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Help w/ my cleric character? Please?


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So, I´m about to build a low level cleric, could you tell me which are the best domains? You can pick up from FRCS and Completes. Sorry for the bad english, it´s not my first language.


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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Well, different domains are good for different things.

A lot of people like the Magic domain because it gives them a lot of spell variety and lets them use arcane items. A lot of people like the Healing domain for the extra healing spells. A lot of people like the Sun and War domains. Some like the Luck domain.

What kind of Cleric do you want to make?

And are you from Brazil or what?


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robberbaron said:
My general advice would be not to focus on PrCs, unless you find one that rocks your world, or on a high AC (which is pretty inconsequential at high levels). Also, because I am not up to date with the plethora of PrCs out there.

AC inconsequential!?!? If a high AC can stop that 18th level fighter from hitting with all of his 4+ attacks doing 20-30 dam per hit, I would say it is definately worth investing in! ;)

Consider taking the Travel domain... who needs a 40k ring of freedom when you have 17 rounds of freedom of movement per day? (never get grappled again!) ;) plus you get acces the nifty getaway spell "Dimension Door"... and "Fly" is one of the most usefull spells in the game :D


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Well, at high enough levels, you can't boost your AC high enough to help against high BABs. So some people recommend just not giving effort in the AC department.


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Well, I have an idea of a 'skilled archer cleric'. I´m thinking to pick a Halfling or something - background reasons. My first ideia with the question is 'what they use ?'. Some suggestion for my cleric?

Yes, I´m from the south of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre city.



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Jdvn1 said:
Well, at high enough levels, you can't boost your AC high enough to help against high BABs. So some people recommend just not giving effort in the AC department.

Then they are mistaken ;)... I´m not saying that one can avoid getting hit - of course you can´t!... but it should be possible to make the last attacks miss regularly!

Also... remember that each point in AC is another point less for the attacker to use for Power Attack! ;)

A Balor (CR 20) attacks with: +31/+26/+21/+16 and +30/+25

If you can get AC 40 that is a helluva lot better against this than 25!

IMO at least...


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If your going the Divine Metamagic + Persist Spell route then consider Craft Rod as a feat. Nightsticks in Libris Mortis are rods that cost 7.5K a pop and grant the bearer 4 more turning checks. If your dm lets you make stuff cheaply out of your initial starting cash for the stuff you have feats for you can end up with alot of persisted spells. Get a Contingent antimagic field (using Craft Contingent Spell) to go up as soon as your targeted with a Morky DJ. Also 2 rings of counter spells with greater dispelling in them. There are slot of persistable spells out there in various books (Elation form BoED is a nice one).

If you really want to survive going up against the fighter then a ring of evasion, a reflex save of +13 (should be easy at your level, superior resistance from savage species(?) is great) and a Starmantle Cloak (BoED 132K). Starmantle makes you immune to non magical weapons and you get a reflex save DC15 for half damage, combos great with evasion.

Both of these are as cheesy as hell and be prepared to just be told 'NO', though it sounds like your DM deserves it.


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The cleric in one of the games I play in uses a Spell called "Essay Resistance" or something like that. I don't know which book its in, but it is great for reducing a targets SR. It gives the target a major penalty on the save to resist the spell, but if the spell works the targets SR is reduced by 10 or more points, which helps even the Arcane Spell Caster to be more effective.

Consider a weapon ability called Sure Striking, its great for overcoming DR. Basically it will overcome DR based on alignment. So if your +2 Sure Striking Heavy Mace hits the big bad guy with DR 15/ alignment, it should go through.


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JoeBlank said:
There is a domain in Forgotten Realms (renewal?) that give a cleric an instant Heal or something when he goes to negative hit points. This was 3.0, so I'm not sure the effect is the same in 3.5, but I think so. Anyone remmeber the specifics a little better than I?

I think it only causes a cure spell to bring you back up above 0 HP. Otherwise if your reduced to -10 HP then you still die and the spell effect doesn't work.

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