Help me build a 1/2 dragon


19 Str
15 Dex
14 Con
12 Int
15 Wis
20 Cha

Class: Paladin 7
Race: Half Human/ Half Gold dragon.

Feats: Power attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Exotic Weapon Profeciency: Basterd Sword.

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Thoaloth, Male Half-Silver Dragon Human Paladin5 Templar2 ECL 10; Medium-Size Dragon; HD 5d12+2d12+28; Init +0; Spd Walk 20'; AC 27 (flatfooted 27, touch 10), +1 Keen Huge Flamberge +13/+8 (2d8+15 15-20/x2); SA: 30 foot Cone of Cold, 6d8 (DC 18) 1/day, Immune to Paralysis, Aura of Courage, Detect Evil, Divine Grace, Divine Health, Immune to Cold, Immune to Sleep, Lay on Hands 30 hp/day, Mettle, Remove Disease 1/week, Smite Evil 2/day, Special Mount, Turn Undead 9/day; Vision: Darkvision (60') AL: LG; Sv: Fort +20, Ref +10, Will +14; Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 22.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +14, Diplomacy +16, Heal +11, Knowledge (Religion) +11; Endurance, Gigantic Weapon*, Two-Handed Power Strike**, Weapon Focus (Flamberge***), Weapon Specialization--Templar (Flamberge)

Possessions: Large Wooden Animated Shield +1, Cloak of Charisma +4, Full Plate +2, Vest of Resistance +3, 64 Platinum Coins, Huge Keen Flamberge +1, 3 Gold Coins. Gear Value = 49,000 gp.

Spells: Paladin: 0 / 1
1-Bless, Bless Water, Bless Weapon, Create Water, Create Wine, Cure Light Wounds, Deafening Clang, Detect Poison, Detect Undead, Divine Favor, Divine Sacrifice, Endure Elements, Faith Healing, Magic Weapon, Protection from Evil, Read Magic, Resistance, Silverbeard, Strategic Charge, Virtue, Vision of Glory, Warning Shout

Templar: 0 / 2

1-Bless, Cause Fear, Command, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Magic Weapon, Mount, Shield of Faith

*Gigantic Weapon is a feat from the Fantasy Community Council Netbook of Feats v8 that allows you to wield a weapon one size larger than normal in two hands at a -2 penalty to attack rolls.

**Two-Handed Power Strike is a feat from Mongoose's Quintessential Fighter book that allows a fighter to do strength modifier to x2 instead of the normal x1.5 for two handed weapons.

***Flamberge is a two-handed martial weapon sword from the Quintessential Fighter book that does 2d6 damage with an 18-20 threat range.
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After casting Shield of Faith your AC will be 29. Your hit points will be incredible. And your saves will be nearly draconic at +20/+10/+14. With Mettle from the Templar levels you have virtual evasion for all spells that have Fort/Will: partial or half with which your +20/+14 saves will work well.

If you find something with damage reduction, use Bless Weapon.

Also, see if you can talk your Cleric friend into giving you an endurance spell for more hit points, bull's strength for harder/more accurate hits, and magic vestment on your shield for even higher AC and more survivability.

Your damage is a very respectable 2d8+15 and is upgradeable in future.

Future adviseable feats would be Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Flamberge allowing you to reforge your Flamberge in a heavier metal and upgrade your damage to 4d6+15 (See Magic of Faerun for details). Also, Improved Critical will expand your critical range down to 12-20 and Bonded Weapon from Quintessential Fighter will gain you an additional +2 to hit and +1 to damage.

That gives you offense, defense, hit points (+30 points of healing from Lay on Hands), and saves.

Add in a paladin mount and two smites per day, and if you keep advancing as a templar, damage reduction as well. This will make you one very durable very capable royal guard.
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Thanks Jeremy!

I'm, not sure I can slide all the feats and weapons past, but Sword and Fist has "Monkey Grip" and I could certainly do that with a great sword.

Now I notice you only include 4 feats. Someone else said 5. Can I get a confirmation from anyone on if template levels give feats? Also, what did you use to generate that? You didn't do that one by hand?

For templar I'd have to go with one of the existing gods which ends me up with Scimitar or Short Spear/long spear as my favored weapons, and for RP reasons it would be spears.

Of course it could be: Weapon focus long spear, endurance, monkey grip, That gives me a fairly lethal reach attack and 1-2 feats more depending on who's counting.

I have an 8th level half-dragon paladin in a FR campaign we've temporarily put on hold. Here's how I'd arrange your posted rolls for such a PC:

STR: 23 (15+8)
DEX: 10
CON: 14 (12+2)
INT: 13 (11+2)
WIS: 15
CHA: 19 (17+2)

I'd use your bonus attribute points by placing one in STR and one in CHA, making those scores 24 and 20 respectively. With d12+2 hit points per level, you'll be able to withstand a fair beating despite being a lower level than your party mates. Additionally, the +5 Divine Grace bonus to ALL your saving throws will be awesome, not to mention a +7 to hit and damage!!

There's my abbreviated two cents worth of input :).

River said:
Thanks Jeremy!

I'm, not sure I can slide all the feats and weapons past, but Sword and Fist has "Monkey Grip" and I could certainly do that with a great sword.

Now I notice you only include 4 feats. Someone else said 5. Can I get a confirmation from anyone on if template levels give feats? Also, what did you use to generate that? You didn't do that one by hand?

For templar I'd have to go with one of the existing gods which ends me up with Scimitar or Short Spear/long spear as my favored weapons, and for RP reasons it would be spears.

Of course it could be: Weapon focus long spear, endurance, monkey grip, That gives me a fairly lethal reach attack and 1-2 feats more depending on who's counting.

ECL goes towards XP awards, starting gear, and determining party level. That's it. Everything else is by HD/class levels.

For a very good explanation check out this site.

I would recommend against monkey grip. That -4 to hit isn't worth the upgrade normally. The reason I recommended gigantic weapon is because its a good base to stack a two handed weapon on.

I'd recommend weapon focus: longspear and using that animated shield I included in the gear to free up your hands so you don't need the feat.

That leaves you with weapon focus, and endurance. I'd highly recommend at least asking your DM if Two Handed Power Strike from the Quintessential Fighter book by Mongoose is acceptable. It's right up your alley with that strength.

If not, you might look into combat reflexes or power attack and cleave.

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