D&D General Has anyone played in a group where everyone was a member of the same species? (+)

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Does it count as an all-Dwarf party if Carrot is one of them? Adoptions qualify, right? :)
One of the things I love about Level Up and Tales of the Valiant and other recent takes on 5E splitting race and heritage into two different categories (even if no two publishers can agree on the names) is that finally, we can play Captain Carrot using RAW.

Every D&D-like game is inherently better if it supports all the Discworld characters.

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One of the things I love about Level Up and Tales of the Valiant and other recent takes on 5E splitting race and heritage into two different categories (even if no two publishers can agree on the names) is that finally, we can play Captain Carrot using RAW.
Well, one Captain Carrot, anyway. The other one is a bit off-theme for most D&D campaigns. Works fine in TOON and most superhero systems, though.


Well, one Captain Carrot, anyway. The other one is a bit off-theme for most D&D campaigns. Works fine in TOON and most superhero systems, though.
I'm not familiar with that Captain Carrot, but surely a harengon would be a good start in 5e?

As for the other Captain Carrot - whenever I have proposed an all-one-species game, I've always allowed for a single "odd one out". Like with my Eberron campaign, I said that someone could choose to play an autognome. Sadly no one took me up on that offer. But the whole "my PC was adopted" thing (or similar) is always on the table.


Sure. There were a number of modern campaigns where we were all human. Those campaigns had no issues with species.

There was a goblin campaign that I played in where we were all goblins. Although there were several sub-species of goblins so we weren't all the same. That campaign kind of broke down after we suffered a near-TPK when we were far from our warren and most of the players ended up creating characters from other species.

I've played in at least 2 campaigns where we were the same species of monster, although the monsters were so diverse that we were essentially unique. One of those campaigns failed because the monster creation rules weren't that well balanced (it was a playtest, so I went out of my way to break it). The other one was an epic success (easily one of my favorite campaigns of all time).

As for campaigns where we had the option to play different species but all picked the same? Possibly, but not that I can recall.


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
The all-halfling campaign was fun because it doubled-down on themes that normally get pushed to the background of D&D. I would definitely do it again.
that sounds interesting, care to elaborate? personally i think the kitchen sink party and high fantasy suspension of disbelief of DnD really undercuts the impact of meeting alot of even the most fantastical species, is that what you're talking about?

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