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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit


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Star Wars
The Dawn of Defiance
Episode I
The Traitor's Gambit

It is a dark time in the galaxy. The evil GALACTIC EMPIRE has spread
from the Deep Core to the Outer Rim, and everywhere
the Empire's tyranny can be felt.

Fleeing from the oppression of the Emperor's minions, agents of
Senator BAIL ORGANA have run to a remote space station above
Brentaal. Known to have been a vocal opponent of the Empire,
Organa may be the last hope of freedom in the galaxy.

In the hopes of stopping these dissidents before they can
reach the senator, the Empire has alerted its forces on
SEL ZONN STATION, where the struggle for liberty rages on,
and the first sparks of rebellion have begun to burn....​

Sel Zonn Station floats peacefully above the planet of Brentaal, the two natural satellites of the planets reflecting the system's primary's light onto the space station. Three landing pads jut out from the cylindrical main body of the station, and despite the late hour relative to Galactic Standard, small freighters land and disembark.

You can view this from the promenade of the station, all of you finding your way to this very spot, at this very time. The lines of the Force have converged.

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Keyton casually makes his way through the promenade to find a cantina, the seedier the better. There he'll order an Alderaan ale and keep his senses open for an oppertunity. Even though he's been here for only less then a standard day, Key needs to get off this station before it becomes crawling with Imperials.


A young woman in lightly tanned clothing does her best to move in a causal fashion onto the promenade. She looks about for a besalisk and a droid, whom she was to meet on the station. Her gaze turns to the view and she is captured by the vastness of space.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
An impressive shape pushes itself out of the concealing shadows, shaking its red, furred jacket in place as if after a long wait. Four armed, three-fingered, tough green skin, a head like an armored turtle, the young besalisk strides forth into the promenade as if he owned the place. "Hord dama Maelonee." Lower right hand offers to shake, upper left closes on her shoulder in an (over?) friendly manner while lower left just holds a tapered brown stub with a glowing pink ember at the end.

There is no droid in sight... but then, there are a lot of shadows available.

And we're off!!!!



Mack finds himself walking on the promenade wearing his non-descript dark clothing, some intuition tells him this is where he is supposed to be. His face clearly still shows the traces of sadness and anger in his countenance. He tries to be inconspicuous wearing while walking among the other people. He sees the seemingly unusual exchange between the large, 4 armed besalisk and the young woman. He looks around wonders if he will find the jedi that was rumored to be about.


Mir makes a short curt nod as she takes the besalisk's lower hand, "Glad to finally met you in person Sloor." Her gaze goes over the promenade, stopping briefly on Mack before she looks back to Sloor. "I suppose we should take care of business, first?" she reaches into a belt pouch and removes a credit chip, making sure it is not with in easy sight of anyone passing bye.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
EDIT: Sloor's handshake is the definition of firm. He presses just *a bit* harder than is polite, but could obviously do much worse if he wanted.

"I suppose we should take care of business, first?" she reaches into a belt pouch and removes a credit chip, making sure it is not with in easy sight of anyone passing bye.

There is the slightest of pause... then he smiles a predatory smile with that wide mouth of his and gently turns her towards a plasteel observation bench with left hands firmly behind shoulder and right elbow. "No convulsions, Sra. You're hiring taw upstanding research assistants, all legal and awbove board." The stub smells of sweetened salt and far away fish...

And, somehow, amid the confusion of hands, the cred chip has dissapeared from *her* hand and been slotted in the datapad clipped on *his* belt. "250 credits," announces the machine. Disapointment flits across his face (at the amount, you think).

[Sblock=OOC]Sloor used Stealth to pick-pocket the chip. If you want to oppose the move and/or spot exactly how he did it, roll Perception +5 and beat an 1d20+5=18 (to oppose) or a 22 (to spot). (the pickpocket rules really don't favor thieves, do they?).

The bench, by the way, offers a superb view of everything around it, as well as providing COVER should it become necessary. ;)[/Sblock]
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"No convulsions, Sra. You're hiring taw upstanding research assistants, all legal and awbove board."

And, somehow, amid the confusion of hands, the cred chip has dissapeared from *her* hand and been slotted in the datapad clipped on *his* belt. "250 credits," announces the machine. Disapointment flits across his face (at the amount, you think).

[Sblock=OOC]Sloor used Stealth to pick-pocket the chip. If you want to oppose the move and/or spot exactly how he did it, roll Perception +5 and beat an 1d20+5=18 (to oppose) or a 22 (to spot). (the pickpocket rules really don't favor thieves, do they?).

The bench, by the way, offers a superb view of everything around it, as well as providing COVER should it become necessary. ;)[/Sblock]

[Sblock=OOC] She looks down... 1d20+7=11 ... and notices, nothing besides that the chip is missing.[/sblock]

Mir looks at Sloor as she sits on the bench at his side. With a smile and nods, she comments, "Of course, research assistant."

At the besalisk's disappoint says, "A sign of good faith. There will be more, as needed."


Mack, still sort of wandering unobtrusively, keeps glancing over at the unusual encounter with the baselisk and attractive woman. He doesn't see anything he can put a finger on, Probably none of my concern anyway, he concludes.

OOC: Failed perception check (took -4 circumstance penalty as well) 1d20+2=8

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