giving/Total Escape Games situation discussed above. The leader of the organization at that time spoke to me specifically, asked me to be aware that it had been an issue, and requested I be aware of it in the future. It was then formally dropped, and that was the end of it until this time."

There were further reports; however, we have respected the wishes of those women who asked to remain anonymous for fear of online harassment. In researching this article, I talked to multiple women and other witnesses.

About future actions against the alleged behaviors he also said "It is easy, after all, to directly attack and excise obviously predatory and harassing behavior. It is much more difficult to point out and correct behavior that falls within more subtle presentations, and it's more difficult to get folks to see their actions as harmful when they had no intention to cause harm, based on their assumptions of what is and isn't appropriate. It's good for us to look at the core assumptions that lead to those behaviors and continue to challenge them. That's how real and lasting change within society is achieved."

Fannon's weekly column will no longer be running on E.N. World.

Have you suffered harassment at the hands of someone, industry insider or otherwise, at a gaming convention? If you would like to tell your story, you can reach out to me via social media about any alleged incidents. We can speak confidentially, but I will have to know the identity of anyone that I speak with.

This does open up the question of: At what point do conventions become responsible for the actions of their guest, when they are not more closely scrutinizing the backgrounds of those guests? One woman, who is a convention organizer, with whom I spoke for the background of this story told me that word gets around, in the world of comic conventions, when guests and creators cause problems. Apparently this is not yet the case in the world of tabletop role-playing game conventions, because there are a growing number of publishers and designers who have been outed for various types of harassing behavior, but are still being invited to be guest, and in some cases even guests of honor, at gaming conventions around the country. The message that this sends to women who game is pretty clear.

More conventions are rolling out harassment policies for guests and attendees of their conventions. Not only does this help to protect attendees from bad behavior, but it can also help to protect conventions from bad actors within the various communities that gather at our conventions. As incidents of physical and sexual harassment are becoming more visible, it becomes more and more clear that something needs to be done.

additional editorial contributions by Morrus

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Simply wow!

I find this post hugely problematic. I think its well-intentioned, but suggests some backward attitudes.

"I think the absence of fathers..."
This might be innocuous, but it smacks of judgment/criticism/stereotyping of another demographic group that just happens to have a lot of absent fathers (largely because our horribly biased judicial system imprisons so many of them). Offhand references to absent fathers has a connotation of "those people" making "bad decisions", and is a huge red flag. Yes, you can defend the assertion with statistics, and I don't mean to claim that you can't invoke the truth because it suggests something politically incorrect, but statistics are a double-edged sword: they can both inform unbiased views and be a post facto rationalization for biased views. Absence of father is a convenient simplification, but it ignores the very high correlation between absent fathers and repeated childhood trauma, severe socioeconomic disadvantage, the worst schools, remaining parent also absent because working 2 or 3 jobs (or also incarcerated), and constant messaging from society and culture that you're a second-class citizen.

The poster makes a comment about absent fathers and you start inflecting other societal issues into their post.

"A young man with a father will be cuffed on the head..."
Pretty much ALL the research shows that corporal punishment is damaging long term. Sure, it can produce the behaviors that the parents desire, but that's because the child is afraid of punishment, not because they internalize the reasoning. You stop punching your sister not because you are empathetic, but because you don't want mom or dad to hit you. The problem is that children are astute observers of what their parents model, and they learn far more from observation/inference than from our words. So the child learns that superior physical strength, and the willingness to use force/violence, is a valid way to coerce behavior. Uh-oh. See where that's leading?

Apparently cuffed on the head = corporal punishment
Disrespects = punching

"Parents should be teaching their sons how to behave themselves around women."
Nothing wrong with this assertion per se, but in the the context of the rest of the post I have to wonder if "women" isn't synonymous with "ladies" in this case. In other words, is the sentiment "people should treat all other people with respect", or is it, "men should be gallant gentlemen around the more delicate sex"? If the latter, we have a problem, Houston.

Again inferring.

Alarmist much?

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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
This is essentially nonsense, there has been a lot of social change over the last 500 years and it all usually started with somebody writing a pamphlet or treatise, the early modern equivalent of a post on the internet.

Louis XIV outlawed duelling late in his reign and it did not have any immediate effect but when was the last time a prominent citizen died in a duel?

we don't murder each other as much as we used to and so on. If we just throw up our hands and despair then nothing will happen but progress is made by people starting the impossible and giving it a go.

Yeah, I don't get this defeatist attitude. I can understand feeling frustrated with the pace of progress but to deny the possibility of progress smacks of mental illness. Or posturing.

Obligatory Margaret Mead quote: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
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How do we prevent an anti-harassment policy from being treated like the "Terms and Conditions" that no one ever reads when they download software or sign up for a new monthly service? Yes, enforce the policy, but how do we make sure that people understand the importance of knowing that policy and abiding by it?


Guest 6801328

Alarmist much?


Wish I knew magic words to open your eyes, but I don't.

P.S. And, yes, "cuffed on the head" is corporal punishment. For a child, being struck (not in play) by an adult, especially a parent, is traumatic. It doesn't actually matter how much it hurts; it's the symbolism of using physical force to coerce behavior that causes damage. I'd suggest you actually read some research before spouting nonsense on this issue.
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First Post
How do we prevent an anti-harassment policy from being treated like the "Terms and Conditions" that no one ever reads when they download software or sign up for a new monthly service? Yes, enforce the policy, but how do we make sure that people understand the importance of knowing that policy and abiding by it?

Ah yes, the old "you can lead a horse to water...." conundrum.
As someone who has done some marketing and promotion, the trick is to find a title they will find compelling enough to say "WTH?" and read it to SEE WTH. What that might entail to catch the attention of gamers I would have to consider.

(Trying to find a way to work castrate into that banner...)
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Nope. I used to be as oblivious/naive as you apparently are. Wish I knew magic words to open your eyes, but I don't.

Absentee fathers or single parent households is not a one-colour issue, sadly it is very much a societal norm these days, I also wish you knew magic words then maybe we both wouldn't be so oblivious/naive.


How do we prevent an anti-harassment policy from being treated like the "Terms and Conditions" that no one ever reads when they download software or sign up for a new monthly service? Yes, enforce the policy, but how do we make sure that people understand the importance of knowing that policy and abiding by it?

I have multiple answers to this but I will stick with the serious one. Agreed, aside from the slightly mad people like me, very few people read these things ( and I do not do it consistently). However, most people that fall afoul of a T&C or EULA are on the other end of an electronic device and now cannot access MS Live or upload to YouTube on their normal handle and we don't hear about them. They do not usually boast about being banned on Xbox live for harassment or whatever.

However, if you see a chap being escorted off the premises at a con then you are aware you can get booted from the con for bad behaviour. It might make you read the T&C, moreso if you are acquainted with the person booted from the Con.


Ah yes, the old "you can lead a horse to water...." conundrum.
As someone who has done some marketing and promotion, the trick is to find a title they will find compelling enough to say "WTH?" and read it to SEE WTH. What that might entail to catch the attention of gamers I would have to consider.

(Trying to find a way to work castrate into that banner...)

Don't know about castrate but you could use castigate. it close enough and the mind will go there.

Sexual harassers will be castigated.....


Guest 6801328

Absentee fathers or single parent households is not a one-colour issue, sadly it is very much a societal norm these days.

Ah, so you only skimmed what I initially wrote.

Yes, you can defend the assertion with statistics, and I don't mean to claim that you can't invoke the truth because it suggests something politically incorrect, but statistics are a double-edged sword: they can both inform unbiased views and be a post facto rationalization for biased views.

So, yes, in theory absentee fathers can be discussed without racist undertones, but the post in question make three points:
- Sons should be taught to treat women well
- Absentee fathers are the problem here
- Kids should be smacked upside the head

There is a theme of conservative paternalism, which often goes hand-in-hand with latent racism.

Of course, anybody who thinks conservative paternalism is the right and proper way of things is not going to see the pattern.

The defense that "absentee fathers or single parent households is not a one-colour issue" is an absolute red herring.

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