D&D 5E Heat Metal Spell. Unfair to Heavy Armor Wearers?


I'd be going with no on that one, personally. If you've removed yourself from the fight to the point where it's totally irrelevant to your situation (like teleporting to the moon or any other place the enemy cannot conceivably get to), you pretty much can't spend actions on it.
Sure but I am curious about the rule. In my example the target escaped to the moon. But if the caster still gets to use a bonus action to inflict damage, then that wasn't an escape at all.

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I wonder if anyone has asked about the action aspect. Like, if you cast heat metal and the target teleported to the moon, could you still use a bonus action once every six seconds to inflict damage on them?
Nothing in the spell says it would not work. You just have to see something in range to cast.

Considering how literal the sage advice has become I can't imagine you're going to get a different answer.

EDIT: from the PHB
Once a spell is cast, its effects aren’t limited by its range, unless the spell’s description says otherwise.


Nothing in the spell says it would not work. You just have to see something in range to cast.

Considering how literal the sage advice has become I can't imagine you're going to get a different answer.

EDIT: from the PHB
Once a spell is cast, its effects aren’t limited by its range, unless the spell’s description says otherwise.
Sure, but usually actions with targets require line of sight. Like I said, I am just curious if it ever came up and if they answered it. It doesn't really matter to me because at myt table you absolutly still nee line of sight on the thing you heated up to cause it to flair and burn someone.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
I would say you have to have some indication the target is affected by the spell. Like, if you can't see them, that's fine as long as you can hear their screams of pain. But if you can neither see nor hear them, it gets a little wonky, what do you do, count six seconds down and take a bonus action? What if you're on another plane where time flows differently?

I guess you can scry on the target in some way, that'd be fine.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Telepathy and Tsunami are "Unlimited"

Storm of Vengeance has "Sight".

Control Weather has a 5 mile radius but it's technically Self.

Next up is 1 mile mile for Clairvoyance.

And after that Arcane Gate, at 500 feet.

Then there's a few at 150 feet.


The High Aldwin
Combine with ring of fire resistance.
Better yet, two birds, one spell:


Wear that, cast heat metal, and enjoy toasting your enemies. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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