D&D 5E Have You Started Planning How You Will End 5e Yet?

Not sure I am moving on from 5e. I might depending on the OGL and how I like OneD&D. If not I am fine sticking with 5e. I still have lots of D&D stuff I want to do And it can be done in any edition.

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I really had no intention of moving to 5.5 in full, ever.

We are hitting our stride with 5e. Playing more…

If I do anything or play anything on the side, castles and crusades had caught my eye. Maybe it and 5e will be my options.

I have some more minis to buy, but not many. Spent 1000s. Probably want orcus and then done there. I need to USE all of the stuff I already have!

No desire to replace mordenkainens. No desire for radiant citadel or strixhaven. Think I am good as is.

If I want simpler or different, will go maybe with C&C?

I have a bunch of campaigns going that use 5e rules with OSR material, those will continue.

My feeling is, I like the 5e game released in 2014 (+ XGTE) and would like to continue to play and GM it. While I won't want to support WoTC financially moving forward, I don't want to cut off my nose to spite my face. I do think in the medium-long term, if 5e is a 'dead' game, I'm likely to be GMing more of other game systems, eg I really like Mini-Six (derived from West End's D6 System, Star Wars et al) and there should be a new edition coming out soon. Also interested in BRP/Runequest, maybe some others. But I like using published 'D&D/OSR style' adventures. Luckily I have more than a lifetime's worth of such on DTRPG - recently all downloaded, just in case! :) I even have Castle Whiterock bought cheap from the last time OGL games were going away in 2008. :)

It's possible that my campaign finale and the new edition will align quite well--assuming no TPK's on one side or delays on the other. That said, none of us feels a strong need to flip to the new edition just because it has been released. It's all a little far away to plan, tbh.

If you are planning to end 5e, are you wrapping up your campaigns elegantly or ripping it off like a bandage?
We'll bring it to a natural end - either the planned ending of the campaign, some crazy diversion the PCs end up taking, or a TPK. No reason to suffer pointlessly.

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