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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
TB shrinks back, refusing to help an attack designed to kill.

«Keyton's attack roll is now a 13. As I don't expect it to make a difference:

"All you had to do was this." And it sadly flicked down the black swich on the back of what was once a med droid.

The four organics are unconfortably reminded of a berieved closing the eyes of the recently departed...

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Keyton's lightsaber swings in an overhead arc towards the medical droid, bisecting it diagonally from the shoulder down to its waist. The four sparking parts fall to the floor, clanging as metal hits metal.


Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The four organics are unconfortably reminded of a berieved closing the eyes of the recently departed...

Sloor shakes himself out of the mood and holds up his hand, sharply asking for silence... Tense seconds squeeze by as they listen -- for alarms, for armoured footsteps running their way, for anything besides the felucian’s growls and the quiet dripping of bacta fluid from the shattered tank...

«Perception Sloor: 1d20=19
«Perception TB: 1d20+9=25

«Assuming nothing:
“Looks like we made it.” Breathing a sigh of relief, the besalisk quickly moves over to the other side of the table and starts patting down the doctor for any valuables – a security card would be very, very nice indeed! “TB, you think you can whip us up a batch awf sleep gas frawm the stuff we have here? Stawkade’s right awn the awther sid awf the hall, and you’ve gawt taw knaw that place is watched, secured AND guarded.” He explains to the others.

“First aid and advanced chemistry are not the same,” patiently explains the droid with a doubtful look at the varied chemicals racked against the far wall. “Besides, won’t the troopers be wearing their helmets?”

“Frek! You’re right.” Wouldn’t do to take out the prisoners and leave the guardians standing, now would it? “Fawrget that then... Batan baw, you went clawsest taw thawse dawrs taw the nawrth: where daw they lead taw?”

«Anything of value on the good doctor, possum? Security card clipped to his chest, maybe?


First Post
I don't know, maybe there is a layout or console in here that can give us a better idea of where to go next. Hopefully this place isn't filled up with mutant aliens.

Keyton looks for a computer terminal.


Mack pokes the barrel of his blaster rifle at the dead Felucian, making sure he is dead and then nudges the evil doctor as well with his boot. Realizing he should have attached his bayonet earlier, he pulls it out to do so while commenting off-hand to Keyton, "You just had to slice up the medical droid did you. It might have been pretty useful for surgery, you know. Since you tend to get injured fairly easily, I would have thought you had more sense than to just waste it."

Mack searches around for a medical kit or a surgical kit that they can pilfer. He doesn't expect a computer terminal in the medilab to actually help with dealing with the facility's security, but he will lend his expertise if Keyton finds something worthwhile.

[sblock=OOC]I am pretty much caught up now on things after having out-of-town relatives staying with me. December is going to busy for me as well, but I think I will be able to keep pace with Binder's schedule.[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS


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The "good" doctor has the blaster pistol that he pulled as you all entered the bay, as well as a medical kit right next to him. There are a few needles in a box labeled "Stimulants" next to one of the beds holding the Felucians. As for anything else, there's not much that you can carry out, as it's too big.

The only computer terminal in the room contains only the doctor's notes and other medical knowledge.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
I don't know, maybe there is a layout or console in here that can give us a better idea of where to go next. Hopefully this place isn't filled up with mutant aliens.

Keyton looks for a computer terminal.
“If we cawld find the security center and take *that* awt, we might actually have a frecsing chance awf getting awt of here withawt the entire marbing imperial army shooting awff awer frecsing backside,” agrees Sloor.

The "good" doctor has the blaster pistol that he pulled as you all entered the bay, as well as a medical kit right next to him.
“Frek. A tawtal waste awf time after all.” And lives too. “You, awn the bed, can you hear me? Vermimak? Verimak friend? Ah... What was the name awf that elder spirk with the hat?” That last being directed at Mir and Keyton. (He’s talking about the village elder who taught you Force Slam).

«Response Felucian?
«Meanwhile TB takes 10 on Treat Injury to see if the felucian’s under the influence of some of the stimulants by the table, and if so how the mutant can be calmed down -- with a counter-injection or the like?


Mack picks up the medkit and hands it to Sloor, "Can you carry this? I am already a bit encumbered."

Mack pops his helmet off and slips on his mechanical visor. He examines the disabled medical droid for a surgical kit they can salvage.

[sblock=OOC]Take 10 on Mechanics for a 19.[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS


Mir watches Mack scavenge, Keyton check out the computer, Sloor and TB look over the tortured Felucian... She holsters her weapon for a few moments and waits trying to clear her mind for the task ahead.


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As Sloor inspects the stimulants, Mack is able to find the doctor's notes on what they do. They enable the body to take more of the chemicals in a standard medpac within an eight-hour period. There have been some side effects however, making the user sluggish for that period of time.

OOC: Game Notes: The stimpacks allow you to use another medpack without taking an extended rest. The drawback, however, is a persistant step down on the condition track until you do rest.

IC: The Felucian doesn't seem to respond, even when mentioning the scout's name. He doesn't calm down either, and continues to try and break through the metal restraints to no avail.

The medical droid has no equipment on him, let alone enough to salvage a surgical kit off of.

Voidrunner's Codex

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