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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit


As Mir has not noticed anything of note happening (new Perception check of 1d20+8=12) continues to cross the pool of water to the next island.

OOC: D20 double move (assuming the water is difficult terrain to cost double? If it is not... D16)

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Mack doesn't see anything either. Since Mir appears to be unconcerned he moves across the island to cover everybody as they make their may to next island. He steps into the water again on the other side, but only as far as his shins.

Perception Check (1d20+9=14)
2 Move actions to D23.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Sloor does the same, looking worriedly up at the sky more often then down. "Frecking planets," he grouses, "frecking *open-concept* planets..."

TB continues to circle at his maximum altitude «Put him four squares to the west of Sloor, please, 3 meters up». *It* looks in all directions.

EDIT= Perception 1d20+1=3. Still 19 for TB.
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First Post
As you cautiously make your way throughout the small pond, the water suddenly explodes with movement. Four beings burst out of the water. Tall and muscular, this bipedal being seems to be a member of the native Felucian species. The long, slender form of a rancor’s jawbone juts down from the Felucian’s hand, and the scout’s body is barely covered by a leafy loincloth. A tangle of tendrils around his face makes it impossible to see his eyes, and the mud and other foliage plastered to his body camouflages him against the backdrop of the swamp.

The four young Felucians race at each of you, quicker than you can really react. The first one races for Keyton and swings his blade, but it's far too wide to do any damage. The one attacking Mack mightily swings his jawbone at the human (Ref 17, or 14 damage) The third emerges from the swamp and charges up the island to attack Sloor. (Ref 21 or 10 damage) and barely manages to nick the Besalisk)

Mir is set upon by another one of the Felucians, who emerges quickly from the water to her right. She is not as surprised as the Felucian thinks and manages to evade the strike.

Seizing upon their tactical advantage, the Felucians swing again. Keyton is barely able to dodge the jawbone, but is slightly winded from the dodge (Ref 22, 9 damage). The second Felucian's jawbone weapon slips from his hands and into the murky water as he swings for Mack. The being attacking Sloor manages to keep a grip on his weapon, but swings far to slow to hit the one he's attacking. Mir is slightly glanced by the Felucian attacking her. (Ref 25 6 dmg).

Group is next.




There is a grimace of pain across Mir's face as she takes the blow from one of the native felucians. She quickly considers her options moving herself into a guard position, and gives a warning to her companions, "Let me call upon a little friend!" She concentrates and from behind the group (A20-21) from the foliage a very large creature emerges and emits a roar of anger like no other. The beast, a rancor of extremely large size (gargantuan -2 to use the force check) stands before the felucians, hopefully enough to scare them away. Or the very least, distract them.

(( Use a force point to activate Illusion. Use the Force check to beat their Will Saves... 1d20+11=22 ))

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"*I'm* the dangeraws awn here, mudcrawch!" barks Sloor as his tentaculed assaillant takes his eyes away from him. The big alien picks him up by the neck and proceeds to punch him in the face, repeatedly : "Are you surrendering naw? Naw? Haw abawt naw?"

«Grapple attempt (CRITICAL!), followed by opposed grapple check. If the grapple check is succesful, target is pinned (can't take any action until Sloor's next round and looses dex bonus to Ref defense) and takes 12 Stun damage.
1d20+4=24, 1d20+6=16, 2d6+4=12

«Critical activates Sloor's Fortune's Favor which gives him an extra standard action to be used before the end of his turn:
- If F3 is not down and doesn't surrender, punch him in the face again with his Stun knuckles:
1d20+4=14, 2d6+4=11

- if F3 is down, MOVE to B22 then use the extra standard to CHARGE to C17 and hit the one attacking Mir. "Cawming fawr YOU, spirk!".
Stun knuckle attack vs Ref 1d20+4=14, 2d6+4=11 (used the same roll as above)



<<OOC: Just to be sure, Mack was missed, since his Ref is 20 (18ff) right? I will edit later if he actually got hit.>>

Mack exclaims, “Nasty buggers!” as he barely manages to deflect the jaw bone off his armored forearm. He flips the selector switch to single shot and sticks the muzzle of his blaster rifle into the creatures face (?) and pulls the trigger. The creature moves his head to the side and the blaster shot zips off into the swamp hitting some vegetation many meters away.He backs away from his opponent to cover Sloor's flank in case more of the beasties appear.
Swift Action: Manipulate item
Standard Action: Ranged Attack; Blaster Rifle (1d20+5=8, 3d8+1=9) Missed
Move Action: Withdraw to D-25
Edit: Got Ninja'd by Binder, but think it's okay. After all Mack shot first! ;) Sorry old joke, still have my t-shirt though.
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First Post
As Mack's shot is dodged and he falls back, the Felucians seem cowered for a second as--in their eyes--a large rancor bursts into the water from seemingly nowhere. Keyton's blade slices deeply into the side of the Felucian he's battling, causing the young scout to drop to the ground, seemingly mortally wounded.

Sloor grabs the struggling and frightened Felucian and knocks him out with one punch as he refuses to surrender. The two remaining Felucians withdraw from the fight, hoping to get away from the rancor.

Voidrunner's Codex

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