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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Mir catches the young troopers movement and raises a hand reaching for the grenade with the force... bringing it to her own hand. "I do not think so."
“Wow,” is Sloor’s heartfelt comment. Didn’t even spot the movement till it was too late himself...

Mack replies to Mir's question about the equipment surrounding them, "Yeah, I can take a look. I might need some help."
“All yours, Mack man.” Though frek is he knows more than tidbits about imperial comm tech, and TB ain't programmed for that sort of thing yet. “But make it quick will you: I’m thinking we’re an bawrawed time here...”

Mack sighs regretfully, "Oh frak, our guide bought it. We might be in some deep poo-doo now."
The green besalisk peers over his shoulder at the screen and he too sighs deep: “Rather liked the guy taw... Hawpe he had time taw leave a family behind.” His eyes haven’t left the massing troopers though, fear knotting tighter and tighter in his guts: “An the bright side, lawks like we’re gawing taw be jawning him marbling quick. Mack, can these things punch awt a message taw awer ship? I’m thinking a hawt evac might be just the thing.”

<Response Mack?>

“Tawss me awne awf thawse, Mack man,” nods the besalisk, indicating the grenades. He’s obviously given up on further interrogation in the interim because, without warning, he hammer blows the trooper behind the neck, dropping him unconscious to the floor. “Right, I’ll take pawint.”

«Coup-de-grace on the trooper, using his stun knuckles so he’s unconscious, not dead. Waiting for Mack's answer, and the other's reactions/comments, before moving out of the room.
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First Post
After the trooper goes down, Keyton shrugs and turns off his lightsaber.

Works for me. Let's go get ourselves a general.


Mack looks at the comms console, "I could try to raise The Banshee, but the Star Destroyer in orbit might discover her if she breaks cover too soon. But I think we have a bigger problem. If we cannot lock down the facility entrance, those troopers outside will be joining us inside. Maybe we need to ensure they cannot use the backdoor as well."

He hands a grenade to Sloor, keeping two for himself. He checks the console to see if he can access the door controls and lockout other users.

Before anyone opens the door back out into the corridor he suggests, "Perhaps we need to secure the command center first. The prisoners are not going anywhere and we maybe should keep them out a potential cross-fire. Also now that these troopers showed up, we better check to see if that E-Web is still being manned. Nasty surprise, that is there are more troopers patrolling around the med lab."

OOC: If he cannot secure the facility's blast doors and computer network from here, the command center might be a higher priority for survival if reinforcements can get inside from outside.

Was there any replusor sleds around to move bacta tanks or storage crates? What about gurney's in the med lab?
[sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 2 (Rescue) FP: 5
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 39 (15 Threshold) Current: 39
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 15 Will: 13
Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS


First Post
If they wanted to be inside, they would have done so already. They are waiting for us to come out. I say we get who we came for and stay together and make our stand in the command center. We don't want to have to be going up and down the lifts in the middle of a battle. Besides, the general might be useful in a firefight or have insight with how these troops operate.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Stand? Lawck dawn??" is Sloor's disbelieving comment, eyes wider then usual. "Getting bawxed in is the *last* thing we want, fawr frek's sake! That happens and we're... we're dead! Naw spirks, we *need* taw gaw get the admiral, ship cawmes in, blasts a hawle in the wall and then we get the frekking frek awt awf here! Alive! Sra, tell them you're with me awn this..."


She looks to Mac, "If we can... might want to disrupt the troops communications. If they cannot contact one another, we might be able to get out one side or another without attracting the others until we are gone."

"Contacting the ship might be a good idea, once we have the Admiral. If she can fly in and we jump aboard for an escape from the command center or somewhere high." The woman suggests.

"Let us get the Admiral first... and worry about escape afterward. We might be able to get past them without a fight... if I can manage an illusion at the right time to mask us. We would have to be really quick." Mir comments. "But I do not know how much more I have in me, it is rather draining."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Sloor grows somber, and with good reasons: these spirks are going to be the death of him -- and his little droid too. "You need taw call fawr help *before* you're dead awn the flawr, Sra." That should be frekking obvious, but apparenlty it's not. He can feel every syllable of explanation substacting decades from their communal lifespan, but it's got to be done or else there will *be* no life at all: "The captain'll need time taw get things ready, time taw get here by the smartest route - if the frecsing ship's even repaired by now - and if she dawsn't? Well then we can just tell her taw wait befawr she starts her mawve, fawr frek's sake! Dan't fawl yourself: we ain't cawmig back taw this room after this, ever. We wan't be able taw. Call her, Mack man. Call her *naw*. We're dead if you dan't."

«As the vote is apparenlty two in favor of 'play it by ear and hope for the best', Sloor will use a force point to force the issue, as previously discussed. I really do feel it's our best chance of success.


Mir looks at Sloor and wonders if he is going to burst as he gets all serious, and says in a agreeing tone, "That is fine Sloor. Contact the ship see if she's ready and all that. I was just saying we need to get our Admiral, as it is why we are in this mess to begin with."


Mack looks at the Keyton, pondering the man's precognitive abilities about stormtrooper tactics, "Do you know something I don't. Who says they are waiting for us to come out? I wouldn't. Let me see what I can do with this computer console."

He first the checks the blast doors, to ensure they cannot be opened. Then he looks to setting up jamming on the commlink frequencies the troopers were using. After that, he will try to raise The Banshee.

"Okeefee, this is Mack-man. Looking for hot pickup at destination very soon. Copy?"

Judging from the layout of the facility, Mack tries to determine where they need to set the explosive to bring it down when they leave.

[sblock=OOC]To improve access if necessary: Use Computer (1d20+7=20)
Taking 20's on other checks if possible.

Repearted questions: Was there any replusor sleds around to move bacta tanks or storage crates? What about gurney's in the med lab?[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 2 (Rescue) FP: 5
Init: +8 Perception: +9
HP: 39 (15 Threshold) Current: 39
Reflex: 20 (18ff) Fort: 15 Will: 13
Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis[/sblock]___________________________________

Mack Granger CS


First Post
There's one repulsor sled (essentially a dolly, really) in the storage room that's used to move heavy things throughout the facility. As for the structure of the building, leaving the bomb right there in the communication room will be enough to level the building.[/sblock]

Sirona's voice comes in through the comm unit masked by static. She is able to hear you, but it takes a few repetitions for you to get your point across. She states that she'll be there in about 15 minutes. Mack also manages to scramble the comlinks of the troopers by using the same trick that they used with the remote outpost hours ago. The blast doors are securely locked.

Voidrunner's Codex

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