Has this forum given you the urge to play previous editions?


First Post
Mostly it has reminded me of all the things I loathe about older editions, and how many people inexplicably love those things. . . :D

So no.


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First Post
Borrowed the 2nd ed PHB, DMG and Monstrous Compendium from my local game club to read over the rules and run through a couple of scenarios. After all, it's hard to know what you want from an edition without having looked at it properly. After all, I feel that it's easier to examine the benefits and flaws of a system that is supposed to encompass all editions of D&D if one knows those flaws and benefits personally.
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First Post
Actually the guy that owns the local hobby shop gave me a call a few months ago and some guy game in with a gamers estate and said he had a bunch of old D&D box sets and I could come and get what i wanted for 5 bucks a throw before he put them on the used shelves (My gaming groups spend a lot of money with the store collectively, and we all help him when he tries to do RPG ccg events, running tables or judging events. We have two DCI judges in the group. So to he tends to look out for us when something comes in he knows we want) I feel sorry for the guy who passed away, but damn he took good care of his stuff. He had almost every bex set ever made. The store owner kept all of the pre 2nd stuff as it would sell for a premium in mint. But I bought all the 2e stuff. I finally have all of those box sets I could not afford as a younger man.

So I have been gearing up to run all of those old badass Darksun modules that cam with the flip books. We have about 2-4 sessions left with our dungeon-a-day campaign (We are about to finish the 5th floor/Khorant, and the group wants to do something else for a bit)before we take a break from it for a bit. So I will be running the Darksun modules in order. I am greatly looking forward to it.

So in short yes I will be playing some older D&D in the upcoming weeks. The 5e announcement had nothing to do with it, but its still going down.




First Post
I'm gonna give it a go with my gaming group. They've agreed to play (on the condition that the girl in the group gets to play a ninja from the oriental source book). It will be my first time DM'ing 1st Edition, and their first time playing. Looking forward to it.


It's just making me want to PLAY, PERIOD. My group's in a scheduling-slump right now, and all this talk about D&D rules, settings, etc. is gettin' me antsy. :)

Glade Riven

It's been inspiring me to read over much of the stuff that I have, as well as consider new ways of thinking about mechanics. I have a few ideas that I'm jotting down. It may even turn into it's own system someday.


First Post
In a way, yes. We just started a 2E game last weekend and will have our second session tomorrow night. I also had the urge to pick up some setting material for 2E which I don't have so, I hit eBay the other night.

Greg K

Not even, remotely.

I started with Holmes Basic, quickly went to 1e. Later, I switched to 2e, left for other games and was brought back by 3e.

There is a reason I stopped playing earlier editions. However, my 3e games are influenced by aspects of 1e and 2e.


First Post
Broke out the AD&D 1E books today and DM'd for my friends. Making people hack their own limbs off with green slimes is fun and profitable for a rat-bastard DM.

One thing that I liked: no one knows anything. Not even meta-game, so everything seems more strange and wondrous. It just felt more... exploratory. It had the kind of feel I have never been able to capture in 3.x or 4E. Not saying it's better, just... different. In some good ways.

Voidrunner's Codex

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