Here's That Hi-Res Sword Coast Map

WotC hit their $100K Extra Life charity funding goal, and have released the high resolution labeled map of the northwest portion of Faerün, from Amn to Icewind Dale, and the Moonshae Isles to the Dalelands. It's pretty enormous - 10,200 by 6,600 pixels! That's 141 x 91 inches. There's a smaller version of it below, but hit the image to jump to the full size giant version. The map was created by Mike Schley.

WotC hit their $100K Extra Life charity funding goal, and have released the high resolution labeled map of the northwest portion of Faerün, from Amn to Icewind Dale, and the Moonshae Isles to the Dalelands. It's pretty enormous - 10,200 by 6,600 pixels! That's 141 x 91 inches. There's a smaller version of it below, but hit the image to jump to the full size giant version. The map was created by Mike Schley.

Click on this for the enormous hi-res version​

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First Post
You clearly haven't read the SCAG then. Halruaa is back. Its inhabitants foresaw the Spellplague and moved their entire land to someplace else. Luiren and Lantan are back. Chult is no longer an island. Yes, Evermeet is back as well.

WotC is presenting it as such, so how can it not be?

Nope, I haven't got the SCAG yet. The couple of reviews of it I saw were really down on it, so I passed.

As for Halruaa going away... hmmm. I recall reading a nice description of the land being blasted apart while some mage watched it; he was only just barely zipped away by his guardians at the absolute last second. So the whole nation going away ala Shade/Netheril and coming back? Yeah... OK... if they say so....

Luiren is back? I guess there is a whole lot of fresh, unpopulated land with no plants growing on it that just rose out of the ocean. Sounds like a prime land rush to me, if you get over the dead fish stench.

So, basically, the fourth edition is being retconned into oblivion. I am perfect fine with that, having HATED 4E rules, although I liked the 4E history. I just need to hear it officially; the 5E intro things basically say "play whenever you want" and "4E is canon". But if 4E history is being retconned back to 3.5E... well, OK, then.

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I was able to do a color Engineering Print at Staples for $13 tax included for a 36 x 48 inch copy of the nice map that I bought from Mr. Schiley. Nicely framed above my queen size bed (to give it a scale reference. I like it.

View attachment 72093View attachment 72094

I got the same print done, but where did you get the frame/backing for it? I would really like to get it laminated but, I can't find a machine big enough :)


Nope, I haven't got the SCAG yet. The couple of reviews of it I saw were really down on it, so I passed.
I reckon it's worth it. And it would answer a lot of your questions, I think.

Yeah... OK... if they say so....
Hey, the Halruaans are descendants of the Netherese, so why not? Here's what the book says: "Once believed destroyed in the conflagration of the Spellplague, Halruaa has largely been restored to the insular, magic-mighty nation it once was. Because of the foresight of their divinations, Halruaan wizards were able to use the raging blue fire that followed Mystra's death to propel their nation safely into the realm of Toril's twin, Abeir (displacing part of that world into the Plane of Shadow) ..."

Luiren is back? I guess there is a whole lot of fresh, unpopulated land with no plants growing on it that just rose out of the ocean. Sounds like a prime land rush to me, if you get over the dead fish stench.
Again, from the SCAG: "... Luiren was lost during the Spellplague to a great inundation of the sea. In the century since that great disaster, the waters receded, and now stories told by travellers from the south tell of halfling communities that survived as island redoubts."

So, basically, the fourth edition is being retconned into oblivion.
It isn't being retconned. They're not pretending 4e never happened. The timeline is still moving forward. They're just restoring the surface of Faerûn to more or less its original state.


Doors and Corners
I got the same print done, but where did you get the frame/backing for it? I would really like to get it laminated but, I can't find a machine big enough :)
It's called a snapframe. Got it from this company: . It was a royal BITCH to put together, but I like it.

What I found out, though, is that the print is NOT 36 x 48. It's 36 x something like 54 or so. I had to alter my map a bit to make it fit.


First Post
Here is that map, with a ton of links to the wiki as well: Forgotten Maps: Faerun and Sword Coast Maps for DnD 5e
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