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You have a good grasp on controlling the shading of your work, though sometimes I think your choice of how to shade is a little off. Also, your character's faces always look a bit asymmetrical, and tend to be slightly too small for their heads, or maybe you just draw their foreheads too large. Your Marvel mimicry is pretty spot on, though. I tend to prefer sketchier styles normally, though.

Keep up the good work. How busy are you these days?

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Conners--Thanks mate! I'm working out some bugs in my digital painter-manshipstuff before moving on to a more established approach. I have, however done a decent amount of sketching and thinking it through/getting to know the world, etc. I will scan those so you can see my concepts and that would help me to see if I am on track with your vision as well. :) Coming soon!

Ranger--Sadly, I can't deny your critique. Well said. These things have been mentioned to me recently by no fewer than 3 sources, so I am taking it all very seriously. Making the move from pencil to digital paint was a tough choice, but ultimately (I think) the right one to make. Any such critique only makes me better. So thank you!
As for how busy I am? I am doing alright. I did a decent amount of work for Sceaptune Games towards the first of the year and just finished a really big cover project. As Conners mentioned I have some work with him and his group and a couple others lined up as well. All in all, strangely enough, not busy enough so I am always looking ahead for more projects to sink my teeth into. Hopefully my new work will show a revitalized vision that will help me glean from those fields. :)


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What makes a Good artist, Great?

Nothing new that I can show at the moment, but I do have several projects going. As always, I am open for new ventures. I am pretty speedy in the pencil department and gaining speed on the digital paints as we speak.

The title above has been a question nagging at me for a while now. How many artists out there are "good"? I've been told this, and I suppose it's a matter of perspective and to be objective, it really depends on what type of artist, etc., but really...what makes an artist great? Is there a formula? Is there a mark of years of practice? Is it natural, God-given talent that cannot be contested? Is it just something that happens like the day Arthur pulls the sword from the stone, like an epiphonal moment in time?

So tell me...what makes an artist great?
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Unattainable Ideal
Harsh said:
What makes an artist great?
A confident command of their own strengths. One artist that I've been watching for years now is Claudio Pozas. Seven years ago he did a set of character portraits for my game (which you can see in my Story Hour thread) -- and very fine illustrations they are, too. But if you compare them with his more recent stuff, especially, say this image of an archer dealing with an angry giant, it's clear to see that his illustration has moved beyond just being able to more or less accurately reproduce reality (figures that are properly proportioned, perspective that makes sense, good line quality, etc), and is now creating individualistic works that express HIM. Only Claudio could have done that archer image.

He's learning how to use his own strengths and is growing more and more confident in displaying them.
harsh said:
Is it natural, God-given talent that cannot be contested?
God no. It's the result of practice, of paying attention and of not giving up. I honestly think that what people call "talent" has more to do with determination than anything else. If you practice enough, with a clear eye and an honest heart, you will improve.

You're clearly improving as time goes by. Work on your strengths, work on your weaknesses, and don't get discouraged. You'll always be dissatisfied with your own work -- or at least you should be. But keep it up.

If I were to suggest something for you to work on it would be line quality. Pencil work is all well and good, but nothing lifts a good drawing into "great" land faster than expressive, confident linework. Learn how to ink properly and I believe you'll be very happy with the results.

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread, for sure, so please keep posting!


First Post
Thanks for the input Barsoomcore. I will be updating with new images as soon as I get the go-ahead to do so.
I have actually been rather busy, so the confidence is coming in time, but the switch from pencil/ink work to digital paint is a bit jarring from time to time. Thanks for the suggestions/ideas.
I will do all of that and then some.
And thanks for watching!


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Time has been tight here for me, but as I knock out jobs (most still under NDA, sorry!), I am looking ahead to December and the winter months.
If you are working on a game that needs illustrations, please have a look at what I can offer you in that area.

Thanks in advance!


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Updates and Requests

After much delay, the time has come to show some new work and put my name out for new work to be done.
As of April 2nd, 2008, I am finally in the studio full-time!
I am currently working on several projects, but would like to stoke the fires come mid-May with some new blood. If you are in the market for Conceptual Art, Illustrations, Digital Paints, or anything else I offer (please see website: www.harshweb.com), then I would be more than happy to trade emails with you in an attempt to come to an agreement. :)

Below are just a few of the more recent pieces I have been working on over the past few months!

A work in progress set in Darksun. I fully intend to finish this one soon-ish, but it is a personal piece.

My offering for ConceptArt.org's CHOW#100.

One of five inked super-villains I did for Misfit Studios recently. Lots of fun!

One of several images inked for 93 Games, the makers of the up and coming Twilight 2013!

A challenging, but fun pencil illustration of a cobbled together castle/keep for Greymalkin Designs, makers of the up and coming post-apocalyptic fantasy setting game called Desolation set to be released at Indy's Gencon this August!

I have also done more work for Sceaptune Games out of the UK. Check out their website or look them up on RPGnow for your Runequest goodness!
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First Post
I am working on my portfolio at the moment (and website), and decided I need outside input.

What does my portfolio lack that would help?
and what could I do with the general layout of the website to amp it up a bit?

Any and all (constructive) advice is most appreciated. Thanks!

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