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Funny you should bring this up, I've already printed out all my powers and put them in, you guessed it, MtG card sleeves so they don't get messed up. 

All the same, it cannot be ignored that Wizards' cash-cow is its Magic Card line of games. If they are an intelligent business they are going to try and port over some of that business plan to D&D, if it appears possible. I see this ploy of using the cards as an added bonus to the minis as a way of testing if that particular product has enough draw to be a reliable source of income on its own. That is what worries me.
I just hope we don't end up in this kind of situation.
All the same, it cannot be ignored that Wizards' cash-cow is its Magic Card line of games. If they are an intelligent business they are going to try and port over some of that business plan to D&D, if it appears possible.
Actually, WotC completely missed the boat on this one.If they are an intelligent business they are going to try and port over some of that business plan to D&D, if it appears possible.
Non-randomized PC minis, this is good. Although, I'm not likely to stop using custom painted metal minis, they will be very useful for NPCs or as temps while I paint my latest PCs avatar.
Powers on cards exclusive to mini packs, this is bad. PC enhancements should come in the form of books. Period. If they want to make card sets and profit from them, fine whatever. (I still don't like it but hey, I still have access to the powers themselves.) I don't mind the constant flow of books that I need to buy to stay up-to-date, but to be forced into, 'Man that's a really nice power, where did you get it? Oh it's a mini pack card? I need to buy that... even though I don't need the minis.'This, I do not want.
Added to the Compendium, you say? Great. If I subscribed to DDi, which I don't.
As I already said, neither option is something I am particularly enthusiastic about.Cards can be collected individually (No) and you can print just what you need for your character from the compendium (and no).
Their research missed the part where I, as a long time WotC customer will likely buy any book they print (with the exeption of FR). But, am unlikely to go out of my way to buy a card that has no hardbound source.I think WOTC has done plenty of market research and knows the habits of a lot of gamers. This model makes it easy to always have something new out there and keep constant buzz going about recent releases.
As I already said, neither option is something I am particularly enthusiastic about.
Their research missed the part where I, as a long time WotC customer will likely buy any book they print (with the exeption of FR). But, am unlikely to go out of my way to buy a card that has no hardbound source.