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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit


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OOC: Ponchos grant a +5 bonus.

Mack is able to get a pretty good look at the normal storm and scout troopers. They're each carrying a blaster rifle. Their armor is spotty from the swamps of the planet and one of them has a knee guard that is slightly banged up.

OOC: Yep, what a waste of a 20...

Mir spends a few seconds peering into the Force. She sees herself making it around the outpost, but it's somewhat murky for the others. It seems very reasonable to try it, however.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"I have good reason to believe they killed my parents."

Oh frek. "We've killed mawre than taw awf them already," he drily points out before he can stop himself. Someday, he'll learn when to shut up.

«Response Mir?

She sighs and looks at Sloor with compassion, "I am sure that under that macho me, there is a good person under there. But hey, I have been wrong before." She says the last with a smile.

The besalisk cranes his neck back, "Did you get that?"

"I believe she meant 'you'," theorizes his droid. "That macho you."

Mack says, "I don't mind the mud, it will wash off. Besides the body glove liner with keep the crap out of my underwear." Mack's a soldier and not squeamish about such things.

"Spawil spawrt,"
says a still grinning, and still smearing, Sloor. When he's finished, his friend's armor looks like a giant mud pie. "You want sawme?" he grufly asks the jedi.

«I think we're go for the 'go around on foot quietly leading the beasts' plan. Let's go! Possum, do we Stealth and/or Perception rolls?
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Mack says, "Thanks. No time like the present, I guess." He motions for them to proceed.

Is the mud going to actually help beyond the poncho? Do the Scout Troopers have speeder bikes?
Perception (1d20+9=21); Stealth (1d20+3=12) Without any bonuses applied.>>

Edit: The Stealth result is 19 with bonuses applied.

Mack Granger CS
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Keyton nods in agreement and follows along, brining his kybuck along side of him forgoing the mud bath. He reaches out towards the Force to guide his actions through the mire.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Sloor shrugs and gestures Verimak in the lead. “TB, you’re camp-side. Watch awt fawr scawts and sensawrs. Your friendly besalisk’ll clawse the march!” Kybuck reins in one hand, blaster in another, he follows.

«Was waiting for a response from Songdragon, but oh well.

«Stealth and perception, Sloor: 1d20+11=13, 1d20+1=14. Not good.
«Stealth and perception, TB: 1d20+8=11, 1d20+9=11. Ack! Spoke too soon.


(( Apologies Sloor... been reinstalling the last 2 days. My hard drive went last wednesday and I finally got a new one and the OS ))

To Sloor in a quiet tone, "It is not about revenge. It is about doing what I can to make it a better place. Preferably without the Empire."

Gets back and starts along with the others keeping an eye out for trouble or being noticed. ((Perception: 1d20+8=13))

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
A pause. Oh frek again: a saint, a frecsing saint! Things fall into place, and it’s a shiningly ugly pattern. Those people don’t care one whiff about creds, or restraining themselves to the job at hand, and sometimes not even getting the frek out of it alive on the other end. It’s appalingly like the stories you hear about Jedis but never really believe could be true!

Some of that must have shown on his face because

Songdragon and Binder Fred said:
she sighs and looks at him with compassion, "I am sure that under that macho me, there is a good person under there. But hey, I have been wrong before." She says the last with a smile.

Silence as she gets back and starts along with the others (keeping an eye out for trouble or being noticed), then Sloor cranes his neck back, "Did you get that last part?"

"I believe she meant 'you'," theorizes his droid. "That macho you."

"Nawt what she said...” grumbles a worried Sloor. Where’s the frecsing profit in fixing problems for free? You don’t see plumbers breaking into your app, fixing a leak and then NOT CHARGING YOU FOR IT! “Frek, we should charge double just for the breaking-in part... Ha!” He catches up to Mir and tells her exactly that in an urgent whisper.

«With our low Stealth and Perception rolls, I figure *something* must be distracting us. ;)
«Just a suggestion on the scene arrangement above, by the way. Feel free to move things around.


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OOC: Since both Mir and Sloor went out and bought their own camo ponchos, I'll allow Mack to have done the same retroactively, just as long as he pays the cost. If he doesn't have enough, assume that Organa spotted you the credits you're lacking, just as long as you pay him back.

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