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Help Us Kill Morrus - Just updated 23/03/05

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I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
Ok, here it is, our version of events or should I say my version of events. My grammar is somewhat sloppy so apologies in advance for that. Also since the taping of the session didn’t go very well I had to use Russ’ version as a template for who did what and when but I think you’ll find it spruced up enough so as to be quite different, (there are things Russ missed or got slightly wrong and I’m sure my version is not 100% reliable either but who cares?).
And one other thing before I start, thanks for everyone’s efforts in trying to save our sorry little hides, it’s much appreciated.

And then the Gith and the Slaadi warriors advanced upon us………..
Ozric had already readied us over the mind link about the enchantments laid upon the place. The walls of translucent black and purple, crackling energy were to be avoided at all cost.
“They are a particularly nasty dweomer able to cause unholy, negative energy damage if you touch them”. “You could have just said they hurt a lot wizard, we don’t need undue worry and I’m sure we’ll bloody well find out EXACTLY what happens to us if we touch ‘em”, I replied; Ozric ignored me and continued, “They’ll also erase memorised magiks, probably starting with the most powerful and if that wasn’t enough the damned things are able to suppress our items magical, stay well away!!!”. Sometimes having a Diviner around was the most irritating thing.
“I wouldn’t try any spatial travel magiks either, there is another dweomer which will misdirect any use of such powers and I for one NEVER EVER want to end up in THAT situation again…….EVER!”. We all briefly recalled THAT situation and shuddered, it was not a prospect we relished facing again and nodded to one another in agreement.
“Avoid the Slaadi pikes also”, like that was in question, “for they will inflict grievous wounds on whomever they hit due to the enchantments they are imbued with”. By this point I was starting to lose my cool, “Ozric I’m sure those bloody things’ll inflict grievous wounds regardless, they’re 15 foot long bloody pikes wielded by 20 foot tall bloody toad demons!!!”. “Calm yourself Reliq” he replied, “you don’t need to vent your anger and frustration on me, look at all the toys you have to play with”, he said, gesturing to our enemy. I noticed Corruna the Samurai looking at me, slowly shaking his head in disappointment at me. I calmed noticeably and grinned at him, “You got that right wizard!”.
“One other thing I must warn you of, and it’s the last but possibly most problematic, is that the Queen seems to have enveloped herself in an aura of void magic and nothing we have will even touch it!” White Wolf was even more agitated than normal and if he’d been any skinnier, you could have papered the wall with him his back was that close!
The Gith and Slaad warriors edged towards us but were kept to either side of the hall as the walls of negative energy moved in seemingly random directions.
From my perspective everyone seemed to then explode into action, (I rolled a 6 for init and I’ve a modifier of -5……hey man, I’m just slow to anger!!!).
White Wolf, his bowels in a frenzy of anticipation, drew his first arrow so fast you’d have missed it if you blinked! He then notched it, pulled the drawstring back on his holy bow and launched it at the closest Slaad to him. It’s flight initially took it through one of the translucent walls, testing the possible impediments they might have on any of our ranged weaponry; there seemed to be no noticeable effect. His accuracy was unerring for the arrow caught the Slaad right in its chest where it’s heart should have resided, and lodged itself in fairly deeply whilst a discharge of whitish blue divine power danced across the rest of its body. The Slaad grunted, grabbed the arrow in one of its taloned hands and snapped it off flush to its armour; it didn’t seem overly concerned, maybe annoyed at the inconvenience as such. A flurry of three more arrows closely followed the first however once again they seemed nothing more than an annoyance and were casually brushed aside.

A low chant from behind me signalled Ozric preparing to cast; from the sounds of it, it resembled certain conjurations he’d used in the past: I wondered what manner of beast he might be inviting to the fray and worried also if it would do any good against what stood before us now. It had been quite some time since he’d used such magiks, ever since he’d discovered the joys of being able to maximize his Fireballs and Lightning bolts and much more recently, those Orbs he was so fond of using.

Conjurations as far as I could remember seemed to take him longer to cast than his other magiks however either Corruna or myself would be able to interpose ourselves between him and anything that decided to take a fancy to interrupting him unless……….

One of the Gith warriors burst into motion, catching both myself and Corruna totally off guard. “:):):):)” I cursed as it darted past us both to close with Ozric. “Get away from me you little maggot else I destroy you with my magiks” he said over the mind link being unable to tell the Gith himself without interrupting his own spell.

As the Gith warrior closed a sickly green and glowing crystal blade seemed to appear from out of nowhere and materialise in its hand. Ozric tried to dodge backwards, however the Gith was far too quick and the crystal blade flashed outwards to catch Ozric a nasty gash across his forearm; as it came into contact with his flesh the glowing blade surged briefly in its intensity.

“Aaarrgh, Gith dog, you will pay with your life for that”, Ozric once again howled over the mind link, followed by several more curses; he seemed slightly less articulate in this endeavour however, probably due to trying to concentrate on completing his summoning.

The truth of the matter became apparent to Ozric as he frantically tried to recall several magiks he was sure he’d memorised that morning amongst other things that seemed very familiar but were just out of reach: the Gith’s blade had somehow tampered with his intellect, either draining it like some undead could drain the life from you or by disrupting his connections to part of it. “How dare you rape my mind Gith? After I have perpetuated your demise they will write tales of it that would make demons run crying to their masters!”. As before, all this over the mind link, leaving the Gith warrior blissfully ignorant of the whole tirade. We however were not so fortunate; Ozric seemed to be frothing at the mouth.

I noticed the other two Gith spread out to either side of me and Corruna but keeping a goodly distance from the both of us. “Good thing to be scared of us Gith, wise choice in keeping your distance” I thought to Corruna, however he didn’t seem to notice as his attention was fixed on Ozrics situation. “You hold them there if you can, at least until I’ve dealt with the other Gith threatening Ozric” Corruna thought back to me. ‘If I can?’, I never could work out if it was just his grasp of our dialect or if Corruna was taking a stab at my abilities. “I’ll do my best” I replied, working as threatening a pattern in the air with my falchion, Maelstrom, as I could.

I then noticed the reasoning for their spreading out, we were blocking their line of sight to our casters and now there was nothing we could do about it. Faster at least than my eyes could follow they both drew glowing crystal blades of their own and hurled them, one at Ozric, the other at our cleric. As the blades left their hands they changed profile slightly to better facilitate their flight through the air towards my two unfortunate companions.

The Displacement effect definitely worked this time for the first of the thrown blades, destined for Ozric, missed by at least a foot and shattered against the wall behind him. The cleric was not so fortunate as the second blade caught him in the ribs. He let out a cry of pain and felt his connection to Pelor diminish considerably. “Oh Pelor, strengthen my resolve against these unbelievers and give me your wisdom, (honestly, no pun intended here), that I may smite their unholy flesh” he shouted at the ceiling.

The Lich-Queen surveyed the scene casually from her throne, shifted slightly in it and let her gaze fall upon White Wolf………both her eyes flared up; twin, bright red, angry orbs stared at him, the only apparent life in the husk that was the Lich-Queen.

White-Wolf shook his head, “Run away” a voice whispered to him, “Run to me”, it insisted. “Surely not”, he said to himself “the healers told me the voices would never come back; they said I’d been cured, that the coward in me had been banished forever!”. But White-Wolf could not deny the familiar suggestions calling to him. “Go away” he screamed to himself……..and in an instant they did. Everyone gave him a brief, odd glance and with a somewhat embarrassed expression he thought to us “What!!?”.

Somewhat annoyed and surprised by the fact that the Elven archer wasn’t now peppering his allies with arrows she raised one open hand and made a grabbing gesture.

One minute I’m performing an intimidating pattern with my falchion and the next I’m performing the two, EMPTY, handed waltz as it disappears. “Oh :):):):), what’s happened to my blade, where’s my blade?” I cried out. White-Wolf, noticing my predicament, unslung a two handed crystal Gith sword we had ‘liberated’ the last time we had crossed blades with them, and chucked it to me in one smooth motion, “Cheers Elf” I said “you’d make a good squire you know”. “Well it’s no good to me, do you really think I’d get anywhere near close enough to be able to use the thing?” he replied.

Then the Slaadi made their move, massive, ugly toad-like creatures in heavy armour, wielding black pikes over twice the size of even the largest man. One of them moved down the right hand side of the hall, narrowly avoiding one of the walls of energy, it stopped in front of another that blocked its path any further, however it did not try to circumvent it………….it didn’t want or need to.

With a brief gesture of its webbed hands and a profane gurgle in a language I couldn’t fathom it unleashed its invisible attack upon us; it was a shame it wasn’t silent also!

I suddenly found my mind assaulted by a disharmonic choir of disjointed voices and sounds. Pure chaos spoke to me and with its sound threatened madness. I looked around to see my colleagues assaulted by the same force, apart from Davion, the sorcerer, and Ozric who seemed totally oblivious, and at least one of the Gith who REALLY didn’t like it. The noise reached a crescendo and seemed to explode but only inside our heads. Apart from the unaffected casters we were all deafened, a high pitched whine continually rang in our ears; blood dripped from my nose. The Gith however crumpled to the ground, stunned by the sheer and overwhelming power of the Word of Chaos the Slaad had just uttered.

The other two Slaad came straight at myself and Corruna, black pikes crackling with dark and unholy energies. We traded blows however they were more like nervous tests of each others defenses and as a result mere scrapes and scratches were handed to each other in this initial stand off.

“Buuuuuuuuuurrnnnn”, the sound of Angmar’s voiced boomed out like a thunderclap as he completed a Firestorm, and divinely imbued flame rained down upon our foes: it was as if some demon lord had breathed a part of hell upon us. The Gith tumbled and dodged to avoid the worst of it whereas the Slaad just held there ground and seemed to shrug off the worst of it; if I didn’t believe it then, I was certain now that we were in a lot more trouble than we had originally thought! My companions seemed to feel the same. The Slaadi king even went so far as to flick its long and sticky, green tongue out several times in an effort to catch some of the smallest droplets of fire! The Lich-Queen just sat on her throne and rasped out a laugh at us as the void magic ate all the flame offered to it.

“I said I’ll bloody well hold ‘em Corunna, go and help Ozric before he falls” I conversed through the link; Corruna did just that.

“Breaking off from the Slaad he rushed the Gith that pressed Ozric and swung an awesome blow with his adamantium katana which scored a horrible gash, opening up a long wound across the Giths back: the Gith screamed and turned to face this new and very much more dangerous opponent.

It was then I heard Davion speaking words arcane. He made a final gesture………….and nothing happened, the force of his will powering the Confusion spell not nearly powerful enough to overcome the will of the Gith. “You have got to be kiddin’ me? Sod it let’s try something more direct.”, he said as he briefly muttered another couple of syllables. Holding both palms out in front of him overlapped, he concentrated; a tiny orange glowing sphere materialised in front of his outstretched palms and grew to the size of a fist; it could almost be described as agitated. Suddenly fiery rays shot forth, from the now fiery looking sphere, at the Gith. Two of these connected but only one did any real damage; the third missed its mark completely. The Gith shimmered; Ozric was not the only one who seemed to be protected by some form of displacement effect. “Damn you to the Abyss, Gith scum”, Davion shouted.

“Sometimes, I’d REALLY like to know what it’s like to feel fear” I thought as I looked up at the two Slaad I now faced ALONE! “It wouldn’t help you to run away any faster than you already do my painted friend” laughed Corruna; I grinned.

There was no way I was trading blows with TWO Slaad, so I ducked in under their malevolent looking pikes in order to close the gap between us right up. Now unless they moved backwards, and that would probably take them very close to if not right into a wall, then those pikes were going to be utterly useless against me. “Just four claws and two dirty, gaping and most likely reeking, maws to contend with! I guess that makes us even then, heh, heh, heh!”.

“Celeritis”, I said and with that my mithral armour imbued me with Haste. I hadn’t even started though! Drawing upon the strength given to all clerics to combat the undead, I channelled it instead to fuel the damage my weapon would do should I strike anything, and prepared myself to unleash a couple of holy smites on the evil that stood before me. I concentrated on the nastiest, ugliest looking Slaad and unleashed a flurry of attacks against it with my crystal greatsword…………..oh and did it bleed. However it still looked enormously strong despite my best efforts. “What in heaven is it going to take to bring you down you big, ugly………..frog?”: insults had never been my strong point.

Unknown to me though, stepping in to meet the two Slaadi would have consequences possibly far worse than weathering wounds from the black pikes they wielded: my protective aura only extended out to a couple of paces.

“Shoot the wizard Elf, I command you”; White-Wolf’s eyes took on a distant look and he launched a barrage of arrows at a very shocked Ozric. “What in the nine hells? The Elf’s been possessed, someone do something about it”, he screamed over the link. Ozric was no fool though, some might even go so far to say overly paranoid, but he was never without several enchantments placed about himself and it was these that saved his life from the rangers bow.

Suddenly a great lizard, about 4 times the height of a man appeared inbetween us and the spell-casting Slaad. It was a mixture of red-brown in colour; bony protrusions and spiked horny growths covered parts of its hide but the worst was its gaping maw: as large as a man itself and filled with teeth the size of daggers, it could easily bite a horse in half! It turned its red glowing eyes, indicative of the fiendish energy it had been imbued with, on the Slaad and lunged for it. I gave silent thanks to Ozric, surely this beast, a Tyrannosaur Ozric had called it, would turn the tide of battle in our favour.

Ozric hadn’t finished yet though and with a word and quick gesture he called into existence a Force Cage around one of the Gith that had been stunned but was starting to stir, effectively stopping it for at least a short while longer, “Thanks once again Ozric”, I said, “I don’t want your thanks idiot, I want that sword of yours chopping up this freakin’ Gith!”, he retorted.

Speak of a Devil………

It seemed as though these Gith were under orders to take out our casters first and they were most likely well trained for that task; not just ordinary grunts. Despite Ozric’s displacement the Gith struck him once more, this time across his chest, with that glowing crystal blade. Once again it flared briefly, draining more of Ozric’s intellect and once again, Ozric mouthed a stream of obscenities at it and tried to retreat whilst sifting through the remainder of his slowly diminishing enchantments to use.

The other Gith vainly tried to find openings now through a wall made up of Slaad, Tyrannosaur, Force Cage and myself. It chanced a throw with another conjured crystal blade but missed Angmar wildy. “We’ve got to stop those Gith and now”, he shouted, “Any more hits from those cursed blades of theirs and we’ll be next to useless”.

With that Angmar enveloped himself with a holy aura which he thought might surpress the mind affecting magiks that held sway over White-Wolf and ran to his side. Sure enough White-Wolf snapped out of his confusion muttering something about ‘the voices’ and offered the closest Slaad a face full of arrows: it roared in pain.

It wouldn’t be too long before the other Gith had edged close enough to be part of the immediate problem again. Davion didn’t hesitate to summon a Wall of Force, cutting the room in half and stopping the Gith dead in its tracks. “I’ve got the other Gith, the King and the Queen cut off for the meantime, how about nailing the suckers this side?”. “All in good time Davion; how about summoning one of those deformed monstrosities you’re so fond of, I’m sure even Corunna would appreciate the company of one of those things this time round!?”, I replied. He responded with another gesture and a mumble; a gyroscope of fast spinning steel bands enveloped the Gith threatening Ozric, and then they suddenly contracted. The gith however was fast, damned fast, and only seemed to be slightly entangled.

The Tyrannosaur tried to take a bite out of the Slaad however it sidestepped and and skewered the dinosaur several times with the crackling energy weapon it wielded. The T-Rex roared out in pain and anger, it was seriously wounded, however hate still filled its bloodshot eyes………….and it was HUNGRY!

“KIAI”, shouted Corunna as he struck an awesome blow against the entangled Gith. His Katana didn’t even slow as it went through, at a downwards angle, the neck and chest, exiting in a bloody spray. Ozric breathed and sigh of relief and then quickly composed himself, unwilling to let any sign of weakness show.

Taking advantage of the brief lull in our enemies offense I heard Angmar pray to Pelor in an effort to heal us of the wounds we’d suffered; it was answered and our cuts and bruises faded noticeably, “That was not good everybody, we’ve only killed one of the b@st@rds so far and I had to use that already, we’re going to need a miracle at this rate”, he said over the link. “You’d better get praying then”, I grinned, “because this might take a while”. “I concur”, piped in Ozric, “whilst I most certainly have enough Magic Missiles to deal with them, it’s going to take the best part of an hour to offload them”. The truth of the matter was though that he probably DID have enough of them floating around in his head. Ever since I’d met him, Ozric always seemed to have a trick up his sleeve; it was probably due largely to some of the powerful items he had about his person that I’d detected.

It was then that I noticed that one of the Slaadi I faced seemed to lose interest in me and focus on something else: Davion. “Oh no you don’t, there’s NO way you’re getting past me”, I said to myself, but to tell the truth, at that point I really didn’t know what I could do about it; that thing wanted to get past and if I didn’t move, it was going to squash me on the way past. I couldn’t let it past though because Davion just wouldn’t survive an assault from the beast, “Davion, get ready to move if I can’t stop this thing, it’s decided it would like to stick its pike in you and that’s REALLY going to hurt”, I said. “Don’t be so damn stupid Reliq, that thing’ll sqush you like a bloody insect you fool; now’s NOT the time for your bloody heroics, I can deal with it”, he replied. “Not bloody likely”, I thought and braced myself for the juggernautesque impact I knew was coming.

The Slaad rushed at me, a sort of leaping charge and I mouthed a silent prayer to Raziel to give me the strength to withstand its onslaught. It slammed into me hard and I grabbed onto one of its legs in an attempt to at least slow the thing down: this was going to REALLY hurt!

I couldn’t believe my fortune as when it attempted to move past it lost its footing and fell flat on its face whilst I managed to roll to one side and spring to my feet. Its howls must have been of pure embarrassment followed by frustration at being stopped by an insignificant human so I thought I’d really give it something to cry about, and proceed to hit it with my crystal greatsword.

“You stupid, lucky, maniacal b@st@rd”, Davion shouted, “and thanks”: I grinned.

Were it not for those damned walls of energy, randomly moving about the room, we could’ve earned a slight respite from the other two Gith but it was not to be. The walls once again shifted and passed through Davion’s Wall of force causing spikes of energy to crackle and leap about.

The Slaadi King seemed to figure it out almost immediately, and with a pointed claw, he brought forth a glowing green energy ray that struck the Wall of Force and Disintegrated it instantly. “The walls down everybody and his unholy bloatedness knows how to disintegrate stuff”, I shouted, “I didn’t like it the last time someone tried to disintegrate me and my sword and I’m certainly not liking it now!”, I recollected vividly. “No problem oh holy warrior, I’ll just conjure up a Meteor Swarm and obliterate him shall I?”, Ozric quipped dripping with sarcasm, “Oh, just a minute, I haven’t bloody well got one!”; the frothing of his mouth seemed to intensify somewhat. “Touchy touchy”, Davion mumbled: Ozric just glared at him.

Now that the Wall of Force was down the other two Gith pressed forward unerringly in the direction of Ozric, Davion and Angmar.

The Gith Queen then stood up and made a slow beckoning motion to White-Wolf, “Come here…….pretty”, she rasped, and to us, “I’ll not have you interfere, he’s MY plaything and I want him NOW”. White-Wolf suddenly found himself launched into the air by some invisible force which had him in its grip and then propelled towards the Lich Queen; his eyes glazed over again as he left the protective aura Angmar had erected. She landed him by her throne, laughed, and commanded him, “Now then, my Elven beauty, why don’t you kill that wizard, he’s irritating me?”; White-Wolf loosed another volley at Ozric who in turn dived for cover behind the Tyrannosaur and cast Invisibility on himself.

“Where did you go, you cursed mage? Come back here you bloody coward!”, Angmar shouted in anger as he realised now that he was an even bigger target in the eyes of the two Gith. He retreated slightly and tried to figure out his next best course of action, “Reliq, Corunna, that damned mage has just disappeared and that makes me and Davion the only targets of those two Gith; you two need to deal with them NOW!”. “In case you haven’t noticed Angmar, I’m kind of tied up at the moment. If you can deal with these Slaad I’ll be more than happy to oblige you, yes?”, I replied. Corunna moved to interpose himself between him and one of the Gith.

“I think I’ve got something for one of ‘em”, said Davion as he made a brief gesture. He could now perceive every nuance of the Slaads movement and easily ascertained the correct angle of attack for the Empowered Sonic Orb he’d just conjured. It hit the Slaad full force in its chest……….and dissipated; the Slaad just croaked loudly in amusement confident in the fact that it was immune to sonic energy. I was tempted to make some sarcastic quip at Davions expense but things were really not looking good: we’d killed one of them but they’d stolen one of ours, and our resources were seriously diminished.

I mouthed a silent prayer to Raziel and…………….

So that’s it for the moment, we’re outnumbered and outgunned but what the hell………..



I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
Ok, I've been having a think and we can do somr serious summoning between us.......

Me/Reliq - Celestial Tiger, (just over 100HPs, can do some serious damage, good grappler).

Davion - 1d4+1 Lantern Archons, (they have magic circle vs evil which can surpress the domination effect on White-Wolf; just send 'em over, one at a time, and they can use him as cover also).

Ozric - 1d4+1 Griffons, (Good enough ,70-80,HP's, decent grapplers, pounce feat). OR
1d4+1 Bearded Devils, (Nasty damage on failed save when hit, damage reduction).

Angmar - 1d3 Bralani Eladrin, (holy weapons, spell abilities, damage reduction).

Anyone got any better ideas?


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
What a hijacked pile of... Nah, that's a bit harsh.

Good job, Mr Man.

The problem with summoning is it's a full round of casting to do. If I start my one and only summon, and get hit even once by the gith before my next round, I've wasted the spell. Which is why I've been afraid to cast it.

It's not a question of the concentration check, it's the further -3 wisdom drain...


Meat head
Good bit of writey thing there! waited long enuff. pradon the poor gramma mi intelli... itnitely oh i dunno my brain score is only 17...damn
what next eh?


First Post
Toras said:
-Using the Dead Gith as a shield. Telekinesis or Brute Force, but get that body to where it can do some good. If he gets to cut up, just chuck it at them and knock them down.
-Living Gith (including Queen) as Improvisational Weapons. Hows the fighter's or paladins strength? If he can lift them feel to use them to bludgeon their comrades, doing damage to both them and the comrade.
-Eyes and Hands. They are needed to cast, fight, and target most psi abilities. Therefore your opponents shouldn't have them. Remove or disable them at the first opportunity.
-Fold, Spindle and Mutiliate. Gith probably aren't good in a clench, so grappling them and asking if you can start making break checks against the hardness of their skeletal structure might be something to try.
-Alchemist fire or Acid. May not seem like alot of damage, but if you can force them to ingest it, apply it directly to an eye socket, or pour it in an ear.... Well I'll leave that to your imagination.

I applaud your gruesome and macabre humor. :D

One way to disable sight of the enemies is to surround their vicinity with magical Darkness or Fog, even if it doens't end the antimagic area it can still surround that antimagic zone, which would still block their line of sight so they couldn't target you with spells/psionics.

I fear Morrus has taken too much of the rat bastardly DM advice of folks on the other thread. :\ So the psionic lich can dispel magical stuff now too? That blows. Especially considering that your 'anti-psionic' items haven't thus far proved all that effective (what with the archer being dominated so quickly and all.....).

/me glares at the Rat Bastard DMs he knows are probably watching both threads for laughs


First Post
Darmanicus said:
Me/Reliq - Celestial Tiger, (just over 100HPs, can do some serious damage, good grappler).

Maybe he could hold your archer down until you can get rid of the lich.

Davion - 1d4+1 Lantern Archons, (they have magic circle vs evil which can surpress the domination effect on White-Wolf...

Are you sure? She has an anti-magic thing around her, so I'm not sure if that would still function.

Ozric - 1d4+1 Griffons, (Good enough ,70-80,HP's, decent grapplers, pounce feat). OR
1d4+1 Bearded Devils, (Nasty damage on failed save when hit, damage reduction).

Angmar - 1d3 Bralani Eladrin, (holy weapons, spell abilities, damage reduction).

Those sound nice, and they'll give you a numerical advantage. If you think you can summon all of those, that might make the fight quite a bit easier. If you've got enough grapplers between party members, griffons, and your tiger, you might consider trying to grapple the lich, at least for a while, but the anti-magic/psionics combination might continue to irk you.


First Post
Don't forget anything you summon will disappear as soon as it enters the anti-magic field. The lantern archons light rays are quite interesting though, from the SRD

"Light Ray (Ex): A lantern archon’s light rays have a range of 30 feet. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type."

Which at least should be able to hurt the lich-queen, and on some good rolling up to 10d6 a round.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Mind you, the negative magic area is only 15 feet across, and is right over the other side of the room. If only we could get rid of every other monster in the room, we should be able to bull rush her out of it and then hit her with a lot of sticks...

And the archer isn't in the field at the moment. So we could pull her trick and telekinese him back into our end of the playing field. I guess...


First Post
Eccles said:
Mind you, the negative magic area is only 15 feet across, and is right over the other side of the room. If only we could get rid of every other monster in the room, we should be able to bull rush her out of it and then hit her with a lot of sticks...

Yeah, I keep making the mistake that she exudes the anti-magic thing, when I guess she doesn't.

And the archer isn't in the field at the moment.

Really? I thought he was, but if he wasn't that might make your battle easier.

So we could pull her trick and telekinese him back into our end of the playing field. I guess...

If that actually works, you might even be able to hitch a ride right to her throne next time. ;)

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