Here comes Power Booster Packs


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I hoped this wasn't going to happen, but it appears that Wizards is maneuvering themselves into position to start selling power cards in a similar fashion as Magic Cards:

D&D Miniatures Changes Announcement

Right now it's just unique power cards shipping with some non-random mini packaged aimed at players, but it won't be long till there are sleeves of these types of powers being sold right next to the Magic Line. Sad.

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Hardly surprising, though, is it?

The daily/encounter mechanic makes cards very convienient, and the formatting of the powers in the PH already looks like it belongs on cards, not in a book.

My 1st 4e character is on index cards - no character sheet at all.

I disagree.

Right now, WotC has plenty of competition on the "PC" side of minis. More importantly, most players only need to "buy" one mini for every PC they play. That means PC packs are going to move slower (compared to DMs who gobble up monsters like Valiums)

The Unique PC card is to sweeten the deal: "Yeah, you might have a custom-painted Reaper Mini, but I got Battle Strike Tactics with mine."

Moreso, the PC packs are the non-random element; Martial Pack 1 will have the same three minis and the same three power-cards. Nothing random about it.

The only M:TG element is that the powers will be published on cards, not in books. That, is where the cards deviate from earlier D&D.

I'm looking forward to it. The quality of the miniatures has improved greatly over time (though there are a few ettercraps and kermit the slaads that make it through). With my luck they won't make one for my current race/class combo, but if they do and they're high quality I'll snatch them up in a heartbeat.

And as others have said, this is not MtG. It's not random, collectible, or needed to play the game. Even the powers will last about 45 seconds before they're posted on the web and used by people who don't even use minis whtn they play.

My only concern is that they'll use it as a reason to make fewer minis of the PC races in the miniatures game. They could definitely ease back a bit, but NPCs are still (for me) among the funnest things to throw at the party, and I doubt they'll perfectly match every character we make if thye're only making them 12 or so at a time.

I'm not certain this slope is as slippery as Praesul suggests, but I will say that the premise is vaguely unsettling. Good points all around, though.

Remember, the new powers will very likely end up being in the Compendium.

And really, how is this any different than adding new powers via a Dragon article?

As long as they are going through R&D the same as Dragon and new books, then hopefully any new powers will be balanced with the current stuff.

Now $10.99 for 3 PC Minis seems a bit high to me. The quality better be very high if they are asking for that much.

This is great news.
The power cards are just to add to the already announced complete power card packs that are coming out next year.

I hoped this wasn't going to happen, but it appears that Wizards is maneuvering themselves into position to start selling power cards in a similar fashion as Magic Cards:

D&D Miniatures Changes Announcement

Right now it's just unique power cards shipping with some non-random mini packaged aimed at players, but it won't be long till there are sleeves of these types of powers being sold right next to the Magic Line. Sad.

I completely disagree.

This sounds like an excellent example of Wizards listening, and stopping producing randomized packs in favour of fixed ones. You'll be able to look up what's in each back (even if you can't see it directly in the store), and what powers cards come with it. The powers will be in the Compendium (no reason why not) and so you don't need to buy the mini's to get the power.

Everyone wins. Doom-mongering not required.

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