Here comes Power Booster Packs

Their research missed the part where I, as a long time WotC customer will likely buy any book they print (with the exeption of FR). But, am unlikely to go out of my way to buy a card that has no hardbound source.

Unless you represent a large chunk of the market, its unlikely they care. Likewise for me and my lack of desire to buy anything I can print for free myself.

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Nobody is making anyone use those power cards (or minis for that matter).
Print your own, use playdough as a mini, whatever ... it's D&D you're still playing.

However, there is a market out there for shinys.
Foil cards in MtG would not be worth more if that was not so ... I mean, they don't do anything different.

Ok this whole argument on this subject is a moot point. The cards that come with the minis will be random. But in 2009 they are selling complete decks per class. Not random packs etc, full decks per class. So relax

I don't see the issue? It's like everything else, if you want the new stuff then buy it, if not then don't. If you're a dm and worry about players having uber powers because of these, then simply ixnay anything but the corebooks or whatever books your play with and your PC's can be happy just being able to buy a miniature EASILY that fits their concept or desire rather than having to sort through the buy by the single mini online places and pay a premium for any of the cooler ones although that's just fun the browsing not the premium price. Personally unless it's a mini my player advocates for their PC I don't buy any mini's that are more than maybe 50 cents unless it's just something that's really hard to get because of the craptastic WotC decided rarity.

Frankly I would prefer that they get more money from these and slow down on the splat book/power creep that is an inevitable result thereof.

Again, they're not forcing anyone to buy anythign and they're not forcing anyone to allow anythign bought to be used at their table. That's between you and your players/dm.

Ok this whole argument on this subject is a moot point. The cards that come with the minis will be random. But in 2009 they are selling complete decks per class. Not random packs etc, full decks per class. So relax

I don't think the power cards are random at all - you know what is in each box and the power cards you get are fixed.
You won't be getting power cards with the randomised monster boxes.

Ok this whole argument on this subject is a moot point. The cards that come with the minis will be random. But in 2009 they are selling complete decks per class. Not random packs etc, full decks per class. So relax
The cards in the mini packs will be 'unique'. IOW, not available in the regular card sets and NOT sourced in any book.

The cards in the mini packs will be 'unique'. IOW, not available in the regular card sets and NOT sourced in any book.

I'll be happy as long as they show up on the Compendium.

I've never bought or used Minis (coins and dice work just fine for me), but I do want access to the info that is on the power cards.

As I said up-thread, I am not subscribing, so the compendium is meaningless to me. And even if I did subscribe, I would want a hardbound source.

As I said up-thread, I am not subscribing, so the compendium is meaningless to me. And even if I did subscribe, I would want a hardbound source.

It would be possible to get the cards without the mini, as there is perhaps someone who wants the minis without the cards [or who is splitting them up for individual sale].

If its simply a matter of "if it's not in a book, I don't want it", than it's pretty much the same as the online stuff they've already put up for warlocks (star pact), wizards (illusionist), dragonborn ecology, and other things that were available before the pay period of DDI.

Ultimately, it's up to each group players to decide what sources they will allow. In one of my groups we are sticking to PHB only for the first adventure anyway, to get a feel for the stuff in there before allowing other stuff.

Conversely, I'm running a game with a drow rogue running around with a double sword, and a warlock with dark pact powers, each of which has feats from their respective online articles, and there is likely going to be a barbarian joining the group soon.

The existance of the cards you don't want to buy/use isn't any different than the existance of the powers/monsters/feats/paragon paths/epic destinies offered through Dragon and Dungeon ... in fact, the cards are at least a hard copy vs. a pdf only that you need to print out to get a hard copy.

For my part, I've always found "you must bring the hardcopy book to the table" to encourage more of a CCG mentality than allowing printouts off the Internet - it creates the same atmosphere of "pay extra real-world money for in-game effectiveness".

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