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Heroes#10: The Eclipse : Part 1/Nov2008


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The problem with trope is that it has to make sense within the characters. Here's the problem I see with that scene:

1) HRG is blinded by need to protect Claire, carries her off and ignores finishing Elle and Sylar. Yet, he'll go and leave her when she's vulnerable to return and finish them off?

2) HRG is the bad-ass we know him to be and can (and would) finish Elle and Sylar, but chooses instead to whisk away Claire, whom he says has a flesh wound?

The two are mutually exclusive. Either HRG is merciless and kills Elle and Sylar when he gets the chance, or HRG is merciful and protects Claire at the expense of leaving Elle and Sylar alive.
How about this: when Claire got hurt, he's not sure how badly she's injured until after he's gotten her away from Elle and Sylar. After all, unlike us, he didn't know her power wasn't functioning as a result of the eclipse, so he has no idea what's going on with her. At the time of the "whisking away" she could've been dying for all he knew.

So, he gets her out of harm's way, ascertains that she doesn't need urgent medical attention, drops her off, then runs back to snipe the two nutjobs--just in time for the eclipse to end, of course, and be unable to seal the deeal.
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Relique du Madde

How about this: when Claire got hurt, he's not sure how badly she's injured until after he's gotten her away from Elle and Sylar. After all, unlike us, he didn't know her power wasn't functioning as a result of the eclipse, so he has no idea what's going on with her. At the time of the "whisking away" she could've been dying for all he knew.

I'm assuming that someone who is essentially a trained assassin, like HGR, would know that the wound was serious or not.

From a still of the scene where Claire was shot, the bullet hit her below the collarbone. If any vital organs were hit, it would have been her lungs resulting in a collapsed lung (she would be experiencing difficulty in breathing). No matter what, its most likely the bullet hit a bone and is still lodged in her body since there was no blood splattering on the wall opposite of her. If this is the case then she is extremely likely to have severe if not critical internal injuries from the bone shards piercing her lungs or any other organs.

Fortunately, we all know Claire is still conscious and lucid (which is strange since she should be suffering from shock, and thus should be unconscious if not in extreme pain). However, from the teaser we know that once she is taken to the hospital she wasn't admitted into the emergency room and as a result she goes into Cardiac Arrest.

CONCLUSION: Heroes volume 3 takes place in the spring of 2007 and Claire was admitted into King-Drew Hospital before it was closed.
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Some people wonder why they are still watching Heroes, I wonder why I am still reading the threads! All this negativity... Terrible. :(

I liked this episode. Despite stuff like incredibly long-lasting eclipses and so on...

There were a lot of funny moments when the heroes and villains tried to use their powers using their typical gesture and mimic and seeing it didn't work. (A small gift to us fans who, thanks to SFX in most of these scenes, don't see even half of how ridicilous the actors have to look for making these? ;) )


Some people wonder why they are still watching Heroes, I wonder why I am still reading the threads! All this negativity... Terrible. :(

Exactly. I'm going to stop reading these Heroes threads. I used to love coming here to talk about it but now it is just a pile of complaints.

No, it sure isn't perfect and there are some things I don't like a lot, but I still love the show and look forward to it weekly.


First Post
I still want to see how it ends, basically.

I've really liked it, but I can't handwave the many problems. I don't think I'm as critical as some (in particular, I don't think anyone "needs to die"), but I've definitely soured on the show since it's inception.

Sticking with it though. Heroes at its worst is better than most TV.

I also think HRG is, and remains, the best realized character on the show. Him leaving with Claire made perfect sense to me. Claire was hurt. Flesh wound or no, her safety is -first- for HRG. He evacuates her, fully planning even then to return, track them down if need be, and finish them.

The "rehabilitation" of Claire was welcome in this episode, largely because the "evilification" of Claire never felt very well done or believable. Not because it was based on bad premises or was even badly acted...it was just rushed. Rushed rushed rushed. Everything had to happen too fast.

Is it just me, or does Season 3 feel...haphazard? Like they started with an idea, then scrapped it partway through, then scrapped it again...it has this weird stop and start thing, where just when pieces are coming together, suddenly everything changes...and not in a cool "Wow I didn't see THAT coming!" way, but rather in a bad, "Huh?!?! WTF?!?!" sort of way.

Sorry...little more negativity there, but I was curious to see if that was a general perception or one man's opinion. :)


Everything is going to change? It sure doesn't seem that way.

I agree with a previous poster. This season can't figure out where to go. Oh no! The world is going to end when everybody gets powers... And so we must fight Pa Patrelli... And everyone who was bad is good and good is bad, except for when they change their minds for an episode or two. Let's see... Sylar was bad. Then he went good. Then he pretended to be bad, until now that he's gone bad for good. Except for in the future where he's good again.

Pa Patrelli: "I can't have someone who can see the future getting in my way, so I'll kill the guy in Africa. But someone who can VISIT the future? Him I won't decapitate. I'll just make him ten so he can cause some real havoc with the timeline."

I'll keep watching it because it's the only thing on television that is even remotely in my sphere of interest. This is not television's golden age.

Here's my take on things:

I think Nathan will finally go public with superpowers, and this time Peter will either let it happen, or he'll be dead so he can't come back AGAIN. Then next season, if there is one, will be about the public reaction to superpeople, and the possibility of the show's mythology progressing onto things like supergroups, laws for powers, tension between normal people and superpeople...maybe even a cult of celebrity for supers and what that means.

Could be neat. If it was done well. Which I don't have high hopes for.

I'm going to remember this when I start up a superhero game.


Pa Patrelli: "I can't have someone who can see the future getting in my way, so I'll kill the guy in Africa. But someone who can VISIT the future? Him I won't decapitate. I'll just make him ten so he can cause some real havoc with the timeline."
I got the impression that Arthur intended to do a complete mindwipe on Hiro, but was stopped by Ando tackling him. So he only got like a two thirds of the way through.


First Post
I'm assuming that someone who is essentially a trained assassin, like HGR, would know that the wound was serious or not.
Well, that's a bold assumption to say the least. Trained assassin or not, an injury needs more than a momentary glance before you can be certain whether or not it's serious. Bullets can ricochet off bone, they can shatter into little pieces, and as you point out, your own skeleton can turn into shrapnel. I don't see it being that incredible that a father would feel an all-consuming reason-defying need to whish his daughter out of danger. HRG has shown that even he is prone that kind of irrational protective instinct. Then the feeling subsides, and he goes back to finish business.
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Of course, I'm not sure how this would give him access to one of the -many dozens of places- HRG could have taken Claire. Especially when Sylar didn't even KNOW Claire had gone after Black Hole Man, and had no way of knowing that.
Sure he did: he was "partnered" with HRG when they both went after Black Hole Man. Remember, HRG even tried to get Black Hole Man to kill Sylar for him once and for all right there at the house.


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