D&D General Has anyone played in a group where everyone was a member of the same species? (+)

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
At a guess, partly the influence of the Hobbit (which is an almost all-Dwarf party) and partly the way Dwarves are often portrayed as rather insular and untrusting of non-Dwarves.
Plus the theming is really fun. For all that people complain about dwarf cliches, battleaxes, beards and beers is a lot of fun to play, especially if you've got a whole bunch of dwarves causing hairy chaos.


A suffusion of yellow
Plus the theming is really fun. For all that people complain about dwarf cliches, battleaxes, beards and beers is a lot of fun to play, especially if you've got a whole bunch of dwarves causing hairy chaos.
Yeah, thats where you need table rules so you can get them all to play the game properly


I'm sure that early on in gaming I've had all human PCs, but that might have been more to do with what choices were available. I don't think I've played or run a game since 3e that didn't include a mix of races, but mind you, I haven't floated any campaign ideas that requested it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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