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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit


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OOC Answers

1: I'd say it'd take about 5-10 minutes to get to the docking bay.
2: I'm going to do an IC post about that as you get ready to enter the bay. The jist of it is that the Baudo is en route. There may be a few tense seconds, though.
3: Correct. When I get the template, I'll add a three square hallway to the top of the tactical grid. The starting grid will be the nine squares right around the door on the hallway side.

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Mir seems to think on what Mack says and then nods, "Alright, I can give us a brief distraction that should draw the attention of the imperials so we can do what we need to do. I will do my best to target the troopers on the sled when the fighting starts."

Mir looks down and grips the carbine and thinks that it has been awhile since she handled a rifle. She flips the setting to autofire.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The droid says that he'd prefer to stay in his new headquarters and study the situation and help you all from afar.
"Smart," agrees Sloor. "Wish I was you! Panda, guard the fawrt and *dan't free that chevin*! I'll cawntact you as soon as I gawt news!"

Mack replies, “Can’t wait, no time for finesse. They could communicate the contents after they discovered it so we need to try anyway.”
"Why daw we frecking care if they knaw?" And apparently, a jury-rigged ambush is finesse for this group. Sloor shakes his armor-plated head as he runs: sometimes you just want to cry. "TB, hand me my mace... AND a carbine!" It might do for an opening salvo at that.

Mir seems to think on what Mack says and then nods, "Alright, I can give us a brief distraction that should draw the attention of the imperials so we can do what we need to do. I will do my best to target the troopers on the sled when the fighting starts." Mir looks down and grips the carbine and thinks that it has been awhile since she handled a rifle. She flips the setting to autofire.
"If we're sneaking, we need taw SLAW DAWN a good minute befawr we get there, <breathe in, breathe out> and send the sneaking awns in frawnt! <breath> Else there wan't be a single gun nawt already pawinted awer way!" warns Sloor. "What have you gawt, Sra? Flash grenades?"

«So that would be Mir and Sloor in the front lines, TB close behind. Should I roll for Stealth, see if we get a surprise round?
«Sloor will hold the carbine with two arms, stock extended, selector on auto, his blaster with the lower right and his mace with his lower left.

[sblock=Translation]"Why do we frecking care if they know?"

"TB, hand me my mace... And a carbine!"

"If we're sneaking, we need to SLOW DOWN a good minute before we get there, <breathe in, breathe out> and send the sneaking ones in front! <breath> Else there wan't be a single gun not already pointed our way!" warns Sloor. "What have you got, Sra? Flash grenades?"[/sblock]
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"Stealthing the entire room may be beyond my abilities, at least for providing the cover. Just yet anyhow. The frontal approach may be better I suppose." She says with a heavy sigh. "I can give those Imperials an unexpected target long enough to give us the surprise from behind. Just ignore the roaring wookie and give it all you got on them, is the best option I have right now. When they go down, someone needs to cover the door for reinforcements and I can go for the 'cargo' and hope the door is not locked.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Wookie? Some sort of holo-proj thing? Didn't know they made those in grenade form, but neat idea, now that she mentions it.

"If that thing's what I think it is," is what the besalisk says, carefully gesturing to Keyton's cylinder, "Then we should all pile in taw the back and CUT awer way dawn! <breath> That should land us pretty much smack dab intaw my drawid repair shawp, if I gawt the dimensians right!" Tetrapee is going to love him for it too...


First Post
Sloor hasn't seen anything yet since nothing has been produced until we get to he habor. ;)

The more targets the better, but I think its better to go in fighting instead of trying to sneak in and set up something. Take the surprise while we got it instead of getting caught moving into position. It is a big room and we'll have to cover ground quick.


Still moving towards Docking Bay Blue, Mack continues to communicate regarding the tactical battle plan.

“Alright, let’s all get on the same comlink freq and go hands free for voice comms in case we get separated. And we don’t have to shout while we continue this conversation.”
<<OOC: Assuming everyone will do so, including TB and we have R5 patched in as well.>>
Mack continues, “R5, I will want a position SITREP on the tangoes in the docking bay once we are 1 minute away. We should slow down to keep our approach to the entrance to the docking bay unnoticed once we are at that point, like Sloor suggests. Mir will do her distraction to hopefully give us surprise, then we hit them. If the hover sled is by the doorway still, Keyton, it’s your target to capture once we start combat. First person to fire will hit the gunner if necessary to help him. Then we take out the officer, following up on the other troopers. Keyton, I hope you can use that gun on the sled to help cover the rest of us. Anything else to consider before we arrive?”


First Post
Keyton shakes his head and obtains his focus within the moment.

[sblock=OOC] Ready to "get" there when everybody else is[/sblock]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Anything else to consider before we arrive?”
"Anly that 500 is looking dawnright slim and suicidal right abawt naw!" Plus there's that familiar pit where his stomach should be, the one telling him he's soon going to be killing folks he'd rather have shaken down for creds (the mace was probably a mistake, and he isn't too wild about the riffle either, now that he thinks about it). Speaking of, "Aw, and we've gawt a traitawr awn awer hands."

[sblock=Translation]"Only that 500 is looking downright slim and suicidal right about now!"

"Oh, and we've got a traitor on our hands."[/sblock]_______________________________________________
Ready and unwilling. :)
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Speaking of, "Aw, and we've gawt a traitawr awn awer hands."

Mack asks, "Which traitor are you referring to?"

[sblock=OOC] Yep I am ready, Songdragon summarized the plan correctly on the OOC thread. Ready for the 1 minute warning and update on positions to make sure there are no surprises before we hit combat and everything goes out the window anyway.;) Not a dig on anyone, there is a saying, "No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy".[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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