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Help me populate a 400-person village.

The short version of my request is that I'd like people to come up with about 400 people, which can literally be any race, even bizarre things like leucrotta or talking cats (though the majority should be humanoid). They need to be random ages between 7 and 24. There needs be no logic in their distribution; I want it to be a weird assorted hodge-podge of people. Just give me race, sex, age, and a basic physical description. If you want, toss in a bit of personality.

The Details

My next game will be starting after Gen Con, and the first major part of the campaign will take place in and around the village of Kinras, which has a population of about 800. Since the first few adventures will take place when the PCs are 7, 12, and 16 years old, I want to have a really full sense of who all's in the town. This is especially difficult because of the oddity of the town's background.

Basically, a group of four people escaped from an oppressive city state, traveled through a gate, and ended up here, on a hilly plain with only a few scattered woodlands, intense wind, and practically no landmarks to navigate by. They tried traveling fifty miles in different directions, but did not even find a river to guide them to civilization, though there were many scattered watering holes, and abundant wildlife.

They might have kept trying, if they had not discovered a baby in the soil near their campsite one morning. They tended to the baby, and were able to feed it thanks to magic and some ingenuity. Then the next week another baby appeared. They were able to take care of it too, but when the third and fourth babies were found the following weeks, they were unable to support them all.

For reasons they don't understand, every week or so, a baby would appear, partially buried in the soil of this one field. Sometimes the baby would be human, or elf, or orc, halfling, etc. A few times it would be a strange creature like a goblin, a lizard man, or even a snake with a human head. With no particular place to go, the four refugees felt a responsibility to these children, and they did their best to raise as many as possible.

For the first few years they only were able to support a handful, but eventually they charmed and wrangled the local animals, planted a few crops, and made a village of mudbricks, lumber, and eventually stoneshaping. Over the course of 17 years, they managed to create a town of about 400 people, consisting of four people in their 40s and beyond, plus everyone else 17 years old or younger. Then one day they found six children in the soil all at once, and that was the last of them.

These six children are the PCs. After this point, a few of the older children who were discovered in the field began to have children of their own, but it seems that whatever magic led to the birth of the town had vanished.

Over the course of the first few adventures, the PCs will discover their town, learn some of its mysteries, and be motivated to adventure and explore the area, which is slowly beset by outside hostile forces. Along the way, though, I want the PCs to form a realistic network of relationships. I imagine a few of the players will get into the silliness of playing a 12- or 16-year old kid, looking for a cute girl or boy, and I'd like to be able to tell them what the playing field looks like.

I'd also enjoy hearing your ideas, since it might inspire me to unique adventures.

So far, the heads of the town are:

Lajeca - an elf mage who loves water. She is the town leader, and knows how to brew. She is interested in mysteries, and her intellect has allowed the town to have a wide variety of technologies at about late stone-/ early bronze-age level.

Artep - a human rogue who likes to tell stories to children. He's the biggest traveler of the town, and he often goes looking for other people, but never finds any. He provides a tie to the culture they fled from, because he tells many folk tales and legends. He's the closest thing the town has to a priest.

Pedimmu - a human ranger/fighter who was actually loyal to the city they fled. However, he was trapped with this group, so he has become part of the community, though he often opposes Lajeca's lead. He is in favor of clear laws and an almost caste-like structure to society. He is the town's protector, as well as the one in charge of the herds and other animals. He fights with a spear, and rejects bronze, prefering stone.

Damati - an elf expert with some mild magical ability to create and affect fire and stoneshape. She experiments a lot, and loves to build things.

I realize there are shades of LOST here, with a mysterious land and leaders who oppose each other, plus a large cast of people with strange backstories. I'd love your help to flesh it out. Thanks.

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Jolly Giant

First Post
This all sounds very cool, RW! :lol: I take it the majority of the children will be commoners, warriors or experts? Or do you want them to have powers and abilities that are as mysterious as their heritage? Either way, you do realize you absolutely got to throw in a young kobold who is tentatively trying to master his sorcerous talents, with unexpected side-effects? :p

Seriously though, allow me to introduce you to Grog; a young (whatever the goblin equivalent of human 12 year old is) male goblin. He is always nicking stuff from the other children, especially food. He always denies flat-out having stolen anything though, no matter how red-handed you catch him. If asked to perform any chores his standard response is to blow a raspberry and run away.

Also, I'd like you to meet Raphael. He is a 7 years old, very beautiful, human boy. Everybody likes him. He's very kind and caring, but very strict about everybody playing fair, obeying all rules and being nice to each other. In other words, a paladin waiting to happen... ;)

Finally, here's Carla. She's 13, human, big for her age and very strong. She's a redhead, quick to anger, but also quick to forgive. She thinks everyone should be nice to everyone else, and will beat the living daylights out of anyone who isn't.

Thanks. I generally want to keep magic low, so that maybe a tenth of people have powers, but no one is above 2nd level, except the town founders, and the PCs (who will get into all sorts of Harry Potter-esque situations).

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Stealing from my home game, there's Fiddler the Kobold Bard. He's a kobold supremacist, insists kobolds invented the fiddle and will try and prove his superiority as a bard in every situation for the honor of Copyrighted Kobold Deity.

That said, he's actually quite good, and believes in working together with others (well, not gnomes) to further the good of the village.

To function out in the world, he either needs smoked glass goggles like the ones in Races of the Dragon or, barring that, he wears big floppy straw hats.

He also plays the accordion, which he concedes that kobolds did not create, but he took it off a female gnome bard he killed, after the gnome stole prize winnings rightfully belonging to Fiddler. (No one knows if this story is true, and since Fiddler works himself up into such a frenzy about how he was cheated by a gnome, no one wants to ask.)


First Post
Plutarch Tuor Vitus Zenon the Fifth (20 year old male human expert)
On an unprecedented day, the four adventurers found five babies. They each named one of them individually, and contributed one name apiece for Plutarch. 'The fifth' was put on as a joke, but it stuck. He found a shiny yellow rock in the creek as a small child, and has kept it with him since. Short and stocky, the amulet he crudely made out of the gold nugget contrasts sharply with his brown hair. He's none too smart, but is strong and quick with his hands.

He is 'apprenticed' to Lajeca, and is learning how to smith bronze from her.
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Land Outcast

Valdur: A distinguished and sophisticated human who sees himself as the fittest one to give orders, this isn't a problem given that he organizes most of the works that need coordination in town.

Dirialamei: A female Elven cat, fifteen years old, at her peak on life and enjoying it. She's good at heart, but even tough young, is regarded as a "wise woman", when problems arise, she is called to settle disputes. Given her ability to increase to scary size, she rescued once a man from a burning building.

Dog Moon

Wow, cool idea. Might have to yoink and then modify it.

Pino: a young girl who can barely speak and seems to say only her name, but has amazing skill with art. However, this skill deals only with copying. She can create exact duplicates of almost anything, but she doesn't understand art well enough to create anything on her own. She has simple, plain features with a pair of tails on either side of her head.

Mallo, Zeke, and Berra: a triplet, totally unrelated to each other, but they travel around together ALWAYS. They have 'adopted' one of the older children as their 'mother' and though this proclaimed mother does not want the task of taking care of them, she generally is found helping them out in some way or another. Mallo: black hair, brownish skin; skinny. Zeke: brown hair, blue eyes, somewhat chubby. Berra: cute, blonde curls with green eyes.

Hope that helps a little.


First Post
RangerWickett, are you going to include the bar with "Good, Evil and Neutral"? Or was that a different project?


First Post

Keep in mind that some so-called racial characteristics are actually societal, not racial. For instance, unless one of the four founders of the town was a kobold, there's no real reason for a kobold raised in this village to have any desire to worship Kurtulmak, any enmity towards gnomes, or any predisposition towards Lawful Evil. Similar arguments could be made about certain traits like skill bonuses (a halfling's Move Silently bonus might be from soft feet, but a half-elf's Diplomacy bonus is said to come from their desire to mediate between their two halves.)

Did the founders have biological children? There might be a class distinction, even a subtle or subconscious one, between the foundlings and the born.

You absolutely need a snake with a human head. You can't just throw that into your blurb and then forget about it! :)

As for characters, I give you Dioo:

Dioo isn't like the other kids. He knows that. For one, the other kids have bodies with arms and legs. Dioo doesn't have a body like that. He's big and round. Other kids walk from here to there. Dioo doesn't walk; he flies. Other kids have a couple of eyes looking forward. Dioo only has one big eye looking forward, but he has a bunch of other little ones that can look all over. He's not all that good at catch and stuff, but he still likes to play with the other kids. The founders told him once that he'll get real powerful later, but right now he's just like the other kids. Kinda.

Yes, Dioo is a young beholder. But he doesn't know that. He just knows he's Dioo.


Bill Groom - 15 year old human male, strong enough from working most of his life around the village, healthy lad with a bright smile. Will engage in chitchat from time to time but dislikes gossip or someone trying to get him to take a side in an argument.

Bill likes horses, however many are in the village, he has tended to them at some time in his life. He got his last name from his diligence in keeping the horses groomed. He volunteered to go with the adventurers to tend the horses while they hunted or did something.

He dislikes griffons because he was told they eat horses. He is proficient with a lasso and pitchfork.

If the town doesn't have horses..... :)

Francis the Mule - good sturdy dark grey mule

Mister Ed the Horse - Beautiful palomino stallion, strong willed but reasonably gentle.

Folks other than Bill think they make odd noises sometimes. Almost sounds like they said something, but that couldn't be.

Voidrunner's Codex

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